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Thread: [M] The Prophet In Silver - IC

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    ++ During the meeting ++

    “Which reminds me; I’m expecting a delivery from one of my contacts that deals in rare books. He assures me he has found a true jewel this time. I’m still half through The Life and Legacy of Solar Macharius, perhaps you would like a first look at this new acquisition when it arrives?” He added with a knowing look to the bodyguard.

    Seated at the meeting table, Aleksandr waited for the members of Shafers team to arrive at the conference room, Solvans comment about acquiring a new rare book piqued his interest. In the few years since joining the team, he would from time to time borrow a book or two from the confessor and the bodyguard, instead of rereading his rather meagre selection of books.

    The presence of a young but powerful mind, accompanied by the soft padding of bare feet, drew his attention to the door as Lia wandered into the room. He would have been shocked at the age of the girl and her presence on the ship, if he hadn’t known she was a psyker, he had heard of Alpha-plus level psychics half her age. What intrigued him about the girl was what he had been told of her powers, from what he gathered she seemed to be a powerful biomancer. He noticed the slight shudder run through her when she looked towards Malpais and himself. His pale grey eyes seemed to look of in the distance, unfocussed as he let his mind drift over the few pieces of information on biomancy.

    "Agent Sonder reporting as requested, Interrogator Machairi."

    Aleksandr’s eyes snapped back into focus as the blond woman entered the room, it wasn’t her apparent beauty, but the rising unease and simmering anger he immediately felt towards her. In his short time serving in the Inquisition he had only encountered a mere handful of pariah, his reaction to them was always the same towards them. Closing his eyes for a moment, he drew in a long slow breath, focussing his mind and will, pushing the urges to berate and push the woman from the room to the back of his consciousness .

    For a brief moment he caught a passing glance between Tomas, and the pariah woman Sonders, lifting his brows in a silently asked question when he looked towards the Interrogators bodyguard.

    “Techpriest Vizkop reporting as requested.”

    During his slight reverie Aleksandr had nearly missed the techpriest entering the conference room, though to his young eyes the man didn’t look like many techpriest he had encountered. He wondered at that, though he supposed that no two techpriests were alike, in methods or mannerisms, just like no two inquisitors were alike. Flexing the hand of his bionic arm, thoughts of how most react to the appearance of adept of the machine god.

    Schafers team seemed to be as odd a mix match as his own, when speaking and introducing the members of Machairi’s team, he nodded his head in greeting when the confessor spoke his name.

  2. #12
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    Remus made his way to the conference room, his face was one of grim beholding, his expectations were never high upon meeting opposing staff. Most squads in Carbon held small competitions amongst themselves, confirmed kills, PT times, room inspections, gambling, or whatever else they could think of. Most prizes were simple things, booze, books, trinkets, porn, anything a trooper could get when on shore leave. He assumed most Interrogators and their staff did the same, a little less subtle of course, for favour or promotion. They were all potential Inquisitors in the making, and spots were in a premium, one might develop a friendly rivalry to those in equal position.

    "I'm here for the summons." Remus stated as he passed through the door threshold. He took position to the doors side, his eyes studying those he was unfamiliar with.

    On the other side of the room stood a man in ex-Guard drab, another Vincent, another Gun-ho who thought they could stand up to the real men. A survivor no doubt, with an unprecedented knack for killing, though there was only so far brute force could take you. Perhaps that's why he was allocated to bodyguard duties, oh, they would get on swimmingly.

    He was familiar with the woman on the end of the table, Interrogator Machairi, the origin of his summon. She was perhaps, more than he had expected, a fact that made her seem more approachable than Interrogator Schafer. His assumptions could be dangerous, and under what he could consider as friendly, could have been a cruel ploy, a lure. For what, well, he couldn't point his finger on that. His mind only dawned on one thing, she was a member of the Inquisition, she wasn't expected to be ones friend.

    To her left slumped a figure in an odd variant of carapace, the man looked at him, and gave him a
    cursory wave. It took a Remus a moment to recognize the mans kit, a heavily modified version of otherwise traditional Arbiter kit. He knew the type, reckless, a maverick, perhaps good at his job; the man wouldn't be here otherwise.

