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Thread: Dakkagors hellraisers

  1. #11
    The Replicant
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    A more combat-focused RP that will follow the upcoming Penitence. I'm going to attempt to tie together ground, space and covert ops storylines (Alyss would probably be in the covert ops grouping).
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  2. #12
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    Its a role she would fill very well as a kind of man-sized tank. Able to heal people, throw down TK barriers and (at a push) summon reinforcements.

  3. #13
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    An updated version of the original Legio Sirena combat force that can be found earlier in the thread. Trimmed down and redesigned with more differentiated characters, this is put aside for either the Adrantis War or similar.

    Search term: Legio Sirena Combat deployment <50 years
    Filter: Single Maniple Deployments
    Filter: Imperial Combined Arms efforts
    Filter: Inquisitorial Involvement
    Mordax War
    Waaagh Grizzgutz
    Gerix Crisis
    Cephalyx Purges
    >> Adrantis War <<
    Inloading. . .
    Inloading. . .
    Inloading. . .

    FileAdrwar00001: Initial deployment to Adrantis Warzone at request of :: REDACTED ::
    Maniple Contemplor – Legio Sirena
    Heraldry: Titans and Skitarri are painted bone white, with edging picked out in steel. Heraldry is painted using Regal Purple and Sea Blue. The Legion armorial is a woman wearing a long dress, standing on a cliff, overlooking the sea. Stars in the background are used to denote engine class kills.

    Shipmaster Jeanette Chao
    "The bellicose spirits of Titans and Voidships require different flavours of people to master. I remember this when I am tempted to flush a preening Princeps out the nearest Voidgate."

    Spoiler: Jeanette Chao 

    Veteran Shipmaster of the Legio Sirena, Chao has been shipping engines and Skitarii through the warp for over a hundred years, and has excelled at this task like no other, including the breaking of the Siege of Gnosis and the blockade run over Tycho Prime. However, she has never been popular with Legio Command due to her 'attitude problem'. What makes her such a fearsome Shipmaster is her towering confidence and knowledge in all aspects of void warfare. Currently in command of the Mechanicum Light Cruiser Shepherd of Light, she has found an equal in Princeps Primaris Zoerrin, who appreciates her sublime skill and straight talking attitude. Aboard the Shepherd, she is the direct avatar of the Deus, and no one is allowed to forget it.

    Equerry Danton Savik
    "Truth is Binary. There is one, postive, yes, light, the machine, progress, knowledge, holism, capability, eternity. And there is the opposite of these, which is anathema."

    Spoiler: Danton Savik 

    Equerry Danton is perhaps not the first face one would expect the Macarro priesthood to present to the wider galaxy, but his choice is as coldly logical as any he might make himself. His mind works like a cogitator, taking in data constantly and spitting out solutions to problems, whether those problems are political, social or physical. Those who have met him the first time describe him as cool and aloof, and have the distinct impression their every movement and action is being carefully recorded, annotated and dissected. As more meetings occur, people warm up to him, or at least, the shell personality he constructs to deal with the unaugmented. This shell is discarded as soon as its use is worn through, and not a moment before. A bottomless well of knowledge on the Legio and its operations, he often forms the diplomatic bridge between the Legio, and other Imperial forces. He views it as his task to facilitate the best deployment on a strategic level of the Legio's forces, ensuring they are committed to worthy causes but not put at undue risk. He also acts as a useful buffer between the occasional 'difficult' ally, and the 'characters' within the Legion.

    Princeps Primaris Hange Zoerrin
    "Subtlety is a word for strategy, brutality, a word for tactics. Even the most subtle of strategies eventually requires the application of brute force. Thankfully, Titans provide brute force in spades."

    Spoiler: Hange Zoerrin 

    Perhaps the most fearsomely intelligent battle-theorist produced by the Collegia, Hange Zoerrin is considered one of the Legio Sirenas foremost Princeps. However, her stubborn personality and disregard for authority has prevented her from further advancement in the Legio. Rather than waste an asset, the Legio’s commanders assigned her a small strike Maniple deployment that could be loaned out to other Peers of the Imperium at need. This role has carried her small force across the breadth of the Imperium in fifty years of constant deployment. (Note – Time Dilation during Warp Travel accounts for nearly 30 of those years) Currently, her forces number a single Reaver Titan, two Warhound Titans, Six knight Titans of House Gorgon, and 175 Skitarri (various). In truth, this exile has proved a boon not only for Princeps Zoerrin, who has further honed her skills and begun to temper the impetuous of her youth, but to the Legio Sirena, which has earned significant political capital and good will through being willing to loan this small, specialized task force to varied battlefields, missions and commands.

