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Thread: Lion Heart [M]

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    Default Worth One’s Salt

    Theorynn was yanked to the ground by her shield arm before she could recognize the arrival of her king in the arena. Sliding her arm from her shield she rolled her shoulder and winced lightly. Not dislocated, but it would certainly be sore in the days to come. Looking up to where the king stood in the near middle of the arena she ran her eyes across the situation fighting the nausea and ringing in her head. The kings magic felt akin to standing next to explosives as they blew. Below the king however lay a man, perhaps a half orc? Hard to judge from that distance. The man was still. No breath entered his lungs and certainly no life filled his eyes as the king gently closed his lids. The centaur had killed. In the utter silence of the moment Theorynn closed her eyes, her long lashes barely grazing her cheeks, and prayed for the departed.

    When the king spoke his voice was soft and yet it felt like a great weight being placed on her shoulders. He was certainly someone who’s power you could get some sense of just standing in his presence. Shaking her head lightly Theorynn tried to pay attention to what was being said, but until the ringing began to fade her mind could not regain itself. Was this truly the power of the kings magics? No wonder he’d never used them in close proximity to the cities before. She’d heard of tales of what the kings were capable of, but this was truly awe-inspiring.

    “So begins the selection of the Lion Heart.” The only words she heard and the only ones she had so desperately wished to hear all day.

    Forcing herself to her feet Theorynn prepared to join the rest of the combatants closer to the king. Before she could even take a step however she found herself suddenly at his side along with several others. All it took was an instant. Reaching up Theorynn reflexively tucked her mousy brown hair behind her right ear. There wasn’t much to tuck as she kept her hair relatively short and choppy, some even speculated she simply cut it with a dagger, but it was simply a reflex born of embarrassment and shock. As a blush rose to her lightly freckled cheeks Theorynn scratched the back of her neck. She had made it? She had really made the cut? Somehow in her endeavors she had actually managed to call the attention of her king and gain a place amongst the greatest of heroes......Did she truly deserve such an honor?

    Pushing the invasive thoughts from her head Theorynn steeled her gaze and rolled her shoulders back. This was no time to be meek. She had earned this. She had made her dream in to her reality. She was following after her father after all these years. She was proving her worth. This is where she was meant to be. This is where she had fought and worked and bled to be. There was no turning back and there was no flaking out.

  2. #22
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    “The bone should mend within a months time, if you don’t--”

    Between the time it took Doctor Lumen to blink and open his eyes again, he no longer stood within the spacious preparation chamber that had become his and the other medics triage ward.
    He squinted as blinding light poured down from above, stinging Lumens blue eyes as they retracted into narrow slits.
    Lumen now faced his king, and a roaring crowd. Even as he conjectured, a knee fell to the dirt as a hand passed over his heart.
    What on earth was--?

    Before he could aim his question, understanding filled his mind like water filled a pitcher.
    An innate knowledge, like the step of a dancer or the stroke of an artists brush.
    He had been chosen.
    He was a Lionheart.

    Before he could lament his own luck, good or bad, he glanced his head towards the orc being carried off, bulk too great for one man alone.
    He tucked his head lower, and folded down his doubts.
    There would be time to sort out the cacophony of thoughts bouncing inside of his head.
    Did he truly deserve this honor?
    More than others, who had bled and sacrificed years of their lives?

    Did he deserve to count himself among his Kings greatest cohorts?
    No, he did not.
    But he was a Lion Heart, nevertheless.

  3. #23
    The Dragon Lady
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    Namida was slow to find her feet once the High King turned from her to address the crowd. Shaking her flaxen haired head at the overall misfortune of circumstance, she eyed the king with an equal mix of both resentment and awe. Following a king of men to her own death was certainly not what she had traveled so far from fringes for, but what was done was done. If she were to meet her end on this folly, she had every intention of raging against it until her fiery fury was quenched by death’s icy clutches. Standing proud once more, despite her wounds, the centaur watched as the king quelled the the disturbed clamor of the masses with a simple raise of his hand.

    In the sudden silence, the snap of his fingers seemed impossibly loud to her. In a blink, five more appeared at her side, eliciting a startled snort as she pawed the dirt in effort not to unconsciously give up ground. She frowned as the entire arena erupted and the others bowed their heads or took a knee before their leader. Let them grovel and cheer, she had been humbled enough for one day. She was glad to see that her arena ally was counted in their numbers, at least she knew he had a survivor’s spirit. Most of the rest of them looked as though they hadn’t set foot in the fringes even once.

