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Thread: The Reborn - Finishing What Was Started IC [M]

  1. #21
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    There they are. Gina thought, as beside her Bestie let out a gasp of awe. But what are they going to say?

    The music had ended, and people were clapping at the royal pair's entrance. The powerful emperor raised his hand.

    Gina felt a sudden, horrible lurch in her stomach - half as if the floor had just dropped out from under her, and half as if someone had just kicked her in the gut. She staggered sideways, half into Bestie, and almost crushed the other girl's hand as she automatically grabbed her tighter in an attempt to keep her balance.

    "Gigi!" Bestie yelped. "What'th...?"

    On the balcony, prince Panos staggered too. He had his hands on Lycas's shoulders, and a spatter of red droplets had appeared on the emperor's face. Panos tottered backwards as another line of red trickled down his back, diamonds raining from the severed netting of his dress. The backs of his legs hit the balcony railing, went out from under him, and he fell.

    "Oh my godth!" Bestie screamed in panic as the prince toppled into the crowd below. Next to the girls, two guards fumbled for their sidearms. Bestie tried to pull Gina and Cal away while she still had a hold on their hands. The former princess gave no resistance, staring wide-eyed at the horrific scene unfolding before them. Her arm throbbed with the arrival of the new mark, and there was an ache in her belly.. or was it her heart?

    "Get down, get down!" Gina urged Bestie, unfreezing as the guards barged forward with guns held low. Gina half pressed Gigi's friend to her knees herself as she tore her hand out of the other young woman's grip. "Stay here." she advised. "Cal, come on!"

    Cal disentangled herself, leaving the whimpering Bestie behind. Gina began to run towards the balcony, her heels less of an obstacle than the constricting red dress as she tried to push her way through the panicking, surging crowd. She stumbled into a sudden clearing, and saw why when she registered Baka lying prone on the ballroom floor. The abdomen of his humble clothes was soaked through with red.

    "No!" Gina said aloud as she reeled to the boy's side. "No no no no no, fuck!"

    I shouldn't have left him alone! I shouldn't have left him alone!

    She dropped to her knees beside him and jabbed her thumbs into his collarbone to try and get a reaction. "Baka! Baka can you hear me?"

    Cal dodged between the fleeing revellers to where Gina stood, her eyes fixed on Baka's corpse. She felt numb - death and chaos where not new experiences for her, and her defence mechanism was to freeze herself against it, but a solitary tear still escaped her right eye. It rolled down her face to leave a small, damp spot on the floor.

    Baka lay there still and glassy eyed. Pushing her hand against the bullet hole in his stomach to try and staunch the bleeding, Gina went through her worse than useless first-aider's checks. Baka's airway was clear, but she couldn't feel him breathing - and the blood oozing from his stomach had no pressure behind it. She would have started doing compressions anyway, had a strong hand not seized her upper arm and pulled her away from the body.

    "Hey-!" she began, and twisted round to see one of the cloaked guards trying to pull her close so that he could shield her with his body. Jostled by the guard as he moved to grab Gina, Cal fell, her knees striking the cold floor painfully next to where Baka lay.The guard however didn't seem to notice - he was bald, stony-faced, and if he thought it strange that Lady Gigi and her attendant were running to the aid of a dead slave, he did not show it. His eyes were on the emperor, who still stood in immobilised shock up on the balcony, Panos' blood spattered across his face.

    The crowd surged again as people screamed and ran for the doors. The press in front of them briefly parted, and Gina saw another guard standing in the middle of the ballroom, this one tall and handsome in his ceremonial garb. He too was looking up at the emperor, with tears in his dark eyes. But this man's arm was outstretched and he was pointing a gun - sleek and black and lethal.


    "I'm not pulling back," Vahşi told the man, almost snapping. It was his stubbornness and pride getting him into trouble again, as it had so many times over the years. His mark tingled for a moment and he couldn't help clenching his fist. A muffled protest in a familiar voice came to Vahşi's ears and he turned toward the crowd, searching for the source. The sudden sense of loss hit him hard, at the same time as the burning of the new mark, and Vahşi growled to himself in a brief moment of pain. His momentary discomfort was completely driven from his mind when Panos' body fell from the balcony.