    Reaver Class Battle Titan Sicut Sanguis Rosa
    The Sicut Sanguis Rosa is an old Mars Class Battle Titan. Accompanying the seeder fleet that founded Macarro forge during the Age of Strife, the cantankerous Reaver rose to dark infamy during the bitter wars that occurred when the Seeder fleet clashed with the Mordax Gene-lords. Sicut Sanguis Rosa is recorded as breaking open the Citadel of Flesh, but rather than proceeding to attack the central keep, turned its guns on the slave pens. In a slaughter lasting over fifteen minutes of continuous fire, the Titan emptied her ammo bins and slaughtered over ten thousand gene-golem slaves and their keepers. Since that day, the machine spirit of Sicut Sanguis Rosa has been associated with dark atrocities, Exterminatus actions and the wholesale butcher of those who have no chance against a rampaging Battle Titan. For many centuries, the Titan has been stored away rather than unleashed. It takes a strong willed, determined Princeps to bring the Sicut Sanguis Rosa to heel, and Hange Zoerrin has proved to be that woman. She keeps the darker impulses of the Titan under a tight leash until the time is right, before unleashing the caged sadism of the Titan on a broken, fleeing enemy. Several Inquisitors have found the terrifying sight of the Titan stomping people into a thin red paste very useful in breaking the will of rebellious populations.
    Currently, Sicut Sanguis Rosa is equipped for long range support operations. The great machines right arm is equipped with a Volcano cannon, and the left arm is equipped with a Gatling Blaster. The carapace system is an Apocalypse Missile Launcher. Her armorial is a blood red rose growing through a blackened mutant skull, its thorns cracking bone.

    Princeps Historia Rosen
    "History is nice, because you know how it ends."

    Spoiler: Historia Rosen 

    Rosen is the most junior Princeps assigned to the task force. Coming from a genic line that has produced several princeps and moderati over the millennia, Rosen has become the unit’s expert on history from her own studious examinations of her families past. Rosen’s scholarly aptitude does not extend just to history, as she has exhaustively analysed tactical inloads on all manner of exotic xeno-breeds the Maniple may be called on to fight.

    Warhound Class Scout Titan Moerus Sinae
    One of the rare ‘new builds’ from the titan yards of Macarro, Moerus Sinae is only four centuries old. The mars pattern Warhound is considered a lucky machine by those who serve her, Moerus has had many close calls with superior weight engines, especially Ork Gargants, in its career. Each time she has managed to limp clear, often savaging her enemies in the process, giving her a reputation in the Legio as a tenacious brawler.
    Currently, Moerus Sinae is equipped with paired turbolasers in the right mount, and a Vulcan mega-bolter in the left mount. Her armorial is a Castle wall, with broken swords before it.

    Princeps Krista Lenz
    "We were born to fight, to crush worlds under foot. You can feel that every time you plug in. Piloting a Titan is as close to human as anyone gets"

    Spoiler: Krista Lenz 

    Lenz is largely fed up with this exile. She originally volunteered to accompany Princeps Zoerrin to continue building her Titans honoured legacy, but now wishes to return home to Macarro and receive the promotion she feels she has earned. Cynical and sarcastic, Krista considers herself the voice of reason of the trio.

    Warhound Class Scout Titan Furvus Maria
    Furvus Maria is a well-travelled machine, having served in more units across more worlds than even the revered Reaver Sicut Sanguinus Rosa. It also has the distinction of having served alongside the most brother titan legions in its service, and its carapace armour proudly displays a host of campaign badges from each engagement fought alongside a friendly Legio.
    Currently, Furvus Maria is equipped with plasma blast guns in both the left and right weapons mount. Her armorial is a woman in black, wielding a scythe and walking across a path of Ork skulls.

    House Calyx Lance
    House Calyx has served the Forge Mistresses of Macarro since their liberation from the cruel tyranny of the Mordaxia Gene lords. Their Knight world, Neualba, sits on the main warp route to the Macarro system, and has long been fortified by the Adeptus Mechanicus. House Calyx is technically considered an Imperial allied house in its politics, but many of its sons where given up to Macarro to restore their genepool after the Chromatide scourge unleashed by the Mordax gene lords. In return, they received technology and training in maintaining and restoring their Knights, and the symbiotic relationship between the two worlds has only strengthened over time, resulting in a sharp political divide amongst the various houses depending of their level of affiliation to the Mechanicus or the wider Imperium.

    Colours: The knights primary colour is a forest green, with bone trim and black heraldry.
    Symbol: A golden Chalice, with variations depending on the family..

    Knight Commander Levvi Straub.
    "For House and Forge, crush every last one of them."

    Spoiler: Levvi Straub 

    Senior commander of the House Calyx Lance, He sees his role as anchoring the lance and providing close support to his Titan allies. A serious, stern man in the cockpit, he is given to venal feasting and drinking off the field of battle, and the telling of tall tales. The Straub family is the current High Family of House Calyx, and he relishes the long deployment that has kept him away from court. Currently, he pilots The storied Knight Titan Dark Pugilist, a rare example of the Atropos pattern, equipped with powerful and near lost archeotech. His Armorial is a mailed black fist crushing a serpent, a reminder of darker times from his home world and the suffering it was put through.

    Knight May Ackerman
    "Glory will be mine and my houses again, and I don't care how we achieve that glory."

    Spoiler: May Ackerman 

    The Ackerman family has always lagged behind the other families of House Calyx, but May is determined to change that. Her new Knight, Sinister Intent, bears the armorial of a cloaked assassin wielding a silver knife. A cunning fighter, she is a master of flanking opponents then crushing them utterly, racking up an impressive number of kills and much honour for her house.

    Knight Erin Venato

    Spoiler: Erin Venato 

    Erin is a capable and experienced pilot, the heir apparent of the Venato family. The Venato family are skilled diplomats as well as warriors, and have stood behind many powers in House Calyx. They also have the closest ties to the Priesthood of Macarro. His Cerastus Acheron pattern knight, Long Memory, was a gift to one of his ancestors over four thousand years ago, and it has allowed his family to attain great honour over the long years. His Armorial is an hour glass at a 30 degree angle, both ends half filled with sand.

