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  1. #271
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    s it weird that I wanna do orldbuilding for my fateris militia?

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  2. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    s it weird that I wanna do orldbuilding for my fateris militia?
    Honestly, it would be weirder if you didn't want to worldbuild.

    Knowing the background to your character (or in this case, the world from where your militia comes from) goes a long way towards impacting how they'll behave in the moment - and it opens a lot of new, narrative pathways. Go for it.

  3. #273
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    i would like some help.

    I know I wnt them to be like a realistic medieval social struction, but I also know that even in medieval europe, culture varies from area to are, like byzantium was nothing like the holy roman empire, spain was nothing like england, poland-lithuniua was nothing like france

    religiously, going maybe for a more eastern othrodox version of the imperial creed, cuse everyone does western christianity, and maybe this would be a new avenue

    also people feel free to use them in your posts an make chrcters as well.

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  4. #274
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    I don't mind you mixing in a bit of Eastern Orthodox - after all the priest on Terra at the start of Penitents was using a Torah pointer, and the Silent Vigil uniforms are Islam-inspired.
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  5. #275
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    one way I was going to reflecct that is in their art, during the upcoming festival, one of the things being sold in the soldiers/peasants section is a lot of icons of various saints nd important people like sanguinius and Ollnius Pius and the god-emperor and the like.

    and the various miitiamen also hve their personal icons, too

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  6. #276
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    I had actually always considered that Lord Cardinal Ianós Petros Tarpeian had some elements of Eastern Orthodoxy (most likely narrowed into Greek Orthodox) in his version of the Imperial Creed, as I had assumed that Sarus was in the Ultima segmentum due to proximity to the Tau.

    That’ll be somewhat ironic if you’re having Cam’s Lot as channeling Eastern Orthodox, as I can assure you that Tarpeian will absolutely despise them as they’re fanatical, unwashed peasants who don’t know their correct place - under his thumb in spite of the front he’ll put on should they cross paths.

    In regards to designing cultural influence, if you’re so ambitious, you can also delve down deeper from the ‘national’ influences down into regional influences – think Aquitaine and Burgundy in France – which if Cam’s Lot retains a stratified nobility underneath the Imperial Governor. While they may have notional authority over the world (locally known as ‘The High King / Queen’?) much of the actual, tangible day to day authority over the world is controlled by the semi-autonomous regional lords and ladies.

    Of course you can also take your influences from a larger entity (say…Holy Roman or Austro-Hungarian) at a certain point in time, and pluck inspiration from the components accordingly. That’s the route I’ve gone with my own view on Vostroya – that they’re broadly speaking the Russian Empire (and when I do paint them - in a reincarnation or two from now – they’ll have their Napoleonic Wars uniforms) so they have anything from Russians, to Poles, the Baltic States, Cossacks and Finns.

    The former’s option seems like it would mesh more naturally with your description of the realms of Cam’s Lot occasionally waging internal wars – and why they’re seemingly going to be out to pillage the Nebula. That could even be explained by the Imperial Commander tacitly allowing the lesser lords and ladies to keep one another in check – on the caveat that so long as their tithe to the Imperium is met, lest the dreaded Administratum auditor and / or Imperial assassin come to address the shortfall.

    Now as for Cam’s Lot itself…the idea which struck me most powerfully was it’s a recent / relatively recent acquisition by the Imperium. I’d think less wrested from the grasp of heretics or xenos, but a lost world of humanity brought back into the Imperial fold – maybe a once highly technological world which has regressed in the absence of a constant cultural connection to the Imperium.

    That could explain the presence of Crusaders within the Cam’s Lot forces - maybe their brotherhoods are descended from the Governor of antiquity’s bodyguards – and the Killdozers could be venerated artifacts lovingly blessed and maintained as a rolling battle shrine...when to your average civilized or hive world soldier would see that it’s a rusty, up-armored tractor with speakers welded onto it.

    If you go down that route, and Cam’s Lot are recently returned to the Imperium, you could also potentially have a lot of fun with them as genuine, wholehearted reconverts to the Imperial Creed…but they have a somewhat questionable grasp on the conventional line, and can make the occasional slightly off recitation of the background of a Saint or the like.

  7. #277
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    that last idea as a reccently found world makes sense, but by recent do you mean recent recent or like a thousand years ago recent?

    - - - Updated - - -

    becuse in 40k a couple hundred or a thousand years ago is pretty 'recent'

    - - - Updated - - -

    also the holy roman empire idea sounds really good, a bunch of petty kings and the governor is the 'high king'

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  8. #278
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    the original idea was gonnabe 100% arthurian, but I ws afraid that would scream 'bretonnians in space' and wanted to be a bit more original lol

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  9. #279
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    I'm thinking recent as within a generation or two - maybe a world rediscovered in the Margin Crusade?

    I would think long enough for the first tendrils of 'modern Imperial norms' have begin to make an appearance, but enough that a lot of a millennia or few worth decayed cultural traditions - however as what was once an Imperial world, with evident faith in the Emperor even after their disconnection, Cam's Lot would most likely be considered 'good enough' within the standard deviation of cultural deviation to be acceptable. Plug in a stooge as 'High King' and profit.

    I'm sure the Imperial authorities would've essentially shrugged, as those foibles would eventually sort themselves out in time, and the more pressing issue would be to try and sort out what Cam's Lot was worth as a new asset - no doubt they want to find out the goods about what this world used to be and hopefully find some archeotech, but human resources are always good.

  10. #280
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    I believe I made Cam's Lot a shrine world, and one of the eccentricities of it is the belief that all female psykers born on world have a fragment of the soul of the saint of the wold, which is why Gwendolyn is a priest.

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