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Thread: SLJ: The Zero-G Experience [Open][M]

  1. #21
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Informing the officer made him jump and the surrounding members glance at the startled man. Quickly demanding he control his weapon better, the rookie said as if uncertain the words were coming out of his own lips*

    I~Uhh I was t... I think there's mole people inside?
    What!? Why the hell would Underkin resurface right here?
    I don't know but... Should we call it in? Like before we storm in?
    Unless yur an unregistered psychic rookie, hell no!

    The cops continued to argue nearby Julie as Atomic Eve slipped skillfully inside the hollowed out building. The slow perceptive maneuver allowed her to overhear the arguing from the mobster as he delayed the inevitable to spare his family. For once he wanted one of those damned heroes to show up and raise hell.

    The family will get yur diamonds! U crazy dirt eaters never heard of backpay before!? Let them go, they aren't even part of this!
    Khyahah! We only heard of payback... we watch how yers operate! Same tshricks we use, like sun dwellers use on each other...

    The goggled menace sneered showing off his lessons learned from mob tactics. He stopped the screaming boy, but he stopped short along with his scream as Eve made the shattered floor reach out and catch him.

  2. #22
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    "Shit just in time. Julie get your ass in here now." Atomic Eve grabbed a furniture leg that broken off and remolded it into a large knife. It had no ability to stab or cut it looked it could, but it really only could be used to bludgeon someone. She dashed from behind her cover into the room with the others. "Let the hostages go now." She grabbed one of the mole men with her powers and put the knife to his throat without touching him with it.

    Julie made her way through the cops. Slapping the rookie she spooked earlier on the ass. She then made her way inside. She assessed the situation. She went for the boy. She grabbed him and turned him invisible. She whispered to him. "Shhh. I am here to get you out. Let the slutty pink princess deal with the ugly hair beasts." She takes the boy outside. "Tell the cops the mole men are invading, I did earlier but they didn't believe me. Not that I blame them. Truthfully, I didn't really believe it myself." She drops him by the cops. She returned to the chaos. She pulled out her slingshot. She created a forcefield the size of a marble. She placed inside of her slingshot and aimed for the head of the mole men she thought was in charge.

  3. #23
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    The air seemed solid with tense silence as everyone paused hearing the boy fall, only to be cut off far too soon. The goggled mutants leaned over the edge of the hole and looked down perplexed. Even the wounded gangster was silent long enough to reach for a piece of broken wood and prepare to avenge his lost child. The silence was broken by the appearance of a tall woman in a vividly colored outfit. The rodent squeaked as Eve snatched it up and demanded the underkin stand down.

    From outside, the police watched a jumpy young rookie yelp as the front doors slammed open and a cloud of dust escaped the building. Julie almost walked right into the debris lined pit that rose up through the building several floors up as she beheld the drill machine before her. A small figure sitting wide eyed stared at her as she snatched the boy up and evacuated him. The officers watching this unknown woman warn them while dropping off the boy hit the emergency signal on their cruisers dash. The universal distress signal of the HPD went out and called all Peacekeepers in the area to the sight as this was quickly becoming anything but a gang shootout.

    Yers working with the heroses now Sun dweller!? Why contract underkin to help then?

    The large dirt covered mole demanded of the mobster while he shakily got to his feet. The other underkin seemed less than responsive to Eve, likely not as educated on surface speech as their leader. They knew a stand off when they saw it though and several leapt into the walls and debris, burrowing at lightning speeds out of sight as the large mole squatted in line of Julie's shot.

    Yers is good, yes? Stops Surface dwellers doing bad... stops Underkin from coming to surface in past... Why helps trshricksters like this one who hates you!?

  4. #24
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    "I am not helping these...trshricksters." She gave them a puzzled look. "I am here to help the likes of that kid you just attempted to murder. I don't know why you are here, nor do I give a damn why you are here. Go home. If you stay you can look forward to this." She pointed to the ceiling and turned it into water. Dumping it all over the gangsters and and mole people. "So do you want to turn into goo or leave?"

    Julie just returned and got showered in water. "Damn it."
    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 04-22-2021 at 04:05 AM.

  5. #25
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    The hunched mutant tilted its head uncertain why the tall woman was helping the mobster and his foul smelling family, but the lot of them got the hint when the floor above melted down and splashed upon them. The hostages at this point we're too scared to care about the added misery of being soaked and a few of them could use a dust off after all the destruction earlier.

    Gyaah! Fine! Fine! We makes our point Sun dweller! You get to deal with water lady!

    The mole threw his oversized paws up in frustration and shrieked at the others. They burrowed out of the surroundings and leaped into the drill tank. Atomic Eve and Julie still incognito watched the machine reverse down the building and vanish into the dark with remarkably little further turbulence. The residents did not need further excuse or instruction to flee out the building as the mobster limped over to his hysterical wife.

