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Thread: Zoids: Cataclysm

  1. #21
    Better Then Expected
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    The three pilots, two Genezoids and one human, couldn't help but notice the looks they were getting. They knew what it was, many people thought they were bandits. What with the way they were emblazened with their group's logo and name. But no, they were mecenaries. They got paid to steal things, kill, destroy buildings, protect caravan's and VIPs, attack Caravan's and VIPs and even the ocassional bandit or Wild Zoid problem. "I'm gonna finally get that new cannon for my bear after this." Curtis said between bites.

    "You've been eyeing that high impact cannon for awhile haven't you?" Michael took a drink. "It'd be a nice addition to the Bear Fighter."

    "Yeah that double barrel cannon isn't cutting it." Curtis said. "Not with what we go up against all the time. I need more stopping power."

    "What about you Vega?" Michael asked.

    "Well you could probably guess." Vega pushed up on his glasses. "I'd like to take the family somewhere nice. Perhaps Arcadia."

    "Yeah that'd be nice. It's a great costal resort." Arcadia had white beaches and a nice tropical forest, great vacation spot for anyone with the money.

    "Ok boss, what about you?" Curtis asked his superior.

    "Don't know. Could use some parts, get me some upgrades. But my zoid is really powerful so I don't think more weapons is neccessary." Michael pushed his empty plate away. "Perhaps I'll continue to invest my money like I have been doing." With his investments Michael had a steady stream of income. "Yeah that sounds good."

    "Always thinking ahead huh?" Vega chuckled.

    "You know me." The doors to the diner opened and Michael turned to look at whoever entered.

    "Who is it boss?" Curtis asked, continuing to eat.

    "No one." Michael turned back around. "Check please." The waitress approached them cautiously, still unsure if the group were bandits. Shakily she handed them their check. "Thank you." Michael gave her a smile. She stopped shaking and blushed, turning to walk away quickly.

    "Lady killer." Vega lightly shoved him.

    "Please stop saying that. I don't want that nickname to stick. I like the Black Knight to much." Michael paid for the meal, treating his squadmates. "We have to wait for Curtis. We'll be here awhile."

  2. #22
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Halfway through his journey, Cad jolted up from his lazy stature in the pilots chair as the clearly feminine voice buzzed through.

    "Hey. Are you heading into town by any chance? You must be a little banged up after that assault, so do you want company down?"

    He thought about it. Rigon was a bit damaged, and what was wrong with a little company? Sometimes the road got a bit lonely with just him and Rigon. Besides, if the other pilot decided to attack, Cad believed that him and Rigon could take them. Stopping the zoid, he addressed the voice.

    "Aye, I suppose that you heard that battle." He chuckled to himself.

    In a better mood now, Cadmus?

    Nothing like company to help you to your feet.

    "Sure, we could use some company. We figured that we could use a rest and repair stop before we head on our way." Cad looked on the HUD, noting that the Shadow Fox was rather unarmed. "If we continue this way, then we could get to Dust Town in 20 to 30 minutes. I suppose that you have business there." He shrugged. "Can I get a name?"

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  3. #23
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    "Aye, I suppose that you heard that battle."

    Well, heard and snuck right by, she thought to herself, but she decided to keep that detail to herself. While she was sure he knew her Shadow Fox was almost bare-bones, she didn't want to tip her hand too soon.

    "If we continue this way, then we could get to Dust Town in 20 to 30 minutes. I suppose that you have business there. Can I get a name?"

    Elle smiled to herself, "My name is Elle LaForet, delivery girl. I just got rid of my package a few miles back and I was hoping to rest over in Dust Town before hitting the road again." From being unwilling to even adress Mr. Troei just a few hours ago to chatting up a stranger in a well-armed Liger... how strange, she noted, mirroring Sirex's bemusement. Turning up Sirex's boosters, she pulled up beside the Murasame Liger, "I'll return the question. What's your name?"

    You're not even going to ask what he's going to Dust Town for? came Sirex's voice with a hint of reprimanding caution. She shook her head and answered her zoid aloud, "Repairs, I'd wager."

    Well, if you're so sure.

    Elle pulled ahead of the other pilot for a moment or two, setting a more even course for Dust Town. It would be her first time actually spending any decent amount of time out there, so she was excited to see if she could purchase any rare parts to trade.
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  4. #24
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Elle LaForet, Cadmus. A GIRL.

    And you can shut up, or no repairs for you.

    I doubt that you would dare to take me into combat without repairs.

    Don't test me, Rigon. The zoid hummed in amusement.

    "I'll return the question. What's your name?"