    Knight Anna Mylock and Knight Pietr Mylock

    Spoiler: Anna and Pietr 

    The Mylock family, thanks to genic tampering in its ancient past, has a long history of producing Fraternal Twins to crew their knight pairs. Anna and Pietr are the newest scions of the house, and are the youngest members of the Knight detachment. Already capable and deadly fighters, they are always deployed together as their skills are seemingly enhanced by a bond that cannot be easily explained when they fight in close proximity. The pair finish each others sentences, and often swap clothes and even Knights, baffling their compatriots who struggle to tell them apart. Their knights, Sinister Witness and Dexter Warden, are always identically armed and marked with the Armorial of a man and a woman, back to back, with swords at rest.

    Knight Jon Hinzer

    Spoiler: Jon Hinzer 

    Hinzer is the odd man out of the band, and is an unsociable, retiring sort, thanks to a traumatic experience when bonding to his throne mechanicum. Wracked with chronic illness, he is however a genius gunner, capable of making shots that should be impossible, and comes alive at the helm of his Knight, Honest Mistake. Its armorial is a Helm, pierced by three arrows.

    The Amazoneum
    Most of the strike forces Skitarri are 'standard pattern', medium weight augmented infantry, with dedicated transports and anti-aircraft platforms. Macarro has always disdained the use of combat robots or Legio Cybernetica forces, and these are completely absent from their Table of Operations and Equipment. They meet the need for shock-assault capable heavy infantry, close Engine support and hunter killer duties with a unique, deadly unit, the Amazoneum.
    An all female, gene-breed unit, each Amazonum soldier boasts more than 50% augmentation, and each modification is made with an eye for improving combat prowess. Heavily armoured in powered plate, each wields a power spear incorporated with a hotshot-lascarbine. Each warrior is also glanded, capable of producing a wide variety of combat stimms from their own biology on demand. Completely without fear, utterly loyal to their Princeps and the Forge, each Amazonum is an individual work of art in every sense of the word. Their genes are master-crafted, tailored for beauty and athletic prowess. Their augmetics are the highest examples of their craft, slick high function units or relics from the bygone ages of the Imperium. Their weapons are master crafted, handed down from warrior to warrior in genelines stretching back to the Great Crusade. Their armour is highly decorated with the pelts of gene-breed animals and feathers, giving them a borderline feral appearance designed to shock and intimidate their foes.
    Currently, the task force has an honour guard of 25 Amazonum attached. Lead by Glorious Harmothoe 'The Dark Eyed', they function as an honour guard for the Task forces Princeps. Each one would willingly die to protect their Princeps charges or their crews, and ride to battle on the shins of their Titan charges with mag clamps.
    Rank Structure:
    Majestic: Overall Highest ranking officer of the Amazoneum, coordinates directly with the Legio, the Skitarri and the Forge. Often a position for retired warriors.
    Resplendent: Commands up to a thousand Amazoneum. Only three warriors hold this rank, and the Majestic will be chosen from their ranks.
    Gifted: The higher specialist Rank, The Gifted are trained as Techpriests and are often assigned logistical or training duties. On the field of battle, they will assume command of the close defence of any Ordinatus or field artillery deployed by the Skitarri, as well as the deployment of artefacts such as conversion beamers, Graviton or Mag-Culverin weaponry. While expected to command forces on the lower end of a Glorious, their training means they afforded respect more common to a Resplendent.
    Glorious: Force Commander, assigned to any detached force, can command a force as small as 25 Amazoneum or as large as 250.
    Fearsome: Squad Leader, leads 5 warriors.
    Cunning: While all Amazonum receive training in all aspects of their craft, some prove to be more gifted in certain specialist areas, such as the deployment of explosives or the forces small supply of specialist weapons. Such Warriors are denoted as ‘cunning’, and are detached from their squads and attached to the direct command of the Glorious. It is possible, but rare, for a Cunning warrior to rise in rank, often becoming Gifted
    Bloodied: the basic rank held by All Amazonum, all Amazonum deployed into the field will be Bloodied by default, even on their first deployment.
    Tested: Those who are still in training on the forgeworld. If they had been found wanting, they would have been broken up for parts before entering the punishing training program the Amazonum use to become Bloodied.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 11-09-2018 at 10:33 PM.

  4. #14
    The Replicant
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    A nice variety there - there's potential for the different personalities to play off each other quite well.

    I've been having a think about Titans in Adrantis and my initial thought was to give them separate missions so that they didn't (literally!) overshadow their smaller allies - but now I'm wondering if one or two of the missions couldn't use the Knights / skitarii, or maybe one of the Titans. That would give the characters a chance to properly interact with the other player forces. What do you reckon?
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  5. #15
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    That sounds good, actually. its kind of ironic that the most recent 40k miniature releases, just as I get out of the game, are things I would have loved and bought in spades 5-6 years ago, so a chance to write some of those things is the next best thing.

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    Another character I'd like to bring in for a game at some point:


    The White Raven (Real name unknown)




    Unknown, always appears masked and uses a vocalizer to distort their voice.


    Locals (Underworld)


    Attachment 6162


    The White Ravens personality is unknown, but some things can be inferred from its history.


