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Thread: [M] RPA Death Match (Still accepting until the first game over player)

  1. #21
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    The Storyteller looked down upon the remains of the hydra, its killer, and her attacker. Such a wonderful display of magic, with nobody to disturb them but each other. That was what he appreciated: no government swooped down and intervened, tried to study them, or abduct them. No, they were left to their own devices.

    I like the mage... he contemplated as he circled high, high overhead, still invisible. Such intuitiveness, and quickness of pace. And the boy there, oh...

    He lowered his flight slightly, although he was still circling the top of the observatory.

    I don't know what you are. But that was clever, using the beast's highly venomous blood to attack.

    Rocky, having been bathed in the toxic blood of the hydra, was finally killed.


    The Storyteller frags Rocky (hydra blood is uber poisonous)
    Spoiler: More from Tate 

  2. #22
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    Mortimus was not happy. Not at all. Here he was trying to figure out what he was going to do here in this glorious arena of death and destruction, the next he's hammered in the back by some obnoxious fool who was screaming about something. The blow had hit him hard, making him drop to one knee even. It was a impressive feet. One he would pay back by ripping off the strangers head off and bludgeoning his loved ones with it. Getting up, Mortimus looked around himself again, his eyes going wide as he saw a Hydra appear in all its primal fury.

    "So the fun is over in that direction." He growled, his fist tightening around Abyss's hilt. But as he began to make his way towards the mighty behemoth, he watched a magical barrage slay the beast in a matter of seconds. He was impressed to say the least. Shaking his head, Mortimus began to laugh like a mad man, suddenly picking up his pace, rushing off in the direction of all the fun.

    Slowing his pace, Mortimus moved around the Hydra's carcass, taking extreme care to avoid the acidic blood that covered the ground. His eyes locked onto two people as he rounded the beast. A floating girl who oozed extreme magical powers, and a rather disturbing young child who had no eyes. With a savage grin, Mortimus ignited his sword in blueish green fire with a simple thought, and pointed the blade at the pair.

    "Now which one of you killed the big beast?" He asked, his pale eyes darting between the two. Who ever claimed the kill would die first. He didn't want someone with that kind of power just running a muck. But as he looked at the two, something changed in the mind of the dark knight.

    "Ah, fuck it. I'll find out the fun way!" He roared, gripping Abyss in both hands suddenly, and with a grin of pure madness, Mortimus swung the evil sword launching a wide wave of fire at both of the people in front of him. He'd sort out the details later.


    Mortimus tags Miranda via Flame Blast


    Last edited by La Volpe; 07-25-2013 at 05:53 PM.
    Spoiler: A few things about this guy ;) 

  3. #23
    The Pure One
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    Death of Korzan - 15/09/03

    Jacogos - 14/07/03

    La Volpe - 14/08/03

    Potatrobot - 14/07/03
    -frags V-

    DoughGuy - 14/09/03

    Dr. Vee the almighty - 14/06/02

    Queen Bear - 14/09/03

    THE IMPOSTER - 15/09/03

    SQJPure - 14/08/03

    Jeremor - 14/09/03

    Phoenix - 15/09/03
    Last edited by SQJ; 07-25-2013 at 09:15 AM.

  4. #24
    Merry Christmas!

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    As the fireball raced towards the woman Kuren stepped backwards so he wasn't in Miranda's line of sight. He stared at the newcomer with a look of hatred, though the lack of eyes made the expression hard to read. "Look out!" he cried, every bit the voice of a young boy in danger, even as the Eye emerged. This time it gave him warning and he allowed it to reveal itself painlessly. The glowing orb was duller than before though its surface was no less chaotic.

    Suddenly Mortimus was no longer in the battlefield facing two foes. He was in a pitch black room, strung up by chains attached to his arms and legs that pulled enough to cause his body discomfort. No matter how hard he struggled he could not breka free and any attempts to use his magic produced nothing. His armour was gone and replaced with a soft fabric tunic which covered his body, though the colour was impossible to see. Without warning a blazing light appeared overhead. Looking up he would see a gigantic flaming golden sword hovering overheard.

