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Thread: [M] The Throne of Gods (IC)

  1. #21
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Lanaei faltered in her step as she watched a new smoke trail crash down into the city before her. The smoke trail should have filled her with hope of others like her nearby, had it not been for the way the trail had smashed into another and plummeted downwards spiraling intertwined. A flame cloud burst through the buildings before her and she stopped. Screams seemed to echo from the city and sirens wailed. Lanaei took a step forward as a vehicle whizzed past her. The red truck screamed and barreled towards the city.

    She started to run towards the city, her hair acting as a dress as she sprinted, the pain in her chest seemed to deepen but she put it to the back of her mind. She past some stopped cars and humans, not paying them any attention as she entered the city. The sudden change from green to grey pained Lanaei, though her mind was on the screams and fire that now ravaged parts of the city.

    She reared around a corner and ran straight into a pack of people who were fleeing, tears and screams bursting from their group. She fell harshly and frowned at those who trampled past her. She pushed herself off the ground as a large man took her arm to help her up. She smiled at him and noticed his wandering eyes. She scowled at him, her eyes glowing green, he removed his jacket and handed it to her. With a nod she removed her shield and shrugged on the material.

    Placed her shield over her left arm, she moved onto the street and towards the screams and sirens. As she moved past another building, the stench of death grew. Her eyes were wide as she came across corpse after corpse, each human killed brutally. Instantly, Lanaei knew the work as that of a member of the Chaos faction.

    Holding her shield tight, she ran after the police and fire engines that had screamed past her. She rounded the corner as a car came crashing past her, more screams could be heard and fire and debris was dotted around the street. Keeping her distance, she snuck forward, keeping her body low. She saw a flash of bright red hair and stood involuntary. The Goddess before her was not one to be mixed with, how could she stop this carnage by herself and with her powers weakened.

    She wouldn’t be able to attack, her powers over death weren’t their strongest during Summer.’ I might work’ she thought quickly as she skipped around the car and sprinted into the center of the street.
    She watched as the Goddess destroyed car after car and picked humans up throwing them like rag dolls. The humans screamed or cowered in terror. Pain struck through Lanaei’s very soul, panicking she did the first thing that came into her head.
    She dropped to one knee and placed her hand flat on the ground, concentrating on the Goddess before her. The ground seemed to rumble before Abbadon, bursting through the concrete and rubble, a newly created Oak tree grew tall and strong in the blink of an eye. It would not harm the Goddess but it would distract her from the cowering group of humans that were now protecting by the trunk of the tree.

    As the screams stopped, Lanaei brought her shield hard down against the concrete, the sound of the metal thudding echoed around the street. She stood knowing Abbadon would have her sights on her, she raised her head and smirked at the Goddess. Knowing full well her presence and her callousness would anger the other Goddess. Lanaei turned suddenly she sprinted for the large park, she could see in the distance. With a Goddess of Balance nearby, hopefully Abbadon would concentrate on killing her first, the time might give other Gods and Goddess a chance to arrive and stop the carnage.

  2. #22
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    Masecha froze when the city suddenly erupted in flames and stared in amazement. A god? Curiously, he bounded forward until he reached the city. His chest started hurting as he felt the hearts of humans stop beating, their lives ending one after the other. A wave of protective anger seared through him. As the God of the Heart, in a way it made him a guard over one of the things vital to life... and yet death was such a common thing. It was bound to happen sooner or later to these people. Why should he care? Did he advocate for their lives or abandon them? Well, that depended slightly on the cause of all this, which he was determined to find. He took refuge in the ruins a recently destroyed building, staying hidden from her eyes, seeing that the cause was a she. He didn't get near and he knew how to stay hidden so remaining unseen was not a difficult factor. What was difficult was getting to her. He wasn't a fighting god nor even really a protection god, though that was one of his roles. He was a tester. He preferred negotiations over fighting any day, mostly because he saw fighting as a waste of precious time and often it was over the smallest and stupidest of things. The first thing he had to do was make contact.