    The White Raven first rose to fame, then infamy, a few years ago. In a string of high profile robberies, several Noble houses had their vaults raided, heirlooms stolen and embarrassing secrets revealed. Using exquisitely machined equipment, only procurable from the admech enclaves, the White Raven was a one person crime wave, uncatchable, and known only by their calling card, a gene-breed albino raven feather left in place of whatever was stolen. The few times traps succeeded in catching the mysterious thief, the assailant fought their way clear with martial arts training and an array of non-lethal weapons. Noble houses petitioned the Arbites, even Inquisitors to become involved, but all investigations came to a dead end and the Arbites turned their attention to other matters, as Imperial Law was not imperiled by the master thief. Rumors swirl in the underworld of the White Raven, that he is a mechanicus operative, nobles son, a witch-mind, a heretek, a cultist serving dark and terrible gods, an Inquisitor, a fallen Space Marine, even a xenos hunting for artifacts of their race. It is said that you can contact him by painting a white wing on your door, and if the figure appears, he will take a job to retrieve something. He only accepts payment in kind, either objects of value or secrets long hidden. What happens to these payments is another mystery, one that keeps nobles sweating in the dark, cold night.


    Arbitrators and Local Enforcer files indicate that the White raven is equipped with the following. Field agents should not assume that this is all this criminal is equipped with.

    Collapsible short barrel autogun, using plasti-stun rounds, also capable of individual chambering of acid rounds, shock rounds and other exotic ammunition types.

    Extending Stun batons these paired weapons are used to disable guards and pursuers non-lethally.

    Hexagrammic Wards currently only postulated, but the one astropath that got close to reading the White Raven reported an obscuring presence around its mind.

    Grapnel Gun, Mag boots and grip gloves allowing the White Raven to scale sheer surfaces, buildings, and even glass.

    Smoke Bombs, Teargas Pellets, Haywire Grenades, stun grenades for covering retreats or disabling rooms of opponents.

    Burnex Paste, acid vials, lockpicks, multi-key, high capacity data slate loaded with illegal data djinns, Stummers, and a med kit. All kept in webbing and a belt, these devices are much smaller, lighter and advanced than what is normally available to even mid level Imperial agents.

    Sneak Suit A mesh suit incorporating chameleon and heat-mask systems, as well as providing protection against small caliber arms. The facemask incorporates protection against flash grenades, gas attacks, and probably a suite of auspex systems.


    The White Raven is a master at acrobatics, stealth, and hand to hand combat. So far, locks, security systems and even machine-spirit controlled countermeasures have not posed a significant obstacle to the White Raven. Is postulated to have a network of fences, contacts and suppliers in the city underworlds. Interestingly, the White Raven has not been confirmed to have killed a single opponent in combat, though several have been badly injured. The White Ravens equipment and fighting style is geared towards less-than-lethal take-downs of opponents.

    Arbites File Ammendum

    The White Raven has recently changed behavior, and has become increasingly involved in the hunt for the missing governor. Interestingly, this criminal is believed to be helping the investigation, and has provided several clues to those who are searching for him that have led us to some small breakthroughs. Apprehension of this fugitive from planetary justice should be a secondary objective while the Governor is missing, but any information that can be gathered about this criminal should be forwarded to the precinct house.

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    Name: Nikolai Oppen

    Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus

    Role: Ocularis Dragon

    Age: 27


    Nikolai is still the tall, gangly young man with pale skin from his days aboard the Greeds Reward, but has decided to grow out his hair into a short brown mop, as he has discovered 'baselines' are less unnnerved by bald people. Part of his job remit is to observe Imperial activities, and the hair helps cover up his cranial augmentation scars. He still appears very human to casual observation, not at all like the heavily augmented monsters that serve the Lords Dragon as their visible right hand.


    Despite his stated role as an observer, Nikolai's curiosity generally gets the better of him, resulting in him getting involved in whatever is happening around him. He always does so politely, and with the best intentions at heart, leading many to under estimate the slightly built Adept who seems to smile quite a lot and be helpful. However his experiences on the Greeds Reward have left him with a surprising amount of will power and determination. Once he decides on something, he will not stop until it is done or it no longer needs to be done, and with his new training and equipment, he is a surprisingly capable agent.


    Inferno pistol, refractor field, powered knife.
    He has two class 1 data-interface mechandrites, a type XXII high capacity storage device built into his cranium, an Alpha++ grade MIU interface in his neck and both his eyes have been replaced with high grade, real seeming augmetics. These augmentations allow him access to Nospheric, Haptic and MIU interfaces. Apart from his white robes, reinforced with mesh armour, he also carries a variety of tools, data slates and other storage mediums.
    He is also now accompanied by a High quality auspex servo skull, which he can operate remotely if required.


    Born on the primary forge world of Proxima into a data-crypt genic program, he showed remarkable talent and was selected for the top grades of augmentation. However, he was never happy with the simple sifting and re-cataloging of old data. After getting into trouble one to many times for trying to get into sequestered archives or spending too much time downloading starship sensor readings onto his cogitator (and in one particularly infamous incident crashing a whole bank of cogitators in the process) After a review it was decided his talents could be best put to use off Proxima and he was sold to a trade guild as quickly as possible. As part of a payment from this guild, he was transferred to the Greeds Reward where Magus Nahela decided he would best serve on the bridge. After several years of loyal service, he became embroiled in a plot to 010101010001111100CENSUREDORDERSLORDDRAGON01010010 1000001010101111, and showed several traits the Mechanicus finds officially 'useful, but dangerous' such as initiative, drive, and leadership. Rather than reassign him to a mundane posting, he was recruited directly by the Lords Dragon, a secretive cabal that functions much like the Inquisition for the Adeptus Mechanicus. Trained as an 'Ocularis' his role is to be the dragons eye, watching events unfold, recording the deeds of his once contemporaries, and bringing that report to the Lords Dragon no matter what fate may befall him. He was trained and equipped to find, process and store vast quantities of information, and also put through a grueling combat basics program to equip him for field work. He is several investigations into his career now, and his experience has given a hard, tempered edge beneath his youthful exterior.