    Across from him was another man, this one of a more sun-kissed skin. Next to him, a pair of bolt-magnets, sitting across from one another. Remus closed his eyes, he could still remember Shere, no one deserved to go like that. Not in a bloodied mess, that was not mercy, it was murder. Then there was the priest, the men of the cloth were always guilty in Remus' eyes. You can predict ordinary men, preachers, they do as their lord commands.
    Last edited by Jarms48; 03-15-2014 at 02:01 PM.

  3. #13
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    Sebastian knew he was running late, late to the point he might be the last to enter the briefing. This was never a good thing, but sometimes it simply was. A lesson he had learned many times over in his research. No matter, he decided that he would not use the soreness in his left arm as an excuse, though he would not pretend it was getting any better. Whatever virus had gotten in to his system this time, it was being very elusive and he still was unable to track it down to its source. Not the first time, and most likely not the last.

    As he figured, he was the last, well most likely the last to enter the room. Machairi was seated at the head of the table as rightly she should, the rest of her usual team surrounding her. The others he did not recognize, though with so many servants aboard ship this did not surprise him any. Glancing around it occurred to him that research was not likely to be high on the priority list for this mission; he just hoped there would be no need to zombify any of these agents before returning to the Bane.

    With a curt nod to Machairi and the others Sebastian grabbed the nearest seat and started to page through his most recent research notes as he waited for Machairi to begin the briefing.

  4. #14
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    <OOC - Quotes have been truncated to keep the post length manageable.>

    "And to you, Solvan." Tomas smiled. "It's been a while since I saw you down in the practice cages, you old coot. Hope you're not letting old age catch up with you."

    "Ah yes. You are quite right Tomas." Solvan answered cheerfully.

    He turned back to Machairi. "But when you have the chance, my old soul would greatly rejoice in seeing you look after your spiritual wellbeing."

    Down the table, Alexandr tried his best to hide an amused smile.

    Interrogator Machairi let the mirth at her expense slide, and merely nodded to father Solvan. "After the meeting, father. You have my word."

    Father Solvan Belannor, trusted by her as by the rest of her team, was one of the few people she would accept such criticism from. Even aspiring inquisitors needed guidance, up to a point. Father Solvan was someone the whole group could look up to, and indeed it had been father Solvan that Machairi had been thinking of when she had been putting words to paper in her cabin. What if the man you must sacrifice is a friend, a relative, a lover? That is why most men will never be inquisitors. Although father Solvan lacked other attributes that were necessary for an inquisitor, he had proved that ruthless objectivity was not one of them.

    His own sister... Machairi mused, as her eyes flickered to the chronometer and then to the door.

    "Try to be nice to them." she told her team as she sat back in her chair. "They might have trained under Schafer, but I don't think they've been with him long enough to turn into his yes-men."

    "For to judge in your eyes and not the Emperor's is a most terrible sin." Solvan quoted in a whisper.

    "Hey." Hybrida spoke up, a feigned disgust in his voice. "I take offense to that. I'll have you know that I'm a sparking semblance of Imperial citizenry."

    "Semblance is the word, Glabrio." Machairi said, smiling tolerantly. Hybrida might be more loud-mouthed than the others, but he was by no means all talk.

    Abdur Salah bowed slightly as Lia walked into the room, barefoot. "Asalyamu alayakum, comrade." He waited a moment, and from the stares that came at him, added, "In the tongue of my people, it means 'peace be upon you'. It is a greeting."

    Lia started slightly, but then she broke into a smile as she made a short return bow. "Motasharefon bema'refatek!"

    Suddenly re-aware of the other people in the room, she ducked her head and took her seat. "Ummm...hi. I'm Lia."

    "You know Tallarn." Machairi observed, cocking her head slightly. "Have you been hanging around with Kadath?"

    Kadath was major Kadath Al-Omar, the Tallarn-born commander of Task Force Carbon, which was lord Sidonis' personal stormtrooper company. Technically, the grizzled major was filling a captain's role, but it would have been impolitic to have formally demoted him. The implied rebuke remained, however, and with some appreciation for how her lord inquisitor's mind worked, Machairi could chalk it up to the fact that until quite recently Kadath had worked for inquisitor Massani - a former protege of Sidonis who had gone off the rails in a rather spectacular manner.

    Tomas shot a look at Abdur. "Keep your sand language to yourself, Abdur. On this team we speak Gothic and with good reason."