    "Cadmus Lakonen, mercenary. Just call me Cad." He replied through the intercom as the Shadow Fox pulled ahead of the Liger. "We were fighting the Yinz Gang back there, they had a team of Rev Raptors. It wasn't too bad, but as you can tell, it could've gone better." The Liger sustained minor damage: a couple deep scratches along the the sides with a couple impacts from the shells. The Murasame was durable, though, and that was one thing that Cad admired about it.

    He hesitated. "Some other merc popped up in the middle of battle and just watched us in a Brastle Tiger. Then when the next wave of raptors came, he just wiped them out without a scratch. He was pretty arrogant about it too." Remembering the battle, the merc's name popped up in his head again. "His name was Vane. Ever heard of him?"

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  5. #25
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    "Cad, charmed," Elle replied. She felt a little fidgety, and knew that she was growing uncertain of the conversational prospect once again. Luckily for her, Cad had a lot to say about his fight with the Yinz Gang. She had heard enough about them from the families in the area, but had never known what zoids or tactics they favored. After today's brief glimpse, she decided that she would use them in order to raise the price of deliveries to the immediate area. She grinned at the thought, but she snapped back to attention when Cad mentioned the Brastle Tiger. The zoid looked like it was terribly impressive in a battle, especially after her companion's confirmation that it emerged without a scratch. Elle took a longer look at the scratches in Cadmus's zoid's sides. It could have been much worse, but still.

    What really got her to listen was the other merc's name. "His name was Vane. Ever heard of him?" Elle leaned forward to the intercom, not trusting her voice to carry as far as it did just moments ago, "Yes, actually. I'm not really much of a mercenary myself, but I know that I've even lost jobs to him. Silver hair, Tiger Brastle, cocky but with a skillset that almost makes his arrogance bearable? I'm aware of this Vane guy."

    Yeah, Elle, he gave us a run for our money, didn't he?

    Elle blushed vehemently. I was trying to forget that scuffle! Of course, there was no way someone like Vane would remember such an easy fight, but she wondered if he realized that he had inspired her to bond more with Sirex. It probably didn't even enter his swelled head. She flicked the intercom on to rant a little more, but she couldn't find the words, so she flicked it off once again, staring straight ahead with a sigh.
    RPs You May Appreciate, Who Knows?:

    Stairway to Heaven (Mature, Post-Apocalyptic):

    The Demigod Project (Sci-Fi):

    "You can't deprive him of the French Revolution!"

  6. #26
    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Ah, so this is a well-known merc.

    We need to steer clear of him next time, Cad.

    I will as long as he does.

    The rest of the journey continued in silence except for the rhythmic pounding of their zoids bounding accross the land.

    Eventually, they caught sight of Dust Town, a small town with a name to match its environment. Moving the Liger over near a Red Horn, Snipe Master, and Bear Fighter, Cad gave Rigon some time to rest. As he hopped out of the cockpit, mentally promising the Liger to fix it up before they let the town, he watched the Shadow Fox stop next to the Liger. A girl with red hair and strange, golden eyes jumped out of the cockpit. This must be Elle.

    Together, the two of them entered the restaurant. It was slightly crowded, with few tables left. At the counter, however, there sat three men. One of them had long white hair, a beard, and glasses, and another one had medium-length grey hair and a cap on. The last one Cad had heard about. Him and Elle sat two seats away from the group, and as soon as they had ordered, Cad turned to her.

    "That merc over there, you know the one with the black hair and blue eyes?" he nodded over towards the group. "That is the Black Knight. He is rather well known in the merc community. Apparently, he has military training because he was in the war. Hes part of the Paladins, a pretty big merc group. I'm with a group called the Blue Guard, not as big as theirs but still well known. The zoids that we parked next to must belong to them." He glanced behind him at the group again. "I didn't think that he would be so young."

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  7. #27
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    "Ah that was good." Curtis sighed, patting his now slighly bulging stomach.

    "You done stuffing your face?" Michael asked.

    "Yep!" Curtis had a goofy expression. "Thanks for paying for all that." Michael would often pay for their meals. He treated his teammates well.

    "It's the least I can do for you guys. You have to put up with me all the time." Michael chuckled.

    The trio was just sitting there, minding their own business, talking. But that was interupted by a man with a shotgun. "Alright everybody freeze!" Michael let out an annoyed chuckled. Dust Town just wouldn't be Dust Town without some upstart punk holding up the place. The residence here didn't fear bandits for nothing. The man made the unfortunate mistake of stepping close to Michael. He had failed to see the trio were carrying weapons of their own. "This is a robbery!"

