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Thread: [M] Seas of Plunder: A Map-Based Pirate Adventure IC

  1. #11
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    "Never seen a pair of breasts lad?" Grensick said to A-C as the youngster stared over the side, eyes goggling at the naked skin protuding from the women. His eyes watched the figures on the small island and didn't respond. Grensick grunted at that and slapped a hand on his back, "though beautiful Mermaids don't mix well with us humans."

    Just then one of the mermaids started waving to Almost Chop, on the wind they could hear her calling to him.

    "Sally talk some sense into the boy," Grensick said, his own pirate eyes on the island women also. They were also on the island men, but with perhaps less interest. "Sally?"

    "Drunk," came the slurred response of the old pirate.

    "Maybe being pirate isn't for me," the lad said, eyes still on the island as they slowly drifted by it.

    Grensick scratched under his nose feeling the slowly growing hair. It seemed being on the captain's good side was the worst place to be some times. So old Grensick was growing a new moustache. "Do you have a damned tail?"

    "Better then spending a night up the mast pissing myself!" Shuddered the lad, and then muttered, "I was sure the ghosts might get me."

    A hand slapped his back, and a voice whispered menacingly, "they still might." Then Skren bent over the railing and shouted to the mermaids, "we call him Almost-Chop for a reason!"

    He then slapped the center of the lads pants and turned about to shout at someone else.

  2. #12
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    Outside the wind battered the ship.

    Inside the cabin the Captain pondered his life.

    Outside the waves crashed into timber decking.

    Inside ledgers were discarded over tables and floors, thrown away in disgust.

    Outside the crew fought the rain.

    Inside the Captain drank.


    StormRage faced the wrath of the sky. The black sky had brought forth a terrible storm, rain smashing the pirates making their path impossible to read. Waves repeatedly crunched the ship, water loosening footing. For some reason Sally had the wheel, steering the vessel through the storm with a grim face.

    An hour ago Claws had tumbled over board. Almost-Chop had been sent in search of the Captain, he'd yet to return. Sally gritted his teeth, his feet slipping away under him again. He cursed some sort of sea god and wished he had a stomach full of piss.

    It was a good thing Grensick was being entirely useful, he thought sourly. The bloody fool had grown another mustache.

    Below water was flooding the StormRage and Grensick himself was trying to organise pumps, and the rowers and the other pirates. Meanwhile pirates were sharpening knives sick of fucking screaming orders of the man.


    Later, pissed of something the rolled out of a cupboard Skren lumbered out onto deck. He looked around clutching the wooden frame of the door. He was soaked in seconds, his cabin was collecting a nice watery supply as he glanced over the deck. "Right," he growled.

    The storm growled back.

    "Sally," he screamed, staggering over the deck to where the old pirate lay passed out on the wheel. Sally was knocked out, a large gash on his head the likely cause. Skren shoved him off the wheel and took hold himself. He looked out into the storm and swore.

    Water continued to thrash the Captain's body, the mighty storm punishing the ship. His eyes searched the water all around him, seeking the way to gold.

  3. #13
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    Finn was relaxing on a chair on the deck as the sun set reflecting on how the events of the last couple of weeks had played out. They had been caught in a storm, attacked by the law, and had a giant squid thrown at them. All in all the only good thing that had happen was getting his pet bird Ishmael and that merchant ship. As the sun began to set Finn wondered if their luck could get any worse. And of course he had to be thinking that when a bank of fog rolled right up to their ship.

    "OH COME ON WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN NOW?!" Yelled Finn getting up and staring into the fog. Then he saw a sickly green glow and an ethereal ship floated from the fog with a host of ghost pirates shaking their fists and shouting ghost pirate shouts(most of which are not meant for virgin ears.) "Yeah, Okay a FUCKING GHOST SHIP." shouted the captain losing his cool for a minute as the moon rose high into the sky. "I do not have time for this," he muttered taking the wheel for himself. "There's no way we can fight them boys! So let's get the hell out of here!"

    "Get the hell out of here," Repeated Ishmael as Finn fed him a cracker. They turned around and fled from the ghost ship, it tailing right behind them shouting profanities at them and wanting Finn's crew's souls. They ran and they ran and just as Finn was finally about to get up and surrender his soul so maybe he could sleep. The sun peaked up over the horizon and just like that the ghost ship disappeared in an instant and Finn slumped to the floor, "I'm dead tired," he muttered receiving a few laughs from his crew members, who were also exhausted. "Let's go home boys, I think were done pirating for now." And with that they headed to their super cool pirate base and awaited for the next time they would go out.
    Made by Karmz <3
    Spoiler: Muffins inside 

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