    Machairi, like father Solvan, didn't comment. Neither priest nor interrogator could fix every division in the team, and what mattered more was that she could trust both men to work together and do their duty when it mattered. There were a few moments of silence as Schafer's team filed in.

    "Agent Sonder reporting as requested, interrogator Machairi." Kally nodded to the room and immediately took a seat. For a moment, her eyes met Tomas' across the room.

    "By the King's Balls." Tomas muttered in Casterian, under his breath. "This is going to be interesting."

    "On this team we speak Gothic." Machairi whispered in the same language, smiling as she teased him with his own previous rebuke.

    "Tech-priest Vizkop reporting as requested." said an armoured machine cultist as he trailed in behind Sonder.

    "Adept Vizkop." Machairi returned, favouring the secutor with a slight smile. "I hear they're calling you the Dragonslayer now after what happened on Venatora."

    Vizkop was followed by a silver-haired stormtrooper, who sat down next to Lia; a battered, thickset Guardsman; a man and woman with similar faces; and last of all a Sister of the hospitaller in a modest, dove-grey dress, who looked slightly surprised to see the first four. The fleur-de-lys tattooed on the Sister's cheek was surrounded by a scatter of small but noticeable scars.

    “Interrogator Machairi,” Sapphira addressed the regal woman at the head of the table with a respectful nod. “Lord Sidonis has assigned me to your team, if you would have me.”

    "I would, Sister Sapphira." Machairi answered, linking her thumbs across her chest and signing the aquila towards the grey-clad sister before letting her hands fall to rest on the table.

    "Remus." Vincent grunted, acknowledging and then immediately dismissing Machairi's people as he sat down next to the Carbon stormtrooper. "How's that bastard Eugene getting on with you and your flyboys?" Eugene Roebuck was another of the old Solomon group, an irreverant old Catachan who had been assigned to Task Force Carbon after Sidonis recruited them all.

    "Welcome agents." father Solvan said in a friendly tone. "I am father Solvan Belannor. Here with me are agent Prinzel, agent Hybrida, agent Salah..."

    "My speciality is infiltration and demoliton." Abdur said. "I am an expert with explosives and hope I can prove to be a useful asset. Imperator Akbar!"

    "Swordsmen Malzel and Esw Sadyr." father Solvan finished. "And may I present to you, interrogator Alia Machairi whom we all serve in the name of the God-Emperor."

    On cue interrogator Machairi stood, impressive in a long dress of blue velvet threaded with gold. She nodded to the newcomers who she hadn't greeted yet in turn.

    "Agent Nyl. Trooper Remus. Verispex Black."

    One of the interrogator's thin eyebrows flickered as she worked her way round the table to the tall, wiry man who was glancing around her team with an enforcer's eye for detail. Profiling. she thought quietly. I know that look. She pictured herself at the other end of the table, knowing the first impressions her team usually made, and wondering how far beyond them the tall man would get.

    "Agent Black." she identified the man with a smile. "I hear you just passed urban combat training."

    "Yes ma'am." the agent replied, his stance slightly rigid as he faced her. "My last couple of missions seem to be telling me that flak and a laspistol won't always cut it. Kally went one step further and took the TFC jump assault course."

    "Congratulations to you both." Machairi nodded, and produced a sheaf of papers from a drawer built into the underside of the conference table. There was a copy for everyone around the table - sixteen in total. It was a larger team than Machairi would normally take on her operations, but every one of the Venatora investigators could potentially help her find Schafer, and more importantly Machairi was wary of splitting the established team up. Lord Sidonis tended to let McKenzie mix and match his task forces based purely on their skill sets, which said a lot about his mentality of seeing his agents as tools rather than people. Machairi preferred a more ergonomic approach, knowing that teams who were allowed to work together for longer gained the benefits of cohesion and knowing each others' strengths. Then again, Sidonis' retinue was much larger than hers, and assessing his agents individually was thus far less practical. Machairi wondered how she would handle things when she one day attained the rank of inquisitor lord.

    It was a pleasant thought, but a distracting one; and so she began.

    "Thank you all for arriving so promptly." she told the assembled agents. "I understand that this is your off-shift, so I won't keep you long. I just want to make sure you all understand the basic situation - and give you all a chance to meet each other before we set off."

    "Set off, ma'am?" repeated Kelly Black, the dark-haired verispex who sat next to her agent brother.

