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Thread: [M] The Wanderer & The Rogue {IC - Ziekwalt & Kitty}

  1. #11
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric glanced at the bandits waiting for them to approach before he channeled sword Aura which only a master swordsman could use through his swords and began slashing in a flurry with his blades dancing to an unpredictable tempo which threw the attacks of the bandits off. While avoiding all the bandits he slashed at their weak points disabling them one after the other quickly without taking hits from them as he would finish them off once he made sure none of them could come after the villagers. "All of you made a grave mistake coming after this village, how many of you are there even?" Cedric asked as he looked at the large group taking them all out single-handedly.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  2. #12
    Member kittydivine's Avatar
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    Narissa wouldn't have been surprised if the bandits lied about their numbers. Perched above it all, she knew that the knight would make quick work of them. She yawned and sneakily headed back to her shack. Come morning, she'd leave and be done with this town. As she maneuvered through the rooftops, she snagged a cloak hanging in a clothesline. It was a dull brown, but camouflage and fashion did not go hand in hand.

    After entering the shack, she set up the trap at the door. Not many residents came up here, but she didn't want to take any chances. The knight would do all the work for her, letting her escape without having to pay any 'fees' the bandits loved to tack on. She fell asleep to the sounds fighting, smiling to herself.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

  3. #13
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric had in fact made quick work of the bandits disabling them so they couldn't hurt anyone before finishing them all off quick and painlessly. "They may be criminals but I do not want to make them suffer any more than necessary to get the job done." Cedric stated as he dragged all the bandits to the outskirts after he finished fighting killing them off.

    "Alright now to let the people know they are safe." Cedric said before talking to the elder. "I've removed the threat from your village.. I need no payment but if you're willing to help me haul them to the city and provide me a room and meal for the night you can call us even." Cedric said as he looked at the village planning to collect the bounty on the bandits and then give most of those proceeds to the village to give them the funds needed to recover from the bandits. He wasn't the type to take advantage of others so the deed he committed was for their benefits.

    As the villagers and elder agreed to his terms he stayed at the elders home as a horse and wagon would bring the bodies back to the city for him with his escort to make the bounty exchange.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  4. #14
    Member kittydivine's Avatar
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    Narissa awoke before dawn had lit the town. Carefully, she disabled the trap and left the shack with her things. Next stop was the city of Belnau. The small town was barely waking as she made her way out and onto the road. She could steal a horse but that'd be too risky. She came across the pile of bandit corpses. Looking down at them, she felt a small pang of pity. Fools that they were, they just wanted to make a living.

    It reminded her of when she was caught by the law back in her home city. She was lucky that day, her hands would have been gone had she not lied through her teeth. Quiet as a mouse she tucked a coin into one of the bandit's clothes. He was the only one she knew by name, Tostig. For the gates, my friend, she thought.

    Continuing on, she deftly slipped past the gate guards' post and left the farming town. In Belnau, she could secure passage elsewhere. Then she would be free.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

  5. #15
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric was up early as he noticed Narissa moving. He had noticed her watching him the other day and figured that she was merely a bystander that knew one of the bandits. Even so he didn't see any reason to chase after her. Cedric figured that if fate permitted it then they would meet again. Being up early that morning Cedric was out training his sword skills. Even though Cedric was a swordmaster he never stopped training as he didn't want his skills to dull or weaken.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  6. #16
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    It would take a full day to get Belnau. Narissa estimated she'd arrive by sunset, if she wasn't waylaid by anything. She traveled along the road, hiding if she noticed any others passing by. The days were long this time of year and sweltering. By horse, it'd take half a day but she didn't have that luxury. She kept her wits about for the knight. It was doubtful she left fully unnoticed but he didn't seem on the hunt for her yet.

    It had taken her a long time to get away from the guild and she wasn't about to let some do-gooder knight ruin it. Once she got passage to Durith by way of Belnau, she could be safe. The guild didn't like defectors and it especially didn't like it when they were robbed. It wasn't a foolproof plan, but it got her the money and some costly items. Durith was its own kingdom and wouldn't extradite her. As she trudged forward, Narissa kept a hand on the hilt of her short sword.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

  7. #17
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric headed for Belnau with the bodies of the bandits on a wagon pulled by horses acting as an escort for the driver. As he did he had to get out and kill a pack of wolves that were attracted by the smell of blood. Killing the wolves the driver who was also a member of the village was surprised by the techniques used by Cedric. Once the wolves were dealt with he made it to Belnau in half a day and gave the bandits to the city guards. Once he got paid for the bandits he kept a couple of the gold and gave the rest to the wagon driver to return to the village with the other fourteen gold to rebuild what they lost. Cedric had reached the city before Narissa since he took a wagon to the city.

    Cedric stayed in the city for a bit thinking on his next actions as he decided to head to Durith next. Being that he was an adventurer of sorts with the status of a knight he could travel across borders freely and he could help others across with just his name and rank alone. So if he met someone who wanted to get across but didn't have legal means then he could help them get through.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  8. #18
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    By the evening, Narissa sat in a tavern on the less affluent side of Belnau. She was waiting for a meeting with a ferryman who could give her papers to cross to Durith. The price was a little steep but she managed to fence one of the items to give her some wiggle room. She sat in one of the corner tables, keeping her back to a wall. Her time in the streets and among the guild made her intensely wary.

    The ferryman was a stout and rotund, with a tanned weathered face. It reminded her of her teacher. Stop reminiscing, she told herself. He sat across from her and tapped his fingers twice. She slid over a bag of gold. He grabbed it and slid over a thick envelope. "That allows ye t'go to Durith and a couple other places," he said, voice gravely from years of use. "Don't go losin' it." He left her, heading to the bar.

    Narissa opened the envelope and read over the papers. These were sufficient, as long as she didn't draw attention to herself. Once she confirmed everything was in order, she headed up to her room. Small and smelling of faint mildew, she set up the door trap as usual. A simple mechanism, but one that would cause an bright flash, blinding any intruders. The bed was lumpy and probably had rats in it at one point. She couldn't wait for her freedom to come.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

  9. #19
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric heading out after he got settled in and restocked his supplies for his travels he headed for the border to go to Durith. Cedric had no clue he would come across Narissa when he went to the border, even so he wouldn't bother her when he came across her since he didn't find any fault with her as she didn't attack the villagers or help the bandits fight him when they came to attack him. Going to the border to pass into the kingdom of Durith. Reaching the border he showed his credentials as he let the border knights who he was Cedric the famous freelance knight.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  10. #20
    Member kittydivine's Avatar
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    Narissa left the next morning on a ferry headed towards Durith. Her papers were approved and she blended in with a crowd of merchants. The boat was packed which gave her ample chances to pick the pockets of a few. Once at the docks in Durith, she made a speedy exit towards the city. Durith wasn't a big kingdom, but it lined the Arvista sea giving it a bountiful trading system. One of the cities, Ganse, was the port most used for travelers.

    Ganse was also known for its stricter laws, as travelers were attractive to criminals. City guards were posted everywhere. Narissa would have to control her miscreant ways. It was tempting, however, as merchants flaunted their wealth so readily in front of her. Like a dog to a bone, she eyed them. She had a ways to go until she hit the capital, Vylonia. She took deep breath to refocus. Need to find a caravan, she reminded herself.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

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