    Vahşi's expression suddenly closely matched that of the man beside him. Their location gave them a good view of the panic spreading below them. For a moment Vahşi was reminded of one of the gladiatorial contests he'd often seen in his youth, when an injured wolf had escaped the arena and sprung into the rows full of spectators. They'd run then the same way the royals in this world fled now. His absentminded reflections brought a half-smile to his otherwise deadpan expression, as if the chaos was somehow amusing him now, as it had on that long-ago day.

    Gina's voice slipped into his conscience, returning him to the present. What had happened to Baka? He stepped forward to the railing of the balcony he stood on, and leaned out so he could see the crowd better. It was easy for him to find Gina, flailing around in a brightly-coloured dress as she was, but it took him a moment longer to find the still form sprawled across the floor. He wasn't sure what he said, but he cried out in protest. The gunman was still standing where he'd fired the first shots, with tears in his eyes but also the unmistakable look of a man about to kill. Vahşi pulled his pistol from its hiding place and cupped it in both hands for a moment before firing twice.

    He didn't stop to see if his shots had hit their mark, or even hit anything at all. Putting a hand on the railing, Vahşi slid his hip across it and fell toward the floor. A sharp pain twisted up his ankle when he landed, but he rolled to the side and then to his feet without stopping to assess his own damage. Getting through the crowd of people was easy; they saw his weapon and made a path for him as he approached Gina.

    "You let her go," Vahşi snarled, looking more like the shadow of a wolf than a human. Flipping the pistol in his grasp, wincing at the feel of the hot barrel against the flesh of his palm, he clubbed the guard holding Gina across the head.
    the guard collapsed from the blunt truma. More guards were pulling out their rifles amongst the screaming mass. The Emporer was running down the stairs, guards flocking Panos was falling, two men catching his bleeding form. But there was crossfire that was hitting the fleeing crowed.

    The guards were turning on themselves, the man that had been speaking with Vashi came over to him and the two young women.

    "Now's your chance!" He hissed as he pointed to the flushed faced, terror stricken Lycus who was with the three guards surrounding Now laid out Panos. The growing sense of Pano's importance grew in the three traveler's hearts.

    "We thshould run!!" Bestie cried to Gina, trying to yank her away.

    Cal, still kneeling and unnoticed, found her eyes glued to the prone body of the Prigkipassa, the sorrow she felt at Panos' fall overwhelming; greater, even, than for her fallen friend. While Vahsi freed Gina from the guard, only for her to be snagged by the hysterical 'Bestie,' the youngest of the trio rose, slipping between the chaotic crowd to the Prince's side. The distraught Emperor paid her no more attention than the guards did; their eyes outward, scanning the screaming masses for any further danger to the Royals.

    Silent tears streamed down the teens' bruised face as she reached them, most of Panos' form concealed behind his mourning love. An arm dangled around the Emperors' side, a mockery of a last embrace, and on the smooth skin his mark shimmered, even as Cal's own still tingled. She reached out, her delicate fingers circling his forearm, and swept her thumb in a gentle caress over the sign...

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  2. #22
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    Their vision was marked and spotted with white as Calamity’s sweeping touch of her thumb landed upon the Venusian symbol. The spots grew into sheets that blanketed all sight, then all the senses. Fading away the screams, the bullets, the wild footsteps, the sensation of ground and gravity; whiteness had taken them wholly. In this land their consciousness ended, drifting away through the nothing.