    ’Tender-hooves, the lot of them… this king of theirs better know what he’s doing…’

    A grim expression took hold of her face as she turned her gaze back to the king, holding his eye with a weighted stare of her own. Centaur or not, he was now the High Stallion in her eyes. She would shield their group with her very life if needed, but the finality of their venture rested squarely on his shoulders. Live or die, their collective fates hinged on the decisions he would make in their very near future. A singular nod was all she gave as she crossed her muscled arms and let her eyes wander over the cacophonous crowd. Great Gods, she needed a drink...
    Last edited by StormyNyte; 03-06-2019 at 10:15 PM.
    Stormy's 1X1 recruitment thread!
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  4. #24
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    From the throne he looked down at the ring where before him stood prideful warriors ready to fight, ready to kill, and ready to die for many of whom they'd never know. He clenched his fist and his eyes swapped between his father and his mother and to the warriors who pledged their lives in that moment and in that same moment his father relinquished his title, "My name is, High King Arsen Virelius." It was quiet, but all who were present heard the young king, newly crowned, announced his name and it was in that moment that all pride faded from Seig and washed over his son as he took a knee and place his right arm over his chest with his fist against his heart.

    'You think he'll die too?' a formless voice plowed through his head as he knelt there with his eyes closed and his finger tightened beyond a clench in something of an expression of rage, "No. This will be the end."
    'Are you sure? You'd be the first to even breach the secrets of this world, are you so prideful as to believe it will be you?'

    Seig stood and looked at the warriors who now stood parallel to him in title and in status, they were no better nor worse and he'd not have them relish in formalities. "We leave tomorrow at midday, so, who wants to get fucked up?" a small sly smile curled up in the hair on his face with a certain look in his eye that was, new. With the weight of the title of his shoulders, for the first time in twenty odd years, he got to mingle among the crowd and act like a foolish child.

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
    Lion Heart OOC
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    War on High Interest Check
    Got a discord? Hit me up via a PM we can do an info exchange!

  5. #25
    Member AliceMalice15's Avatar
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    A snort escaped Theorynn’s throat before she could hold back the inherent reaction. Reaching up to cover her mouth, although it in no way covered the edges of her wide smile, Theorynn bowed her head slightly. She’d seen the king on few occasions get a little out of control and wild during feasts, but that had always seemed to be his general personality when relaxing. The peoples king.

    “Your highness,” she chuckled, “If you don’t mind my saying so, I’d at least have a little restraint if we’re headed out tomorrow. I’ve seen you party before.....I’d hate to start out our journey on the wrong foot. The kingdom is counting on us after all.”

    Leaning over toward Lumen she nudged him with her shoulder to get his attention. It was almost like the nudge you’d expect from somewhat misbehaving children in school.

    “Why don’t you and I find some drinks and hot food after this and chit chat a bit,” she said, “seeing as we won’t be parting ways any time soon. Best to start making friends now eh? Maybe some of our compatriots will even join us. Sounds like his royal highness would be willing to join us at the very least.”

  6. #26
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    A new King, just a child, took the throne and the old King, a man named Seig Virelius, stood before them. He was the leader of the Lion Hearts and he wasn't what he expected. A mousy haired female knight spoke like she knew the former King personally, and it sounded like the man liked to drink. After everything was said and done, Devrin finally had time to take a good look at the others. Three humans and three beast-kin, including Namida and a half-avian woman. Beside the female knight, knelt the familiar human-reptilian he knew as Lumen Lucianus.

    Maybe it was all the blows to the head or the shock, but Devrin struggled for a moment to piece together his old friend's appearance among the chosen Lion Guard. The man was studying to become a Doctor, from what Laureate had said. Lumen wasn't built to be a warrior, but if he was chosen... Devrin coughed, and cleared his throat, rising to his feet. The remaining combatants were being escorted off the field by Medics, and if his bleeding side was any indicator, that's where he should be headed as well. He turned to Namida, and bowed his head as a sign of respect.

    "Devrin Roswell," he said with a grin, "Looks like we get to fight as allies again."

    He bowed to the King, and excused himself. He stood in front of Lumen, and clapped the man's pauldron. "It's been a long time, my friend," he said gruffly, "We'll have to catch up later."

    Devrin waved nonchalantly as he crossed the Arena, stepping over broken and discarded weapons. Having convinced a Medic for a roll of bandages, he joined others in the Changing Room. Some acknowledged his presence, others ignored or congratulated him. The honor felt hollow, the voices growing distant despite the fanfare and sounds of the stadium. He took a seat, and buried his fsce in his bloody hands.

    "It should've been you, Minerva..." he whispered.


    Odds 'n Ends Elixirs.

    The shoppe, with its handcarved sign and absurd name, was where he met Minerva. All these years, and nothing seemed to change. When they met, she was the shopkeeper's apprentice, studying herbology and medicine under Cassian. They were like family, which made the visit much more difficult.

