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Thread: [M] RPA Death Match (Still accepting until the first game over player)

  1. #11
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    Intro post

    Spoiler: Fuckin aerial combat if you're into that shit 

    The Storyteller watched the last of the flying machines sink into the ocean. He did not have to destroy them, but the xenophobic yet persistently explorative efforts of the civilised countries of the world and their attempts to map out every square inch of the vast and wonderful planet irked him so. He did not mean to cross their paths, but he wasn't sorry that he did; they could map out the bottom of the ocean now.

    The Storyteller was an unheard-of deity of fantasy and storytime. He could blur the line between fantasy and reality to the point where the two were indistinguishable. If there was anything that existed in a story, be it a person, a creature, a tool, a spell, or a power, he could bring it into the mortal realm. The world used to be such a beautifully varied place, with room for both unwise humans and the beautiful creatures and magic they called 'myths'. But with the dawn of advanced civilisation, they truly became myths, extinct from the world but for those The Storyteller tried to save and protect. One of the ways he could protect them was to bring them into the world of fantasy, so that to the humans, they were nothing but story elements. He was working on making a safe haven for them, so that he could bring them back.

    He floated above the waters, his dark brown cloak billowing in the wind. He could fly at will, simply by manipulating the laws of physics around him or by conjuring the ability to fly from any story in which humans flew without wings, but he insisted that he have wings anyway, merely for decoration. They were perfectly flat shapes made of a pale, translucent light that swirled with many colours, and they resembled eyes. They did not flap but rather just reared up behind his back in a very regal fashion. His staff, while modest on its own, was adorned with a scythe blade made from the same light-substance. Without a purpose, the blade seemed to retract into the staff and disappeared.

    He was suddenly removed from the world, and he was faced with three beings he had not had the displeasure of seeing for nigh a century. In fact, he had not seen any of this nutty batch of deities for a long time overall. He suspected they had destroyed themselves. The world around them was pitch black and silent enough to make a grave sound like a screech metal concert.

    Spoiler: Fuckin long conversation if you're into that shit 

    The Storyteller found himself standing on the very top of the observatory, overlooking all the destruction around him.
    Last edited by Potatrobot; 07-16-2013 at 11:03 PM.
    Spoiler: More from Tate 

  2. #12
    The Pure One
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    [Sorry this is late RL sux!]

    There was a fight to be had and he was without a doubt the man to be having it, he was after all DYNO-MITE!!

    His first steps on the inner wall were careful ones. He was, after all, standing sideways. It was something was not easy to get used to. It was as though the steel beneath his feet were the earth and the vision of the world hanging around him were the lie. Though shaky at first he still managed to move and gain speed until he could get running again. Before he knew it he was moving at a head long sprint, his nun chucks, hanging on his neck, both guns held firm.

    People were being massacred all around, there was no place to look where there wasn't mass carnage. What hell this must have been for those caught within it but the he saw the world reset and the same carnage repeat. He fired ahead, two holes puncturing the steel before he once again waited.

    He watched wide eyed as the steel simply recovered as though he had not done a thing to it. "This is one whacked out joint yo" He said shaking his head. There was much to fear about this place but he had work to do.

    He jumped and the world ahead spun around and the sense of where up and down was flipped on its head and he fell though to the earth. He made a run for it running through a massive gaping entrance before running out and running back in. He was wide eyed and shocked. He was definitely not on earth but he spotted a man in rather odd dark clothes a man a little off from the others and since he wasn't wearing a hoody and it wasn't florida () he felt rather safe.

    Whipping out his nunchucks and twirling them as only a master could to took to attack his target, sneaking up behind the man.

    "DYNO MITE!" He yelled swinging his nunchuck with viscous force to connect the weapon with the dark clad man's back, aiming for the spine.

    But as soon as he made impact he was gone, jumping away and using the gravity machine to float to the middle of the structure itself and landing on the stairway, dyno mite wasn't dumb enough to wait for a reaction.

    Dynominte tags Mortimus Grim

  3. #13
    The Pure One
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    Death of Korzan - 15/09/03

    Jacogos - 15/09/03

    La Volpe - 15/08/03

    Potatrobot - 15/09/03

    DoughGuy - 15/09/03

    Dr. Vee the almighty - 15/09/03

    Bee Bear - 15/09/03

    THE IMPOSTER - 15/09/03

    SQJPure - 14/09/03

  4. #14
    An Apple Pie of Angry
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    Finally finding the correct spell, Miranda quietly murmured a string of words that she hadn't spoken in quite a long time. The entire spell took around a minute to pronounce, and once it was done, she had to take in a quick breath before shoving her arms to either side. Her body flashed red once before an invisible surge pulsated from her body, covering the entirety of the battlefield. In moments, the surge gathered a fair amount of information, the majority of which was the layout of this battle zone she had been tossed into.