    "Yeah no it's not." Michael turned quickly, grabbing the end of the shotgun and forcing it up in the air. It went off, causing the others, save his companions who have seen this all before, to let out a surprised noise, mostly screams and gasps. Michael elbowed the bandit in the stomach, knocking him away. He tossed the gun away, Vega caught it and set it on the bar. The bandit came back with a knife. Michael dodged, grabbed the man's hand and disarmed him quickly and breaking one of his fingers. Michael threw the knife down, the blade sticking in the man's foot. Michael drew his knife, it was a menacing blade, a mix of combat knife and brass knuckles. "Now what shall we do with you?" He moved around the man, the flat of his blade touching the man's cheek made him jump a little and Michael chuckled.

    "I say kill him." Vega entered. "Dust Town doesn't have the appropriate accomidations for prisoners."

    "And I don't think taking him all the way back to Neo Haven is a good idea." Curtis gave his opinion.

    "I agree, on both counts." With one quick motion the annoyance was no more. "Vega, Curtis. Take care of the body." Silently both men complied, carrying the body out of the restaurant to be dealtr with. Michael sat back at the bar. "Botte of whiskey please." In all the comotion the owner didn't even bother to ask if he was old enough to drink, instead just handing him a bottle of dark liquid. "Thanks." Michael took a long swig. His throat burned.

    "Um, excuse me?" A meek voice called to his left. Michael turned to look. It was the waitress. "I thought you might want this?" She handed over a wanted poster of the man he had just killed.

    "Huh. Seems he's been harrassing Aliance shipments so they put a hit out on him." He took another drink. "That's another one the brass owes me. Wonder if they'll give me another medal?"

  8. #28
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    Armstrong Military encampant...
    When Vane returned he found himself overlooking a burning tents and screaming bodies. Several zoids were scattered all around, destroyed and decimated. Of course this all meant nothing to Vane as there was only one thought on his mind:
    A fight broke out and I wasn't here to enjoy it! Damn it!

    The genezoid scanned the area for survivors and there was one single life sign left in the entire area. The blood warrior thought it prudent to approach the signal. Maybe if he shook the surivivor for questions he could find where the enemy's whereabouts and chase them for another good fight. Whoever these guys were they took out highly trained and highly competent soldiers.

    "Oh it had to be you!"

    Vane arrived at a dark damp cave used as a hiding place by the survivor. He chuckled at the man's response
    "Commander Locke. Should have thought you'd survive the ordeal. Care to tell me who created this beautiful display."

    Locke coughed in response. The glasses man was bleeding form a sharp sound to his abdomen. Despite being in such a weakened state he was not above glaring at the upstart mercenary.
    "Why so you can chase them down and avenge your comrades." His tone was sarcastic. Vane laughed.

    "I care very deeply about my allies. You should full well know that."

    "Blow it out your ass Vane!" Struggling to sit up upright, Locke pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up Its orange light brightening the battered veterans features. After a puff of smoke, he spoke again. "Ever heard of the Rosenritter?"

    Vane stopped laughing shocked at the words that left the man's mouth.
    "You can't be serious. They actually attacked here?"

    "Whatever they have planned it can't be good."

    Vane paused finding himself deep in thought. The Rosenritter were an elite squad of pilots known for their tenacity and ferociousness. If they were really here then there was a good chance she might be in the area as well.

    "I'll call and make sure reinforcements are headed your way."

    "Hah don't jo-

    "It's no a joke" Vane interrupted, stunning Locke. The commander was Staring at the Vane oddly. "Your excellent soldier, one who's proven himself in the field of battle. You have also given some nice battles here, even though you did skim out at the end of my contract. I remember my debts and I repay them."

    Silence greeted the commander and soldier before Locke let out a strange laugh "Your a strange man. Even for A genezoid."

    A rare non-psychotic smile met Vane's lips as he turned around and walked away from the man. There was work to do but first thing is first.

    Dust Town.
    Vane arrived at Dust town, his first task asking for information or eaves dropping on other mercenaries. The locals were staring at his Brastle Tiger rather worryingly. Quietly, he jumped off his ally, approaching the local tavern.
    "Punch and Vodka.." Vane requested. The bartender left nervously to get his drink. He looked over at the entire tavern sizing all the mercenary and soldiers up as usual. Though there was some silence as he came in, after about five minutes the locals got back to their usual business talking and drinking.

    "You hear about the Armstrong Regiment"
    "Yeah? Rumors are already flying like wildfire. They say the Rosenritter were behind the attacks.
    "Yeah. It's said even the crimson fury lead the charge herself."

    Vane's ears perked at this conversation. So she was in the area after all. Still there was too much that was unknown. He'll have to work more towards attaining more info.