    The light took them elsewhere now…

    Universe II: Advent Dawn*


    Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility, Georgina Wright, & Manisha Leos

    When the sheet began to pull away, their sense slowly returned. First came the soulful understanding that two of those who they were connected to were vastly far away. Second was the deep inhale of clean air, tickled with the scents of cooking meat. Sounds came next, of talking voices and running, laughing children. Weight came next, feeling their bodies standing firmly on uneven ground. The weather was humid and warm onto their skin. Sight was last. What they came to see was a market composed of several wooden stands down each side of a dirt road, grass growing healthy and wild. Each of these stands were filled with rows of meats and herbs with one having unusual looking guns of a bulky, black, light covered designs.

    None of the people walking or running about up and down in light layers of handmade robes and tunics were human. They were of a feline appearance, their bodies covered in various colors of fur, faces bearing the cat nose and eyes with human lips.

    Behind the stands, on each side of the dirt road, were steel metallic dome homes that were being covered by free growing vines. Cat people stepped in and out of them through their automatic doors. Each of them were dressed in dark gray robes that were airy and of soft cloth. Gina’s neck wound was free to breathe again. Bestie opened her brown eyes wider in panic as she looked around. She appeared ready to scream. The three women stood in a triangle, facing each other in the middle of the road. For now none of the cat people were giving them much attention other than walking or running around them.

    Inside the inner part of Gina’s elbow was a woven basket filled with an alien flower of wide orange and teal petals and smelled of a mixture between vanilla and pine cone.


    Panos Lambros & Vahşi

    When the light lifted for the two adventurers, nothing was the same. They were in a green field of grass beside a tall apple tree on a gentle hill. The wind swept and softly touched their skin. Vahşi was leaned against the tree, red apple in his hand wearing basic leather armor that left his sides exposed as the torso piece was bound by leather straps. Panos was dressed in lightly mud covered dress shoes with deep green khakis, tucked in deep brown button up and closed lab coat.

    Vahşi felt the distance of three companions in the far off sky, beyond the sky elsewhere. But he also felt the bond with Panos. The silverette felt shooting pain through his right shoulder and he convulsed in pain, dropping to his hands and knee. Blood was starting to seep through the right shoulder blade of his lap coat, Panos not able to focus on anything other than the pain taking him. He collapsed into a ball on the grass, feeling warmth cover his upper back but a chill fill his body. To the Lupine, the more Panos bled, the greater the young person’s exciting, springy, grapevine flowery scent was also iron filled.

    A mile to the right looked to be a village of small hill-hidden homes with round doors and round windows. Beyond that, what Vahşi guessed to be three to four miles was a white winged vehicle the size of a three story home with two large tilted down wings, and a rigid rectangular body that end at the front with a glass that reflected the light and prevented his viewing. **


    *All races and their concepts were created by their original writers. I have taken liberties to fill in the blanks and hope I can do them some justice.

    **It's a spaceship, but as Vahşi is not aware of what that is, I had to describe it otherwise.

    @Az & G, the planet is a large rain forest jungle from that Cal and Gina can see in the greater distance, the thick tropical trees blocking any view inside.

    @The Cockietal, the world you're on so far nothing more than gently rolling hills, fruit bearing trees sparsely about and lush plains grass.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 01-11-2017 at 10:26 PM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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  3. #23
    The Replicant
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    "You let her go," Vahşi snarled, looking more like the shadow of a wolf than a human. Flipping the pistol in his grasp, wincing at the feel of the hot barrel against the flesh of his palm, he clubbed the guard holding Gina across the head. The guard collapsed from the blunt truma. More guards were pulling out their rifles amongst the screaming mass.

    "Vahşi." Gina gasped, before hunching down in instinctive reflex against the deafening gunfire. She looked around for the man who had been aiming his pistol at Lycas, but he had either fled into the crowd or vanished beneath it after being knocked down by Vahsi's wild shot. Rifles banged from seemingly every direction at once; bullets zipped over their heads, and up on one of the balconies a guard raked a line of bullet holes across the carved ceiling as he tumbled backwards.

    The emperor was running down the stairs, following the guards who were flocking to where Panos had fallen. Two men had caught his bleeding form, but there was still danger from the crossfire that was hitting the fleeing crowd. As the guards turned on themselves, the man that had been speaking with Vahşi came over to him and the two young women.

