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Thread: Ground War - recruitment and OOC

  1. #21
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    I know, I could do that, but I'm trying to go for a theme here.

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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    So if the Frateris Militia is all just well-mening volunteers...then where do Crusaders come from?
    As I understand it, they are temples that practice martial arts as a religious focus (and to defend their estates), like the Shaolin monks or the Indian Jyestimalla. Individual Ecclesiarchy priests hire them out as bodyguards, but they are not technically overseen by the church and so don’t break the Decree Passive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    What SHould I call it if they are Crusaders, and various Knightly Orders (The Shrine world is a Technologically advanced Feudal-theme world based on Arthurian England/Bretonnia in Space), and their non-noble men at arms.
    Perhaps the cardinal who assembled the militia also paid for a few Crusader sects to tag along?
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  3. #23
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    Once again, pretty sure Priests aren't allow to have armies due to a little kerfufle in the age of apostasy. Frankly that whole thing looks a little Spiky to my untrained eye, but not for me to decide.

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  4. #24
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    I guess that could make sense.

    My initial idea was Winged Hussars in space, but then I came up with this.

    Well ,here's my general idea for how a battle would play out.

    Initial engagement - long range artillery fire.

    Infantry moves up, Crusaders/Foot Knights/Men t arms Assaulting, supported by IFVs while Peasant riflemen/Men-at-arms give covering fire.

    Meanwhile, on the flanks, the mounted knights/rough riders charge the flanks of the enemy with their power lances, and engage in CC with their power swords.

    is that reasonable?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Derpnaster View Post
    Once again, pretty sure Priests aren't allow to have armies due to a little kerfufle in the age of apostasy. Frankly that whole thing looks a little Spiky to my untrained eye, but not for me to decide.
    Its not ACTUALLY his, they would still be IG/Munitarium + crusaders, they're just under his command.

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  5. #25
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    Okay, thoughts on the rewrite:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    Regiment Type: Crusade (A Mixted-arms force consisting of 40% Infantry (20% Light, 20% Heavy), 30% Heavy Cavalry, and 30% Armor/Artillery/Air)
    Still not valid, I’m afraid. No Guard infantry regiment has its own organic armour and artillery support (and this is by design, to limit their effectiveness if the regiment turns traitor) and air support is explicitly the purview of the Aeronautica and Navy. It’s entirely possible that the world sent armour and artillery regiments alongside the infantry ones, and these would indeed be mixed together to form task forces, but for the purposes of this RP you will only be commanding one of those regiments.

    Note that you will get NPC air and artillery support on occasion, but it won’t be under direct command.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    A very Wealthy Regiment comprised of Children of Noble families, and their Commoner Men-at-Arms. Carapace armor is standard for all Noble-born soldiers, as is power weapons. The Heavy Cavalry Have Power Lances instead of Hunting Lances, and all have adequate supplies.
    Again, please lose the power weapons. There are heavy infantry regiments out there who all wear carapace, but there is not a single planet with the wealth and production capacity to outfit whole regiments of ordinary soldiers with power weapons. Even the space marines can’t manage that, and they get given the resources of an entire planet to support just 1000 guys. Besides, who in their right mind would pour that much money into expensive, finicky, situational weaponry that they’re unlikely to get back even if the regiment survives the campaign? Not to suggest that the Guard is routinely outfitted on the cheap, but quantity, robustness and versatility are usually the things that get prioritised over shiny sidearms.

    I still think that if you want a knights-and-retinue analogue, the best fit is a well-equipped (as in, every man gets a lasgun and armour, rather than whatever he brings from home) but inexperienced frateris militia backed up by small units of power-sword crusaders. You can keep Odervank and Gwen.
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    Right then. Will fix tomorrow

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    I keep forgetting you dont keep track of power and even a lasgun wielding schmoe can take down a trsitir astartes if hus player is a good writer

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  7. #27
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    If you’re referring to Derp’s commander, that happened on the tabletop (where stats are geared towards making a competitively balanced game rather than what makes the most logical sense) and within the context of this story it’s just an unconfirmed rumour that her soldiers like to throw around.

    Though for clarity, as I mentioned in the Intro thread, I am happy to let players defeat enemies that outmatch them on paper if the writing is a) realistic or b) awesome (preferably both).
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  8. #28
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    For some clarity I'll list out what is officially listed as being assigned to the Haven 14th Task Force, then give you what they actually have because there are two different things. I'll just PM you the list of stuff, because it's probably better that some of their looted stuff get approved first.

    Also a bit of lore.

    Haven is itself not actually a regiment, or even a recognized system by the imperium. The planet known as Haven is a small system clustered around a main sequence star, which is itself, loacted near the unexplored Galactic east just beyond the ghoul starts.

    The actual Regiment known as Haven started out as the Cadian 418th Expeditionary Force, though cadian raised they were trained by Tallarn forces to better develop a self sufficient capability and raider style of war.

    En route to deployment their ship hit a bad enough warp storm that it crashed on the planet known as haven, The survivors of the crash soon discovered their little island wanted nothing more than to kill them, while deserts made of an iron sand, constant winds, and a mineral that in large enough amounts, would trigger psychic phenomena up to and including demonic manifestations.

    The survivors eventually regrouped and formed a colony and eventually managed to send out a signal. This signal was answered by an inquisition ship, which then wanted to glass the whole planet because a minor deamon popped into existence and was promptly shot repeatedly, this didn't fly with the now well entrenched survivors and that Interrogator was, less than intact when he was returned along with a sticky note that basically read as "You leave us alone and we'll keep shooting daemons."

    That didn't go over so well and after a very long shouting match, in which their current commander actually did shot someone's eyes out(the inquisitor involved shot first and was later found to be unfounded in his attempts to glass the planet). That little kerfufle basically got Ketch and about 10,000 survivors deployed to an ashen munitorum depot world known as Cytheria VIII, the planet itself was volcanic, to the point of lethality, only small pockets of clean air caused by forests of giant pines in alpine valleys had enough breathable air to support limited human life. Haven was deployed there for a decade while the Inquisition determined what to do with them. In the meantime they fought off a Death Guard incursion over the last three years, turns out even super viruses can't sustain themselves when the very air is toxic to your existence. It was during that time that Ketch would face down a Plague Marine and kill him in combat (Actual tabletop thing that we celebrated in store, up there with the T'au drone that killed Space Marines in lore, they shot him with a tank first, then Ketch shot him again with a Plasma Pistol set to overcharge.), after that little issue Haven was redeployed and that is how they ended up hunting down heretics.

    I also do apologize if I just dropped a text wall, and I assure you I'm not bringing 10,000 men, just the standard 1,000, after all most of them died in previous assignments.

    And in response to the whole my Colonel killed a Space Marine, yes she did, with a lot of help in the form of a Leman Russ and a Plasma pistol, which would kill just about anything else anyway.
    Last edited by Derpnaster; 11-07-2018 at 10:13 AM.

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  9. #29
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    actually I just meant you prefer rule of cool an storytelling to realism (to an extent)

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    fixed my frateris militia

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  10. #30
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    Because a world with transhuman murder machines, literal gods of the primal chaos, space elves, near serient robots, and angry Scottish mushrooms that use their own teeth for currency is totally realistic. Come one man, the entire setting is literally founded upon what we think is cool. Realism died when they made a seven foot tall walking tank that eats brains and spits acid.

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