    He moved to another building, still staying out of line of vision an hearing. He knew who it was by now. The goddess of destruction, Abbadon. He didn't trust people of her likes, seeing that they were always betraying someone or under constant need to rebel. He wasn't afraid of her. He'd traveled in and out of her domain as he had the others seeing that it was the only way he could do his part in the universe. He studied her movements for a moment when another came by, this one being Lanaei. Another of his brethren under Balance as he once had been. He smiled at the sight of her, but felt a will of protection in her heart. He frowned right then. Cold she hold up against the goddess of destruction? Perhaps. He decided to wait. Abbadon's attention was on the girl and her heart was set on, surprise, destruction. There didn't seem to be any way to pull her off of that path. Gods and goddesses like her were so shallow, always letting themselves get corrupted by something they were supposed to be in control of!

    He kept his place. He carefully put a hand of protection on the heart of the goddess from the the faction of Balance, making sure there was no doubt or fear plaguing her cause and strengthening her courage as well as her awareness of how high her head might get. If she didn't like this feeling, she could easily knock it away. Then he focused on the heart of the destruction goddess.
    "You... what is it that you wish to achieve?" his words were not heard, rather, it was more like they felt. He was messing with the goal that was locked inside of her, this being one of the reasons why he was always able to pass through the factions without being seen. They gave no indication of where he was or even that they were from some outside force. It was always the job of the victim to figure that out.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
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  3. #23
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Vantas's head snapped up at the sound of the metal whirlybird, his eyebrow raised. Ah. It seems that they received my message. The klaxons reverberated through the trees and out to the icy tundra behind him, and even Vantas's ears found them quite horrid to listen to. Too bad that this was not the proper response. With a humph, he cracked his neck and reached into the Void.

    As soon as the helicopter had locked its spotlight upon him with the flashing lights of the ground-restricted law approaching from a distance, Vantas became surrounded in walls of darkness. The embodiment of nothingness was a sphere with a radius of about seven feet, and it flowed like water at Vantas's command, shifting and rolling like a tide around him and shielding him from the light of the chopper. The darkness reflected nothing, revealing no texture or glimmer like stone or ice would, and yet it continued to writhe and contort with grace.

    And then, with absolutely no warning, the sphere of darkness shot off at incredible speeds, dodging between trees with practiced agility. The helicopter attempted to pursue it, but its light could not track it fast enough through the forest. The automobiles of the police also attempted to follow, but their vehicles were too slow for the great mass of black. For Vantas had a purpose, and darkness could never be halted.

    Within the sphere, Vantas rested on one knee, his darkened eyes spilling black mists. I cannot continue to be burdened with these automatons. I have a conquest that needs to begin and a throne to destroy. His gaze, which pierced through the veil of darkness around him, passed tree upon tree until he finally emerged in a clearing that lead to a city bathed in snow. Vantas accelerated the sphere until it sped along the paved road leading into the city, knocking away other automobiles upon the road with little regard.

    Minutes later, the sphere of darkness turned the corner and began to speed through the city, Vantas's eyes within the walls staring intently forwards. I need to find the other gods. Someone must know of how I can find the throne, and I will wring that information out of them by any means. As he accelerated, however, he noticed great commotion coming from the block opposite of him (not that he wasn't causing great commotion himself, though). There's...another deity. I'm sure of it. Spinning the sphere until it came to a stop, he turned and accelerated towards the other block.

    The streets were full of fire, rubble, and fallen soldiers. And yet amongst the turmoil, Vantas noticed a peculiar figure with white hair and oddly matching white coat and trousers. Iphos. Gushion. Imagine that. The sphere sped quickly towards the turmoil until it came to a halt ten feet away from the white deity, and the walls of darkness unwound to reveal Vantas's kneeling form. The darkness seeping from his eyes retracted to leave his usual golden irises, and he gracefully came to his feet, brushing off his shoulders and straightening his black jacket.

    "I can see that you've been basking in our new predicament as well, Gushion." Vantas spread his arms to gesture at the wrecked street and the fallen bodies, a smug grin upon his face. "I'm glad to see that you're having as much fun as I."

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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  4. #24
    Crimson Casanova
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    Zypher arrived at the border of the town square to see the group of black and white empty vehicles together. He kept to the shadows of an alley as he watched one of the police officers carrying his unconscious partner back into the vehicle. The other two law enforcement officers looked pretty shaken, and their wary eyes were searching all around the area.

