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Thread: [M] War in the Void - Patriots IC

  1. #11
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    <New orders incoming,> chirped the communications hub. <We are to extract any forces we can from the Glom in the next thirty minutes.>

    <Find us a way to dock then access any still active Mechanicus channels with our location,> Raynar ordered. <Let us pray that there are any survivors to even pick up.>

    Finding a docking port would take time the cruiser did not have. Luckily she was equipped the means to forcibly dock with reinforced umbilical points. The cruiser lined herself up with the station at her starboard side and fired what seemed at first like simple harpoons. The harpoons quickly bloomed into docking cables that slammed into the station, cutting into hull and sealing them up tight for as long as they remained connected. Servitors and security forces from the cruiser were dispersed to keep watch on the access points and shepherd the survivors once they started arriving.

    The broadcast sent out was short and to the point. It gave the Patriot forces a thirty-minute time frame to get to the evacuation point if they did not wish to be left behind. Raynar felt his nerves electrify the longer the cruiser remained still. All her weapons were active but they were a stationary target nonetheless with no back up he felt they could rely on especially with another enemy cruiser on the way, if their allies were to be held as accurate.

    But Raynar had to at least give the survivors a chance. He would not sleep right again if he did not do at least that much.
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    "The Rosa is docking! It looks like they are going for extraction!"

    "Power us up." Alyss murmured. "And get us into a support position. And open the main bay so we can pick up anyone using lighters." Her eyes were closed, and hoarfrost was spreading from her fingers and down her staff. Iric stumbled to his feet, shaking his head.

    "Don't even think it, Iric." The big jotunhel soldier paused, his fingers hovering over his holstered pistol. "Even distracted I have enough brain power spare to kill you."

    Iric used his hand instead to wipe blood from his nose. He glowered at the back of the psyker.

    "I'm going to head to the bay and help organise the extraction."

    "You do that." Alyss sighed. It wasn't clear if she was talking to Iric, or someone else. Regardless, the ship thrummed with power and boosted around the planet, aiming for the Rosa and the ring to offer what support it could for the extraction.

  3. #13
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    Spoiler: Stella Rosa, Eudaimonia - Baraspine 
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    Spoiler: Eudaimonia - Coseflame 

    Spoiler: Stella Rosa - Tranch 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 06-24-2021 at 04:29 PM.
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  6. #16
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    Leifur shook his head, his mangy dreadlocks swinging. "They want us to break anchor and hide in the northern magneto-something." He made a face that told Iric what he thought of that, and Iric agreed.

    "After what we pulled, the Navy will be wise to our tricks. No, we can't stay." The pair reached a bank of transit elevators, that ran up to the bridge, and down to the gundecks and crew quartering. "Get me a squad of our best, kitted for boarding, and send them to the bridge. Then I want you to pull together a couple of squads, quiet types, and send them to the dorsal cargo bay. Split the rest between the gunnery bridge, and engineering. Strict orders not to do anything until I give the word."

    Leifur raised an eyebrow at the orders. "Are we taking this ship then? I don't think Jarn would like that. At all." Iric merely shrugged in response. "Then he should be here to stop me, shouldn't he? He'll understand once I explain, and if I can get the bridge crew to understand, I won't have to stage a mutiny. You're covering fire if this goes wrong."


    But it wasn't as simple as that, was it? He had to get across to that Claymore. That was the best target. The tighter security was balanced against it not being the rogue traders ship. This had been a Rogue traders ship, and they were quirky animals. For a job like this, he didn't need quirky. Then, he had to get a team, and an unwilling navigator, back to his ship.

    He paced backwards and forwards as the elevator rattled to the command deck, working it out, running it forwards and backwards.

    Damn Jarn for leaving me in the lurch, babysitting the deviants.


    Iric stepped onto the bridge, and the deck officer saluted crisply. Deck officer was something of a stretch. Deviants, dilettantes, wastrels, strays, minor tech heretics, that was who the witch had staffed her ship with. No one the Imperium would consider dangerous, but still the people on the fringes of imperial life, those with nothing to loose. Life on the Eudaimonia was evidently better than being an imperial washout, as they were loyal to their witch queen to the point of. . .

    Well, that was the question, wasn't it?