  8. #18
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    Well, look who's back! You should add some Silent Forge references to his bio.
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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    Strike Team Aegia

    “She smiled as she killed us. She smiled as she killed us. She smiled as she killed us”

    Name: Sarna Astros

    Age: 19 Imperial Standard

    Position / rank: Assassin and Scout.


    Personality: Best described as 'relentlessly chipper'. Sarna is considered by many in the Inquisitors retinue as almost hopelessly naïve and green, which contributes to her optimism and eagerness to serve. Some Moritats take an oath of Silence, many of Sarnas companions just wish she would shut up.

    Weapons: Regis Pattern power sword. This long, curved, two handed weapon can part armour and flesh with equal ease. Two combat knives, two boot knives balanced for throwing, crossbow loaded with mono-edged bolts.

    Other: Armoured Bodyglove with integral stealth systems, grip gloves and combat hood. Flugs and photo contacts. Three Flash grenades, three smoke grenades. Gear to make climbing easier, and some thieves tools.

    Background: Regis V is a feral world located on the edge of the Ixianad sector, on its Calixis side. The world fell from majesty as an Imperial Civilised world into a decayed state of barbarism sometime just after the Horus Heresy for reasons lost to history, and has stubbornly remained as such for millennia, its hives left to moulder and its technological heritage almost completely forgotten. Local legends speak only in hushed tones of the hubris of its old leaders, the coming of death, and a great silence that descended as a shroud across the world. Imperial archaeologists have uncovered mass graves that must contain billions of souls, but no further clues. The survivors became nomadic horse warriors, only settling in hilltop keeps made from wood and stone. The greatest weapons here are the sword, the crossbow and the spear, with only simple mechanical devices such as windmills for grinding corn and pumping water left to the more settled peoples.
    This culture of tough, hardbitten people who valued strength at arms proved invaluable to many Imperial organisations, who have quietly encouraged the state of affairs on Regis V to continue in perpetuity. Two principal organisations recruit from this world: The Adeptus Astartes and the Moritat cults.

    No one is quite sure when the Moritats first arrived on Regis, but they now have a firm stake in the lives of its people. Standing apart from the internecine clan warfare, daughters who cannot be cared for are given up to the sisters and raised as assassins for the clans constant warfare. Several technological items have been smuggled onto the world despite Astartes blockades in orbit, and the scattered Moritat hill forts are equipped with advanced training machines and battle servitors, as well as workshops to produce limited quantities of advanced gear. Rumours also abound of hidden facilities, dug into the hills, where dark operations are performed to 'enhance' future Moritats.

    Sarna was given up to the sisters at a very young age: she has no memories of her mother or father, though the sisters tell her she is the daughter of a powerful chieftain who was killed by his brother to seize control of his clan. Her mother died of a slow acting poison not long after seeking sanctuary with the Moritats. All she has ever known in the world of the Assassins, training to be the Emperors blade, wishing to become a Reaper, an angel of death made flesh. She has been offworld three times, each time in the company of a full fledged Reaper, so she has been inured to the culture shock of warp travel and visiting more civilised worlds, but she still has not seen much of the wider galaxy. She completed her training less than six months ago, and was released into the wider galaxy to find a suitable master under whom she could continue to hone her skills. She was recently recruited by Inquisitor Feyd Lucullis as he felt that Sarna would be the perfect foil for the Khornate cult he would soon be investigating. Her performance on this mission will determine if she will become a permanent member of the team.
    Apart from her skill with the blade and as an infiltrator, she is also a surprisingly capable mimic and user of disguises. With a few hours of observation she can imitate local customs and accents near flawlessly, a surprising aptitude for a Moritat but one her teachers where quick to cultivate as useful to an Assassin.

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    The Eudaimonia

    Date/Location of Commission: M39 Armageddon System

    Class: Cobra Class Destroyer (Modified M40 House Krast)

    Current Status: Moral Threat Diabolicus, terminate with extreme prejudice.

    History: Commisioned as part of a squadron of six, the Cobra destroyer 'Red 6' was part of a general reinforcement of Battlefleet Solars fleet patrol elements in a time of increasing Xenos activity. Its served ably as part of Patrol Squadron Castros in the Armageddon sector for 3 centuries, before the entire patrol group, consisting of 2 Dauntless light cruisers and five other Cobras, where lost with all hands in a sudden warp squall.

