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Thread: [M/R] Eternum: Of Gods and Demons

  1. #21
    Member La Volpe's Avatar
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    Hope your still accepting! if so, i'll make up a cs right away!!

  2. #22
    Member La Volpe's Avatar
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    Name: Kuronus Grey

    Age: 36

    Race: Werewolf

    Godly Parents (If any, if not insert N/A): Considers Lupinus as his father

    Appearance: Kuronus is a towering 6'5 man of the wilds. His body is well muscled, like that of a gladiator. With eyes as blue as the ocean, and that seem to pierce through your soul. he wears his deep brown hair in a tied so it lays down his back.

    Personality: A loner, always looking out for himself above all else. Kuronus is much like the beast his god depicts, always searching for something, always hunting. Just like the wolf.

    Background: Born in a unnamed small village in the woods, no one would have expected a giant of a man to be born here. He grew up a easy life as logger, but one trip into the woods didn't end the greatest. He was mauled what he could only assume was a giant wolf. But as the lunar cycle came to it's climax, he soon discovered what it truly was. On the night of his first turning, the entire village was slaughtered. Never being able to forgive himself, Kuronus now wanders aimlessly, feeding off wild game, and on highway men once the moon becomes full.

    Area (Region, Mages Guild, Emor etc etc): Self imposed nomad

    Faction (Southern Wastes or Namorean Empire or Other): None.

    Loves (Three things): Star filled skies, fresh meat, and the open road

    Hates (Three things): Congested citys, Tight spaces, and the dead.

    Description of Weaponry and Armour (May only have 2 weapons on his persons, only one may be magical.): The Wolves Fang: A bastard sword fused with the magic power to sap the strength from those that feel this blades bite. The handle is in the shape of a wolf, with the gross guard as its head, and i lock of a dire wolfs hair hanging from a chain at the butt of the handel.

    Along with his prized sword, Kuronus weilds a large long bow that he carved himself from an ancient tree, the wood it's made of is as hard as steel. Though this is its only special property.

    As for armour, he wears a combination of steel plates mixed with leather armour that is well worn, and molded to his large muscled frame. Along with his armour, He wears a large cloak woven from the pelt of a massive white wolf. The cloak can fully cover him, acting as a blanket also.
    Last edited by La Volpe; 09-04-2012 at 04:18 PM.

  3. #23
    The Big Meme
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    Arail and La Volpe, you're both accepted, happy to have you on board with us

  4. #24
    The Big Meme
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    I'll wait for La Volpe to finish his post and then he shall go into the First post.
    Arail, your character is there. As is everyone's

  5. #25
    The Replicant
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    Name: Decius Marcius (DESS-i-us MAR-shuss)

    Age: 39

    Race: Namorian

    Rank: Legatus (legion commander)

    Godly Parents: N/A

    Appearance: Standing at 5'8, Marcius is average height for a Namorian but short when compared to the likes of the Combrogians and the Norse. However, with his strong jaw, aquiline nose and piercing brown eyes, he can be quite imposing when he wants to be. He has black hair, cut short, and olive skin prematurely lined around his mouth and at the corners of his eyes by the northern sun. His limbs are corded with old muscle and one or two scars.

    Personality: Legatus Marcius is a man of contrasts. As a commander he is humane to his own men, and ruthless towards his opponents. As a man he loves his family, is unflinching in his duty to the Emperor and the Namorian people, and is utterly determined to see the Free South crushed and the Namorian borders secure. Like many Namorians he has a certain distrust of foreigners, though dwarves are an exception as dwarven auxilliaries have been a long-standing component of his legion. He is quietly suspicious of the Imperium's new Earthborn allies and their motives, despite - and partially because of - the advanced technology that they have been giving the Namorians. After all, alliances tend not to last long when one party is significantly stronger than the other.

    Background: The firstborn son of a respected political family, Marcius was given command of the newly-founded 18th Legion (the Fulminata, or 'Thunderers') at the age of 25, when the Emperor ordered the raising of additional legions to help deal with the rebellious South. Marcius proved that he had a talent for command by putting down a Crocolyke uprising in Hercine, for which he won much acclaim. His next campaign - border patrols in the south alongside the 4th Combroga, 9th Ferrata and 16th Valeria legions - was less successful, with the Namorians never succeeding in forcing the Norse into a decisive battle. They did, at least, keep the southern border free from Norse counterattacks. With his legion recalled to Emor, Marcius, now 30 and well established financially, settled down by marrying Lycinia Caelesta, the daughter of a Namorian praetor. Arranged by their respective fathers, the marriage was of course politically motivated; however they are reasonably happy and have since had 3 children - Marcus, Diana and Aurelia. Although Marcius has been called up several times in the last decade to lead the Fulminata in minor campaigns, the recent arrival of the Earthborn and the assassination of Korzan mark the first full mobilisation of the Namorian legions in many years. Marcius welcomes the idea of finally crushing the Southern Wastes, but there are also rumours of sudden attacks in Hercine and Combrogia by unknown armies, and this worries him.

    Area: Currently, Emor

    Faction: Namorian Empire

    Loves: His family, the Emor skyline, Hercinian wine

    Hates: The cold, the Norse tribes, Crocolykes

    Weaponry / Armour: Marcius wears Namorian laminar armour, made of hardened steel bands over leather. He carries a sword (though since his appointment to legion commander it's more for show than actual fighting) which is engraved with the Imperium's trademark initialism, IPQE ("Imperator Populusque Emorus").

    Quick question - if we're going to go after the 12 stones, is it okay if I create an additional character (a centurion or something from Marcius' legion) later on to do the job? Just because Marcius will be too busy commanding his legion to go haring off down the Underworld.
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 09-03-2012 at 02:42 PM.

  6. #26
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    Dude that is absolutely fine, and Marcius is accepted, if he meets the Legate or Hercules, that'd be cool!

  7. #27
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    This is going to be quiet cool.

    My both current characters are going to be in different factions so try to catch the one you refer quickly!
    Thank you Bia for the amazing Signature and Avatar!

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  8. #28
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    Either way, I don't know what faction's drawn the short straw.

    Fighting legions of Demons and facing up to the Demon Lords to get a few stones as big as one of your knuckles.

    Or having to go all the way across the planet to try and get to Jorvaskr, then trying to get the all powerful masters of the Sky to join your army. > . <

  9. #29
    The Replicant
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    Well, we might not have to fight quite so many demons if we're sneaky.

    By the way, how does Ra feel about Odin and Mars right now? And if it comes to bargaining what kind of sacrifices does he accept? Basically how receptive would he be to a bunch of Mars-aligned Namorians asking to borrow his boat?
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  10. #30
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    He'd require you to protect him as well for the night, and he fights many Demons. You'd have minor Gods like Hermes and Sekhmet with you though, so it wouldn't be impossible, just...difficult I guess xD

    Other than that, he'd probably be alright with it, he's a humble God, not a mean one.

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