    "Why aren't we making preparations to break orbit?" He asked, casually. The man shuffled a little.

    "Lady Alyss is not aboard. We can't leave without her and Lady Sarna."

    "Don't call her a lady." Iric responded cooly. He advanced a step on the deck officer, and relished in the silence that fell across the bridge. Now he had their attention.

    "Alyss and Sarna can hide much more effectively on the ground than a voidship can while waiting to pick them up. We need to quit the system as soon as possible, and then sneak back in with the civil traffic." He poked the man in the chest. "You know this. If we stick around, that fleet bearing down on us will blast us all to scrap, and then they'll be stuck down there long enough for a specialised asset, like an Inquisitorial killteam, to hunt them down. We need to go."

    "We can't go anywhere without a navigator!" The deck officer nearly shouted back. "We can only make a standard, unguided warp jump, and the wake alone will mean any half decent navigator will be able to hunt us down. We have to wait for Alyss!"

    "I'm going to fix that problem." Iric responded, icy as his home. "You are going to help me do that. We're going to grab a spare navigator from that fat tempest class in orbit nearby, then run for the jump point. Is that clear?"

    For a moment, the crew stared. The deck officer began to reach for his pistol as Iric tilted his head back, genuinely impressed that this runt had the balls to try, before there was a spatter of gunfire behind him, and the doors to the bridge opened. A fireteam of Jotunhel veterans swept into the bridge, rifles raised. They were packing autoguns and shotguns, ideal for sweeping the vulnerable bridge instruments of anyone who resisted.

    "I said, is that clear?" He leaned down, looking the man in the eyes. "Alyss might be able to toss me around like a rag doll, but if you try anything, I'll see to the needs of my regiment first, and you dead last."

    The deck officer swallowed, and nodded. "We'll sneak back in to recover them both once the fighting is over?"

    "You have my word" Iric lied.

    "Then the bridge is yours."


    +Leifur, this is Iric+

    Leifur settled into a seat behind the arvus pilots chair, and flicked his comms to active.

    "Go for Leifur."

    +Bridge crew is on-side, and all sections report compliance. You are good to go. I've transmitted ahead that you are heading over for a set of replacement parts for our sensor array. Get aboard, find a reason to stay aboard, and get a team to recover a navigator.+

    "No problem. You want anything else alongside that? Thighbone of the Emperor perhaps? Teeth of Sebastian Thor?"

    There was a crackly laugh.

    "We've got this far Leifur. Make it happen."

    Out the canopy of the stubby shuttle, the dock doors of the dorsal bay ground open in a wail of klaxons. The shuttle began to rumble as its engines spun up. He imagined he could just make out the blocky outline of the Tempest in the distance, silhouetted against the atmosphere of Coseflame.

    "Take us across pilot." He slapped the mans shoulder, before pausing.

    "And fly casual."
    Last edited by dakkagor; 08-12-2021 at 10:56 PM.

  7. #17
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    Spoiler: Eudaimonia - Coseflame 
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    Leifur shrugged, a motion lost in his bulky and patched voidsuit.

    "Debris hit to our main sensor array, buggered it up." He reached for his own pad, then threw his head back and sighed in frustration.

    "The parts list is in my suit. Can we get into some fresh air so I can show you what we need?"

    The 'leftenant' grumbled and waved him on. Leifur smiled behind the one way visor as his squad fell in behind him.


    After navigating the airlock, they headed up to the flight control centre, the glass windowed room that sat on an octagonal tower at the aft wall. Leifur had done his best to warm up to Suvarov, but he wasn't proving very talkative.

    Leifur let out a low whistle when they reached the control room. It was far more complex and well appointed than the basic one on the Eudaimonia. This was practically a guard command bunker from its layout and level of equipment.

    "The Tempest class is designed for boarding. This room can coordinate a dozen boarding teams, and has a hardline to every part of the ship." Suvarov offered, finally warming to a subject.

    "Even the Navigators tower and Enginerum?" Leifur asked, walking along the banks of controls. Apart from the two guards on the door, there were only a half dozen tech adepts at the various stations.

    "Never know when you might find some weird bollocks on a enemy vessel." Suvarov smiled as he took the pad from Leifur, and looked it over. He passed it off to one of the adepts who flicked a couple of heavy, ornate looking switches and began to shriek in that annoying binary chitter adepts used.