    The entire squadron would be found drifting near the Koronus Passage by House Krast, a Rogue Trader house of minor standing. Aboard, minutes had passed, with food cooling on tables and shipboard cogitators counting out mere seconds since the vessels had translated to the warp. However, not a single living creature was found aboard any of the ships, the crews having vanished. Realising this was a profitable find, the Rogue Trader House turned the squadron back over to the Imperial Navy, and as reward where given the lead Dauntless of the Squadron, Highest Repute, and Red 6, to operate as their own. Alongside their trader barque, this gave House Krast a flexible squadron. It was not to last. Drawn into the brutal fighting against the Chaos Armies of Darza in the Girza Sector, House Krast worked to profit from the failing war. Blood had flowed like wine for ten years of grinding conflict, and there was profit to be made in evacuating VIP's from worlds about to fall, running supplies to beleaguered defenders, or raiding Chaos ships for materiel, all of which the rebuilt Cobra was well suited too.

    It was on one of these raids that Red Six, recommissioned as The Honourable Traveller, attacked an enemy held transport that was carrying a deadly cargo. A regiment of rogue guardsmen, led by a deadly psyker, stormed aboard in a counter boarding operation that seized the vessel. Under its new commander, the ship fled the system, and then the Girza sector entirely, heading to the galactic north, passing through the Calixis and Ixaniad sectors before finally joining the fighting in the Andrantean War as a privateer and mercenary, under the command of its unsteady tripartite of renegades, scum, and witches. Renamed the The Eudaimonia, and under the command of the notorious Black Witch of Gallowglas, it is a threat to all Imperial Shipping, and regularly deploys ground forces to key theatres. Due to its crew, it is considered a Diabolicus level Moral Threat and should be purged with all haste.

    Capabilities: House Krast spent considerable time and thrones turning the Honourable Traveller into a capable blockade runner. The massive torpedo tubes and magazines have been replaced with cargo space, heat baffles and pict scrambler systems. The entire hull is shrouded, reducing its signature to sensor systems. Up armoured, it also possesses a more formidable battery of lasers than the cobra, making it a dangerous in-fighter, though it is best suited to running, hiding, and sneaking. The interior hull has also been extensively remodelled, with internal spaces heavily reconfigured. The outer decks are well set up for a collapsing defence, with firing slits, deployable barricades and lasline triggered traps. The inner decks are orientated for comfort, with its reduced crew compliment making it more suited for longer journeys thanks to improved legroom and airy internal spaces once used to impress visiting dignitaries and trading partners, a stark contrast to its navy days.
    What further modifications have been made to the ship by its new owners remain unknown.

    Captain: Alyss Reavansmore
    Alias: The Black Witch of Gallowglas

    "The Adrantean cause is noble. Doomed, but noble."

    Mesh armour under noble gown
    Hotshot laspistol
    Combat knife.
    Nemesis Force stave
    Grimoire of True Names
    Tarot cards (Decks of both Imperial and Heretics wake)

    Threat Rating and Assessment:
    Hereticus Majoris. Alyss is an unsanctioned psyker who was rated at Beta+ on capture. Her seemingly non-linear growth in capability, especially the diversity of her powers, indicates that she may be of the rare Mutatis+ class, able to gain competence in diverse disciplines where a sanctioned imperial psychic is restricted to mastery of one. This 'jack of all trades' capability should not be underestimated, and she should be handled with extreme caution. Permission is given for Kill on Sight.

    Born on the Feudal world of Gallowglas, Alyss was always an unlucky child. Her younger years were blighted by vivid night terrors and a feeling that she 'wasn't right'. She was fearful around clergymen and often sickly. But her parents were well off merchants, and were able to hide her condition. As she aged, she realized she was a witch and did her best to hide her burgeoning powers. But she was found by a Witch hunter of the Ordo Hereticus and was dragged to the Black Ships, her parents burnt at the stake and her family home razed. She was bound on the Black Ship Erebus and was to be taken to Terra, a sacrifice for the Golden Throne.

    However, fate intervened. A breach in the Gellar field allowed daemons to board the vessel, causing the wards to fail. As the ship descended into insanity, Alyss broke free from captivity and led a riot, using her powerful telekinetic skills to crush a Grey Knight under a bulkhead she had torn lose, stealing his nemesis force stave and his grimoire of true names.

    When the ship breached back into reality, it was vomited into the war torn Vorstagg system. Taking to the escape pods, her and a number of other pyskers escaped into the wider system, causing that war to spiral completely out of Imperial control over the course of several hellish years. For several years she worked as a mercenary for warbands, slowly gravitating towards the Girza sector, and the safety of working for powerful chaos warlords who can protect her from those that hunted her. That all went to hell in a handbasket when the chaos forces unwittingly unleashed a powerful daemon from the Imperial World of Kreuzung. The appearance of this monster threw the chaos advance into disarray, killing many potent champions and leaving their warbands in disarray. The Imperium capitalised on this with a counter attack, pounding Kreuzung into damp rumble and killing a large portion of Darza's warhost on the ground. By this point, Alyss had already fled with a reaver pirate force, and soon hijacked the Honourable Traveller alongside the Damned 88th. She would use the Honourable Traveller to slip out of the warzone, and briefly docked at the hive world of Vaxanhive to spend their plunder on contraband weapons, STC template equipment, and colonisation pre-fabs.

    Over her life, she has shown powers of a telekinetic, biomancer, telepathic and divinatory nature. Her powers of divination are the least refined, but have given her three dreams from her childhood. One of which has come true already, as her earliest nightmare was of her home burning to the ground. Her second dream was meeting a man clad in black who would change her destiny, and the final dream was of her death, gunned down by a woman wearing the 'I' of the Inquisition with blond hair and a manic grin. . .

