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Thread: [M] Penitence

  1. #11
    Sanity's Eclipse
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    What indeed! This does seem like the kind of story where a lot of secrets will surface for a lot of people.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
    I'm just easier to get a hold of there. Just lemme know who you are

  2. #12
    June MotM 2014
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    [*Ordos Xenos; Imperial Inquisition:*]
    [*Personnel Request:*]
    [*Hybrida, Glabrio*]

    Fucking ay, I took on a rowdy lot of ya' three times your size before breakfast. This'll be easy...-- You have the right to be ventilated. I have the right to burn your home and destroy every vestige of your existence. Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?

    Ditto, outside his helmet.

    Name: Glabrio Hybrida
    Age: 33 Terran Years
    Position: Investigator

    - Stubborn
    - Egotistical
    - Glory hound

    - Arbiter Lawbringer shotgun: Large bore, chambered with flechette, buck, shock rounds and modified bolt shells.

    - 2 Auto-pistols: A matched pair of high capacity, hollow-point cartridge auto-pistols, taken from Hybrida's own personal stock. Modified to carry extended magazines with reinforced rounds, supplied with more grain than usual.

    - Shock maul: This versatile one-handed weapon comes with two power settings. At its low setting, the maul's head delivers an electrical shock powerful enough to stun its targets, just like a regular Shock Maul. At the high setting however, the energy forms a crackling power field that can sunder steel, armour, and flesh.

    - Snub-nosed stub pistol: A six-round revolver holstered and hidden around the ankle. An extra piece should Hybrida ever find himself out of ammunition or a situation where he is away from his traditional sidearms.

    - 2 Bright grenades
    - 2 Stun grenades
    - 1 Frag grenade

    - Carapace armour: Arbitrator carapace armour is constructed from dense plasteel plates overlaying a synthetic polyplastic fibre weave that must be produced in an orbital null-gravity manufactorum. Arbites carapace armour is designed to be clipped together and worn over a light, breathable bodyglove, the armour carefully constructed and tailor-made to the proportions of the Arbitrator concerned. Given that the armour must be worn for hours at a time, often during periods of extreme physical exertion, it must be light and comfortable, and it succeeds surprisingly well on these fronts.

    - Matching helmet: The carapace helm is equipped with a vox-torc. It also contains polarising lenses which react instantly to light over a certain lumen level, and which have the effect of negating photonic flash grenades completely.

    - Jelly beans: A small bean-shaped type of confectionery with a soft candy shell and a gel interior which come in a wide variety of flavors. The confection is primarily made of sugar.

    Glabrio of the family Hybrida, one which the citizens of the Imperium would be unfamiliar with; like so many countless others. His is a name seeking prestige, fighting for every bit of renown one can scrap up. But to shine as a beacon in the sea of a billion-billion subjects is a difficult mantel to attain. His parents were standing members of Imperial commerce, his grandparents before them workers designing Imperial infrastructure, and those before them members of local politics. Glabrio was the bad apple of the latest generation of Hybrida, the middle child, one who never received enough discipline, nor the right amount of attention.

    He was the bully, one to look for trouble, the one to always start the fights. His life in the church schools was one of juvenile violence, and numerous cases of suspension. His test scores were average, and he was cunning enough to avoid the drafting of the Guard. Glabrio sought a better name for himself, to strive to his parents badgering, to what their name deserved. Strings could only take him so far, and the professions of his forefathers were continuously out of reach.

    A compromise had to be found, and as such he was willing to relent and take a position in the local Arbiters. The investigations into political corruption and the scrutiny of regulating Imperial law was a bore to him. So he sought other departments, one of regulation. His past seemed to control him, and he became somewhat of a lone wolf, a bane in the underhive. He had a knack for weeding out the gangers, the dealers, the insurgents, and the riffraff.

    So much so that most of the notorious gangs had given Hybrida and his team nicknames. Then came the Inquisition... He still wonders why they took him with them. Why he isn't dead. Perhaps they saw him as a potential asset, or maybe they just liked his charming personality. For two years he's served under them, fought for the so called greater Imperium, trading the squabbles of thieves for all manner of Xenos.

    He'd rather take his chances with the Xenos.

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    Last edited by Jarms48; 06-04-2015 at 12:55 PM.

  3. #13
    Sanity's Eclipse
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    I counted five years based on Machairi and others' ages. I could be wrong, though. Which means some minor edits to Viz's profile.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
    I'm just easier to get a hold of there. Just lemme know who you are

  4. #14
    June MotM 2014
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    I'll have a few questions about Remus, Az.
    Last edited by Jarms48; 06-04-2015 at 12:56 PM.

