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Thread: SLJ: The Zero-G Experience [Open][M]

  1. #11
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    The barkeeper nodded and pulled a fat round ceramic bottle from the wall down to pour some tea out. The smell was strong but the taste was pretty nice even without the extra shot added in.

    Not a problem at all dear... your tab is just getting started. He is an excellent listener, just do not expect much chatter from that one.

    Scarlett handed Zara a second cup to take over and share with the elder before sauntering off to appeal to another customer's desires. Back at the booth where small beeps and boops could be heard from the weathered Gamebuddy, Zara got the monk to lift his head smelling the tea and gave a broad innocuous smile. Bowing his head in return, he politely set aside the old toy in his satchel and sat cross legged on his bench. Cradling the cup in both hands, he leaned forward and the wrinkles on his smile morphed into wrinkles of interest and concern listening to what she wanted.

  2. #12
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    Jin, Brandi and Bud exited the train, looking around them in wonder.

    "This is simply incredible!" Brandi exclaimed.
    "Think they'll let me sky-dive off of that?" Bud asked, brushing back her blond hair as she gazed up at Sanctuary City.
    "Why?" Jin teased. "You think they need a pot-hole or something?"
    "What?!" Bud demanded, turning to glare at her.
    "Here we go again," Brandi sighed.

    "Ahem," Tepoztecal grumbled, hanging in the baby carrier slung on Brandi. "Ladies, I spent a very uncomfortable flight in a carry-on bag without a drink or meal service. Could we not do this and find someplace to have a bite to eat first?"
    "And you want to walk there, right?" Jin asked.
    "If you please," the blue man muttered, kicking his heels impotently. "This is undignified!"
    "You could, you know..."
    "I'm already too much of a spectacle. Just get me out of this thing before someone tries to get a selfie."
    "Bud?" Jin asked, shaking her head.
    "Yeah, okay," the blond muttered, lifting him out and lowering him to the tiled floor.

    "There's a bar," Tepoztecal says, pointing. "Let's go in there."
    "You're the boss," Jin replied, and the three ladies and the little blue man walked up to the entrance and went inside.

    "Wow, would you look at this place?" the little man muttered.
    "Where are we going to sit?" Brandi asked, the dark skinned woman eyeing the room suspiciously.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  3. #13
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    The horns and hustle of the streets outside briefly breathed into the bar as a line up of eye pleasing figures stepped through the red doors into the bar. Looking around the lounge area through the mood lighting and wispy smoke, the trio carrying the smaller figure bantered as they noticed the nearby figures.

    An exotic pair sat in a booth across from each other. One wise with the wrinkles of age stared with white eyes at the graceful features of the youth across from him.

    Off in the far corner sat a trio of hooded figures not drinking, eating, or indeed moving as they seemed almost like statues. Merely looming and waiting for unknown purpose.

    Up at the romantically red lit bar, the barkeeper stood with her silhouette outlined in front of a wall of bottles and decanters watching the new customers shrewdly.

  4. #14
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    "We best find a few seats at the bar," Tepoztecal sighed, his eyes studying the silent figures worriedly.
    "There a problem?" Jin asked, following his gaze, her voice going hard and flat. Brandi and Bud frowned, also staring at the three.
    "No, no problem," the blue god said, forcing himself to smile. "Just wondered if they were old friends or something."

    He trotted over to a bar stool and leapt up like a cat, landing on the seat. The three young women followed, also taking seats.

    "Hello! I don't suppose you've got a menu?" Tepoztecal asked. Under the ledge of the bar, a fifty dollar bill appeared in his small hand.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  5. #15
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    Sliding over to the lovely new faces, Scarlett gave a hypnotic smile of approval at the bloom of new customers today. Giving a reassuring purr, she slyly replaced the bill with a menu stack for the girls and petite stranger to look over whenever they could take there eyes off her.

    Do not mind my regulars dear... I would not let anyone back in my bar if they caused trouble. What kind of appetites do you bring today?

    Scarlett asked casually despite the coy forward lean as she looked at Tepoztecal closer. A small sniff of her nose gave way that she might have caught a scent of divinity from him and the barkeeper arched her eyebrow intrigued.

  6. #16
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    Daisy & Julie just arrived in the new city. "Jules your missing person is somewhere here in weirdo central? So is she down here or up there?" Daisy pointed to the floating city. "Remember I won't fly you up there." Jules sighed. "More like I won't let you fly me. After the last time, I won't fly on a plane which is why we just took the train. Never had aerophobia before you nearly killed me. I hope she is down here." Julie intentionally avoided looking at the floating city.