    "Now's your chance!" he hissed as he pointed to the flush-faced, terror stricken Lycus; who was now with the three guards surrounding the laid-out Panos.

    Gina snapped round to look at him. "You...?" She broke off as she looked down at her arm, noticing the new tattoo blazing there for the first time. It was a circle and arrow, set below the horned Mercury symbol and the sideways figure-8. Gina knew it as a generic male symbol, but from looking up the zodiac a few hours earlier she also knew it as the sign of Mars, and Mars was the god of...

    "Oh shit!" she swore. Whoever planned this was either an idiot or a psycho.

    "We thould run!!" Bestie cried to Gina as she came stumbling through the crowd. She grabbed Gina by the hand and tried to yank her away. At the same time Cal rose, slipping between the chaotic crowd to prince Panos' side. The distraught emperor paid her no more attention than the guards did; their eyes were outward, scanning the screaming masses for any further danger to the royals. Gina realised that she was right - they had to help Panos. That was the whole reason they had been sent here.

    "Vahşi," she pleaded, realising that she was shouting after being half-deafened by the gunfire. "No more shooting. We've got to help Panos first."

    She hesitated, sparing Baka's cold body a final glance, before tightening her grip on Bestie's hand and instead pulling them face to face.

    "Bestie." she said. Her eyes were beginning to swim, but she was surprised by how calm her voice sounded as she seized the other girl's hands and looked into her eyes. "Get my phone. It's in my bag. Call an ambulance. And a tonne of..."

    The blurring got worse, until it became a total white-out. Gina felt for a split second as if she were falling, but then she was assailed by heat, the sound of laughter, and her vision cleared to show a bustling marketplace.

    "...tonne of police?" she finished dumbly. Her ears were still ringing from the gunfire.

    Bestie tore her hands away from Gina's and jumped back in shock, while beside her Cal was scrambling to her feet. The zodiac marks on Gina's arm remained, but Baka's blood was gone from her hands as if it had never been there. She cuffed at her eyes and looked around.

    What the...? The market was lined with wooden food stands and dome-shaped buildings covered in climbing creepers, and the humid air was fragrant with the smell of cooking meat and the vaguely vanilla scent from the basket hanging from her elbow. The people going to and fro, and the children dodging around them were...not human.

    Oh, not again. What is this, Quantum Leap?

    "Where's Vahsi?" she asked Cal, looking round. She could only see Cal and Bestie, dressed in the same simple grey robes as herself.

    If Gina was shaken and confused, Bestie - who hadn't suffered this kind of displacement once before - was worse. Her pointed jaw was clenched tight and her brown eyes were widened in panic. She looked ready to scream.

    "It's alright, it's okay." Gina told their impromptu travelling companion quickly, laying her hands on the panicking girl's arms. "Don't panic. Let's just figure out where we are, okay? Cal, do you have anything in your pockets?"

    They had to find out where Vahsi was, and Baka's...

    As she patted herself down with her free hand and looked about for any sort of clue, she realised that her hands were shaking.
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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    Calamity's cheeks were still damp with tears as the world refocused around her, bringing with it a new and unfamiliar landscape. The sense of loss remained - though different now, and she knew, innately, that Panos and Lycus were out of reach, at least for now; they had been separated when everything shifted. The encapsulation in a world of white had been no less jarring than the first time, though perhaps her breath had hitched a little less - some part of her knew what was happening, this time around.

    The same was not true for Bestie, who Cal realised, with a start, was still with them. Remembering the violent reaction she had received in the unfamiliar world they had just left, when she had made it apparent that she did not belong there, the young girl stiffened.

    "Don't scream. Stay calm!*" she instructed the new member of their party, the commanding tone she had used so often as a Princess strong in her voice. She couldn't see herself, didn't know if her bruises had faded along with the clothing from that other place, but in either case she had no wish to attract more attention - or violence - to herself.