    A booming voice issued from the sword, every syllable a thunderclap which caused the man to wince, "Mortimus Grim, your killings end here." Slowly, inch by inch the giant sword descended. Its tip touched the nape of his neck and sent pain flaring across his body. The swords flames seemed to dive into the wound as the sword pushed deeper and deeper, crushing his spine and tearing through his body. Every second was pure agony for the knight yet there seemed to be no end. Just as the blade felt like it were to pass through it would shift upwards and his body would heal, the process repeating itself.

    Just when he could take no more it all disappeared. He was standing back on the battlefield facing the woman who he had attacked though he could not seethe boy. He could however feel a wetness on the left side of his neck with pain as he moved, blood was flowing from a cut in his neck. His hair was also missing on the same side, the missing strands on the ground at his feet. Turning around he would see the boy staring at him with his vacant eye sockets. "Don't hurt her." he hissed, blood dripping off his sword.

    Kuren tags Mortimus vie illusion slash.

    Love you alawys sis.
    Spoiler: Quotes 

  5. #25
    Spunky Monkey
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    "Yes!" Luigsech cried and triumphantly punched the air. "I got one!" She was, of course, used to hitting her targets. In all her long years as a hunter she'd never missed a shot. But she still felt the same exhilaration when her arrow reached its target as the very first time she brought down a wild rabbit for her dinner.

    Happily humming to herself over the screams of the dying, she ran from the Docking Station in search of more enemies. There was so much to explore she could barely decide where to go first. But whether by design or mere coincidence she headed for the observatory. There she found herself playing witness to quite a sight. She was fascinated by the magic on display, and the people, but found her attention drawn most to the silent watcher. He was the one who'd summoned the hydra, she saw. What a formidable foe! She wondered what he'd do if she shot at him now, before he was aware of her presence.

    She had a normal arrow nocked and ready to be fired when The Storyteller drew what appeared to be a cloak around himself and became completely invisible.

    "Ha!" Luigsech laughed. "Lovely!" She replaced the arrow she'd prepared with another one of her enchanted arrows and let it fly without any hesitation. It didn't matter that she couldn't see her target any more - she'd seen him for a split second and so the arrow would find him wherever he was.

    Secure in the knowledge that it would hit him, she turned and hopped away. She doubted an opponent as powerful as that would just sit there and do nothing after being attacked.

    Luigsech tags the Storyteller
    Last edited by Bee Bear; 07-25-2013 at 12:54 PM.

  6. #26
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    Intro Post - Outer Realms

    A figure in black alighted on the top of a ruined tower, the very pinnacle top of some sort of antenna array. With a cloak of the deepest ebony wrapped around him, only a tuft of white spilling out from the front of his neck. It was a handkerchief of silk, shiny and expensive looking. The large broad-shouldered man looked expensive in all of the things he wore, from his tailored suit to his golden jewelry with giant rubies inlaid. And then there was the encrusted scabbard of a gently curving saber at his side, just poking out beneath his cloak. His hair was streaming black, with just a few little grey streaks. The beard on his chin was entirely coal black and his eyes were red.

    "I vonder how many snacks a'vait me." Mused the man, Count Lupei. Cracking open his mouth, he licked an elongated canine tooth. "Mua-ha-ha, while Count Lupei hungers again, the living shall tremble! Mua-ha-ha-ha!"

    Laughing, the Count flung back his black cloak and walked off the tower to fall gently to the ground. Gliding even more smoothly than the reduced gravity should allow him. His polished boots crunched on the ground softly as his cloaked streamed behind him with an ethereal slowness. The vampire lord walked on toward the other areas of the station, to find his first meal.