  5. #15
    Member Thrannix's Avatar
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    Name: Solvan Belannor
    Age: 148 (Looks 60 due to previous juvenat treatment)
    Position/Rank: Confessor (former bishop of Torvex IV, still holds the rank)


    Spoiler: Appearence 

    Personality: Calm and amiable, has an innate ease to win the trust of people around him. With a core of unshakable faith, yet tries to avoid getting too preachy with fellow teammates unless he deems it absolutely necessary (for the saving of their immortal souls) or specifically asked for. Has a passion for books that doesn’t only concern theological texts but also philosophy, history and almost any subject he happens to stumble across. A lover of fine dining and expensive liquor (a weakness he carries from his former life) but he tries not to indulge in these earthly desires too often. The time he doesn’t spend reading he spends it praying and performing the holy rites, he rarely sleeps more than a couple of hours a day as a side effect of his juvenat treatment. Despite his humble attitude he has no issues in speaking his mind. As a priest he acts as counselor and confessor for any who may ask.



    -Holy Warhammer of Guldanor: Antic family heirloom, passed along the family members that took the path of priesthood. It works as a thunderhammer.

    -Blessed Autopistol: High quality gun, engraved with holy text in blessed silver.

    -Hand Flamer


    -Priest robes and faith (although the flak armor under it sure helps).



    -Holy water, incense burner (one small chained to his belt and one large that he keeps for ceremonial purpouses), a gold aquila pendant, assortment of holy texts, bishop’s ring and seals of purity.


    Born into a wealthy family in the Hive World of Torvex IV Solvan had every comfort money could buy, though he didn’t see much of his parents he had a happy childhood. Since his older sister Allana (which he loved dearly) was chosen to be the heir to the family’s wealth he was sent to join the ranks of the Ecclesiarchy. He started his priesthood formation at the age of 10 and quickly showed great potential. Despite his distaste for physical violence Solvan found out he was a skilled fighter due to the obligatory training that was enforced on the new Ecclesiarchy members, after all the enemies of the Emperor rarely surrendered to words alone. By the age of 35 he was a bishop and already an expert in diplomatic and political struggle having to go over several colleges to reach his position. He hardly was a man of great faith and usually spent more energy attending to the fancy dinners and parties with the Hive’s elite than to watch out for the spiritual health of the populace. It was at this time he started using rejuvenation drugs to keep him at a healthy 30. He was smart enough to hide his vices and maintaining his superiors happy (everyone has vices as he quickly learned).

    But everything changed when Inquisitor Lossek Walldrun showed up with evidence of heresy festering in his flock. He was of course outraged, demanded to have these heretics found and punished. He put his resources and his servants at the inquisitor’s disposal. After a month the efforts bore fruit. A rich black market for heretic artifacts was dismantled and in the heart of it all, was his own family lead by his loving sister Allana. Despite thorough searching no evidence that linked Solvan with his sister’s crime was ever found. Even so the inquisitor handed him the responsibility of giving out the verdict at the trial, as a test of loyalty. He visited his sister in the dungeon before the trial with the plan of helping her escape, but he found out she had been possessed by a daemon. Risking his own life he managed to perform an excorcism, but his sister's sanity was permanently damaged.

    He spent a week without sleep and without food, he kneeled in the Great Cathedral and prayed until his knees bled. In that week his soul was reformed, convinced that the Emperor was punishing him for his lack of faith and his failure to fulfill the duty bestowed upon him. When the time came he was a new man, he sentenced his sister and her accomplices to death by fire, he even carried the torch. Despite the coldness and lack of emotion he showed during the execution it was the single most painful and excruciating moment of his life.

    He also sentenced himself (though he wasn’t charged with any crime) for his lack of zeal to a lifetime of servitude to the Inquisitor. When Lossek eventually died Solvan’s debt was terminated, but he immediately volunteered to remain in service. Due to his usefulness both in combat and political intrigue it wasn’t long before his skills were put to use by another inquisitorial agent, Alia Machairi.

    Since then he has become Machairi's confidant and spiritual guide. He has borne witness to Alia's ascension into the ranks of the Inquisition with great pride. He also became a close friend to Tomas Prinzle, Alia's bodyguard.

    He stopped using juvenat treatment for aesthetic reasons after his sister's death, now twenty years ago. During the mission on Hercynia he was targeted by a time altering xeno weapon making him age even further. Yet he has mantained his physical performance despite the looks, which has made more than a few enemies pay with their lives the assumption that an old priest is no real threat.