    "Pockets..." she registered Gina's question, and her small hands moved over the robes she wore, but if there were pockets concealed in their folds, she did not find them. "No, nothing."

    Though her eyes had registered the feline nature of the passers-by, they showed no sign of shock. Outlandish features were not uncommon in the outer districts of home, and these... people? were certainly far less strange to look at then the fish man, Ockilsetter had been.

    "Who are we now? This is a market, maybe you're supposed to be selling those," she gestured to the basket Gina held. "Let's just hope I'm not a fucking servant here, as well."

    The profanity was a mark of the subservient, fearful side that had been brought out in her in the last place dissipating; the teens' potty-mouth returning with her old confidence. "Maybe..." she hesitated; caution had not yet left her entirely, and the suggestion had a questioning tone, seeking Gina's opinion, "maybe we should just ask someone?"

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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    Vahşi initially thought he'd been taken home. The reminder of his fellow travellers remained with him, so he knew he couldn't be a native of this place, but the scenery was familiar in a primal way that hinted he might belong to somewhere like this. A gentle breeze twirled his hair around his chin and slipped lightly across his exposed skin. The weight of the leather armour was familiar, and the leather pressed familiarly against his shoulders and stomach. He rubbed his thumb against the apple in his left hand as his gaze cut a matching arc across the landscape. It took him only moments to notice Panos' body; at first Vahşi thought it was Baka but the scent was distinctively different.

    Panos' clothes puzzled him for a moment, but years of battle experience prompted him to ignore the clothing for the wound. The slender man fell to his hands and knees and Vahşi instantly took a half-step back, familiar with the violent thrashing that often proceeded death. When Panos didn't seem about to die, and instead curled into a ball, Vahşi moved closer again. The flowery scent that had clung to Panos since their meeting was now tinted with the metallic scent of blood.

    Vahşi looked for any sign of habitation. The first thing to catch his eye was not the homes but the huge vehicle sitting beyond them. Once he asserted that the massive thing wasn't about to come after the two of them, his attention focused on the cluster of houses. It was the only obvious sign of habitation in the area, which meant it was probably Panos' only chance at survival, but Panos didn't seem to be in the mood to do anything but lay on the ground.

    "You have to get up," Vahşi told him sternly, setting the apple up on one of the branches of the tree. "If you keep laying here, you're going to bleed out and die. Then you'll never make it back home to the person you love." He knew instinctively that Panos loved Lycus, just from the way he'd protected the emperor. "Get up. Let's go." If Panos didn't get on his feet by himself, Vahşi was going to pull him up and carry him if he had to. Baka, it seemed, was lost; Vahşi didn't want to handle another death on his conscience that wasn't supposed to be there. This place looked too much like home, the home he only half-remembered in a primal part of his brain, to become bloodstained so soon after their arrival.

    [OOC - Mink, could you let me know what kind of gear and weapons Vahşi has on him, if any?]

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    Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility, Georgina Wright, & Manisha Leos

    Bestie had opened her mouth to scream, ignoring Gina’s reassurances but when Cal spoke, she was suddenly compliant. Her mouth had held open for a second before she shut it, relaxed her features and stood evenly.*

    “Okay” The brown haired woman told Cal, she stared around at the Cat-people and the dirt that made the thoroughfare of the market. “It’th dirty” She noticed she was wearing sandals that had wood flats and a leather strap at the toe. “Where are we and what’ths going on?” She asked calmly the other two girls. For a second Bestie narrowed her eyes at Gina.

    Cal was hissed at by two Cat-children who were to her waist and covered in robes with wrapped fabric over their heads. One had black fur and green feline eyes, the other a gray coat with white streaks and blue eyes. Gender was hard to determine from their young bodies. They hissed up at her, fangs barred before laughing at each other.