    They were walking around getting their bearings. "If we want info the best place to look is where the shady creeps hang out." Julie gave Daisy a sly smile. "You just want to go to a bar and pick up drunks. Also, a good place to earn some cash." Daisy gave Julie a stern staredown. "First, if I wanted to find some random people to pick up I could go anywhere for that. I rather meet someone with more class than a drunkard. Second, NO STEALING." Julie made a show of covering her ears. "Have it your way mom. Besides, it's not stealing when they give it to you after losing at pool." Daisy sighed. "It's not winning when you cheat." Julie shrugged. "They don't know that. Like ma always said it ain't cheating unless you get caught." Daisy just stared at the floating city. "Is that the same ma that allowed your father to turn you into a world-class thief?" Julie shrugged. "I think I see a bar over there. If not they could really use better branding." Julie took off towards it. "Maybe another day." Daisy sighed and followed Julie.

  7. #17
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    The pair walking down the street noticed the highlight of the path between the train station and the skyport. Heading towards the crimson colored doors, the distinct sounds of city life reached Julie's ears. Most notably, the sound of sirens rapidly approaching. It was a tense confidence that drew several police cars directly towards them as the cruisers screeched to a halt around the shocked crowd.

    Officers stepped out and quickly began forming a defensive barricade as weapons were drawn and orders were shouted. Officers were trying to pull people out of the line of sight as the women stood boldly and uncertainly unflinching against the mobilizing force. Suddenly bangs and gunshots behind them drew the suspicion off of themselves and into the building behind them. The police were preparing for a standoff, not hunting down the pair as Daisy heard them shouting over radios about armed suspects and hostages inside.

  8. #18
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    Daisy ducked inside a building and transformed her clothes into her Atomic Eve costume. She popped in the special earwig she designed so she and Julie could talk when on a mission. Julie just turned herself invisible not bothering to hide. She also popped her earwig in. She walked up to the police to listen in which would also transmit the audio to Atomic Eve.

    Atomic Eve listened in on the police conversation. Using her powers Atomic opened up holes in the ceiling above her and closed them as she passed through. When she was floating above the building she looked around to make sure she barged into the right building. She would have hated to bust in on a family eating or playing. She almost remembered the one she barged in on something that gave her nightmares. Once she found the right building she flew over to it and then proceeded to the floor above where the action was taking place. The apartment she found herself in was clearly abandoned long ago. There was literally a layer of dust a foot thick. She took a handful of said dust and transformed it into a cloth mask to block out the dust, she made it match her costume.

    Daisy then thought about how she could spy on the room below without the bad guys becoming aware. She then remembered the extremely lame Super Buddy cartoon that Julie liked. She took more of the dust and built a spy camera. She opened up a hole in the floor and snaked the camera lens through. She rotated all-around getting a good view of the apartment below.

  9. #19
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Outside on the streets, the radio was buzzing with tactical interception reports as Daisy slinked by unnoticed among the officers. She was able to relay reports of the neighborhood being a known mafia protected hotspot, which meant anything going down inside the building was likely big news. No one messed with the mobs members and family without knowing the trouble they were rousing.

    Atomic Eve however learned what the mob was up against as she spied through the buildings ceiling into the room below. Hunched hairy critters with foul faces were crawling all over the place. They wore goggles over their eyes and had there huge paws around a variety of residential prisoners who survived the gigantic drill capped machine that had bored up from underground.

    ~We warned yers about trying to shtiff us light dweller! Blind be the underkin, but not blind to yers tshrickery!!

    The mole faced mutant shrieked at the wounded mobster. He didn't dare move even if he wasn't bleeding as his wife and child were dangled over the vertical death drop along with other hostages. The mole people seemed to be coming up for some hard negotiations

  10. #20
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    "Mole people are real? Jules tell the police if they don't already know that the mole people are invading and pissed off at the mob."

    Jules leaned close to a cop. She disabled the audio temporarily. She whispered in his ear all creepy like for the funsies. "Beware the invading mole men they are coming for the children." She turned the audio back on and backed away quickly silently giggling to herself.

    She pulled her camera back and sealed the hole. She then went and looking for another vantage spot to see if she could sneak up behind the mole people. She was beginning to think this was a very horrible dream brought on by a bad pizza combination of pizza toppings. She found a bathroom that overlooked another bathroom no one was in. She opened a hole in the door big enough for her to see out of. The coast was clear. She made the door disappear. She floated above the floor to prevent the floor from squeaking.

    She approached the hostage situation quietly. She peaked around a corner, she could see the hole of doom. She remained hidden behind the corner, she used her powers to seal up the hole in the floor.

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