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Thread: DEUS INFERNA〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & ZiekwaltZier」

  1. #21
    Giga Onion
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    Rev listened to him, and tried to come to some manner of understanding as to the nature of these attacks. Frankly, this was out of his wheelhouse, and didn't really concern himself with Atlantean politics. However, the fact that this was a direct attack forced him to realize that he was now involved by proxy. "Well if all the big wigs were supposed to be there, then maybe it wasn't just you they were targetting."

    He thought about it himself, their tactics appeared to be coordinated. Someone had to have been calling the shots, otherwise this would be just...wanton. "Think about it, why would they wait to blow your building skyhigh now? It's timing. I remember this one time where I had to eject a guy from a club, and he was some small-time celeb. His ejection caught the tabloids, and his whole career took a nose-dive after that. So, see? Timing."

  2. #22
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Alois rubbed his chin thinking on the matter for a minute before looking at Rev. "Alright so it's a matter of timing but what exactly is their cause? I mean sure they may be targeting the council of the Order but the meeting was hush hush aside from a select few and the council members themselves. Unless maybe it's one of the council members. There was one leader who did not show today." Alois said as he looked at Rev and chewed his bottom lip. As he spoke with Rev they were getting many eyes on them, or rather mainly on Alois due to his appearance since he was so out of place in such an establishment since he looked like he could be a model.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  3. #23
    Giga Onion
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    Rev snapped his finger, and gave him a finger gun. "This was probably an inside job," he smirked at the thought of him being involved in a conspiracy. "Who was the big guy who didn't show?"

    Nevertheless, what took hold of his attention was the fact that Alois was getting too much attention. This culiminated in a few bar girls stepping over to their booth, and saying hi to Alois. Rev only scoffed, incurring the eire from them. He said, "Don't get wrapped up with those ladies.. They've slept with every hot dude that's walked in here. Plus, you really don't want to deal with their men." He glanced past the two girls, and at a table across the bar with two burly men staring the two of them down.

    "Unless you don't care about getting kicked out," Rev only laughed as the girls gave him shit for telling the pretty boy the truth. "I rather enjoy the food here, so you won't catch me throwing hands with these lowlives."
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 11-30-2023 at 02:51 PM.

  4. #24
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "Apologies ladies but i've taken a vow of celibacy until I find my fated lover. I will only sleep with my beloved once I've found her. If you don't mind could you head back to your lovers? We are having a very important and private conversation." Alois stated as he looked at the young women making up an excuse before looking back at Rev and rubbed his chin. "It was the third elder who didn't show up, he has been wanting to be in control for a while now but everyone else keeps him in check." Alois said as he looked at Rev and ran his hand through his hair continuing his conversation after the young women left them alone.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  5. #25
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    They ladies proceed to call both Rev and Alois killjoys before departing to go fuck with some other poor sap. All the while, Rev looked rather intrigued by the answer. "Who's this third elder fellow? Also Pardon all the questioning. I'll admit I'm not familiar with your guy's hierarchy. Like I was aware of you guys having one, but never really gave much of a fuck to remember any of the names or their significance." He realized how disrespectful that sounded, and cleared his throat. "No offense of course.. Haven't had too good of an encounter with some of your more fanatical members."

    A waiter eventually came over and handed Rev another ale as they take the empty one. They seemed a little transfixed on Alois, but Rev wasn't bothered by it. He was more focused on the food still before him, which was 65% completed by this point. "And another question, don't ya'll have access to spells and stuff? Or was that the witches? I always forget who could use magick, and who couldn't."

  6. #26
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "His official title is Elder Grimware Delancel, He can be rather cruel in the way he speaks and comes off as aggressive. You wouldn't want to cross him as he can be rather volatile. It would make sense if he were the one behind the attack earlier but I can't just jump to conclusions without solid evidence. As for not memorizing the higher ups of the Order of the Cross no offense taken. They can be rather stuffy, most of the members on the council are on the elderly side. I'm the only one who is on the young side and have the lowest influence in the council though the others tend to agree with my ideals at times." Alois said as he explained the situation to Rev and sat across from him in an upright position making sure to maintain proper posture. Alois was more of a laidback type of person who tended to take responsibility for situations that involved diplomacy or financial duties for his own branch.

    "To be honest Elder Grimwar and myself don't see eye to eye when it comes to matters of running the Order since he wishes to charge higher taxes on the members of our own order and those who come to our order for treatment in ways of healing. Though a small number of the members of our Order can use magic to heal and treat the sick not many of us can so most of the Order members have manufactured holy artifacts to help heal and purify the sickness of others as well as do other things. The witches are the ones with the highest aptitude for magic." Alois said as he looked at Rev and cleared his throat ordering a water to hydrate himself.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  7. #27
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    The waitress brought over a glass of water, and some other food for Rev who had just finished all the food that was on the table. "Elder Grimware Delancel.. That's a fucking name if I have ever heard one." He thought about Alois position among the order, and only really shrugged at it. He didn't really care too much about the internal politics, but that name was definitely going to be on his mind. "If he we had an alibi from him, maybe we can cross him out as a potential suspect. But right now, all the signs are pointing to him being the one responsible."

    He leaned back as he tore through the food that was brought to him, "That's true! You guys from the Church having healing artifacts. Those things always fascinated me. Ancient shit like that is always fucking rad!"

    "Right, so the witches have the highest for magick. Got it." He pondered over something, tearing apart a piece of chicken, "Well the reason I brought it up, was maybe we could speak to one of these witches to see if they understand the magic that was used to bring the building down."

  8. #28
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "Right, Elder grimware Delancel does seem like the most likely culprit. To speak with a witch over the type of magic would be a good idea though they don't very much like most members of the church they don't seem to mind me so much. Perhaps because I helped a few of them in a pinch a few years back." Alois said as he looked at Rev and cleared his throat rubbing his chin as he bit his bottom lip making him appear even more seductive to the women in the bar.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  9. #29
    Giga Onion
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    He snapped his fingers and gave a finger gun to him. "Then we'll go and talk to them upon the morrow! It's alright if we talk to them on short notice right? Right?? We don't have to do anything sneaky or whatever to get an audience with them.. Last time I did that, an entire building fell ontop of me.. and I don't want that happening again." He had a nervous, but hearty laugh at that.

    Although Alois' hotness had started to attract the attention of several women in the bar. As well as the unwarranted aggression from some of the men. They are definitely staring over at the duo as they chat it up.

  10. #30
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "It would be wise to approach him as quickly as possible out in the open, if he is the culprit then it will make it harder for him to try anything if we come to him outright whereas if we come to him covertly without anyone's knowledge he could simply feign meeting us and have us dealt with." Alois said looking at his new found compatriot as they planned to go see Elder Grimware Delancel. "We should make our way out, I believe I am pulling unwanted attention to us in this establishment." Alois stated as he cleared his throat and looked at Rev.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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