    "That is correct, two are dead. One needs medical attention. We need backup," one of the police officers spoke into his radio. Even from the distance, Zypher was able to hear every word clearly. It seemed that whichever entity landed has caused some mayhem, even killing a few of the innocent humans.

    "Darn it," Zypher mutters quietly. He needed to find this entity right away. Fortunately, it didn't seem that difficult at the moment. Each entity from the heavens above could sense one another when near each other. It would help distinguishing themselves from the humans now that they have all fallen. In this case for Zypher, there was a thick scent hidden amongst the shadows. A scent that was very similar to aroma of the lovely trees of Averas.

    Zypher turned around and walked down the alley, the scent thickening with each step. He stops himself at a dead end, before turning around and speaking up. "I know you are there, reveal yourself!" he called out.

    Abbadon cackled as she snapped the neck of another pitiful human. She felt its life essence absorbing into her body, giving her more power. She threw the fresh corpse to the concrete, before turning around to face another group of cowering humans. She smiles wickedly at them as she takes an aggressive step towards them. Suddenly, the ground before her began to crack. A frown comes across her face, and her eyes widened slightly as a large tree burst from the ground before her and separated the goddess from the humans.

    That was then she noticed the smell... it was the gagging aroma of lively trees from the blasted Averas realm. She growls, she didn't notice that another entity was nearby due to the thick stench of blood and smoke all over the area. A loud clank gathered her attention, and she turns around to face a young goddess, who was practically half-naked by wearing only a strange masculine top.

    Abbadon smiled evilly again. Many of the entities of the Balance faction barely knew how to fight. This young Goddess of Seasons was basically a chew toy for the Goddess of Destruction. "Well, look what we have here," she giggles as she takes a few steps towards the girl. She raises her right hand and a bright darklight forms upon it, and from the darklight a long black sword was summoned. She points the blade towards Lanaei, "I suggest you don't blink," she warns.

    An uncomfortable feeling then washed over her. She was hesitating to attack, What is this? She questioned herself. What am I trying to accomplish? Her hand tightens around her blade, I'm trying to become the strongest out there, she growled to herself. To become the ultimate lord of all... no other beings shall stand in my way! Anger fueled her, and in a few quick seconds, the Goddess of Destruction was standing right behind Lanaei.

    With each life force she takes, Abbadon's speeding prowess increases. Before the fall, Abbadon was basically an invincible warrior in the battlefield of gods. Running through her enemies before they could even blink, and slaughter entire armies in a matter of seconds. She often found herself allying with the Goddess of War, Jag. The two would often work together to decimate all of the realms. Every once in a while, they would go at each other's throats. Jag's physical invincibility proved troublesome, but Abbadon's speed allowed her to dodge practically all of Jag's attacks, leaving the two of them in an eternal stalemate over power.

    "Die," Abbadon quickly said before raising her blade and slashing it down towards Lanaei.

    The Russian General banged his desk hard with his fist, violently shaking his belongings. He sighs in frustration, he just received multiple reports of powerful beings wrecking havoc all across his beloved country. There were particularly three beings that caught his attention by slaughtering multiple citizens and soldiers.

    There was a hurried knock on his door, and a soldier rushed in. "Sir," he quickly saluted "One of them is on the phone, he wishes to speak to you. He's on the line right now."

    The General brushes him away and orders the soldier to leave. The door closes behind the exiting soldier, and the General picks up the phone on his desk. "What is it?" he growls.

    "Good afternoon, general," the voice behind the line began to speak. Even though the person was speaking in fluent Russian, he had an unmistakable American accent. "I'm sure you are quite aware by now, but the gods have fallen."

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    Jaslyn doubled back after realizing the alley she had chosen ended in a solid wall. This human town was a maze to the goddess, and it irked her. Then Jaslyn stopped, feeling the presence of a nearby god. She was cloaked by the shadows and thus remained unseen when a white-haired young man came into view at the mouth of the alley. He glared into the darkness, seeking her. She watched him with calm curiosity.

    “I know you are there! Reveal yourself!” he demanded, looking stoic and unafraid. He smelled of Order.

