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Thread: [M] Nightfall_Outbreak: Flesh and Steel • IC

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    Angela watches silently as the man she had tackled took care of the Hybrids easily. She was impressed, but she would never admit it out loud. She threw a few knifes at on coming hybrids and cracked her whip to keep them away from her. As the hybrids were distracted by her, her twin came in and melted them with an intense energy beam, then went back to fighting the hybrids. The twins noticed four more people joining the fight. Angela recognized them as Imperial Enforcers.... interesting.

    Andrew kept swinging his staff, hitting and burning the hybrids. They turned brittle and exploded into hard pieces. He ends up fighting next to some guy with a sword, slicing the hybrids. Andrew had even managed to save him from oncoming attacks by the hybrids. As the Imperial Enforcers came in with guns ablaze, he knew that he should get lost soon, but the root was more important than his own safety. He knew that all this attention was not to his sister's liking.

  2. #12
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    Effemy's eyes snap open, stimulated by the surrounding activity. Incredibly fast for someone of her size and stature, she slices one of the hybrids in half. Unfortunately, the sharp blade---her best--- snaps in half from the stress of slicing through the creature's rough hide and bone. Effemy looked at the broken blade with her eyes wide. Her face went red with rage, and she gave the creatures a stare so hard that if looks could kill, they would be incinerated. "What the hell?" she hissed, obviously pissed. "You're fucking paying for that. Freeze!"

    Using her powers, she used her powers to make sure that the creatures were focusing on her and applied so much power into the last word that she almost froze in place as well. All of the creatures were as still as statues as with impressive grace and speed, she jumped on two of the creatures and broke their necks. The effect only lasted a few seconds, as the rest of them snapped out their stupor and charged after her, now fully focused on her.

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    Cypher stopped attacking, instead he was shocked to see another Rogue in action. "Oh hell, another Rogue? Thank God it's not the Rubber People type Rogue," Cypher activates his Third Vision, trying to look for more Hybrids nearby. He saw footsteps of Hybrids leading outside the place. It was huge in according to the size of the footsteps, "Damn, this Hybrid is huge," Cypher's eyes narrowed under his mask as he looked at the mountains. He walked inside, observing the other Rogue, a Daybreaker and 4 Imperial Enforcers. He then speaks to them, "Who the hell are you guys? I know that guy in that rubber suit but that... Daybreaker, who is she? And you 4 Enforcers where are you guys from?"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  4. #14
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    Zhen sat on the building just above where all the action was, just observing at first. It seemed that they were handling themselves pretty well but looks could be deceiving as the one woman's sword broke. Zhen then decided that he was going to jump down there, it was obvious that there wasn't anything else to do. He jumped down head first toward the area where all the tentacles were coming from, dodging them as they came out.

    Next, unsheathing one of his swords, he landed in-between two of the hybrid's tentacles in a split position. After that, Zhen jumped and spun around slicing both of them in one motion. He rolled when he hit the ground, to absorb the impact of the jump, and used the energy to propel himself forward, jumping on top of the nearest hybrid and kicking it in the face, sending it flying off somewhere. Finally he gave the weaponless woman(Effemy) the sword that was in his hand. "Use this. It won't break." He said calmly, not even thinking about the hybrid that was right behind him.

    Zhen didn't even turn around. The hat spun on his head with a light blue glow, the beast fell, never to move again. He held his other sword out straight, teleported again, and he stood in front of another hybrid. His sword however, went straight through and was sticking out the other end of the hybrid, to which it fell and died.

    If his sword were to materialize into anything after he teleports, whatever was the recipient would disintegrate or die. Zhen focused his attention back to the hybrid root, with many of its tentacle like limbs still coming out of the ground. He held his sword horizontally and ran towards it, sliding under and slicing a good deal of its remaining tentacles at the base of the root.

    As one of the gigantic tentacles were falling, it was going to hit one of the Imperial Enforcers. Although he hated the enforcers for what happened to his father, he was going to help them still. So he ran over and grabbed the person's shoulder and teleported away. After which he completely withdrew from the person, not even making eye contact with them. Then he went from a back handspring and into a back tuck, dodging attacks from hybrids to which he split kicked two of them in the heads.
    Last edited by DCaesar of Wakanda; 02-22-2015 at 03:11 AM.

    Spoiler: Theme Song 

  5. #15
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    Charlotte,” screamed Paul as a tentacle came flying down upon her.
    Charlotte paused for a moment unable to fully comprehend her inevitable death, but something saved her. A man who seemed to be a rogue, but she didn’t question it and silently thanked the man before returning to the three men who regrouped.

    What the hell was a Hybrid root doing in this part of town,” questioned Elmer who looked at Mark and then Paul who was observing the creature, who was now dead. “We have bigger problems Elmer,” said Paul as he looked over his shoulder at a man who was asking them, or generally most of the people there, a question [preferably more than one].

    Who the hell are you guys? I know that guy in that rubber suit but that... Daybreaker, who is she? And you 4 Enforcers where are you guys from?