    Devrin stood outside the shop for what felt like eternity, listening to the melodic chime of the doorbell as customers shuffled out. After everything he had been through in life, the trials and tribulations, he dreaded breaking the news to Cassian and his family. The girls would be heartbroken. Taking a deep breath, the doorbell chimed when he entered the store, and Cassian's familiar voice greeted him.

    "Devrin! My gods, you look like hell!" exclaimed Cassian, noticing the bruises and bloodstained bandages. The man's hazel eyes darted between examining the bandages and analyzing Devrin's face.

    "Did you two join the Selection? How'd it go?" Cheerful and inquisitive as ever, Cassian never missed a beat. "Where's Minerva?"

    All it took was one look in Devrin's direction, and Cassian's face fell. The vice grip Cassian had on his forearms was almost a welcomed distraction from his heartache. Cassian shook his head in disbelief, blond hair freely falling to cover his face.

    "What happened?"

    Cassian closed up shop, joined by Devrin, slouched over a wooden table in the supply room, an empty bottle of Whiskey and Regen Elixir sitting between them. The silence was deafening. After informing Cassian of the news, they attempted to numb the pain with liquor to no avail.

    "So..." said Cassian, after a half hour of silence, "that's what happened." His voice was raspy, clearly shaken by the news. "And her family already knows?" Devrin nodded in response. "Well, uh..." Cassian cleared his throat, and took a swig of his drink.

    "I-I.. I'll have to tell the girls and Adeline," stammered Cassian, ruffling his hair. "They're out enjoying the Festival." He forced a small smile, his hazel eyes red and swollen. "'Least ya made good... on the promisr, ya know. Thanks, for telling me in person."

    The two spoke for awhile longer, about anything and everything other than Minerva. Cassian wasn't surprised that he was chosen as a Lion Heart, and as the pair started to part ways at the front of the shop, Cassian stopped him.

    "Look, I know you're not very religious - and I'm hardly one to preach - but you're never alone, Dev. Don't forget, that you have some of the strongest guardians looking out for you."

    Devrin sighed, and stared at the floor. "Yeah... Thanks, Cas," he mumbled.

    "I mean it, Devrin. You've got a lot of people supporting you, even if you don't see it." Cassian crossed the floor, unlocked the door, and held it open.

    "You're a Lion Heart. Go out and make us proud."
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    Set by Ru
    .:Lion Heart:.

  7. #27
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    Kaia's ruffled with pride and delight at the young kinds claim to his name. A new start for the young man, a new name, and now a weight upon his shoulders. With her king she bowed to the new and young king. Still a sad thought lingered. Would the cycle repeat? or would they do the impossible? She glanced at Seig for a long moment.

    As Seig turned to them and asked his questions Kaia didn't bother to hide her laughter. "That's something I'd like to see." she said moving up closer. "For as long as I've known you, you've had your nose stuck in a book." She said. Living so close she'd watched him from afar but this was honestly the first time she was this close to her king, perhaps there had been things she had not witnessed while she was gone. She glanced at the female knight Her feathers ruffled once more as she grinned at him. "but by the sounds of it, I've missed development since I've been away!"

    Tomorrow then. Till then now it was time to celebrate! She looked at the other chosen Loin hearts, one was already making his way to be treated and perhaps to other things. two other beast kin, the centaur and the other... intrigued her. Another half breed? Among them her father, she felt her chest swell with pride as she would meet his gaze, wondering what he might be thinking. And then the mousy haired women who'd spoken before, and the man who'd already strode off. This was serious business but tonight was the night to get to know them.

    "I'd be happy to join you! If you'll have me." Kaia couldn't help over hearing the women speak to the other half breed and smiled Pleasantly, though it could not hide her excitement. She gave a courteous bow. "My name is Kaia Vandrachen. I'm more then pleased to be serving with you." she said quietly.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  8. #28
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    The Centaur mare regarded her companions in silence before giving a heavy snort of derision. Unfolding her arms, she followed suit in breaking off and making her way back to the arming room. Her heavy steps were slow and measured as the sound of her hooves announced her entry.

    The stubborn warrior that she was, Namida was careful to not reveal how deeply the bout within the arena had affected her. A pointed leer managed to ward off any of the few medics that dared to attempt approach. Collecting her things, she eventually found herself outside the arena walls and back into the streets.

    Her clopping steps finally found her in front of a large fountain that served as one of the city's many water sources. Stooping for a bucket, she ignored the shocked looks as she set to rinsing away the blood and dirt that coated her until she was vaguely presentable once more.