    “There was a time when no man, not even a god, would dare speak to me the way you just did,” Jaslyn responded in the musical language of the heavens. Stepping out of the shadow, the goddess revealed herself to the stranger. She did not recognize him, which was no surprise. She cocked her head and studied him passively.

    “But you are young, and my time has long since passed,” she continued, looking into the starry sky longingly. Then her voice became void of emotion. “Thus I will forgive your insolence.”

    Jaslyn stepped closer, walking slowly around Zypher, as a predator circles its prey. “Your face is unfamiliar to me. But your heart is as easy to read as a mortal’s.”

    Luthious appeared before Zypher’s eyes, smiling at him proudly. He looked stunningly real, clothed in his magnificent armor with his dual swords strapped across his back. He held out his hand to Zypher, an invitation to his adopted son, but if the younger god reached out to touch it, the illusion would disperse like mist and be lost to the night.

    Jaslyn watched the blue-eyed god mildly, gauging his reaction.

    “You are a child of Order,” she continued, standing to the side. “And what you most desire is to find Luthious and the other Monarchs if you can, and unveil the murderer of the King.”

    “Now how on earth--“ she smiled ever so slightly at the pun, “--are you planning to do that, I wonder?”
    Set by the masterful Karma

  6. #26
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    Default The Fall of Nirvana

    Pain... pain and nothingness.. these two feelings permeated every fiber of the being of the kings youngest daughter.. yet there was also something else.. Peace. A very brief moment of bliss before her body was hurled down upon the planet earth. Her body shrouded by the heat energy radiating off of her as she shot through the atmosphere of the planet. Her speed was rapidly decreasing but it would not spare her the impact. Nor would it soften the blow. But still it came. It came hard. But not as fast as one would think. For the descent took ten minutes even at the screaming velocity with which the goddess of inner peace fell. Nor would it spare her the location of her landing.

    so this is it then.. my life will end now... the goddess of inner Peace.. Will be no more nirvana thought to herself just as she slammed into the ground near another being the force of her impact throwing up smoke and sending out a concussive wave of energy all around and for just a brief moment hiding the body of Nirvana.

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

  7. #27
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    Masecha glared in annoyance as Abbadon continued her attack on Lanaei. It was to be expected, but any closer and he would have to run in and attack himself and an all out assault on such a goddess was not his style. He ran closer, being sure, still, to stay hidden from sight from the goddess of destruction.
    "The strongest? And yet you falter at the smallest question of your own goal? No other being will stand in your way? What of yourself? Why did you hesitate for a moment? Do you doubt your own skills? Is that why you are killing others and stealing their strength instead of using your own?"

    He kept a careful eye on her movements as well as where her attention was pointed. She was still not aware of his presence. He felt her anger and his own was rising as well with each heart that stopped beating in the area as their strength was drained from them, stolen by the attractive beast that smelled of death. He was their caretaker, and she was not making his job any easier. Whether mortal or immortal, he was a god nonetheless, and without his cause, he was nothing. His irritation only increased when she was directly behind Lanaei and ready to end her life with the swing of the sword. If he could just attack without revealing himself! He was still in his child form at the moment. He snaked his way through the carnage to a closer point, picked up a broken piece of cement about the size of a baseball and flung it at the goddess' head from behind a charred wall while asking her, "And what of the other gods and goddesses? What part of you are trying to strengthen? Will you use only your physical strength to bring the kingdom to its knees? And once you rise, who will you rule over once you've slain your brethren? Will you be able to hold back your own power long enough to rule over the world and Heavens while everything is still held in one piece?"