    "Shouldn't take too long to get that lot up from stores." Suvarov smiled. "Best to get you and your lads suited back up and ready to go."

    Leifur nodded, rubbing his chin. "Navigators, how many do you have on a ship like this?"

    "One senior and two juniors. They can take shifts for longer jumps. Why?"

    Leifur nodded, before stepping in closer to Suvarov. Suvarov was a big man, with heavyset shoulders and a bushy moustache under a nose that had been broken more than once. But Leifur loomed over him, all corded muscle and malice. He lowered his voice so that only Suvarov could hear.

    "You see, we need another spare part. We need a navigator. Things are about to go to shit outside, and we need to be ready to run. But our pet psyker is fucking about on the ground. So we need to borrow one of your juniors."

    Suvarov raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'to shit'?"

    Leifur smiled. "Full imperial battlegroup 'to shit'. Our little ships are probably about 45 minutes away from combat range, and about 15 minutes after that we'll all be atoms. We don't intend to stick around. But it looks like your rogue traders little battlegroup intends to fight it out and die trying."

    Suvarov turned and stomped over to the comms panels. He asked questions of his adepts, and voxed questions to the rest of the ship, and Leifur watched as the colour slowly drained from his face. Finally, he came back to Leifur, looking a little queasy.

    "I have a family on this boat."

    "I'm sorry." Leifur meant it. "If they are still aboard in the next hour. . ."

    "If I get you into the navigators tower, will there be space on that shuttle for me, two children and my wife?"

    "It'll be tight." Leifur smiled and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "But we'll manage."


    "Here's what we'll do." Suvarov said, as he checked the load on his pistol and lead the Jotunhel boarding team at a jog through the ship. "I'll tell the household guards that we are transferring the junior to the Eudaimonia in case we all need to bug out, a loan like you said. They should buy it from me, but if they call up to the Captain we'll have to fight our way through."

    "Household guards?" Leifur had unslung his lasrifle and held it across his chest. "What we looking at?"

    "15 men, with decent gear. Never see more than five at a time on duty, two on the main door and one following each of the navigators at all times. So at least one of them is going to have to go."

    "If it comes down to a fight they'll all have to go." Leifur muttered. He didn't like the sound of decent gear. He turned back to his men. "If they show a moments hesitation or go to place a call, go for kill shots. Surprise will be our best advantage."

  9. #19
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    Spoiler: Eudaimonia - Coseflame 
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  10. #20
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    For just a moment, Leifur imagined pulling his pistol and putting a round through this kids face. They had been so bloody close. He stepped closer to her instead, hands out and open, big smile on his face.

    "Yes, off the ship." He dropped a meaty paw on the woman's slim shoulder, and her bodyguard of armsmen bristled. He noted that coolly but said nothing. "I'm not surprised your father, I mean the Captain, didn't tell you." He dropped his voice to a conspiratorial tone, one he often took with the younger members of the regiment, like he was letting them in on a big secret and placing them in his confidence. "Look, your old man is doing us a big favour by setting up this meeting between ourselves and House Cassini. We're a small outfit so we'll owe him a favour for the future, and his boss too."

    "But the Rogue Trader isn't. . ."

    "Here, right. The Captains showing a bit of initiative, isn't he? But if it backfires, and I mean, look at this lot." He gestured to the rough and dangerous looking Jotunhel boarding team. "It might, then, the only person he would want to be punished. . ."

    "Is him." The young courier nodded, biting her lip as she worked it out, following the line of logic Leifur had laid out for her like a ship rat eating crumbs of rations, right before it got stuck in a trap.

    "Right. Smart girl." He smiled. "So keep quiet about it, alright? Don't even mention it to your Dad, because if he knows you know, he might have to tell the Rogue Trader that you knew, and did nothing to stop it if it goes wrong."

    "But, its not going to go wrong, is it?" She asked. "Why would it go wrong?"

    "Because the enemy is going to start shooting at us real soon." Leifur said, matter-of-factly. "And that's always when things go wrong"


    They quick marched through the corridors, two of the Jotunhel lacing their hands together into a seat so that the Navigator was not required to run and could be carried in a manner more befitting a woman of noble birth. 'Grey' hovered behind her, and the two Jotunhel did their best to ignore the ominous bodyguard.