    "Seven others, by my count... No... Eight... What is that small thing to the south....?" Miranda muttered to herself, peering across the open field of the Outer Realm. "No matter..." Returning to her own thoughts, the Archmage paused as she continued to process the information she had gathered magically.

    This battlefield is.... wrong, she thought, her spell telling her no more than that. As it had traveled, parts of the field didn't seem to match up with what was there before, as if the entire area was.... shifting somehow. Frowning thoughtfully, Miranda moved on to the next part of her preparation.

    This spell was much easier to find, as she used it quite often back on Oracion. A few choice words were spoken and light began to refract around her form, a bubble of anti-light created that turned her the nearest thing to invisible next to stepping into another realm of travel. In a place you did not know, that was dangerous. This, however, would protect her from most others from spotting her off-hand.

    Moving was the only problem. The more she moved, the quicker the spell had to compensate for the changing environment and light and thus would 'shimmer' more. Moving slowly helped rectify this problem, but that was inconvenient. At a distance of more than fifty feet, it would be nigh impossible to see the shimmer in this lighting, and she had a clear view for far beyond that. Satisfied, Miranda began to float forward, standing straight now, towards the massive power source that she had felt was on the observatory's outer walls.

    Non-Attacking Post

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

  5. #15
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    The blackness around him was absolute, a stark void in which nothing moved. The boy was used to this by now however and it did not bother him. In truth it had never bothered him since the incident for he had changed that day. The dark was no longer something to be feared, for it was the only shelter from the light. Even if the light was not what he truly feared. He wondered why the eye had brought him here, what goal it had in this place of death, for it had been silent since his arrival.


    A single word spoke in his mind and his vision changed for the first time since he had arrived. For a second he saw the world as it appeared to those with sight in his mind, a storm wracked ruin. He saw the wall he was on and land beyond, the outer realm that was filled with destruction and the tools which had caused it. Before he could turn his head and view the structure behind him it faded to black. Yet there was light now within his void no. A figure of yellow energy shaped like a woman which was moving through the world towards him. She had not been there during his brief glimpse of the real world.

    His vacant eye sockets turned towards her form, it would be obvious to the woman he could see her despite her apparent invisibility. She tries to hide in the dark using the light. But that will not hide her from me. The eye said nothing more nor gave any further sight, leaving Kuren to simply stand there watching her move across what he knew was a wasteland, but saw only as darkness.

    Non attacking post
    Love you alawys sis.
    Spoiler: Quotes 

  6. #16
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    Rocky had expected death and fighting as soon as he entered, but it was strangely quiet. The rock plucked himself out of rubble and looked around. Nothing much

    But that suited him just fine, he ducked back behind cover and planned his moves. Dammit, where was Pebbles to hand him a pile of documents. She hadn't even brought him back the sand!

    "Perhaps it is time for a new underling."

    After trying to draw on the ground Rocky gave up on that idea. Plucking his eye out, he muttered, "just gotta set the timer to maximum," he fiddled with his eye. Then with all his might, threw it high into the air.

    It spun and spun giving him insight to this strange land. Well as much as he could take in from the spiralled imagery. Then his eye exploded.

    It was unfortunate for The Storyteller that he stood close to the explosion and was knocked from his feet.

    Rocky tags The Storyteller

  7. #17
    Spunky Monkey
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    The chaos of the Docking Station was rather exhilarating. Luigsech couldn't get over the fact that she was there, alone, and still having fun. She had to stay on her toes, had to keep her eyes peeled and alert. Every movement posed a deadly threat and every sound - well, almost every sound, the screams of the dying weren't dangerous - caught her attention.

    She could feel a tension in the air - a tension she was used to. The ancient warrior had been in countless wars, big and small. She knew the smell of it, the taste of it on her tongue, and the way her fingertips tingled just before it began.

    Or perhaps she was just coming down with a cold.

    She shrugged and sidestepped a huge metal crate that was flung across the room by an explosion.

    Jump, skip, twirl and dodge. Repeat.
    Jump, skip, twirl and dodge and ... hey! What was that?

