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Thread: The Enigma Files

  1. #21
    Enigma's Avatar
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    IC: Vantablack

    Name: Dr. John Smythe, System Health Organization (SHO)

    Nickname: Jeon, Bones

    Age: 45 (Looks 57)

    Gender: Male

    Race/Species: Humanoid (Zayan / uncontacted race)

    Spoiler: Sign up photo 

    Height: 1.85 m

    Weight: Skinny, 73 kg.

    Posture: Usually hunched, defiantly erect when challenged.

    Build: Scraggly, thin and bony.

    Skin: Pale

    Hair: Brown straight hair that tends to curl at the ends when it gets long, left part brushed forward over his right eye.

    Eyes: Brown

    Describe their smile in one word: Warm

    Physical Characteristics: DNA originally believed to be radiation damaged by off-world living in a poorly shielded station. Genetic anomaly - two hearts. Unusual blood type AB+ variant - universal acceptor, but don't give his blood to anyone else.

    Birthplace: Boshir, Planet Zayas.

    Field of employment: Medicine

    Job title: System Health Organization Adviser

    Hobbies/Pastimes: Obsessive reader, his personal electronic library is 3 terabytes in size, so he has a rather wide body of knowledge to draw on. He also fences with foil and saber, he was on his college team.

    After his abduction that aged him 12 years, he's had an obsessive interest in unusual events.

    Signature move/Party trick: Plays electric guitar, mostly late 20th - early 21st century classical.

    Most important childhood event that still affects them; how/why: When he was 16, the McPherson family opened their home to the local orphanage for a summer fete - and there Jeon met Jenny, the McPherson's daughter, who found the guitar-playing teen very interesting. The attraction was mutual, they would sneak out past the nurses and hang out in town, or sometimes he'd climb the ivy growing up the wall to sneak into her room.

    She died at the end of the summer from a grand mal seizure, while hugging him. To his surprise, she left him quite a bit of money, which he used to pay his way through college to become a doctor.

    Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about and why:
    A party during medical school, he found himself paired up with this girl named Rosie who said she was a zero-gee construction worker on Earth for a conference, which he found hard to believe. She had a pair of wings strapped on that reacted to her movements, like they were real. Rosie drugged his drink, then dragged him back to her hotel room where he discovered that the wings were not some party costume, they were really growing out of her back; her "feet" were more like a second pair of hands; she was a fully functional hermaphrodite; and had absolutely no compulsions about taking advantage of a drugged partner. He woke up the next morning in an alley beside the hotel, sore all over, feeling violated and only vague memories of the night before.

    Ten years ago, he was talking to a colleague in the lobby of the System Health Organization when a rift opened and pulled him in. Moments later, he returned, having sprouted a beard and looking years older with no memory of what had happened to him during the time he was gone. Because of questions that have come up about his past, he's been demoted, handling the odd jobs they'd normally send the younger men for.

    Backstory: Jeon was the youngest child of twelve, his father was a chandler (and obsessive holography hobbyist). When he was six, his class took a day trip to the capital, Varachu. Ogling the friezes, he discovered he'd been left behind by his class. Afraid he would get yelled at, he began looking for them, and wound up wandering into the High Court room, which was closed for servicing of the Interstellar gate - which he fell into, materializing in Edinburgh, Scotland, Earth. He was found by local police, who mistook him for human and placed in an orphanage while they attempted to locate his parents.

    After his summer of love, he investigated the ruins of an old manor house outside of town. The floor under his feet collapsed and he landed inside a hidden room, which looked to be some sort of laboratory full of unusual artifacts - most of which didn't survive his landing.

    Fortunately, an antique-looking MedBot, which he mistook at first for a trash bin, hovered out of the shadows. A local numbed his legs, then surgical tractors straightened his legs while a regenerative beam healed the breaks. Afterward, it helped him to get out of the room, and followed him back to the orphanage. Later, it proved to be a better teacher of medicine than his professors at Medical School.

    Shaun McDougal, an engineering friend and drinking partner at college who examined MedBot once out of curiosity got very excited and tried to explain to Jeon that the MedBot was some sort of highly advanced N-Dimensional device when the MedBot sedated him. Shaun was a little confused when he woke up later, and didn't bring up MedBot again.

    He also had an affair with one of his instructors, Dr. Martha Jones. It didn't last long and they parted as friends.

    Health: In very good health, MedBot wouldn't have it any other way. Automatic Defibrillators should not be used on him, due to a unique genetic anomaly. Wears a med-alert bracelet.

    Describe their voice: Rich, with a light lilt and a strong Scottish accent.

    Describe their eating patterns/diet: Tea drinker. Prefers fresh food, lots of veggies, fruit, and meats - not big on carbs, deep-fried foods and deserts. Avoids yogurt and filter organs.

    Describe their daily rituals:
    • Calls supper "Tea", and prefers it at 6 PM, and can get cranky if it's later.
    • Enjoys a morning cup of tea.
    • Likes to walk and talk to himself when he's thinking.
    • Obsessively brushes teeth every morning after breakfast and before going to bed.

    Long-term goals/desires in life: Desire to help people, his work with the System Health Organization helps to spread that to people in need.

    Examination after his abduction revealed to him that he was not human and not native to Earth. His goal is to discover who he really is and where he's from.

    How do they dress or what do they typically wear?: Work attire is a suit, favors dark blue and brown pinstripe paired with a white shirt and various ties, a pair of black or brown shoes, depending on the suit.

    Casual is various t-shirts, a tweed jacket and jeans with canvas Converse shoes.

    He also has VR glasses, usually shaded, that are linked to MedBot but can connect with any open system such as his pocket PC.

    Describe in no less than 2 paragraphs their personality:
    Jeon was an unusual child who grew up in an orphanage, never knowing why his parents never came for him. Always a thin, gangling child, his classmates mocked him for his appearance (They called him a Loonie) and for being an orphan, so he tends to be a bit of a loner, taking his comfort in music and reading.

    As a doctor, he's used to giving orders and having people listen to him; the tone of his voice carries authority. He has a knee-jerk disdain for political officials and bureaucrats who put politics and self-interest before helping people.

    The discovery that he's actually an alien with no idea of who or what he really is, has brought home to him how alone he is, which gives him a sort of brooding intensity.

    Spoiler: Medbot GM-only Information 

    Currently in the Reborn game. The probe has shifted from its medbot form to that of a rendering of Jeon, about 10-12 years of age.

    When it became too dangerous for Jeon, it "swallowed" the Zayan, shifting him to a medical bay where he was restrained and later mind-wiped back to events in the airlock, prior to waking in this world.

    The probe, who Jeon has named "Melvin", has suggested amnesia resulting from a shock and injuries the "Zayan" suffered (actually the probe masquerading as him).
    Last edited by Enigma; 02-12-2022 at 03:53 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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