    He ran from his position, unsure of how well this ruse would work, still trying to keep her busy with questions to somewhat distort her senses and also save Lanaei. He made sure to stay in the same general area, close enough to break anything up if he had to, but still hidden from her view, however, if she was going to get anywhere near her intended goal, at least finding his general area would be within her general capabilities. He wondered for a moment, if she even saw him, would she recognize him as a fellow god after his long reign in wandering solitude?
    Last edited by DizzyMaelstrom!; 12-30-2013 at 09:08 AM.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
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  8. #28
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    Lanaei felt the Goddess appear behind her quickly, Lanaei hadn’t calculated the speed that Abbadon would have. She gulped, she was shaking softly, she knew her time had come. Suddenly warmth filled her, it was like she was being given the hope of all that surrounded her, they wished for her to succeed, or to at least stop the rampage.
    Lanaei took a deep breath and gripped her shield, as Abbadon growled words at her , she raised her shield above her head, hoping to block the blow. The metal was heavy on her arms and if the sword made contact then pain would burn through her arms.
    There was a crash to her left. A wave of energy flew over the two goddesses. Lanaei used this to her advantage and lunged away from Abbadon, she could sense at least two other beings here. A piece of cement was thrown and Lanaei grinned at those around her helping. She pulled herself to her feet and ran towards the line of cars. There was little that the beings around her could do, she was firmly in the sights of Abbadon.
    She turned when she reached the cars and dropped her shield, the death of the city was making her anger soar. She stared down the Goddess before her, thinking quickly she waved her hands before her.

    The ground rumbled and broke in large pieces, the immortal trees of the Averas realm burst through. The trees were a deep green all over, they glowed and the smell was sweet and would be overpowering to all those not of the balance realm. The branches would interlink and would become one unit. The creation of such trees would greatly drain Lanaie, though the trees themselves could do much worse to Abbadon. They seemed to be placed around her in a cage, the trees were resistant to much but not all of the powers that the Gods and Goddesses hold.

    She let the trees take her over and vines dropped from the branches, they snaked their way along to Abbadon, trying to latch on to the Goddess in any way possible. Lanaei titled her head slightly, with the fall they were all Mortal and if the trees latched on to Abbadon for long, the truth over their mortality would be seen.

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    Iphos looked up as he heard someone addressing him. He had just finished emptying all the rounds from the soldiers guns, and was quite annoyed with how long it took. As he spotted the man at first all he saw was a shadow since he was currently surrounded by flames however after waving his arm and making them extinguish Iphos saw Vantas. It had to have been over ten thousand years since they last talked but after Vantas' stunt earlier Iphos was looking for some pay back.

    Kicking the wreckage from one of the helicopters it flew past Vantas at a extreme speed and Iphos bared his teeth. "You think this is fun!? You think I enjoy killing the ones I helped bring to this point!? No I don't and you come here and kill them as if they're nothing but insects! Only I can do that to my own experiments!" Iphos screamed as he disapeared from Vantas' vision and appeared behind him. Realing his fist back Iphos pushed it foward and used vectors to effect the air pressure. VAntas felt aextreme weight hit him as he went flying towards a set of skyscrapers like he was a bullet fying through paper. HE would then crash into the side of the same mountain Jag was walking down.

    Now we shall sit back and watch this Galaxy burn.

  10. #30
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    Ah, yes. That is one particular aspect I did not miss about Gushion.

    As Iphos vanished, Vantas felt his lingering presence in through the Void. His eyes snapped from gold to black as the God of Time appeared behind him, and he turned his hips to face the white deity with his arms crossed in an X across his chest just as the punch was delivered. Before the air pressure propelled him, darkness swelled around Vantas's form in a tight sphere, shielding him from the blow.

    And then he was flying near the speed of sound.

    Vantas grit his teeth with his arms still crossed as the shield of darkness plowed through the buildings, but still he continued to fly. Yet as he sped through the air, those teeth were grit in an almost maniacal smile. Finally, we can have some fun! Let us hope that Gushion will not disappoint me in this ordeal!

    When he plowed into the mountainside, releasing another plume of snow, Vantas finally released the shield and uncrossed his arms, his eyes returning to normal. With a slight groan, he pushed himself to his feet and dusted off his coat. "Damn, that is quite a temper." As he stretched his neck, feeling the disgustingly human joints pop, he released a sigh. "And over a few petty humans, too. How quick he is to jump to--"

    As his neck stretched to the other side, Vantas noticed a massive toned nude figure standing a mere thirty feet away from him. He immediately stopped, locked his eyes on the figure curiously, and assumed his head to the normal position slowly. Well, I'll be damned. If it isn't the Goddess of War herself

    "Jag. What a pleasant surprise." Vantas nodded to her respectfully. "Hardly surprising that you survived the fall. Enjoying yourself?"

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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