    From the corner of her eye she'd seen a figure, a real, living figure - not a ghost of a memory, a spirit trapped in the endless cycle of death - move swiftly past her at some distance. He didn't seem to notice her there, and before she could blink he was gone again.

    But that was enough for Luigsech. Her lips stretched into a huge, delighted grin. "A target!" she cried and clapped her hands together. Then without further ado she pulled a 'special' arrow out of the quiver on her back and nocked it in her beloved bow, Rose.

    "Go find him, my lovely," she purred, speaking to the arrow. It glowed purple for a second before she released it. Once free it sliced through the air, but instead of going in a straight line, it curved, arched, twirled and swiftly made its way out of the maze of moving objects in the Docking Station. It followed in Dino Mite's exact path, but moved much more quickly. Soon it caught up with him and with a high whine it hit him in the center of his back. Instead of cutting through his flesh like a normal arrow would have, it passed entirely through him with out meeting any resistance. To Dino Mite it would have felt like being hit by a baseball bat.

    Luigsech tags Dino Mite
    Last edited by Bee Bear; 07-22-2013 at 11:55 AM.

  8. #18
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    The Storyteller recovered from the explosion by flying backwards in a loop, light wings extended, and landed lightly on his feet again. He had been attacked, which was all he needed to begin the beat down. There on top of the ever-exploding observatory, The Storyteller raised his arms and staff, and began to blur the line between fantasy and reality. He would not start small this time around, he would demonstrate his power with no restraint.

    Down at ground level, the air began to shimmer and ripple, and it wasn't due to Miranda. The very air twenty five feet above the ground opened and grew, widening with every passing second. The space around it rippled as the opening spread wider and wider, revealing an ovular portal of black and purple, with black lightning snapping about the edges. It grew and grew until it was fifty feet tall and twenty wide, before stopping, ominous and intimidating.

    A hissing snarl emanated from the portal, and through the solid black and purple surface, came an enormous reptilian head. And another. And another. The three draconian monsters seemed to have necks that never ended for how long they were before the single body of the creature finally emerged fro the portal, which closed behind it. It was enormous, barely squeezing through the fifty-foot high portal, and covered in metallic grey scales, with four thick legs, a powerful tail, and three monstrous heads.

    There was a moment of quiet as the hydra drew breath before its heads all roared in unison; a deafening wail of unearthly volume and pitch. The monster began to prowl around the ground level of the arena, its three heads questing for something to swallow.

    A scent. One of the heads had found the scent of something living, although it could not see anything. Its triplets caught it too, and soon all six eyes were bearing down on the volume of air that Miranda occupied. With unstoppable force it charged forward, its heavy, taloned feet causing massive tremors with every step. Its mouths opened wide, revealing multiple rows of needle-like teeth and forked tongues as long as a bus and twice as strong. With every massive step, the scent grew stronger, and the hydra prepared to lunge at Miranda.

    It just happened to step on Rocky on the way, crushing the stone underfoot.

    The Storyteller smiled, happy with his summon. The creature would obey him, but he would let it roam first, and do what damage it would do. Calling forth the world of fantasy again, he turned his dark cloak into an invisibility cloak, rendering him perfectly invisible. He lifted off form the ground, this time without his favoured wings, and began to fly in wide circles around the roof of the toppling observatory.


    The Storyteller tags Rocky via Hydra
    Last edited by Potatrobot; 07-22-2013 at 10:35 PM.
    Spoiler: More from Tate 

  9. #19
    An Apple Pie of Angry
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    Miranda slowly made her way through the vehicle-littered field, her head swiveling about as her eyes danced across the open field, careful to keep watch for anything living and dangerous. Miranda frowned. That made her realize the possibility of facing undead in this 'Deathmatch'... That would be troubling.

    It was about then that she noticed a being on top of the Outer Wall, a small thing that, from this distance, might have been a dwarf or a young Chosen. Would they even allow children into such an arena? Miranda wondered, her short dealings with the three gods giving her the rather displeasing answer to that particular question. Even from this distance, however, Miranda could feel the being's eyes on her. It knows I'm here...

    Movement to her side. Miranda glanced to her left to see what it was, but there was nothing again. Wasn't that the direction of that lesser being...? she thought to herself, looking upward. She could have sworn...

    The explosion that lit up the sky near the top of the observatory told her what she had seen moving. A bomb, of some sort. Magic? Or that blackpowder nonsense that the dwarves had made? Opening her Lexicon, Miranda began to search for a new spell.