    Paul stepped forward and looked at the man with a serious look upon his face, “That’s on a need-to-know basis. I’m afraid we don’t work with rogues or any of those freaks that try and destroy the reputation of the enforcers. We’re Imperial Enforcers so why don’t you get the memo and figure it out.” Paul turned his back to the man before leaving with the rest of the squad in tow.

    Don’t you think that was harsh Lead,” questioned Elmer as he looked at his leader, “I mean he was generally asking who we were.” “It doesn’t matter. People shouldn’t know who our true names are, but instead should know that we’re Imperial Enforcers and we help the royal family,” said Mark with a groan of disappointment. “That’s right,” said Paul who paused for a moment before speaking again, “Let’s go find some operatives from M.E.D.U.S.A and see what we can get out of them.” “I still think that’s crazy Lead,” inquired Charlotte who looked over at the men with a serious look upon her face. “I know Charlotte. Let’s just do it and get it over with,” said Paul with a reassuring smile.

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    Angela kept fighting off the tentacles. When the man she saved earlier asked who she was, she smiled slightly. Just how she wanted it. She wasn't going to say who she was and her twin will act like they never met. Andrew, on the other hand, grinned. "I'm Fire Fist!" Angela had to roll her eyes. She used her whip and forced a tentacle into the path of her bother's staff and it disintegrated immediately. She jumped and threw a few of her knifes at a hybrid's neck, killing it when it severed it's spine. She landed on the ground and took in the scene. The root was mostly subdued which was a good thing. She took this opportunity to melt into the shadows and disappear and stay anonymous.

    Andrew was fighting ferociously and eventually all the tentacles were either charred, batted down into submission or chopped up. He stood still, catching his breath and watched at the four Enforcers leave. "Come and play some other time. Don't be a stranger!" he called after them. Angela stood in an alleyway, within earshot so she could hear what was going on next.

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    Cypher's eyes narrowed as the Enforcers' leader talked. He hate it, in fact, he hate MOST Enforcers as they addresses people like him freaks, "Freaks?! Freaks? Let me ask you big guy, you do not protect this city. You do not know who we are and what are motives. Just because we have powers and crap doesn't mean you people can call us freaks," Cypher ended his words, he is slightly mad and suddenly, Athena called him, "Cypher, what are you doing? They are the ones who protect the Emperor's family!" Cypher's eyes rolled and replied, "Hell, do I even care?!"

    I am Fire Fist!

    Then, Cypher turned towards Fire Fist as he speaks. Cypher opened his mouth and said, "Yeah, yeah Fire Fist. Man of fire and crap, why do you wear a rubber suit?"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  8. #18
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    "Actually it's a flame/heat resistant material. Not rubber or spandex or nylon. Or anything that's uncomfortable." Andrew replies to the man who seems a very irritable sort. He turns his attention to the leaving Enforcers again. He wasn't sure why they were here. Enforcers never travel this far out into the city without a good reason. That reason had him worried. He would have to talk to Angela about this.

    Angela listens as some guy questioned her twin's clothes. He insisted on the outfit and people seem to eat it up. Whatever works. She sneaks away. Andrew catches her movements. "well... If you're done complaining... I got other things to attend to." he walks over the hybrid bodies and scales the building and runs across the rooftops, making sure to not go directly home.

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    "But that suit's design is pretty ruberry," Athena comments on Fire Fist's suit, and then, Cypher laughed a bit, "Hey, Fire Fist. Folow me, and wait wha-?" As soon as Cypher invites FF, he saw the man with the razor tipped hat, but he ignores it, "Sorry, Fire Fist. Care to follow me and you," Cypher points to the female Rogue as the hooded Riftwalker finished invited Fire Fist, "You your face is similar, not because you're a Rogue but it is like you're someone from my childhood,"

    Athena interrupts, "Shut up Cypher,"
    "Don't ever interrupt me Athena,"
    "Okay, okay fine,"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  10. #20
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    Zhen continues fighting the Hybrids. "Just in case you guys don't come around this particular section of the city, this is but a drop before the coming storm. More are approaching as I am speaking, you may want to hurry in your endeavors." He called, throwing his hat as bigger ones began to come within range of this area. The hat ricochet from the wall dangerously close to the woman in the shadows head, chopping off the top of the head of another, much larger hybrid just turning the corner. It would then fly around slicing more of them as Zhen stood by, teleporting it every so often to hit the monsters.
    Aiden heard the sounds of battle going on a few blocks away. He began walking that way only to see his new targets walking away from that area. Aiden stopped and watched them. Not a very intimidating group, but enforcers nonetheless. 'This might be easier than I thought." Aiden thought to himself. Almost all at once he recognized one of them, Didn't he kill one of them before? He looked at the names listed once again only to see the name 'Paul Phillip Aldwinckle' appear as their leader. 'Ah, So you had a son, Aldwinckle. It wasn't very nice for you to just leave him here without you. Don't worry, make provisions for him as Paul, and his little friends, will be joining you very soon.' He snickered to himself. "Good Evening Enforcers." He said rather calmly, standing up straight and saluting them.
    Last edited by DCaesar of Wakanda; 02-11-2015 at 08:45 PM.

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