  6. #26
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    "That went better than I expected." Atomic Eve took the water in the room and some broken furniture to rebuild the floor that she turned into water. Any clothes soaked by the ceiling water stayed soaked. Atomic Eve wasn't sure where Julie was but they had a usual way of meeting up after an event. Atomic Eve then left out the back. She snaked around several buildings and transformed back into her street clothes.

    Julie got a little lost trying to find Daisy. By the time she got there, she was mostly dry. "Dais you gotta use your powers to fix my clothes." Daisy looked at her. "I'm thinking this."

    Julie looked down. "Damn it Dais. Hell no!" Daisy laughed. "I know you referred to me as the slutty pink princess again." Julie started to disagree. "Fine! Just change it." Daisy laughed. "I didn't know it, I got you to confess. How about this?"

    Julie looked at it. "Damn girl! This is hot." Daisy changed her own clothes.

    "Let's go to that bar before the mole men invaded. Let the cops deal with the gangsters."

  7. #27
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    With the invaders wisely retreating as they seldom actually put up a fight, the mobster and his wife ran downstairs to find their child as the unknown heroine slipped out of the building with her unseen accomplice. The crowd watching was too busy with the people fleeing for their lives and police running in to try and sort out everything to notice a pair down the way shapeshifting in the alley.

    Overhead a pair of lights zoomed into focus out of the sky. One streak of emerald flames, and the other a golden comet of light shot down upon the area coming from the direction of Sanctum city above. The familiar sight of SLJ Peacekeepers descending upon the distress call was a welcome and common sight as two figures landed among the crowd to investigate the disturbance.

    With all the ruckus drawing people outside to a halt, and people inside the buildings to peer outside and see if they needed to worry about themselves, Scarlett stepped away from her new lovely patrons to let them argue over what to eat while putting some safe distance between her and their unusual boss. Daisy and Julie now reverting to street wear saw the crimson doors swing open as the fiery haired barkeeper leaned out into the street to catch the action. She paused and smirked knowing well the pair of Peacekeepers that had come calling, while several ogling pedestrians managed to turn their heads and ogle the redhead leaning out of the building showing off her cleavage.

  8. #28
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    Julie was the first to see the redhead. “She looks like she knows quite a bit.” Daisy rolled her eyes. “Keep your mind on business. You can play after we find the missing person and get the money.” Julie ignored her friend. She strutted up to the red head. “That is quite the advertisement you have for this place.” She reached out and gently stroked the redhead’s arm. “I’m Julie.” Half-heartedly pointing behind her. “That stick in the mud is Daisy. We are in town looking for a missing person.” She pulled out a cellphone and brought up the image of the missing person poster.

    “Her parents are worried sick. She has a very serious medical condition.” Daisy stepped in and gave Julie stink eye. “If we don’t find her soon and get her on dialysis soon she could die.”
    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 04-23-2021 at 01:18 AM.

  9. #29
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    While the crowd was largely preoccupied by such close proximity peril, two figures conspicuously walked by the action were more interest in close proximity persuasion. The bartender turned her gaze away from the scene, deciding not to worry about property damage threats at this time with two new faces shoving a third into hers. Scarlett arched up and gave the phone picture a scrutinizing gaze, then lifted it up upon the pair before her.

    .....Morning to you lovely ladies... I do not recall that pretty face just yet, but its very distracting out here. Come inside and I can think it over more, or better yet I know a trio of highly helpful beings that can certainly find her for you!

    The barkeeper pursed her lips promising progress to the two bantering women as she stepped backward and held the door open for them. The temptation to look at the big loud spectacle down the street by most was contrasted by the small quiet temptation to step into the dark doorway before them. Scarlett pointed to a booth in the farthest corner of the bar where a hooded trio sat in stiff silence, apparently waiting for Daisy and Julie.

  10. #30
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    When the bartender went to the door and opened it to admit two ladies, Tepoz could see there was some sort of commotion going on across the street. It was probably best if they stayed inside for a bit.

    "So uh, why did we have to take a plane to get here?" Bud asked, putting down her BLT. "Couldn't you, you know...?"
    "Never been here, so how should I know where to... you know?" the blue godling sighed. "It's one of the reasons many of us encouraged people to raise temples - it's not likely you'll appear inside a tree in your own temple."
    "So is that why you got a temple?" Brandi asked, leaning past Bud.
    "Well, I needed someplace to keep the pulque," he shrugged. "It's not like it comes out of thin air, you know."

    In the mirror, he watched the two women walking over to the table where the three silent figures sat. Glancing back, he caught Jin watching, too.

    "Er, how about another beer?" Tepoz asked, finishing off his half-pint.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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