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Thread: [M] War in the Void - Imperials IC

  1. #11
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: HDMS Pillar of Intent, HDMS Retaliator, HDMS Resurgent - Baraspine 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 04-16-2019 at 09:21 PM.
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  2. #12
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    Falchion class. “It’s a torpedo run.” Elspeth surmised. And one that could significantly disrupt their boarding action by forcing them to go evasive. If they couldn't land in force, Thurlow's marines would be stalled and overwhelmed piecemeal. She glanced back at the hololith, at the screen of ships currently guarding the squadron’s northern flank. “Ask Aenias to shoo them away for us, if he’d be so kind?”

    "Falchion class. Aye." Lieutenant Marie spoke aloud. Her left hand pressing against her headset, her right hand scratching notes to paper.

    Captain Aeneas walked over to the comm terminal, he leaded over Marie. Resting a hand on her chair. They were fighting against their counterparts. This wasn't good. Gunboats, torpedo boats, the Falchion could excel at both. Provided the enemy remained in their forward facing fire arcs.

    "Marie, let the flotilla know our classes weakness. Tell them to get close, into their broadsides. They'll only be able to present minimal firepower." Aeneas said, as he scratched his chin in thought.

    "Pillar of Intent to Imperial flotilla, Pillar of Intent hailing Imperial flotilla. Close into their broadsides. Their strength is in their forward facing firepower. Get close and hit their flanks." Marie relayed.

    "Helmsmen Bernd, bring us about. Face the new threat, bring our own firepower to bear. Gunnery Officer Struss dump a torpedo in the turn, I want to launch a spread at the right escort. Put them into evasive maneuvers, it'll delay their macro fire." Aeneas ordered.

    It was a gamble, presenting their own firepower would put them at risk of retaliation. They represented the greatest range threat to the enemy squadron, they shared the same class. The traitors knew the strength of their forward batteries.

    "Aye!" The deck crew returned.

    "Captain!" Marie called, her headseat squawking. "Retaliator is hailing us. Their Captain has an idea. They want us to get between our boarding craft and the enemies torpedo spread. They want us to then dump our own ordnance. We're going to combined arms, Resurgence will launch their attack craft intercept the enemies torpedoes and then move to protect ours. They'll then split off and suppress the enemy squadrons defensive turrets. It'll give us the best chance of a successful hit. Lastly, Retaliator itself will advance at full speed behind our salvo and engage the enemy. Looks like they took our word on the enemies weakness."

    Aeneas paced across the deck. Biting his lip. A decade of anti-piracy had let his own strategies stagnate. These weren't unorganized outlaws in antiquated or stolen vessels. These were career men. He had to rely on Retaliator's commander, they simply had more experience than him.

    "Belay my last orders!" Aeneas called out.

    "Aye." Struss and Bernd immediately stopped what they were doing.

    "We'll do as Retaliator suggests. New heading, get us between the enemies ordnance and our boarders. Turn to face. Gunnery Officer Struss, prepare new target lead and get the macro cannons ready to fire." Captain Aeneas went to his command chair, he took a seat and brought up his own terminal. He began punching in command keys, looking over the ships status.

    Pillar of Intent shuttered as they moved out of geostationary orbit. It's engines burning hot, sending vibrations across the length of the vessel. Captain Aeneas glaced over to Bernd, the man was working hard on his chadburn sending orders through to the engine decks. Aeneas own terminal lit up as they began approaching burst speed. He flicked his terminal screen with his fingers, bringing up his tactical map. Pillar of Intent's blip was steadily approaching the void space between the enemy squadron and their own boarders.

    "Maintain heading. Watch the void shields." Captain Aeneas ordered.

    Pillar of Intent shuttered again. It's retro-thrusters bringing it into a tight turn. The bridges view-screen locked onto their quarry and zoomed to get a clearer picture. Gunnery Officer Struss had already taken his opportunity. He hit his launch rune and dumped the first torpedo. His launch rune flashed as the gunnery deck crews loaded another building sized weapon.

    "Torpedo, away." Struss stated.

    Their port view-screen flickered to life as new contacts approached. Resurgence had already launched their own squadrons of Fury interceptors. Captain Aeneas smirked, they might actually make it out of this after all.

    "Second torpedo, away!" Struss called again. "Macro cannons, awaiting order."

    "Fire." Aeneas ordered.

    The void of space around Pillar of Intents armoured prow flickered like a crackling flame. Macro cannons filling the darkness with devastating firepower.