    "All of you here are my chosen team for an expedition to the planet Hercynia." Machairi elaborated. "To assist your old supervisor, interrogator Schafer."

    Machairi was normally a gifted actress, but she couldn't entirely hide the acid in her tone as she spoke her fellow interrogator's name. To cover it, she began to pass the papers she was holding around the table, gliding the briefing documents across the smooth wood. Each one was topped by a rendering of a nondescript grey planet, the seas and continents carefully inked in by one of the Bane's quill servitors. The statistics printed beneath listed the planet's tithe grade as Suspensus.

    "This is Hercynia." Machairi said. "A frontier world in the binary system of the same name, recently rediscovered and earmarked for assimilation. As you might be aware, Schafer went there to assess the tithe situation. The planetary governor is claiming aptus non due to an ongoing war with non-aligned natives. However, for that to apply he would have to be in a full-scale war, and this full-scale war has apparently lasted for the last ten years. Either he's spectacularly incompetent or he's ripping off the Emperor, and the inquisition doesn't tolerate either."

    "This sounds more like a hereticus job." frowned the scarred, one-eyed agent Nyl. "Shouldn't we be sending one of their inquisitors?"

    "Suffolk, Reiker and Lucullis are all busy." Machairi answered. She glanced at Nyl sharply before pointing to the second page of her notes. "Also, have a look at this."

    There was a rustle as the assembled agents turned their papers. The second page of the brief showed docking logs for the planet's orbital trade hub, and in amongst the shipping records the name "Roose Harlock" was underlined in a heavy scrawl.

    "Harlock?" agent Black spoke up. "The xenotech dealer we were staking out on Venatora?"

    "Before those replicants turned up." his sister added, flicking her eyebrows.

    Machairi nodded. "Old Man Schafer's little pet project. I believe he was thinking that rogue trader Harlock must operate on Hercynia, possibly selling xeno weapons. If we can prove it, we've got him."

    The interrogator was careful to conceal a slight smile. If Schafer was still alive, seeing her be the one to close his case for him would no doubt put her hard-nosed rival into fits of anger.

    "Schafer hasn't reported in for some time." she went on, "And lord Sidonis thinks he might have run into trouble. So our mission is two fold: find Schafer, and if necessary help him to bring Harlock and the planetary governor to account."

    She turned the page again, and swept her dark eyes over the assembled agents.

    "That's the short version; now here's what we need to consider about the planet itself. Like I said, the Imperial designation is Hercynia, but the natives still call it Jeminosu, which is apparently some low gothic reference to the system's two suns."

    She tapped a star chart dominating the third page, on which the binary suns were labelled as Kressida and Kudara. Hercynia itself was the second of eight planets, though none of the others had been settled or developed while Imperial control of the primary planet was still being established.

    "From what I've been able to dig up," Machairi continued. "Imperial missionaries have converted or conquered all of the eastern primary continent, which they've named Illyrium. Planetary governor Pergantis operates out of there, and it also holds all of the orbital transit infrastructure. The rest of the planet isn't as developed though - so far they've only secured a small enclave on the western continent, which is simply called the Enclave. Most of the western continent is still owned by the regressed natives. The missionarius galaxia has two main religions catalogued among the western indigens - the Vilysian Solar in the north, and the Ramado Sept in the south. I don't pretend to know the finer points of difference between them, but apparently both believe in a sun god that the missionaries think can be adapted to the Imperial Creed."

    "Which obviously isn't working if the governor's at war with them." Marc Black pointed out.

    "Apparently not. As you can see, there are three loose nations or alliances on the western continent: Rytu axis in the north, Uru axis in the centre and Zakarn axis in the south. Now even though this information is a decade out of date, we know that these three axes aren't united against us, and they're at a tech level somewhat below Imperial standard. Nothing suggests that this war that the governor is claiming tithe exemption for should have dragged on for ten years...certainly not at full mobilisation."

    Machairi flipped her briefing paper closed with a flick of her long fingers.

    "We're going to get to the bottom of this. McKenzie has requisitioned us a trader ship, which should get us to Hercynia in three weeks. The closest thing to a trade language on Hercynia is something called Obrantu - literally, 'the tongue'. We'll be posing as rogue traders from offworld so you won't have to blend in flawlessly, but I expect you to all be fluent by the time we arrive." Machairi paused and smiled at Lia, who had already demonstrated a knowledge of Tallarn. "I assume you won't have too much trouble."