    Panos Lambros & Vahşi

    Vahşi couldn’t get much reply out of Panos, picking him up. He was a light load, groaning when his body was moved. Walking down the hill the nature here gave itself away as a simple beauty, the grass under his feet and the wind still giving a soft breeze. The closer he drew to the hill homes the more he could start smelling the scents of a basic society: the cooked foods, stored ingredients, the faint smell of feces. But more came to his nose, fighting past the Panos’ bloody scent, the scents of people like his own. Their olfactory markers a mix of man and animal, he smelled variations, but with the blood and flowers at the end of his nose he couldn’t gather any more scent information.

    Panos’ sapphire eyes were narrowed in pain but when he looked up to see Vahşi, his first reflect was to push him off. He put a weak hand to the armor, but Panos continued to stare. Wait. His mind processed a simple but fearful thought: Vahşi was never Lycus’ brother. This man was a stranger. Worse than a reclusive pervert. He couldn’t scream for help as his mouth was too busy gritting teeth to endure the pain, eyes weepy. Every step the man took made his shoulder jostle, shooting fire through his nervous system.

    “You strange man!” Panos hissed at the black haired man.

    Vahşi had carried Panos into the villiage to be greeted by the people he could smell. All of them, the forty or so he could see doing various mundane tasks**looked no older than Panos. The silverett in his arms arguably appeared older than the youths consisting of the hill homes. Little dirt paths led to each home, some with basic wooden fences and little fruit bearing bushes.

    These little young peoplehad animalistic qualities: cat ears and tails, or small wings of various feather colors, or fox ears with orange fluffy tails. He scanned seeing even those with wolf ears and tails, smelling them out as most like him. Not a single one looked over the age of fifteen in appearance. Two females, a blue bird girl and a fox girl were walking past Vahşi and looked up at him. In their round, youthful eyes was a look of disappointment, frowning at him before they continued on with their woven fruit baskets.

    Vahşi’s sight quickly noticed a human bolting straight to him. This human looked to be young as well, in his late teen years but his body was tall as he was almost six foot. He had teal eyes, a thick volume of brown hair cut into a crew cut, even brows, a fuller lower lip and a narrow but defined jaw. His dress shoes stampeded over the dirt, moving through the little people who stared up at him with tilts of their head or moving out of the way with confusion. This young man wore similar clothes of the bleeding Panos.

    Akishan, hand him to me this instant” the young man looked and spoke firmly, but his annunciation was so sharp that his consonants gave him an accent that had him huffing out air in irregular beats of his dialogue. He slowly displayed his arms out, ready to hold Panos.


    *Calamity's cohesion magic was successful.

    **If you require more description, Cockatiel, PM me or OOC message
    Last edited by Minkasha; 08-22-2015 at 09:17 AM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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    Panos didn't seem to feel like answering, so Vahşi just picked him up. His weight was much lighter than Vahşi had been expecting, and he set out for the cluster of homes he'd spotted. The multistory vehicle still drew his attention but he focused his senses on the village as they got within shouting distance. No guards or soldiers seemed to be around, or if they were they didn't think Vahşi and Panos to be a threat. That was a good thing, since Vahşi seemed to have some bone-deep look to him that put every honest officer on the alert as soon as they saw him. He usually swore he wasn't responsible for whatever had gone wrong, but he was usually lying when he did so.

    As Vahşi got closer to the village he realized that these people weren't fully human. Panos' scents were blocking him from getting any specific information, but these people definitely seemed to be similar to his own. His nostrils twitched but he knew he had to focus on his current task of getting Panos some help. Later, though, he would defintiely come back here. When Panos reached up to try to push him off, Vahşi looked down but made no effort to stop him. In his current shape, Panos wouldn't be able to do much to him.

    "You strange man!" Panos hissed at him, obviously in pain and angry.

    "I'll dump you on the goddamn dirt if you don't shut up," Vahşi replied calmly. "You can bleed to death out here instead of dealing with someone who actually wants to keep you alive. Do you want to get back to your emperor or not?" Vahşi had apparently been planning to murder aforementioned emperor, but he decided to keep that news to himself.