    Count Ivan Lupei

  7. #27
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    "Pta!" The Storyteller spat as an arrow lodged itself in his back. With a wave of his hand the cloak around him returned to its normal, tangible state and he extruded his light wings. With a light tug he yanked the arrow out of his back.
    "Enchanted..." he muttered. His task here was mainly to stop the contestants from forming alliances, but with the arrow distracting him from what seemed to be Kuren's defensive attitude towards Miranda, that might be left unchecked in the near future. Now, he would find the arrow's source and, no matter the cost, punish it.

    "Reveal your owner." The Storyteller chanted to the arrow, as it floated out of his hand, spun around like a compass, and darted through the air towards Luigsech. Within a second, he was following the arrow, flying at impossible speeds. He prepared his staff as he flew: a long sword blade made of the same solid light material as his wings and the scythe blade he used to destroy the drones extruded from the head of the staff, and he shifted his grip to the very bottom end.

    Luigsech may have been thrilled by her hit, but she had incited the wrath of a deity. This became apparent when the very arrow she fired at The Storyteller whistled through the air and skewered her hand to her bow. Using it would be challenging beyond comprehension. The second sign of her folly was when The Storyteller himself rocketed past the hunter, just to her right, while at the same time swinging his bladed staff at her. The result was a deep gash along her flank, which would more than likely hinder movement for her until she was killed and respawned.

    Satisfied with the harm he had inflicted, The Storyteller opened another portal, disappearing into his Dark Realm, before opening a portal some hundred feet above the ground where Miranda, Juren, and Mortimus contested each other. He closed the portals behind him.


    The Storyteller tags Luigsech
    Last edited by Potatrobot; 07-25-2013 at 10:15 PM.
    Spoiler: More from Tate 

  8. #28
    An Apple Pie of Angry
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    Two things happened in a short span of time, leaving the Archmage with little to do but float there stunned. Whatever had happened in her mind or otherwise was truly chilling to the bone. Had she been a lesser being, the pain she had endured would have shattered her mind beyond repair.

    As it were, when Miranda came out of the illusion to notice the small boy at her side, lacking eyes that would have made her shudder if she was not so shocked from the mental pain. Because of this distraction, she could do nothing about the boy's warning, a wash of fire engulfing her from below that caused her to spiral back from the impact.

    Though her tome was untouched, the Chosen was not, flames licking her body as she frantically racked her brain for an emergency spell. It was all she could do not to scream the words that snuffed the fires out, panting heavily from the pain both mental and now physical.

    Her eyes flashed dangerously towards her aggressor, a man in dark armor that stood menacingly on the ground.

    "You like to play with fire, mortal...?" Miranda hissed, not even noticing the child beside her. Even when he suddenly appeared near Mortimus Grim, Miranda paid him no mind. Her anger was focused on the dark one. "Here, then. Let me show you true fire!"

    Words flowed from her mouth like a river, magical aura consuming her in a radiant light. Almost immediately a pillar of earth erupted from the ground beneath Mortimus Grim's feet, launching him into the air. It drew to a sudden stop, but a shield of air prevented him from being anything but strapped to the pillar, spread eagle.

    More words of power were uttered. Chains shot forth from the pillar, binding Mortimus hand and foot to the pillar, wrapping around his body like a living suit of armor. They dug into his skin and threatened to split him asunder, but stopped short of that just barely. They rubbed him raw, but Miranda was not finished.

    Flames began to creep around him, heating the metal chains to unnatural temperatures. By this point, he was screaming; no one short of a god wouldn't. As the superheated chains dug into him, flashing white-hot from the fires, the earth rumbled beneath him, Miranda's pillar of earth quivering from the newest spell added to its arsenal.

    A single point on the pillar, the center of it that lay just underneath the base of his spine, began to ooze lava, slowly spreading along the entirety of the pillar's face. His body would melt, roasting alive from the magma. Screams became wordless, nearing a pitch that most men could not achieve naturally.

    But Miranda was not yet satisfied. And Mortimus Grim was not yet dead.