  6. #16
    The Replicant
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    Accepted both! Welcome back.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  7. #17
    June MotM 2014
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    [*Ordos Xenos; Imperial Inquisition:*]
    [*Personnel Request:*]
    [*Storm Trooper:*]
    [*Remus, Julianus*]

    You're a family man, Remus. That's what they keep telling me. A family man without a family.

    Name: Julianus Remus
    Age: 53 Terran Years
    Position: Inquisitorial Storm Trooper

    Active* Siblings:
    - Inquisitor Chrysanta Remus, deployed on Inquisitorial runs across outlying Imperial Sectors.
    - Sororitas Hospitalar Roxanna Remus, Sisters of the Sacred Watch chief apothecary.
    - Colonel Balios Remus, commanding officer of 627th Corilithian Armoured Regiment.
    - Lieutenant Solon Remus, commander of 3rd platoon, 2nd company, 101st Corilithian Infantry Regiment.

    * Note these reports detail latest generation of family Remus, for retired personnel or extended family of similar generation please search out a Scribe of the Ordos:
    - (Deceased) Commissar Aeton Remus, formally allocated to 156th Corilithian Infantry Regiment.
    - (Deceased) Kephas Remus, former commander of 156th Corilithian Infantry Regiment.

    - Gruff
    - Stern
    - Loyal

    - Hotshot lasrifle
    - Hotshot pistol
    - Combat knife
    - 2 Fragment grenades
    - 2 Bright grenades
    - 1 Melta bomb

    - Carapace armour: Typical armour kit, forged from plates of armaplas fashioned into a complete suit. Forge world stamp of the Seventh planted on the middle of back neck ring, Inquisitorial -I- displayed on right shoulder guard and upper left chest;

    - Matching helmet: Armaplas ballistic helmet, with attached targeter and secondary helmet lamp powered by an independent battery or miniature motor. An Imperial eagle is stamped upon the front, along with a manufactorum stamp of the Seventh imprinted underneath at the top of the dome.

    - Rebreather mask: Polymer visor is capable of several visual modes including, night vision and thermal. Visor is capable of tinting in the event of blinding lights , it is powered by an independent battery or motor mounted at the back of the helmet;

    - Auspex: Electronically accessed in Remus' visor optics, this simple device displays a forward 90 degree cone which detects movement up to varying increments. These being 10, 20 or as far as 40 metres;

    - Microbead: A small ear mounted communication device for short range communication between Inquisitorial team members or if required external sources - those being elements of local PDF, stationed Guard Regiments or militia forces. Upon the ear pieces mounting plate is the Manufactorum stamp of the Seventh.

    - Tan fatigues: Typical operating uniform for the Inquisitorial militant, though camouflage patterns and standard kit are changed during assignment and operating theaters. Remus routinely swaps between standard uniform worn on base to that of allotted camouflage when on mission.

    Julianus of the family Remus. A family of some renown its sons and daughters having a long standing tradition of attending the Schola Progenium becoming members of the Inquisition, the Commissariat, Adepta Sororitas or the Imperial Guard. For Julianus however he was destined to a life of duty to protect and provide security in the halls of the fortresses of the Inquisition. He has been allocated to several Inquisitors for numerous assignments, tasks which have led him to believe the result of all things falls to the cursed gods and leaving him suspect of rooting out cult activity wherever it be found.

    He was born the sixth child of his generation, his older siblings often left him envious by their own successes or current positions of notably higher standard. His sisters, a Soroitas Hospitalar and a Ordo Xeno Inquisitor, the latter personally requesting his services to merely rub it in. Something that left him wondering if she ever truly grew up or how she even became an Inquisitor in the first place. His brothers two officers of the Guard and a Commissar; the oldest son a man who Julianus no longer considered his brother, having led to the death of another one of his older male siblings.

    His home world, routinely called the First that being it is the capital of the Sector and coincidentally the first to be colonized by man. A high tech system at the back end of the universe, now at war with the Tau Empire as those young xenos continually attempt to expand their sphere. Julianus would have rather signed himself up to the Guard, fighting and dieing for his home, not here, not for family tradition on some far flung backwater he hadn't even heard of.

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  8. #18
    The Replicant
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    Did you decide where Remus was going to go (his profile does not address it), and if you're also going to write for Lia?
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  9. #19
    June MotM 2014
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    I've been writing up, Remus'/Lia's and Remus'/Glabrio's scene. I'll update it soon. Still ultimately deciding.

  10. #20
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    This looks complicated as all hell..

    Where do I sign in? I have a few questions though...

    What are psyker abilities?

    Edit: Nevermind, Warhammer... Holy shit, Warhammer. I might write a CS, definetely interested in how this could fit.
    Last edited by ChaosBringer; 06-08-2015 at 10:35 PM.

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