    Vahşi's attention was caught by a few teens with canine features similar to the ones he sometimes had himself, and he nearly veered off to speak with them until he remembered Panos' weight in his arms. He noticed them frowning at him in disappointment and a quizzical look formed on his face. However, he had little time to think on this, as a human dressed similar to Panos was charging toward them through the crowd.

    "Hand him to you?" Vahşi repeated, raising an eyebrow. Akishan, apparently, was his name, or maybe a title. He would have guessed that his name would have been the same in this world, but he wasn't about to question it and bring unnecessary attention to himself. "I bet you'd love that. You lead the way and I'll carry him. He's bleeding out even now, and any movement he makes will risk making him bleed to death. So, unless you want to be responsible for him dying, lead the way. You're in charge."

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    Panos Lambros & Vahşi

    Following the young man, he was being led through the hill homes that were loosely clustered together, along the way continuing to draw attention. They did not exchange words for the six or so minutes they had walked, the village small. The man’s teal eyes fell back on Vahşi, then down to Panos. An expression on concern crossed his face.

    Faster” He urged Vahşi as he took his first steps off the dirt road to the large white metal, winged construct. Panos’ shoulder had seeped through his clothes, the Lupine’s arm and hand getting stained in flowery blood. He hadn’t made a sound or moved, limp. The brown haired man ran up to the back of the construct where Vahşi could see gray topless dome shaped protrusions. Between the back wall sudden showed a door, the outline first being made suddenly and the door disappearing in the wall as it slid in. A silver ramp came down from the opening, stretching down to the mud and grass. Vahşi eyed the movement of the ramp like he thought it was about to bite him but moved forward, following the teal-eyed man. He didn't hesitate but his muscles tensed as he stepped up onto the ramp.

    Vahşi winched slightly as his steps instantly turned into heavy thuds as he went from the gentle grasses to the metal of the ramp. Following up into the construct he was greeted with a small white hallway, it was without decoration, nor was it painted, some sort of material of white each and every direction. Light was emitted evenly under the white walls and floor, making it impossible for shadows to exist. The scent of the construct was nonexistent, there was nothing natural here. Panos scent was flooding his nose now, it was pleasant but the sharp smell of metal was bolder than before. More blood. Vahşi was about to mention to his guide that they should hurry when the man seemed to realize the increase in bloodflow himself.

    This way” The young man seemed even more panicked, running to the first door on the left, four in total in this little white hallway. Entering, Vahşi saw a man completely made of a smooth silver metal that reflected warped shapes. It too carried no scent, the room stinking of artificial sanitation.

    Bolton sir, how may I assist?” The metallic man’s voice wasn’t real, it was warped in a way Vahşi couldn’t explain. The lupian eyed it suspiciously, put on guard by the lack of scent and emotion. This thing didn't seem like a real human, but at least he now knew his escort's name. The young man fixed his collar again.

    Please tend Panoswounds” Bolton requested.

    As you wish” The metal man said, turning its head, black knobs of eyes focused straight on Vahşi and walking straight to him. “Please hand me the researcher assistant.”

    Vahşi carefully transferred Panos to the metal man. He instinctively disliked the inhumanness of the metal surface, but Bolton seemed to be perfectly knowledgeable about what he was doing. The mention of 'researcher assistant' didn't pass him, and he wondered just what Panos was supposedly researching. A quiet thought proposed that Panos' previous actions had had to do with the village nearby, but Vahşi focused on the strange actions of the metal man rather than on his own thoughts.

    Panos was placed on the medical table, the robotic individual starting to flip him over. A small incisor came out from its finger tip and it began to cut away at Panos' blood stained lapcoat, revealing that it had also cut through the shirt at the shoulder. Pulling away the layers, the open wound, potent with flowery iron scent, was exposed.

