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Thread: Risen Ashes: Episode One | The Sins of War [IC | M]

  1. #21
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    (He didnt get close to her, just pointed a gun at her. It could have happened minutes after because of shock, and he just assumed thats what she has, as lets face it, everyone has family issues here.)

    He scans the area, his suit changing to the black one, plates merging and changing as two nlades materialize on his back. He looks around as his vision kicks in, and everythingslows down. He walks 20 meters in what woild be a second, but is more of a slow pace for him. He keeps searvhing, zoom kicking in. He steps out of the visikn, the world distorting aligjtly as he does.

    He groans for a moment. "Cant see anything, ground nor air. But we sjould be cregul. There mighr be more classes."

  2. #22
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    Lisa looks at the dunes and draws her energy sword. She has one of her guns in her other hand. Kane stops and becomes still. She pats his head. "I feel it too, buddy." She murmurs to him. "Reapers ahead." She said louder to the whole group. "Everyone be on you guard." Lisa studies the dunes and looks Teegan. "You're right. Choke-point. And there's no other way around unless we want to go days out of our way." She looks out. Here's comes the first real test as to how well they could work together.

  3. #23
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    (( We'll just skip it for the sake of less squabbling then... I wanted to create tension in the ranks but it's not as fun for us to all turn against each other at the beginning; I would welcome a stand-off later in the role play since my characters going to turn over to the dark side at some point, but I think for now we're planning reaper-action.)

    It's too quiet. The wind blows over them, but the thick dunes on either side block the wind. Even the others paces have slowed, quieting. It's the calm before the storm.

    "Trust me, you can't hear them because they're watching us. I've never gone through this and not been attacked, and it goes on for a half a mile. There's still time for them to attack; They just want us to let our guard down." She squints over head. With the sand being blown overhead by the gale-force winds, it'd be impossible to see a swarm of wingers, but considering they didn't have great hearing, it was unlikely any who flew over head would notice them. However, there could be other Reapers scouring the long escarpment: and even once they get out, the conditions were ripe for sand storms. She has her twin pistols pulled out, cocking them and checking quickly that they are fully charged... In the event they ran out, she would use her daggers rather than waste the valuable minute it would take to reload. She look to Lisa. "I have some pipe-bombs in my knapsack if the need arises... but considering we could trap ourselves in, I hope it doesn't."
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    Spoiler: Moar Zombie? Always Zombie. 

  4. #24
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    Tyler curses under his breath. "Ghost, scan the underground and foreground, and run a thermal reading of the air. Also, prep me up for an overheat." His ghost nodded, before dissapearing out.

    He readyied the blades, charging them with a black hue. "This wont be good. Everyone advance, if we go far ejough, we wint be pinnex ahainst the wall. And if things getrough, get behind me, Ill change to Tank soon!"

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    Natalia nodded. Finally she would get the chance to tinker with his suit. "I won't touch your AI that's Demetric's specialty. She smiled at him however it wasn't to long before not only everyone else caught signs of a reaper but Ivan did as well. The hawk took off from Natalia's shoulder and went soaring above the group. If he saw anything he had been trained to let Natalia know in several different ways. She pulled her rifle over her shoulder to where she can use it.

    Demetric had finished calibrating Wasp just as the others began to notice the presents of a reaper. He wasn't good in a fight. He was mostly here because he was a too notch mechanic and he could rig some explosive traps. He sent Wasp into the air the survey the area as well.
    Siggy and Avi set made by me.
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  6. #26
    Giga Onion
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    Default Risen Ashes: Divine Retribution of Sinners: Pages of Context: Sun and Steel

    “The time has come to relinquish the faithful from the sinful,” said a voice who then cackled with sinister delight. A man presumably in his twenties emerged from the darkness of a destroyed skyscraper. This man stood at the nearest to top floor and stared out at the day that had marked the turn of the century. This man’s eyes lingered around for a bit before spotting eight persons; four female, four male. Strange ratio.

    The man’s name was Shanol Schoetkal. He was wearing rather strange clothing, but his weaponry was something only a warrior could dream of. The Destroyer wasn’t on nor was the Revere. However his twin .44 Magnums was holstered and ready for when the fight needed some mid-range assistance. Shanol kept his eyes to those who left the safety of their enclosed city. However without really realizing it some Protars snuck up from behind, but were quickly dealt with by Shanol’s companion. He looked over his shoulder as he saw his companion rip apart the Protars with ease. He smirked and with this walked over and patted the head high [specifically matched with Shanol’s height] beast on the head; it accepted it as gratitude. Shanol returned to the edge and continued to watch over those seven individuals and wondered where their adventure may take them.

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    "Reapers huh?" Alex scoffed. "They're just another group of murderous bastards," Alex looked around, letting his cybernetic mask scan the area, and he got a few heat signatures, "Ah shit, Reapers coming, East, 200 meters away and fast!" Alex prepared his Holocaust Blade. "They better remember me as their foe," Alex smiled while Reginald growls.
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  8. #28
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    It was a momeng after that the ghost reappeared at his shoulder. "Massive scale readings all across the zone. Crawlers ane Walkers all around, and we have a few swarms. So get ready." "Well, shit." "Music?" "Something... Cassical" As he said this, the blades dissapeared, his suit changing to the bulky tank. This was his last change though, and he might lock down.

    The Ripper gun stood on hks arms, as he looked at ghe others. "LET'S KICK SOME ASS!"

    And thus, Immigrany Song played loud from the ghost.

  9. #29
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    "Oh ho ho, classical huh? I prefer Salute Your Solution," Alex charged his Blade and changed his cybernetic eyes to red, giving her a more evil and badass look. "Get ready Reggie," Reginald barked in reply, and a growl follows Reginald's bark. The man put one his leg forward, the other behind it. Alex gripped his Blade tightly, "Let's dance!"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  10. #30
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    Lisa rolls her eyes as Alex said his favorite phrase in the world. He has said it to her several times before when they spar. "Must you insist on saying that? It's so.... corny." She spins her sword in a circle, loosening up her right arm. "If you say it again, Alex, I don't think you'll live after it." She looks at Kane, who appears relaxed but Lisa knew he was ready to attack. "Alex... first one to 100 reapers wins." she says grinning.

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