    While she has served the dark forces of Chaos, she makes clear to any employer that she is not interested in worshipping the Chaos gods, or the Emperor. One particularly enthusiastic Word bearer who tried to convince her otherwise was found ground flat across a kilometer of rockcrete outside Verdakhive, and his screams were said to have lasted days. . .

    In many ways, her only objectives are independence, power, knowledge and personal luxury. Her aims are simple: gain control of a voidship, staff it with people loyal to her, fill its holds with supplies, and head as far into wilderness space as she can manage.

    Psychic powers:

    Telekinesis: she can generate powerful defensive fields, throw objects (if she focuses, she can toss aside an APC) fly, float and manipulate objects at a distance with a fine touch.

    Biomancer: She can fire blasts of lightning, heal her wounds and cause pain in others.

    Divination: She has occasional bad feelings about danger, allowing her to avoid traps, and her nightmares and dreams are occasionally prophetic in nature. She can attempt tarot readings, but will only receive very vague insight (at GM discretion)

    Telepathy: Can psychically communicate with willing participants. Does not have enough finesse or power to force her way into someone's head or read minds.

    Careful study of the Grimoire of True Names has allowed her to piece together several lesser rites, mainly of banishment and warding. She could theoretically summon a lesser daemon with a proper sacrifice, but refuses to on general principles. Several warlords have used her ritual knowledge to protect themselves from psychic scrying however, a ritual she has perfected due to her own paranoia of the Inquisitions agents.

    Name: Sarna Astros
    Position/rank: Assassin and Scout.

    "Death on one side, Damnation on the other. There has to be a third path."

    Weapons: Regis Pattern power sword. This long, curved, two handed weapon can part armour and flesh with equal ease. Two combat knives, two boot knives balanced for throwing, Drukhari needle pistol.

    Other: Armoured Bodyglove with integral stealth systems, grip gloves and combat hood. Flugs and photo contacts. Three Flash grenades, three smoke grenades. Gear to make climbing easier, and some thieves tools.

    Background: Regis V is a feral world located on the edge of the Ixianad sector, on its Calixis side. The world fell from majesty as an Imperial Civilised world into a decayed state of barbarism sometime just after the Horus Heresy for reasons lost to history, and has stubbornly remained as such for millennia, its hives left to moulder and its technological heritage almost completely forgotten. Local legends speak only in hushed tones of the hubris of its old leaders, the coming of death, and a great silence that descended as a shroud across the world. Imperial archaeologists have uncovered mass graves that must contain billions of souls, but no further clues. The survivors became nomadic horse warriors, only settling in hilltop keeps made from wood and stone. The greatest weapons here are the sword, the crossbow and the spear, with only simple mechanical devices such as windmills for grinding corn and pumping water left to the more settled peoples.
    This culture of tough, hardbitten people who valued strength at arms proved invaluable to many Imperial organisations, who have quietly encouraged the state of affairs on Regis V to continue in perpetuity. Two principal organisations recruit from this world: The Adeptus Astartes and the Moritat cults.

    No one is quite sure when the Moritats first arrived on Regis, but they now have a firm stake in the lives of its people. Standing apart from the internecine clan warfare, daughters who cannot be cared for are given up to the sisters and raised as assassins for the clans constant warfare. Several technological items have been smuggled onto the world despite Astartes blockades in orbit, and the scattered Moritat hill forts are equipped with advanced training machines and battle servitors, as well as workshops to produce limited quantities of advanced gear. Rumours also abound of hidden facilities, dug into the hills, where dark operations are performed to 'enhance' future Moritats.

    Sarna was given up to the sisters at a very young age: she has no memories of her mother or father, though the sisters tell her she is the daughter of a powerful chieftain who was killed by his brother to seize control of his clan. Her mother died of a slow acting poison not long after seeking sanctuary with the Moritats. All she has ever known in the world of the Assassins, training to be the Emperors blade, wishing to become a Reaper, an angel of death made flesh. She has been offworld three times, each time in the company of a full fledged Reaper, so she has been inured to the culture shock of warp travel and visiting more civilised worlds, but she still has not seen much of the wider galaxy. She completed her training less than six months ago, and was released into the wider galaxy to find a suitable master under whom she could continue to hone her skills. She was recently recruited by Inquisitor Feyd Lucullis as he felt that Sarna would be the perfect foil for the Khornate cult he would soon be investigating. Her performance on this mission will determine if she will become a permanent member of the team.

    That. . .didn't happen. The mission to Vaxanhive went badly sideways, with heavy casualties and the threat of corruption. While the summoning the team was assembled to stop was prevented, the sacrifice was a temporary loss of memory that meant that Sarna attracted the attention of a daemon known as the 'Red King'. While she resisted its temptations, she still sacrificed to it and its master, and is now bound to it by a thread not easily cut. Realising she was critically compromised and a threat to those around her, she fled the Inquisition and hid in the bowels of Vaxanhive. However, she attracted the attention of an enemy, Anais Svelthopfler. The two had been rivals before, and now they were mortal enemies, Anais determined to earn the favour of the Red King, Sarna desperate to resist it. The two clashes several times, each either winning or losing but neither able to land a decisive blow, until Sarna was badly injured and forced to hide in a shipping container. Ironically, or perhaps darkly fortuitously, this container was sent to the Eudaimonia and Sarna was found by Alyss. The two quickly formed a working relationship, Sarna becoming Alyss shadow, And Alyss working on severing the ties the daemon had to Sarna's soul.

