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Thread: [PG 13] Zoids: Cataclysm (Part II)

  1. #11
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    Mora grinned as she heard what the traveler said to the "Black Knight", the oh so feared soldier who even during the war hunted the Zealots such as herself. Mora grinned and took a sip, they would never know she was a Zealot, she had given the tattoo somewhere else than on her chest due of her "occupation" as a spy.
    Is that traveler the Blue Devil? It seems he knows too much... Am I so lucky that I found him right off the bat? Mora thought and took another sip. She also observed the other quests in the bar from the first seat. She then took out a pocket watch from under her cloack, a quiet expensive piece these days but she didn't care about such things as this was the last gift she had gotten from her father before she left. It had been about two hours since Matter left and he would be back soon...
    First then she understood that there was a soldier in the bar;
    Damn, I hope he isn't one of those who checks all the people who he thinks are suspicious... Mora glared the man who walked out of the door and hoped he wouldn't find out she was category-sized "Missing". Right after the traveling man who had talked about the Blue devil left, Mora finished her drink and put the money on the bar and left swiftly the bar and quickly moved away of the open street between the houses and moved toward the meeting point where she would meet Matter.
    She had a hot lead and she didn't want to lose that soldier nor the traveler so she had to move quickly...
    Thank you Bia for the amazing Signature and Avatar!

    Spoiler: Gangnam Style! 

  2. #12
    Better Then Expected
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    "Nice to meet you, Black Knight. You can call me the Blue Devil."

    "I should call you an asshole for being so damn hard to track down." Michael finished his one gun, the slide clicking into place. He grabbed the mag and loaded his gun before holstering it. Looking up from his work he took in the person before him. Tall, spikey blonde hair blue eyes. But Michael couldn't shake that familiar feeling he got. He decided to push that feeling aside for now, it was unimportant. "I guess proper introductions are in order." Michael stood up, noticing he was taller than the other guy. "I am Brigadier General Michael Knight. Allaince Millitary."

    "I am Delta." The organoid spoke. Tiliting his head, breaking his statue like state he had been in.

    "Give me your name man." Michael crossed his arms. "Before we start talking about taking down those Zealot assholes."

  3. #13


    Not even getting past the first sip of her second drink, Nell watched as the familiar stranger left. Seconds later, another man started toward the door. Sighing, she brushed some hair out of her face. Suddenly, she felt someone staring at her. Automatically her eyes directed her to the man that was about to leave the bar. He was staring at her like he had just seen a ghost. She was in equal shock, only she didn't let it show. I feel like I know him...could he be from the fight with Zoid Prime? No, that is no possible. Why would he come to dust town? He must have convinced himself that he didn't know her either because he continued out.

    Another girl left after them, she seemed like she was in a hurry. She was curious, but it wasn't her place to know. Nell was done for the night. Placing her money on the table and started toward the door. Upon opening it, she noticed that two guys were talking in the parking lot. Walking slowly, she heard a bit of their conversation. At first it was just greetings. Turns out the blonde one that stared at her was the Blue Devil.

    "I am Brigadier General Michael Knight. Alliance Military."

    That sentence in itself caused Nell to freeze mid-step and her head snapped toward him. She knew he was familiar and that was why. It was Michael. His group and him traveled with Korzai and her though Devil's Canyon and fought Zoid Prime with them. So, he's looking for Zoid Prime. To approach or not approach... She questioned while finishing her step and turning a questioning glance toward the ground.

  4. #14
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    Get Ready to move Fury, things seem to be picking up here. Agera sent to her zoid partner through their mental link, receiving a confirmation response from her partner who was situated a small distance outside of town where he could respond to any distress Agera might manage to land herself in. As first the two men and then the other two women in the bar had ducked out, Agera stood and sealed her whiskey bottle before pulling on her coat and donning her beret, ensuring the bulk of her hair was restrained with the hat. With a brief nod to the barkeeper, Agera tucked her unfinished bottle of whiskey into one of the internal pockets of her jacket and headed out the door where upon she set off after the path the others had left in the dirt.

