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Thread: Babylon {M} IC (MidKnight & ZiekwaltZier)

  1. #11
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    He checked the checkpoint system to get an estimation time period of their arrival and what the cost for fuel would be. "Two days for every checkpoint, luckily we have to hit only four checkpoints and we will be arriving with one week's time...without those checkpoints...we might have been in the long run for thirteen days." He looked over his shoulder, "By the time we arrive, we'll be at half fuel capacity." Then he looked back at the main cameras, "Also the ship can handle a maximum of fifty jumps." He smiled. "Best damn ship...ever." He looked at his console. "Engaging warp jump in...five...four...ready...steady...go!" He reached for a lever and pushes it forward. The Ships engine turned bright and soon the ship entered in a warp speed at full speed.

    Paeris looked around, he was amazed how it looks when the ship enters at warp speed. He sighs softly. "This is a beautiful sight." he said. "Ship is on autopilot until our first checkpoint, scanners are at full, so if we detect anything ahead of us it'll give us a thirty minute warning of it's trajectory."

  2. #12
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "Good work Paeris. We can refuel when needed." Vincent stated before looking through the system to find games to play and located a virtual chess game to play as he sat in his captain's seat and pulled it up on his own screen to start playing as he was going against the computer to pass the time. Vincent was calm as he played not knowing that he could pull it up on the main screen for Paeris to watch him play it if they just pressed one button on the console which Paeris was in control of.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  3. #13
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    He double checked everything on his console before standing up while the autopilot was on. He looked down at his bag and picked up his belongings. "Sir, I'll be setting up in my quarters." He slung the strap over his shoulder. "After I'm done I'll go through the ship to give it a thorough diagnostics check."

    Before he took his leave, he looked at the Captain's console and saw what he was playing and chuckled softly. "Computer gots you in four moves sir." He said before walking to his quarters.

  4. #14
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "Alright, I'll be here if there is anything you need to report." Vincent stated as he looked at the possible moves the computer could play before noticing the maneuvers and made his moves to counter such moves ultimately beating the computer after Paeris had given him the warning which allowed him to surpass the computer's calculations.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  5. #15
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    He walked into his own room and sees how roomy it was, there as plenty of space and there was a window. He walked to the bed and placed his bag on top and looked around the room. A table with several chairs, a private bathroom for his own needs, cabinets and shelves for more personal items and there was a desk with a computer on top. He looked at the computer and the screen said 'Please enter your identification.' He sees a device next to the computer and noticed it was a keycard inserter. He reached for his card and placed it in the device. The computer had a computerized female voice, "Hello XO Paeris Vavaris." He had a surprised look on his face. "I am your own personal Computer Data Collective, you can call me Computer or any other name you wish to call me."

    Paeris ponders a moment. "How about Harmony?" He asked.

    "Very well, Harmony has been accepted. Is there anything you would like to see?"

    "Show me schematics." He said, then the computer showed multiple schematics. "Cargo bay." He said once more and showed more schematics of the Cargo Bay area. He pondered a moment and looked at an object next to the computer. "Hey Harmony...what is this?" He asked as he picked up the arm band.

    "That is your Personal Data Assistant, I am currently linked to that device, place it on your arm."

    He placed the band on his arm and then it tightened to stay on. "Wow, that's cool." He smiled. "Thanks me to the Cargo Bay area please."

    "Very well, follow the instructions and this device will lead you to your destination."

    He walked out of his room and sees the Captain, "Did you get one one these?" He asked showing the arm band. "Cool little toy."

    "Please, this is not a toy but a very important and durable device, if you lose or destroy this band, it'll be deducted from your pay." The voice said from the band.

  6. #16
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Vincent looked over at Paeris when he came back out of his room and looked at the band on his arm. "I haven't actually checked out my living quarters yet, but I'm sure as captain they most likely left one for me." Vincent stated as he heard the voice come from the band. "So what was that voice from the band, is that another personnel?" Vincent asked as he paused his game of chess before getting up from his captain's seat the check out the arm band. Once he was informed of what it was he decided to check out his own quarters which was rather large and had more space than even Paeris' most likely due to the fact he was the captain.