    Discarding the bucket, Namida gave a heavy sigh and rolled her shoulders before setting off again. Tomorrow would likely be the beginning of their end, but for now she had a mighty hunger and thirst to sate. She simply hoped there were decent stations to fulfill both needs without her having to duck in order to enter.
    Stormy's 1X1 recruitment thread!
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    As if having his whole--!

    Lumen inhaled, sharply.
    The foul sting of sweat, the earthy grit of the sand underneath his bent knee--
    A faint, metallic aroma of blood--
    The deafening battery of noise within his mind was instead filled with the shrill and hoarse cries from the stands above them.
    It quieted visions of diagrams and charts, of the unique difficulties that treating half-breeds like himself and the feathered woman a few steps down the line from him presented.
    The centaur woman was perhaps the most impressive, and equally worrying.
    Little if any practical texts existed on their treatment, only hypothesis.

    Perhaps it was callous of him to view the people he would soon be entrusting with his life with such cold objectivity. There was no telling whether they’d even accept his expertise, or dismiss him as a quack doctor.

    But noone, he assured himself, would want to be treated by such a gibbering mess.

    A light bump on his shoulder seemed to pull Lumen out of his thoughts and he tilted towards a head of pleasant brown, if perhaps not perfectly evenly cut hair.
    Lumen had heard her question, but still took a long moments pause as he finally took in Theorynn’s features with a new puzzle to mull over.
    Had they met somewhere before?
    Not in the Arena that currently surrounded them obviously. Theorynn had guessed his name correctly after escorting her young friend to him, but he’d been introduced prior to the Tournament as one of the attending physicians, mostly to avoid the incident that had pushed them together in the first place--
    Another familiar face clapped his shoulder, and one he this time didn’t need to guess at.
    Devrin Roswell was perhaps one of Lumen’s oldest friends, they’d practically lived together for nearly a year at his mother's--Laureate’s clinic.
    Lumen regretted not delaying boarding school for a little longer. After Ethriel, Devrin’s mother passed…
    If he’d been there, maybe Devrin would not have chosen a warriors life.

    He’d nearly forgotten to answer Theorynn’s question, tripping down memory lane.
    “Drinks, food--yes”, Lumen replied suddenly, sheepishly. Any more of a delay on his reply, and that might have been awkward.

    The Half-Avian, Kaia Vandrachen’s introduction came next, another unique member of this band. At least with another half-human, he didn’t feel quite so out of place.
    “Dr. Lumen Laelius Lucianus”, the scaly faced man introduced himself, “If you have any injuries--”
    There was a snort from the centaur, and she wasted no time in wandering off as the others had. He hoped that the glare she fired upon the other attending medics would not be turned on him, as if he were so lucky.
    “--Please let me know, and don’t try and soldier on. Regardless of the...end of previous Lion Hearts, I don’t intend on losing anyone”

    A flicker of doubt passed over his heart.
    That was quite the promise to be making so nonchalantly, and for someone who was so mired in fears and doubts.
    But it gave him something solid to hold onto, an alternative to a death march.
    An objective, like an anchor.
    Afterall, no one could die if he did his job right, right?

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    Default Party time! Let's Start hell early, yeah?

    The King sat down at a table and raised his hand high into the air. In response, the entire tavern fell silent and the view of it's patrons turned toward him. A bit of a wicked smile and widened eyes gave credence to the idea that this wasn't going to be some speech. This was simply, a good time. "Bar-man! Tonight! The kingdom pays!" He looked at the man behind the large bar who had the thickest grin on his face while he stifled a laugh, knowing that tonight was going to be busy would feed him easy for the rest of the year.

    Seig fell back in his chair and patrons began to rush the counter as tankards were slid down in a first come first serve kind of manner. He was one to be able to know how to party, but, no one had ever actually seen him drink, assuming he did at all. His table held 5 empty chairs and him, each one inviting but only to be taken by a select few. Those around knew who those seats belonged to, some of them maybe a little older than the prior calamity would cheer loudly as the Lion Heart walked through the door. Tonight, it had been suggested to go easy, but tonight was going to be the last time they could afford to not care for even a moment, because even places considered safe in The Fringes could be wiped out within the period of a day.

    These children, were fighters, they were special, intelligent, loving, in some way they all brought something that would save them to the table. Devrin? Kept his secrets, but no secret could be kept from Seig, atleast, not for long. Kaia? He'd near grown up alongside her. At one point she'd been considered to be Aresn's mother, though, there were reasons that never came to pass. This was one of them. Namida? He knew, he knew that in the arena something more had taken place inside the brute that was the centaur. Theorynn? Lumen? All had their respective secret to keep.

    'Don't act like you're not on the list too.'
    "I know."

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
    Lion Heart OOC
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    War on High Interest Check
    Got a discord? Hit me up via a PM we can do an info exchange!

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