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Thread: [M] — Mythos Complex [OOC] (H)

  1. #21
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    To those who submitted forms I haven't read yet: I just got home from work and family shiz I'll get to reading it as soon as I can and ensure everyone has Sanity Points, etc. <3

    With the dice rolling, no modifiers will be used xD I just copied what Tune (La di da) posted and placed it there. So, yes, I believe 1d20 for the coding would work just fine. I actually haven't used the new system.

    I'll test it in this post We'll see how it goes!


    I'd have to agree with the metrosexual aspect, though I did not comment on it. Typically metrosexuals, from my experience, are males who highly care about their appearance more than the testosterone, beefy, pumped, stereotype of a guy would. So, I'd have to agree with what St. Maria says, though it won't influence me taking away your character or anything xD ha ha. Definitely just a nitpick <3

    My sets are awesome I've just been lazy making more xD ugh. Maybe I'll work on making some tonight instead of keeping everyone there waiting. I do miss seeing my sigs everywhere lol.

    Good luck on the character sheet, Tune!

    OH, because someone VMed me this I figured I should address it to the OOC in general.


    If you would like a specific room or floor, then please let me know. I usually save the landlord's area for last and switch around where I place people on the first and second floor. I'm quite obsessed with balance so I try my best to keep it as such xD But if you want to be on a certain floor, etc. just let me know c: it's not biggie.

    EDIT: Dice rolling works!

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  2. #22
    Family, Duty, Honor Lord Tully's Avatar
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    Hanna Kelly
    Birthday September 4
    Age 20
    Gender female
    Race Caucasian, predominantly Irish ancestry (she possesses a distinct Irish accent).
    Blood type A-
    Hanna is a taller then average young woman, standing at about 5'10" and she suspects she still might grow another inch or two. Her clothing is usually either black or dark green, almost all of her jewelry (Which isn't really much) is snowflake themed. Has a grand total of one piercing on her left earlobe. Her voice is a fair bit deeper then most women, though not quite deep enough to be mistaken for a man in normal conversation.
    Sexuality Bisexual (Though she does prefer women over men)
    Occupation Theatrical Singer
    Blunt is a good word for describing Hanna, she is honest (Almost insanely so) and very upfront about her feelings. Aside from this bluntness Hanna does possess a friendly personality, she might be a tad clumsy in certain situations and her bluntness might come off as a bit forceful to some people, but she honestly tries to be nice to others.

    She also takes friendships very seriously, perhaps due to being a good deal taller then all her friends for most of her life she's always had a protective attitude towards them. Not quite in a 'motherly' sense, more a "Mess with my friend and I'll kick you teeth in" sense. Genuinely hurting her friends (Either physically or emotionally) is literally the only thing in her life she has actually gotten violent over, this protectiveness sky-rockets if she's romantically attracted to the one she's fighting for.

    Likes: Snow, western movies, Sea food (Fresh fish is one of her favorite things ever).
    Dislikes: Lies, prolonged silences, scam artists.
    Habits: Has a habit of humming if things get too quite or she gets nervous, not very loudly, but noticeable if you're right next to her.
    Diseases Actually has a case of Sedatephobia (Fear of silence), she's managed to deal pretty well since discovering it, but deep, long silences are still one of the few things that can truly make Hanna panic.
    Abilities/talents Singing (obviously since she's a singer), also an excellent baker, above average in a physical confrontation, and quite fluent in Latin.
    Hanna had a slightly unusual childhood, her parents were part of a small town cult that claimed to be derived straight from the Druids of ancient Britannia. It wasn't a psychotic cult or anything, in fact it preached a policy of absolute non-violence and actually backed it up. It's just that the people behind it were full of crap, simply throwing together a bunch of mystical looking rituals mostly in an effort to extort money from the gullible.

    Hanna's father was actually the one to expose them when Hanna was about age 4. It broke her parents who'd been with the group for roughly 10 years to suddenly find out they'd been scammed, but they decided that at least a few of the 'teachings' were actually worth something and passed them onto Hanna. Hanna's parents are easily two of the kindest people on the planet, they never once yelled at her (Though she did earn a fair number of stern talking-to's) are vehement opponents of violent treatment of criminals, and when Hanna came out as bisexual the only thing they changed was asking whether it was a girl or a boy when she went out on dates.