    Suvarov sidled up to Leifur.

    "You lied to me." The deckmaster hissed.

    "Your Captain changed his mind." Leifur shrugged. "When we spoke it was the gods own truth."

    "Well now I look a coward and a fool, and a deserter to boot."

    Leifur swung his head round and stared at Suvarov.

    "Do you want a promotion?"


    "Deck officer." Leifur waved his hand. "Bridge command. We've got a useless shower of shit on our bridge, but you know your stuff."

    Suvarov paused at that, then caught back up to Leifur. As the group rounded a corner, two children and a woman were standing by the elevator to take them back to the hanger, and then the Eudamonia. They were all carrying bags of clothes and looked confused, and a little frightened as the shabby Jotunhel troopers quick timed towards them.

    "With Deck officer quarters, and privileges?"



    As the elevator plunged downwards, the lights inside the cage dimmed, then swum back up. There was a whine in the air, a sensation of something tugging at your skin that you couldn't see. Mistress Suranna groaned slightly and rubbed at her temple, around her silk scarf covered eye.

    "The warp engines are charging." Suvarov paled a little. "The enemy fleet. . ."

    The whole ship shook. Weapons fire. Something big had just hit them.

    "We just ran out of time." Leifur growled. He turned to his team, the lady navigator and the three civilians they had acquired. "You all suit up, quick as you can, and get aboard the shuttle. Don't let anything get in your way, and get underway as soon as you can." He turned to Suvarov. "You too. You're in charge of getting this lot to the Eudaimonia if I get held up."


    Leifur stormed into the flight control deck, and one of the tech adepts on station turned to face him. He had his voidsuit half on, the helmet and oxygen bottle bouncing at his hip.

    "Query: Where is Flight Officer Suvarov?"

    "Change of plans. He is coming with us, we need an experienced pilot for the shuttle now we are in combat." The ship shook again, as it had been for the past five minutes. The engine pitch had changed as well. Leifur prayed the Eudaimonia was matching this buckets course.

    "Statement: All personnel changes must be cleared with the bridge."

    "I'll give you a statement, we don't have time!" Leifur yelled, gesturing out at the bay. Void suited figures, some more elegant than others, were crossing the bay as quickly as they could, piling into the shuttle and dumping some of the crates into its hold. Leifur had told them to do that only for as long as they were in the bay. Spares were useful, and it helped the ruse, but as soon as he had clearance they had to go. "I need the bay open and flight clearance now!"

    "Statement: The bay can only be opened in combat with permission of the bridge."

    "We have permission!" Leifur roared. "I wouldn't be here if we didn't."

    "Counterpoint: your logic is flawed. Bridge confirmation will only take a moment"

    The adept turned away, and Leifur pulled up his shotgun. The buckshot at close range spattered the adept across his controls. He worked the pump action quickly and methodically, cutting down four more before they could get to him. The last one threw himself at the big Jotunhel trooper, mechadendrites flailing and stabbing, before Leifur clubbed him down and blew out his brain and spine.

    "Fuck!" He swore, as blood trickled from a half dozen small wounds. He quickly found the manual controls and flipped them, taking enough time to check that the doors were opening before tearing the cover of a panel. He reached into his webbing and pulled a single incendiary grenade he kept for special occasions, set its fuse for a 30 second delay, then dumped his frag grenades on top of the dead adepts. Hopefully the incendiary would burn out the controls, set off the grenades, and make this look like some awful accident to a cursory inspection, rather than a premeditated act of sabotage.

    Then he ran for the bay.


    Leifur thumped out of the airlock and immediately ran into problems. His breath caught in his lungs and his void suits simple spirit shrieked alarms at him as he ran to the idling shuttle, its engines cycling up. Two figures ran out to grab him as he stumbled, yelling to no one that they needed to go. Outside the bay he could see streaks of weapon fire. He looked down at his suit and realised the last adept had punched half a dozen holes in it, small but now leaking air.

    Hands grabbed him as he collapsed and hauled him into the shuttle. His last conscious experience before the blackness overtook him was a distant voice that sounded like Suvarov yelling at the pilot to 'punch it'.

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