    Machairi walked round to the back of her chair, and rested her hands on the high back.

    "Does everyone understand? Remember, there aren't any stupid questions - only dead people who were too stupid to ask them."
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 12-24-2014 at 04:28 PM.
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    Abdur nodded at Lia's response, and winced at the rebuke he got. It was a very small movement, only someone who had been looking directly at him and trained to detect facial changed could have see nit, such was his restraint. He looked deeply over the packet given to him, and then looked at Machiari. "I request detailed maps of all areas we are to be working in, as well as detailed dossiers on all major persons that we may encounter in said area, including potential targets. As the first rule of combat says: Know thine enemy. I would also like to know what was Schafer's last message and known location on the planet. That may clue us in onto what may have happened to him."

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  6. #16
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    Although father Solvan lacked other attributes that were necessary for an inquisitor, he had proved that ruthless objectivity was not one of them.

    ++15 years ago++

    "She didn't know." He whimpered alone in the darkness of his room. "Oh dear God-Emperor! She couldn't have known... it was a mistake... she was deceived." While he tried to convince the walls of his sister's innocence unconsciously his right hand began caressing the bishop's ring in his left. He looked fearfully at the purple amethyst and withdrew his hand as if the ring was on fire. "Please Emperor don't let it come to that." He begged.

    The clock on the wall told him it was time. Solvan tried to stop his hands from shaking as he went over his plan step by step. It was desperate, but it could work, it had to work and consequences be damned. Since the local prisons were at double maximum capacity the Inquisitor had made the Ecclesiarchy dungeons into an improvised prison for all involved in the heretical artifacts trading fiasco. Therefore his sister was somewhere in the lower floors beneath him. He had one week left before the trial, the Inquisitor and his closest servants were away still tracking down the last handful of tainted artifacts that Allana had trafficked. If there would ever be a time when security was lacking it was now. Wearing his ceremonial robe he began the decent towards his sister's cell with his jaw clenched and cold determination in his eyes. "I'm coming Allie... I'm coming."

    ++Present Time++

    "Does everyone understand? Remember, there aren't any stupid questions - only dead people who were too stupid to ask them."

    Solvan blinked away some troublesome thought he couldn't quite get his finger on and focused on the mission. He listened with great interest to Abdur's questions before speaking. "If I may my Lady, I have a few questions." He said as he flipped through the pages on the dossier with delicate finger strokes. "First: since we are more than likely to depose the current Planetary Governor do we have any suitable candidates for his replacement in the local nobility or arm forces? Are we to find one once on the planet? Or is there a third option I'm not seeing?" In his political experience the worst scenario wasn't an incompetent leader, but a lack of one. Primarily because of the bloodshed that would ensue as every power-thirsty aspirant struggled for the throne. The Inquisition could always name Governor someone trustworthy from off planet, but that usually led to even more trouble and unrest with the locals.

    He closed the report in front of him, intending to go through it once more in his private cell. "Second: on what activity does the economy of Hercynia rely on exactly? Some worlds in the Imperium dedicate exclusively to very rare products, difficult to produce. In these cases a few well placed acts of vandalism could very well cripple a world's capacity to pay its tithes. Ten years is still a disgrace though." A tired sigh left his lips as he thought on all the fools that had positions of power across the Imperium, so much wasted potential. "And last: how significant is the population that still refuses to accept the Emperor's word numerically and economically speaking?" Solvan didn't finish his thought, he asked this to know how detrimental for the Imperium as a whole would be to have the rebels cleansed to the last man. So far he was of the opinion that the resources spent trying to convert them far exceeded the cost of total anihilation. Ignorance could be tolerated, refusing The Truth once presented to you was a sin that demanded severe punishment.
    Last edited by Thrannix; 03-18-2014 at 04:53 AM.

  7. #17
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    Abdur looked deeply over the packet given to him, and then looked at Machiari. "I request detailed maps of all areas we are to be working in, as well as detailed dossiers on all major persons that we may encounter in said area, including potential targets. As the first rule of combat says: Know thine enemy."

    "I'll see what I can give you." Machairi said fairly, "But bear in mind that most of what we've got is a decade out of date. The only yearly data we get out of there is the tithe updates. I also think we may need to get planetside before we can comb the local networks for persons of interest."