    Apart from her sublime skill with the blade and her abilities as infiltrator, Sarna is also a very
    capable mimic and user of disguises. With a few hours of observation she can imitate local customs and accents near flawlessly, a surprising aptitude for a Moritat but one her teachers where quick to cultivate as useful to an Assassin. Working with Alyss has only caused her to hone these abilities, as few suspect renegades or chaos cults to use something as subtle as an assassin once battle is joined.

    Name: Jarn Hassek
    Position/rank: Colonel, Damned 88th

    "Fuck the Imperium. Fuck the Emperor, and especially, fuck every stupid bastard that works for that sack of rotting bones."

    Character: Where Alyss is fearful of the Imperium, and Sarna is torn over her previous devotion and worship and her new path in life, Jarn is a seething pit of hatred. The only flaw in the Imperium, as far as he is concerned, is that it lacks a single neck just big enough for him to wring with his bare hands. Hatred sustains him, empowers him and drives him forwards. There is a schism brewing between Jarn and Alyss about the future of the Eudaimonia, but for the moment, their goals align perfectly.

    Background: It would be difficult to imagine a world more inimical to human life than Jotunhel, a planet so cold that in places hydrogen can be found as a liquid. Life is clustered around volcanic vents that crack the surface of its vast, frozen sea of various chemicals. Human civilisation dates back to the tail end of the dark age of technology, possibly refugees that fled the various wars and disasters of that epoch. Their wrecked ships sat embedded in the ice for millennia, their passengers eking out a meagre hunter gatherer existence on the ice, until the Imperium found them. At first, the primitive hunter-gatherers fought the encroachment of the Mechanicum ice diggers, who began to drain the oceans of hydrocarbons, and even shipped the water to nearby thirsty hive worlds. The Mechanicum deployed Sicarian rust stalkers and Skitarri Rangers and failed to bring the natives to heel, who would lure the cyborgs into deadly traps then steal their weapons to turn on the Mechanicum rigs. Instead, the Tech Priest in charge turned to the Missionarus Galaxia, who quickly despatched a mission to bring the heathens into the light. This was more successful, as they promised the natives a 'new, better life' off world. Many tribes were lured into waiting transport holds, never to be seen again. Finally, the only tribe left where the brutal Hassek. They had killed the missionaries and scrapped several rigs, tenaciously defending their territory. Finally, a demi-company deployment of Revenant Astartes captured the tribes leadership in a lightning raid. They forced the tribes surrender, and offered them a choice: serve the Imperium in battle, or die immediately.

    The tribe was renamed the 88th, the number assigned to them by the Administratum based on some arcane process. Already expert in cold warfare, the Imperium assigned them to warzone after warzone. Choosing their own leaders, the tribe rallied around Jarn Hassek, a brutal giant of a man possessed of charisma and iron will, and he led the Hassek 88th through deadly battles, grinding sieges and horrifying extermination campaigns. That all changed when they landed on the factory world of Atalanta to put down a rebellion. Once engaged in the industrial warrens, they discovered that the rebels they were fighting were their own people, ground down by a lifetime of toil in the dirty industries of the Imperiums War Machine. Enraged, Jarn Hassek turned on the Regiments commissars, murdering them all himself in a single night of violence, before leading his regiment into Atalanta's rust warrens to join the rebellion.

    This perhaps, should have been the end of the story, as a single regiment, even a single world, could not stand against the Imperium. However Atalanta was swallowed up by the invasion of Darza, and the damned 88th struck a devils bargain with the Chaos warlord, to serve in his armies in return for a chance to liberate their home. When Jarn led his people back to Jotunhel, he discovered it had been completely drained of all resources, its seas emptied, its mountains dug out, even its atmosphere despoiled by the Mechanicum. The Imperium had taken everything from his people. Joining up with Alyss was almost by accident. Jarn and his people held little respect for the degenerate followers of chaos, and when presented with Alyss plan to escape the failing war, agreed. For now, they are content to be raiders and pirates, but they long to inflict a telling blow on the Imperium, to take from it everything that was taken from them.

    Jarn has become the totem of that vengeance. He has lost his wife, his children and all his relatives to the Imperium and its wars. He now leads the regiment, the tribe, as a warrior king of old, eager to seek battle and have his vengeance, to pile high the walls with the Imperial dead, to drown them in their own blood. To make them kneel, make them beg, and then, finally, to kill them.

    Equipment: Flak armour, paired hull axes, paired Garm pattern bolt pistols, three frag grenades, three krak grenades, combat knife, half a copy of the Imperial Infantrymans Uplifting Primer.

    Regiment Composition:

    The Damned 88th are comprised of roughly 5,000 light infantry, well supplied with specialist weapons such as autocannon, grenade launchers, missile launchers, flamers and meltaguns. Highly capable, they specialise in stealth, infiltration and close quarters fighting, the deadly hull axes of their home making short work of even light armour and the soft flesh behind it. Several years of intermittent raiding of Imperial Shipping and fighting in the Girza War has left the regiment battle hardened, with all of its members considered veterans, with many exotic trophy weapons spread across their ranks. They have several companies equipped with scrambler bikes, as well as Tauros scout vehicles, which are often used as a mobile reserve behind the infantry line.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 11-09-2018 at 10:33 PM.

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