    She didn't get very far, however, before a disturbance further to her left drew her attention away from her spellbook. Eyes widening, the Archmage watched in horror as a massive beast crawled from a rift in reality. It roared, earth and air shaking from its sheer size. Then, its heads turned towards her.

    Scent... I forgot about the sense of smell... Miranda thought idly. Releasing the invisibility spell, Miranda quickly turned to a different page, her Lexicon allowing her easy access to this particular spell. Three short words leapt from her tongue, and energy coalesced in front of her.

    A rather large fireball sprung from the formation, rocketing towards the hydra and slamming into its center mass. It recoiled slightly and missed a step, but otherwise shrugged off the hit, rushing to chow down on the Archmage. Miranda sniffed in annoyance and spoke another word, a single syllable for ease-of-use.

    The hydra's maw clamped down on empty air as Miranda teleported elsewhere, about twenty feet towards the wall. More words formed on her lips as she began casting more spells, her memory working in overdrive so that she didn't have to look at the book.

    Two massive pillars of stone rose up from the ground beside the hydra, stopping a mere ten feet taller than the enormous beast. Another barked syllable spread them into thick walls, almost as wide as the hydra. Even as it lunged forward again, Miranda spoke another four words, and clapped her hands together. The two walls of stone rushed towards each other, aiming to squish the hydra. It was not enough. The rocks crumbled on impact, which buried the monster, allowing Miranda a short moment to breathe and think up a new plan. The ground shook as the monster rose to its feet again, shaking off massive blocks of stone.

    One of these stones landed directly on Rocky, adding insult to injury from before.

    Lunging forward with one head, the hydra just narrowly missed the mage's arm. Miranda floated aside, searching through her book unhurriedly for the spell she needed. The hydra continued to snap at her, ever bite closer and closer to her, until finally she found the spell.

    "Hold still..." she murmured, shouting another word of power at the hydra. Immediately the beast went rigid, unable to move as magical power formed around it, halting it in place. Another string of words, an entire paragraph in fact, began to flow from her mouth as a dark red aura surrounded her. There was a short pause after she was done, a faint rumbling coming from the hydra. The pause went through seconds, and Miranda frowned.

    "Oh, that's right. I have to release the hold," she said with a smirk, barking another syllable at her victim.

    As soon as the magical hold was released, the hydra exploded from within, guts, gore, blood, bones, and every other sort of deathly reward spilling across the outer realm. Rocky probably got the worst of it, drowning in a sea of hydra feces.

    "Very well, then..." Miranda giggled, releasing the small shield she had used to keep herself clean. She now turned her attention to the one on the wall.

    Miranda tags Rocky via murdering the hydra

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

  10. #20
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    Kuren watched the battle going on within the structure with boredom. He saw now that there were more here than just him and the woman, and that the others would fight amongst themselves and he killed who the eye dictated. It would indeed be a place of death. The woman was powerful indeed and had many spells at her disposal. The paralyzing and destruction of such a large beast was no easy feat. He wondered if the eye would be capable of such feats.

    His face drew tight suddenly as if he was in great pain. From within his left eye socket a bluish red glow emerged as the eye pushed itself onto his face. He held his scream in knowing it would punish him if he made a sound. No power is greater than my own. the Eye hissed at him.

    As Miranda turned it would see as if the boy had gone, disappeared to nowhere in the time she had been fighting the hydra. Before she could ponder this there was a great rumbling behind her. Turning she would see the ocean of remains behind her explode suddenly. A wave of filth covered her before she could dodge, a roiling miasma of brown and red liquid as shards of bone carried by its current slashed her skin. A cacophony of deathly wails assaulted her ear as if the hydra's death screams had been preserved in its remains and were now unleashed upon its killer.

    The sound grew and grew without pause, the pitch rising to levels she was sure no person could hear without going deaf. Yet it rose still, as the liquid she was trapped within also showed no end, flooding into her mouth and nose as she fought to stay afloat. She felt a blood vessel in her ears pop in agony and fresh pain flooded her body, somehow sharper than that caused by the sound.

    And then it was over. She was standing where she had stood and killed the hydra. Behind her its remains were clam and inanimate. And it was silent. She could feel blood dripping from her right ear but knew she could hear still as a small noise to her left caught her attention. The young boy from earlier walked from behind a wall, staring at her with his vacant eye sockets. His head tilted in young curiosity towards her, "Are you okay ma'am? I heard you screaming."

    Kuren tags Miranda via illusion
    Love you alawys sis.
    Spoiler: Quotes 

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