    Truth be told, Agera was reluctant to engage in anything that wasn't a normal activity, and that included what she was doing right now, but at the moment with what felt like something significant beginning, Agera felt the distinct need to know more about the current situation as not knowing would put her in a distinct disadvantage if the shit did hit the fan with these people. Once she was close enough to listen in on the two men's conversation, Agera ducked into a small section of shadows to hide and listen to them speak. Immediately she began to pick up parts of the conversation as she listened in.

    "I am Brigadier General Michael Knight. Alliance Military."

    So at least one of them was a high ranking military commander, the other though...

    "Nice to meet you, Black Knight. You can call me the Blue Devil."
    "An absolute beginner on a real battlefield is a self-solving problem. An absolute beginner in a videogame is the concept of handicap given human form." 6 Idiots you meet in every online game

  5. #15
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Cadmus let out a little laugh in spite of himself. Poor bastard still doesn't have a clue. "You must understand. I'm only tracked down when I want to be. Otherwise, I'm gone." He took one of the crates, pushing it across from Michael and sitting on it. "But names aren't important. What IS important is these Zealots. As you probably know, I've been taking out as many as I can, but I can't find a single clue about the big man. You know who I'm talking about."

    He put a hand to his side. "Every lead I get ends as quickly as I find it. I need all of the information that you have about them. Anything that can give me the upper hand." He paused for a moment as if he were contemplating something. "I don't usually work with a team. There was a time that I did before..." He trailed off a bit, glancing into the darkness of the newborn night. "...but I was a different man then. I-"

    Suddenly, Cadmus stopped, locking eyes with the girl who he had seen at the bar before. The brown haired one. A flood of memories from the previous year hit him again, and he stared blankly at the girl, completely trailing off from what he was saying. It's her. I think? He blinked. But damn! She's grown from last time. And she's gotten... He cocked his head slightly, mouth barely open. ...pretty hot too.

    As if in a trance, he stepped off of the crate, walking a bit towards her and pausing, a look of confusion on his face. " I know you?"

    Then Cadmus realized something, resisting the urge to slam his palm into his forehead. His back was to Michael now. And he was still wearing his old Paladins' jacket that had the crest on the back of it. Dammit! Unless he's incredibly dense, he'll definitely know it's me.

    Then again...this is Michael.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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  6. #16
    Better Then Expected
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    When the Blue Devil turned around he thought there was trouble. So he drew his gun, ready for action. But what he saw made him pause. It was something familiar. Something he hadn't seen in a year. His hand trembled and he nearlly pulled the trigger which would've resulted in a bullet lodging in his foot. So it was a good thing he didn't. But seeing the emblem again, seeing it on that jacket. The same jacket he gave to a very promising new member. "Are you alright?" Delta asked, breaking Michael out of his trance.

    "I'm fine." He was, only slightly. "Cadmus?" Michael holstered his gun, finding no need for it. "Is that you?"

  7. #17


    Another feeling of someone staring caused Nell to turn and stare. It was the guy from before, that one that had been staring at her in the bar only minutes ago. He looked like he had been talking with Micheal when he saw her. Head tilted and mouth open, it almost looked like he was in a trance of some kind as he walked over to her. Pausing only a few feet in front of her, he stammered out while looking confused, " I know you?"

    Suddenly, a look of realization crossed his face, but she automatically knew it wasn't about her. The sound of a gun being removed entered her senses as she prepared for an attack. Second later, nothing happen. It had been Micheal that had drawn the gun, this guy must have startled him. The gun was then put away and Micheal whispered, clearly in shock,"Cadmas? Is that you?"