    Abdur dipped his head in the slightest of nods. "I would also like to know what was Schafer's last message and known location on the planet. That may clue us in onto what may have happened to him."

    Machairi pulled a dataslate from under the table to add to the briefing papers, and pushed the glossy black screen with its green text across the table towards Abdur.

    "He sent a message when he arrived via the starport choir in Illyrium, another two weeks later to say he hadn't located Harlock and was moving to the Enclave to get first-hand evidence of the war situation, and a final one from the Enclave choir saying that the fighting around Rakosu had increased. Rakosu is the capital of the Uru axis, about 200 kilometres west of the Enclave. That last astro was over a month ago; since then, nothing. We'll be using the Enclave as a starting point for looking for him - although unless he's in deep cover infiltrating the local PDF or something, I think it's more likely he's stranded somewhere in the Uru axis."

    The interrogator folded her arms on the table.

    "This probably goes without saying, but make sure you pack combat gear as well as your standard kit."

    Solvan blinked away some troublesome thought he couldn't quite get his finger on and focused on the mission. He listened with great interest to Abdur's questions before speaking. "If I may my Lady, I have a few questions." He said as he flipped through the pages on the dossier with delicate finger strokes. "First: since we are more than likely to depose the current Planetary Governor do we have any suitable candidates for his replacement in the local nobility or armed forces? Are we to find one once on the planet? Or is there a third option I'm not seeing?" In his political experience the worst scenario wasn't an incompetent leader, but a lack of one. Primarily because of the bloodshed that would ensue as every power-thirsty aspirant struggled for the throne. The Inquisition could always name someone trustworthy from off planet, but that usually led to even more trouble and unrest with the locals.

    "It's a fair point." Vincent Nyl grunted in agreement. "Leadership changes don't always go as well as on Venatora."

    Xenos action during Schafer's last mission had led to the death of Venatora's planetary regent, and though the handover of power had gone about as smoothly as could be expected, co-ordinating the reconstruction had only been harder without the competent and well-liked Malachi Faroven. Picking up the pieces after the alien threat had been removed was not the ordo xenos' job, but they would have to have been fools to not at least acknowledge the wider strategic impacts.

    "If it comes to that," Machairi said, "I'll be deferring to lord Sidonis' judgement before acting against the governor."

    The interrogator's close team knew that she didn't always like admitting the limits of her own authority, but her tone was neutral.

    He closed the report in front of him, intending to go through it once more in his private cell. "Second: on what activity does the economy of Hercynia rely on exactly? Some worlds in the Imperium dedicate exclusively to very rare products, difficult to produce. In these cases a few well placed acts of vandalism could very well cripple a world's capacity to pay its tithes. Ten years is still a disgrace though." A tired sigh left his lips as he thought on all the fools that had positions of power across the Imperium, so much wasted potential.

    Machairi glanced at her notes. "Promethium...metals...heavy elements and rare earths. I'm assuming that's what prompted the mechanicus to sponsor the initial settlement."

    "Maybe most of the resources are on the unsecured western continent?" Kelly Black offered.

    "If that's the case," Machairi said, rubbing her thumb thoughtfully. "Then you would think expanding the Enclave would be a higher priority."

    "What if," Marc Black put in, pressing his fingertips into the table for emphasis, "Exactly how far below Imperial standard are these indigens, tech wise? And what forces does governor Pergantis have available to him? A ten year war doesn't make sense for a full invasion against primitives, but on a half-developed world...?"

    He glanced at Kally and Vincent as he spoke. Kally could tell that he was thinking about Vitani Craddock. After seeing one victim of circumstance punished as a necessary demonstration of inquisition authority, he was cautious of letting the same thing happen again.

    "How significant is the population that still refuses to accept the Emperor's word?" father Solvan asked, seemingly adding to the investigator's theory. "Numerically and economically speaking?" He didn't finish his thought - he asked this to know how detrimental for the Imperium as a whole would be to have the rebels cleansed to the last man. So far he was of the opinion that the resources spent trying to convert them far exceeded the cost of total anihilation. Ignorance could be tolerated, but refusing The Truth once presented to you was a sin that demanded severe punishment.