    When at about 12 years old Hanna began to develop a talent for singing her parents encouraged it allowing her to enter talent shows and the like, and as she grew taller and her voice started to deepen they payed for a vocal coach so she'd learn how to best use it. She went on to become relatively successful get roles in numerous local plays and became almost a local celebrity. But now with her High School done she hopes to move on to bigger and better things, she isn't aiming from Broadway or anything, but a few steps above being confined to the single theater in her hometown. After a few residences that didn't really work out Hanna is currently living at the Mythos Complex while taking theater classes at a nearby University. She doesn't believe any of the rumors about the complex, but she DOES find something unnerving about the immediate area at night, so as much as humanly possible she avoids leaving the building after sundown and has even taken a few self defence classes.

    I hope that's good enough.

    If possible I'd like my character to be on the third floor.
    Last edited by Lord Tully; 07-26-2012 at 08:07 AM.
    Spoiler: sorry but I have some bad news 

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  3. #23
    Member AsianFighter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by St. Maria View Post
    Alas I must nitpick, it also doesn't indicate any level of "gayness". Someone who exhibits Metrosexuality is someone who spends a great deal of time and money on their appearance.

    For example: The Jersey Shore douchebags are quite obviously not flaming, privately and publicly, they are however enormous Metrosexuals.

    Your character is likely Camp Straight
    careful don't get lost in there
    Oh my god. I never knew that was even a thing. I learn something every day.

    At first I thought you meant not to get lost in stereotypes, and then I clicked the link. And I agree with preacharound, that was a cruel thing to do. But I appreciate the clarification.

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  4. #24
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    Finished my character sheet!

  5. #25
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    @Leon G
    I'm not quite sure you understand what being a transsexual means. For your character to be transsexual they'd have to have been born one gender that conflicted with the type of gender they felt mentally, thus proceeded to get surgery to become the preferred sex. So, yes, a transsexual can have breasts and a penis it wouldn't exactly fit with what you're describing in your history, nor would it make much sense, as not many parents allow their child to undergo a form of surgery nor take the hormone pills necessary for a male character to acquire breasts.

    While, yes, it is possible for someone to be born with a penis and breasts they would not be considered transsexual, by any means. They'd be more considered a hermaphrodite of some sort, as there are plenty of things that can happen to make someone considered one.

    Usually parents choose a gender when this happens as well. Like, when the child is born the doctor can offer certain hormone pills to make the child become the chosen gender. It doesn't always happen, but it's not too uncommon when this is the case.

    I'm also not sure on the whole cult thing. She sounds like she'd fit in more with a fantasy RP and, while yes this RP does have some fantasy aspects, this isn't quite a fantasy RP. Though she is very interesting and different, just not sure she quite fits in with Mythos very well.

    @Everyone else
    Accepted, etc. Everyone that I have accepted has been added up, including the SP and whatnot. Pretty sure I got everyone anyway.

    I should PROBABLY address this somewhere in the first OOC post, but I usually do it in the beginning of the RP when I describe the room in the IC post. Anyway, they are EXTREMELY small, if I have neglected to mention this. It is essentially like a very small, studio apartment. So, just an open room, really. They each have their own small bathroom, but otherwise that's really it.

    My characters Howl and Boots actually cramp together and share a bed. They're not a couple, by any means, but extremely close, thus willing to share. So they kinda have a bed shoved in the back corner of the room, a small kitchen area, and maybe a couple pieces of furniture, but really not much. You can sort of see this if you look at the pictures I provided of Mythos Complex (it's really just an abandoned building downtown I took pictures of). The building itself is small, so it's unlikely to really have much.

    There are two decent sized rooms that can fit a bit more, but it's in the landlord area. So, if you'd like to request that, feel free, otherwise you're stuck with the smaller ones.

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  6. #26
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    Ohhhhh, thank you for telling me that! I thought transgendered/transsexual seemed like it wasn't quite what I was looking for, but I couldn't remember what the term I was looking for was. But it's okay, it's your RP. Good luck

  7. #27
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    No problemo Glad to be of help.

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  8. #28
    Imperfectly Impossible
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    Hmm...Fantasy with a twinge of maturation. I'll throwdown in the arena too
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    Everyone has made some pretty cool chars, its quite the ensemble. I'm excited to say the least! Hopefully my rolls don't stink out and Dan dies quick.

  9. #29
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  10. #30
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    Thanks, Ru. I'm excited for this to start as well, but nervous about the whole dice-rolling, horrible deaths thing. Should be fun, though!

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