    "What's going on here? Report" The male voice was equally as unnaturally crisp as Bolton's. An older man of five foot eight came in, balding up top with gray sides and mean murky green eyes. He looked to be in his late fifties, dressed similarly to the other males. He shuffled his lab coat and openly stared at Vahşi "Why are one of the subjects on board?" Vahşi noticed the term applied to him but didn't reply to it. He was getting a bad feeling about this place, despite the help it had afforded Panos. The reference to him being 'on board' something made him wonder if this building was somehow meant for transportation. Although he was far from being a sailor, he knew enough about seamanship to recognize the meaning of 'on board'.

    "Sir" Bolton said, straightening his posture and raising a hand to salute the older man. "The Maki Akishan subject's wounded Panos Evanson in the upper right section of his torso." Lie, Vahşi thought, dropping his gaze to the floor so the emotion in his eyes wouldn't betray his thoughts. It was the assassin at the palace. The one who killed Baka. "He is displaying an unusual amount of sentience and intellience for the race."

    "An unusual amount of intelligence?" Vahşi repeated. "You must be popular at parties." The fingers of his right hand twitched subtly as if grasping for a weapon, but he forced his hand to be still.

    The older man unholstered a black gun, though it was complicated to look at as it was chunky and had a very long black barrel which was pointed his way now. "You have been bad, Akishan" The older man was speaking down to Vahşi, as if he were a child, and Vahşi instinctively hated him. "You must go to a bad place for a little while."

    "Do you know something?" Vahşi asked softly. "That's almost exactly what they said to me the first time they tried to lock me away." The older man glanced past Vahşi to Bolton, a confused look on his face, and the lupian charged him. In the few seconds it took him to close the gap between them, the older man raised the weapon in his grasp, but he never had the chance to fire. Bolton shrieked somewhere behind them. Vahşi knocked the man's weapon hand aside, twisting his fingers around the weapon as he slammed the side of his body into the older man's chest. The man grunted and let go of the weapon as he stumbled back. Vahşi kicked him further away, raising the weapon himself as the man's body tumbled to the floor. His opponent gave a scream of anger and rushed toward him; Vahşi parried his blow and sent him headlong into the wall. Once he crashed into the unyielding surface, the man lay still and didn't seem to breathe. Vahşi turned to focus his weapon on Bolton. "What did he mean by 'subjects'?" he asked, voice harsh and demanding. There was little room to doubt that he wouldn't hesitate to injure Bolton to facilitate getting some answers. "What are you doing to that village?"

    The brown haired researcher looked over his shoulder to the medical table, seeing Panos' wound being sprayed with something out of the metal man's hand and the wound being sewn shut with the other.

    Bolton swallowed hard when he looked back to Vahşi. But the young man held his ground, as if he was protecting Panos behind him. Vahşi guessed that he wouldn't be facing any trouble from him as far as hurting Panos was concerned, and he lowered the weapon. His fingers still curled tightly around the stock, ready to fire at any moment if attacked, but he at least presented a slightly less threatening picture. "I won't hurt him," he said, indicating Panos with a nod of his head. "Tell me why you're here."

    "We were studying what your people are." Bolten said, almost spitting a crispy tone at the man with the gun. "We collected data" His teal eyes stared, fear and bravery swirling in his young male expression. He was standing up for something, or someone. "My people are people," Vahşi said curtly. "Not your lab toys. You didn't have the right." He tilted his head as he studied him, wondering what would prompt him to be helpful. A woman? Nobody would be this loyal to a job. A mundane scented blood crept into Vahşi's nose. The man he had slammed into the white wall was now bleeding from his skull unto the white illuminated floor of the strange winged white building. Vahşi tilted the gun toward the body to indicate it. "I don't want you to end up like him. You haven't done anything to me, and you've helped Panos. If you cooperate with me, I'll give you my word that I will keep you safe." It was the last thing he wanted to say, but he delivered the words smoothly and meant them. Whatever promises he made, he kept; and while this Bolton certainly didn't know that, Vahşi didn't particularly care. He needed to find the others and navigate this ridiculous adventure until he got back home.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 08-31-2015 at 07:06 PM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

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    Last edited by Minkasha; 07-19-2016 at 02:49 AM.
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