    Looking around his quarters he found the same band and the scanner for his Identification to access his personal computer data collective. When he did he scanned himself into the system. "Hello Captain Vincent Valentine, would you like to assign me a name?" The voice spoke as he thought for a moment. "I'll just refer to you as computer Collective or CC for short." Vincent stated as he put the arm band on and left the room after checking it out for a bit and then finished his game of chess before turning the game off. "CC do we happen to have a fitness room on this ship?" Vincent asked as he spoke to his arm band.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  7. #17
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    CC replied quickly when the Captain asked the question, "Of course, this ship was built to have multiple recreational areas to keep the crew occupied and a mess hall with a automated chef to fulfill your requested meals, although the menu is limited. The Medical Room is located here." It showed a schematic of the ship and where the Med Room was located. "To keep your crew in healthy conditions, as it says in your file, I thought it would be priority to show you where the medical room would be located, as for the fitness room, it is here, next to the crew lockers and showers area." CC showed another schematic of the ship where the room would be.

    Paeris followed the instructions where he located the Cargo Bay, he looked around to check if everything was in order. Shackles chained to the heavy machineries to keep them in line and secured. Huge large crates with different labels like Rations, Tools and among other things as he checked the shackles. Then he walked to Cargo Bay 2 where he found the Workers cryo'd in Pods, frozen in place and covered in ice. He walked up to one and placed his hand on the display screen which revealed everything inside the Pod, the name of the person, their vitals and conditions. "Hey Harmony, if any of these Pods had any issues, how would we know?" He asked.

    "Each Pod is link to the ships emergency protocol program, if something had happen, either I or the Captain's own CDC would be alerted right away and inform you of the situation."

    "Okay, what's the condition on all the Pods?" He asked.

    "Stand by." There was a pause, "All Pods vitals are in perfect condition and stable."

    He looked around once more and started walking around, he hoped to see the Engineering bay area to see how it looks but even he managed to get himself lost and didn't want to look dumb by asking where he was.

  8. #18
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    "I see, lets check out the medical bay before you direct me to the fitness room. I'd like to see the supplies on hand in case of any emergencies." Vincent stated as he followed the directions of CC through his arm band and looked through the medical supplies to make sure they had everything they could possibly need in any sort of emergency before he went to the fitness room at which point he started to jog on a treadmill and exercise working his cardio while waiting for them to arrive at the first checkpoint. "Inform me when we are approaching the first checkpoint." Vincent stated as he worked out not knowing where Paeris went but figured if he needed him that his cohort would contact him through the PA system.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  9. #19
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    He found himself in one of the engineering bays. He looked around the area to perform a diagnose check. He at mostly the important areas. "Everything appears to be running smoothly, diagnostics are normal, even at warp." He looked around again and sees a cabinet. He opens it slowly to see a rather large selection of tools and equipment. "Oh...this is handy."

    "Both engineering bays are required to have at least a well stocked storage of tools and equipment to keep the engines running properly." Harmony chimed in.

    "Good, beats carrying a belt of tools with me." He joked. He looked at his band and sighs softly. "Suppose I could check the recreational areas...Harmony, where is the nearest exercising room?" The band showed him a trail and he followed.

    It didn't take long for him to find the fitness room where he also found the Captain. "Ah, I see you are already putting in the works." He stated. "I found the cargo and engineering bay, the engine is running smoothly." He looked at the treadmill he was on. "This is a top of the line treadmill." He said while looking at the track running smoothly. "You can put a ogre on this and it won't break." He joked of course.

  10. #20
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    "Yes this treadmill is top of the line, I certainly won't let it go to waste. This will keep me in relatively good shape when we aren't busy delivering cargo. I like to stay in shape the best I can, I'm sure they have some healthy food supplements for keeping us in top shape since we will be doing a lot of space travel. Not to mention we live in space already." Vincent stated as he ran on the treadmill working out as he had changed into a skin tight suit in the locker room to exercise which made flexibility more easy. At the same time it also exposed the washboard abs he had and left little to the imagination when looking at his nether regions since it was so tight to fit.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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