    "That's the trouble with frontier worlds." Machairi said, giving her priest a knowing look - and Marc a more appraising one. "Like I said, most of our records are ten years out of date, and there's no census data for the unaligned continent at all. From the size of the world I might guess anywhere from ten million to as many as a billion. And our information on their tech level is just what it says on the brief - 'below Imperial standard'. Schafer's reports weren't particularly informative in adding to that data either."
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 03-18-2014 at 12:10 PM.
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    "On this team we speak Gothic." Machairi whispered in the same language, smiling as she teased him with his own previous rebuke.

    Tomas winced slightly. “Apologies Ma’am” he whispered. “Shan't happen again.”

    He eyed the group as they filed in. He had been listening to the scuttlebutt below decks, and they fit the bill. Marc was the one who caught his eye, however.

    He looks sharp. Tomas assessed him as Marc assessed the room. Dangerously sharp. Might make a good interrogator himself, if he doesn't kark it first. He continued watching the room as Machairi rattled through the briefing, listening with half an ear. He had already perused the documents and got the basics. With three weeks of transit ahead, he would have plenty of time for reading.


    Kally met Marcs look and nodded once.

    She was just doing her job.

    "Like I said, most of our records are ten years out of date, and there's no census data for the unaligned continent at all. From the size of the world I might guess anywhere from ten million to as many as a billion. And our information on their tech level is just what it says on the brief - 'below Imperial standard'. Schafer's reports weren't particularly informative in adding to that data either."

    "So it could be anything from swords and crossbows all the way up to proper tanks and artillery." Kally put in. She grimaced at the thought of that. "We should pack some of the heavier gear if we have it, cookers and plasma guns make the most sense for traveling light and could 'impress' the natives, maybe a missile launcher with krak and flakk missiles if we can scrounge it up."

    She shrugged her shoulders.

    "I don't like the idea of being caught out against a heavy gunship or tank and having to improvise again." She smiled wrly at that particular memory, glancing over at Marc and Vince. "Me and Vince can handle most heavy weapons."

    "As can I" offered the swordsman, who hadn't moved from behind Machairi. Had someone called him Tomas?

    She closed the briefing document. In truth she had just looked at the pictures, she still wasn't strong at reading and she imagined that everyone else would be a bit annoyed if she started reading it aloud.

    "No questions from me Interrogator, I think everyone else got the basics."

  9. #19
    Sanity's Eclipse
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    Malpais listened carefully, rolling the information around as it came forth. That so much was ten years out of date was troublesome, but nothing that could not be adapted to. He felt a bit more comfortable with two other psykers on the team, not envying the techpriest for being the only one of his ilk at the table. He kept his silence, not having any burning questions of the Interrogator.


    “We may as well be walking in blindfolded with our hands tied behind our back,” Vizkop said, a little louder than he meant to, “for all the good this out of date information is.”

    To say he was irritated was a mild assessment. He had been “irritated” for several days due to his inability to attain a full sleep cycle and that irritation had started to show through in some ways. However, the questions he would have asked ended up being voiced by Solvan and the answers were as informative as he hoped.

    "Like I said, most of our records are ten years out of date, and there's no census data for the unaligned continent at all. From the size of the world I might guess anywhere from ten million to as many as a billion. And our information on their tech level is just what it says on the brief - 'below Imperial standard'. Schafer's reports weren't particularly informative in adding to that data either."

    "So it could be anything from swords and crossbows all the way up to proper tanks and artillery." Kally put in. She grimaced at the thought of that. "We should pack some of the heavier gear if we have it, cookers and plasma guns make the most sense for traveling light and could 'impress' the natives, maybe a missile launcher with krak and flakk missiles if we can scrounge it up."

    “I would suggest foregoing plasma weapons given the surroundings of the world,” he said. “Their volatile nature does not lend well to prolonged operations with limited resources.”
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
    I'm just easier to get a hold of there. Just lemme know who you are

  10. #20
    RPA Honor Guard
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    He nods at the interrogator's answers. "I understand."

    Abdur looks up at the mention of Missile launchers and plasma weapons. "If I may. My people specialize in those two weapons. I know several tricks that can be used when you use them, as well as ways to get around some of their defects, like if the plasmagun were to overheat. If we do elect to bring them, I can train the designated carriers of these weapon on how to use them the best ways possible."

    Spoiler: Things I like 

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