    "Marie, send word to Retaliator. Tell them we've done our part. It's time for them to do theirs." The Captain watched as Pillar of Intents proximity radar came to life, tracking the enemies own ordnance. Their extensive defensive turrets joined in the murderous crescendo.

  3. #13
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: HDMS Pillar of Intent, HDMS Retaliator, HDMS Resurgent - Baraspine 
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  4. #14
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    Spoiler: HDMS Pillar of Intent, HDMS Retaliator, HDMS Resurgent - Baraspine 
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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  6. #16
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    Spoiler: HDMS Pillar of Intent, HDMS Retaliator, HDMS Resurgent, Shepherd of Light - Coseflame 
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    "Alright boys let's give em hell. Spearhead pattern, give those bombers a screen and open a hole for them. "
    Nials and his squadron formed up. keeping just behind and above the bombers, ready to intercept and remove any threat to them.

    On board Resurgent command and control Captain Flint stood firm.
    "Furies keep those bombers clear. Deck crews get ready to receive ships. I want maximum turnaround. Voidsmen arm up and get ready."

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

  8. #18
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    Spoiler: HDMS Resurgent, Coseflame 
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  9. #19
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "Keep us in formation, and maximum power to fore voids." Chao barked as the forward shields of the Shepherd rippled under fire. "Sensori, liaise with archives. I want a full rundown of capabilities of the two capital craft. Signal to Tehrani that I will follow her lead and orders."

    She focused on the tacticae plotting, as sensor data scrolled in, and around her tech priests and servitors scrambled to follow her orders. Something crossed her mind and she opened a channel to the midships barracks.

    "Domina Rackham. Boarding assessment please."

    Rackham was one of the subordinate Domina aboard. Rho had ground command, but the Skitarii functioned best with direct oversight from a priest. Rackham, and a small conclave like her, provided that oversight. Her monstrously augmented face appeared on the screen, a mass of optics on one side, and sensor spines, cables and plates covering the other. The overall effect was like a weapon turrets sensor skull, and considering Rackhams experience as a Secutor, it was entirely possible that was what she had remodeled her skull on.

    "Ship-mistress" Rackham wheezed. "We are under supplied for a boarding action. Rho retained 75% of the remaining skitarii with the Titans. I can hurry along the re-processing of our wounded and recyclable, but it won't make much difference"


    "Defensively we are better positioned. The Shepherd of Light itself will aid in our defense, and our troops can better withstand hard vacuum than baselines."

    "Understood. Stand your troops too and prepare for further orders. Ave Omnissiah."

    "Ave Omnissiah, Ship-mistress."

    The image dissolved into fuzzy light as another techpriestess trundled towards her. Trailing purity seals, with golden thuribles smoking with incense hanging from articulated racks mounted to a crooked back, Mistress of Archives Dehl Koudrakis was a distinctive and revered figure aboard ship. She turned her gilt-and-stained glass face to Chao and her long, branching mechanical fingers formed a perfect cog and skull before her.

    "Ship mistress, as requested I have archives analysis. The two ships are Chalice Class Battlecruisers, a local design native to the Calixis Sector." She gestured to the tactical display as the bridge lights dimmed and the Shepherd shook again. The tactical map dissolved into a spinning schematic of the elegant warships.


    "3.4 max gravities acceleration, thin armour, long range super-fired plasma batteries. Sustained fire from the batteries can trigger catastrophic plasma leaks. The Chalice was intended to be swift, hit hard at long range, and flee anything it could not immediately overpower."

    "A very focused design." Chao mused, before starting. "It reminds me of the old Carnage class cruisers. We need to close the range." She wheeled and raised her voice. "Signal to the Impiger that we will close with the one on our left flank. Tell them I have a plan to reduce their incoming fire, and request permission for us to break formation and engage. Armoury, load proximity blind barrages for the bombardment cannon. Set the fuse at twenty thousand k, and warn our fighter escort to stay clear of the bastards prow, then prep for close in fire."

    "What about the destroyers?" Her gunnery chief queried. "There are still six damn cobras out there."

    "Damn the cobras. They'll be busy with our escorts. You have my permission to use the broadside guns for any target of opportunity."

    She listened to the affirmatives and waited for Tehrani to give her the permission she needed.

  10. #20
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: HDMS Retaliator, HDMS Resurgent, Shepherd of Light - Coseflame 
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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