    Light lit up the sky as a torrent of fire shot from the heavens. White fire, Holy fire, speared down from nothingness like a gift from the gods. It struck the man dead-on, incinerating him even as he yet lived until nothing remained but his cinders and the melted remains of the his chains. Releasing the magic, Miranda let her hands drop, her body descending to the ground once more. Her magic was nearly spent. That's what I get for letting anger rule me... she tsk'd irritably.

    Miranda frags Mortimus Grim

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

  9. #29
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    Default One shot, one kill

    The magic show that was taking place quickly drew the attention of one lowly minstrel. Who had now arrived on the outlying edges of this new stage. Dramatically he let out a loud sigh, only to find it swallowed by the chaos around him. So much noise, so much action. How on earth would he ever be able to showcase why he should be included in such festivities.

    His eyes gazed longingly at the young mage who had just exerted so much magical energy. She must be spent. Mol thought watching waves of colour dance brilliantly off of her body. For a moment the minstrel's thoughts were paused as if some cosmic entity had brought the two together in some previous existence and tried to force the bard to help the mage. However such a thing passed only briefly as ice all around him begun to form, connecting growing making a large almost crystalline megaphone. Holding Chester deftly the tricky minstrel began to play.
    There once was a girl
    Who journeyed into another world
    Holding her beloved book
    Shall we take a look?

    Her lust for the livre was intense
    How she craved it's power alone
    So of course they all watched
    As she tried her best to.....SWALLOW that old tome!

    As the singing blasted out of the ice Miranda found herself subject to the songs will. She desperately tried to stop herself from lifting the book and begin to try to fit it in her mouth. Gagging desperately her eyes began to water as she tried to shake the hold the song had on her. The futile attempts remained unsuccessful as her hands kept forcing the book in her mouth. A loud snap rang out from her as her jaw broke and she collapsed to the ground. Her hands continuing to force the mighty tome into her throat until she suffocated herself and her body laid motionless.


    Mol's words rang out horridly from across the way, content with what his song accomplished. The ice collapsed and fluidly followed him as he ran through the vehicle entrance.


    Mol frags Miranda

  10. #30
    An Apple Pie of Angry
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    Miranda floated... somewhere. As her body and mind regained the ability to comprehend its own thoughts, the archmage realized that she yet remembered how she had died. How she had died.

    She had died.

    Rage overcame her at the humility of it. Forced to attempt swallowing her own book, failing to do so resulting in the simple end of her life as if she was nothing more than a common sow forced to be the plaything for another mage.

    Her rage only faded as she realized that she could do little more than exercise her mind, her body as rigid and lifeless as it had been not mere moments before. Had it been moments? She was uncertain. Time seemed to be still, and yet everything moved about her vision like multicolored clouds. Or perhaps they were mushrooms.

    "Hey look. She's awake!" a voice cried. Oh by the heavens, not again... Miranda thought irritably.

    "Good on ya, getting a kill in before getting done in by the porn-star magician," a different voice said, the leader one. "Shame it had to end there."

    "But that's the catch, right?" the third interjected. "It's not over until its over!"

    "Good point."

    "What the bloody flaming hell are you talking about?" Miranda managed, her mouth moving where her limbs failed.

    "Round 2!" one exclaimed.

    "Or rather, you get a second life," another added.

    "A 1-up!"

    "Oh she won't understand that reference."

    "Regardless, up and at 'em! You get three lives this game. Probably should've mentioned that. That was your first, as you remember. Any questions?"

    "Er- yes, can-"

    "Time's up! Ta-ta!"

    And they were gone.

    Miranda blinked. Back where she had first spawned. Whether out of necessity or stubbornness, the Chosen did not know. Barely held back anger flared up behind her cool, calm mask. There would be debt to pay to that man, but for now she would see how affairs lay... She spent a moment re-erecting the spells that she had had on her person before she died, then used the teleportation spell again to where she remembered a certain person was.

    "Unless I miss my guess, you are the one who unleashed that hydra on me..." Miranda said as she appeared next to the Storyteller. "One hesitates to wonder where one might obtain that amount of power..."

    Non-attacking Post

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

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