    Nell's mouth fell open as the name registered in her mind. Cadmus. Cadmus and Micheal were here in Dust Town. Of all the places that she could run into them it was here. Before she knew it, she was laughing. Covering her mouth with her hand, she managed to stifle the laugh. Fate worked in funny ways.

    [B]"Well, ends up you do know me. In fact, you both know me. I traveled though Devil's Canyon and fought Zoid Prime with you." She told them with a tilt of her head and a smile. Nell had noticed that she was not the only one who had been ease dropping on Micheal and Cadmus's conversation. Also, whoever is listening can come out. I know your there.

  8. #18
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    Fury, they noticed, be ready if I call on you to be here Agera sent to her partner in a mental missive before stepping out from the shadows she had taken refuge in to hide. Her zoid sent her was wave of reassurance that it would be ready when needed as she advanced into the group's field of view. "My apologies for listening in but given the number of people doing so I hope I won't be faulted too badly," Agera spoke up as she approached the three. Her reluctance at being brought into the group situation was clear on her face and in her pacing as she spoke and moved.

    "So the three of you are part of the group that went and got the Zoid Prime up and moving I gather?" Agera asked softly after a moment of awkward silence. She was careful to phrase it so it wasn't a question that blamed them for the Prime's actions, just his being up and moving.

    In the back of her mind, Agera was well aware of Fury's desire to come and get her. Generally when Agera would find trouble, Fury's assistance was needed to bail her out of most of the situations she found, and he was eager to get her out before things could go south. For the moment though, Agera pushed him to remain where he was till she pushed for him to come get her.
    "An absolute beginner on a real battlefield is a self-solving problem. An absolute beginner in a videogame is the concept of handicap given human form." 6 Idiots you meet in every online game

  9. #19
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    "Cadmus? Is that you?"

    Cadmus felt his shoulders drop slightly. Damn. He picked up on it. Glancing at the ground, he flushed slightly. So much for that short ruse. I thought the name game would last a bit longer than that. Then he looked up at the girl to see her laughing.

    "Well, ends up you do know me. In fact, you both know me. I traveled though Devil's Canyon and fought Zoid Prime with you."

    Cadmus gave a smirk. Huh. Looks like I was right. "Well I'll be damned, Nell. This is quite a surprise." How odd was it that he would happen to run into two of his former travelers and friends in the same night? Especially at Dust Town of all places. The irony levels just skyrocketed. Then he heard Nell call the apparent spy out, and as a blonde haired girl wandered into the streetlight, Cadmus squinted at her.

    "So the three of you are part of the group that went and got the Zoid Prime up and moving I gather?"

    Excuse me?
    Cadmus let out a sarcastic grunt. "'Up and moving?' What are you trying to say, missy? He was 'up and moving' before we even saw him." He continued, irked by the girl. "The Neo Haven bombing last year? That was him. And that was way before we even knew what he was." Turning his back to her, he went back to the crates.

    Way before...that happened. As he reached out with his mind to touch his companion's mind, he let out an inward sigh as he reached fruitlessly. Nothing was there, no presence constantly pressing against his own. Although he had been experiencing this for the past year or so, it still was not comforting. It's like half of my own consciousness is gone...

    He sat down on the crate next to Michael again, looking at the two ladies. Then he slapped Michael's shoulder, forceful yet friendly. "Deja vu, huh?"

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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  10. #20
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    Mora was observing the group that was getting bigger and bigger from a short distance using her telescope. For some reason there was a small uproar during that time and not only because of the woman who was lurking in the shadows but it seemed like the two others knew this "Blue Devil" from somewhere...
    Mora turned around and scouted the surrounding area as well and noticed two Zoids, all in full attention if needed, both dinosaur type, the second seemed to even be a tyranno. She contacted Matter and ordered him to catch him in flight if the situation would heat up. Mora aslo checked her gun and dagger if she would need them but for now she just observed how the situation would evolve and make notes...
    Thank you Bia for the amazing Signature and Avatar!

    Spoiler: Gangnam Style! 

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