  9. #29
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    Cad watched all of the events unfurl. He was initially impressed by the Black Knight's combat skills, quickly disarming the man twice. He felt no pity for the attempted robber, and he turned around and leaned his elbows against the counter to watch the fight, a grin on his face. Then, he had the knife to the man's throat. Things quickly got nasty

    "Now what shall we do with you?"

    "I say kill him. Dust Town doesn't have the appropriate accomidations for prisoners."

    "And I don't think taking him all the way back to Neo Haven is a good idea."

    "I agree, on both counts."

    Cad tensed in his chair, about to jump, but it was too late. The man was dead. The fellow Paladins quickly took the body outside while the Black Knight took his seat at the bar again as if nothing had happened. He took a drink from the alcohol that he was seved, even though he was probably too young to drink.

    Cad's opinion of the mercenary dropped significantly. He took that life as if it belonged to him, and now he treats himself as if it was nothing? The mercenary looked at the poster, cockily smiling.

    "That's another one the brass owes me. Wonder if they'll give me another medal?"

    Cad grunted a laugh at the mercenary, who turned to look at Cad and raised an eyebrow. Cad grinned at him smugly.

    "Look man, you might have some moves, but that attitude will take you nowhere." Cad said. "You kill a man, acting as if it was as easy as kicking a pebble, and then you forget it as if you perform miracles on a daily basis?" He chuckled and turned back to face the counter. "Quite the personality."

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    "My attitude is fine thank you. It has taken me through a successful military career and into a very successful mercenary career." Michael said, not bothering to look at the speaker. "Besides he was the one with the problem. Who does he think he is trying to rob this fine establishment. Other than a hole in their ceiling these people made out ok." A hole in the ceiling was a lot better than a hole in someone's chest. Michael looked over his bloodied knife. Tthe bartender handed him a rag. "Thanks." Taking the offered rag he cleaned his blade. "You know usually you don't let guys with shotguns walk away. I did this town a favor." Sheathing his blade he grabbed his bottle of booze and the rag. Turning he faced the person who spoke to him. "Just because your point of view on battle is different than mine doesn't mean you're right. Being narrow minded like that, it won't get you very far." Michael made his way to the door but stopped just before he left. He turned back to the teen real quick. "And turns out he's worth more dead."

    Stepping outside Michael made his way back to their zoids. "Sir." Vega saluted. "I've set up communications with the Human Alliance. They wish to soeak to you regarding that man."

    "Right then." A holographic projector was set up on a crate and the trio gathered around. "Hello?"

    An image appeared. It was a old man, older than Vega, dressed in a General's uniform. Michael, on instinct, snapped into a salute. The man chuckled. "Relax Lieutenant. You aren't a part of the military anymore remember?"

    "Sorry General Ceaser." Michael rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarassed. "Why the personal call?"

    "Just wanted to confirm if that man was truly dead." Vega held up the body. "That is proof enough."

    "So do I get a medal?" The question made the genearl laugh. "What?"

    "You already have a case of medals and numerous comendations. I don't think you need another one." Michael grumbled. "But you do get a lot of money.

    "I think that'll work." Curtis said before Michael could say something.

    "And I could make re-entry into Neo Haven a bit faster for you." That made the trio happy. Going through all those security checkpoints could get annoying sometimes. "Anyway guys I have a meeting to get to. I'll see you next time the Alliance needs Paladins to do some work in the wastelands.

    "Looking forward to it." Michael saluted, again out of habbit. With a laugh General Ceaser's image faded. "Was nice to see him again."

    "Do you miss it?" Vega asked. "Being in the army?"

    "...Sometimes." Michael ran a hand through his hair. "I learned a lot in my time there. Hell whenever I see a Zaber Fang I get all nostalgic. I made some good friends there to. And there was never a dull moment." Michael turned to his friends. "But being in the Paladins is my life now. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

    "Don't get all emotional on us." Curtis made a disgusted face. "We know you'd never leave us."

    "Right then." Michael removed his leather jacket and set it on the crate. "Why don't you two go get some supplies while I do a patch job on my Red Horn?" There was a few tweaks he needed to make and a few bullet holes he wanted to patch up.

    "Sounds good." The two Genezoids left their human CO.

    "Right then." Michael removed his other shirts, leaving his chest bare. He was gonna get dirty and didn't want to ruin the only clothes he had. He made a note to start packing more. Reaching into his Zoid's storage compartment he pulled out a hand welder and a pair of welding goggles. Michael climbed up his zoid to the front right leg. Pulling the goggles over his eyes he crouched down and started closing up holes. Sparks flew everywhere. "Damn this is hot." He stopped welding and overlooked the extent of the damage. "I might be here awhile."

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