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Thread: [M] Nightfall_Outbreak: Flesh and Steel • IC

  1. #21
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    Effemy looked at the other rogue---Cypher, as she picked up from him and the other girl's conversations---and winked. Then she turned her focus back to the creatures. She skewered one of the hounds and then another, until she had a whole kabob of hybrids. There were only a few left, it seemed. "How much longer are they going to come after us untill they realize this is pointless?" she muttered to herself.

    She jumped into the air, did a mid-air backflip, and landed on the dumpster. She looked at the one named Cypher. "Yeah...sorry. I don't think I recognize you."

  2. #22
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    Good Evening Enforcers.

    Paul glanced towards the man that came before him and his team. He wasn’t sure who he was but certainly had an ominous aura that scattered amongst his leathered skin and clothing. Paul looked at Charlotte who glanced between Elmer and Mark. Elmer looked at the man intently, gripping tightly to his sniper rifle. Mark on the other hand was preparing his handgun as he wondered who this man was. Paul raised his hand towards Elmer and Mark, ordering them to stand down. As they did what they were ordered to do Paul took a step forward towards the man, “Who are you? What do you want from us? Don’t you see we have private affairs to deal with? Move along and don’t look back for we were never here.” Paul turned his back to the man and gestured for his team to follow and they did willingly.

  3. #23
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    Andrew looked at his sister as she ducked the oncoming razor hat. She looks up at him briefly, signaling that she was alright. She also slightly moved her head in the direction of Cypher. He understood immediately. He moved towards Cypher and nods at his fellow rogue. He spins his staff. "How may I be of assistance. I'm not going anywhere with you until I know what you want. Stranger danger and all that." Angela had rejoined the fray, popping in and out of the darkness and killing the hybrids. She would appear in the fight, then disappear so that no one could get a good look at her even though her entire body was covered.

  4. #24
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    Cypher looked at Effemy and said, "It's okay, you don't actually see my face," Cypher turned and walks away. But, Angela asked him, "I have received word from my sister and she wants to see you,"

    Athena interrupts as Cypher finished his words, "Hey! I don't wanna see them, you're the one who-.. Hello? Hello?" Cypher turned off his earpiece and continued. Then, Athena hacked into Cypher's mask and displays a distress signal from a Land Raider Warband Transport Ship heading towards the nearest building.

    Cypher switched on his earpiece, "I got your message Athena, how many people are in there and what type of Royal Soldiers inside the ship?" Athena sighed and laughed, "Next time, don't switch off your earpiece. And... A squad of 5 Exterminator Class, and they are not Soldiers. They are the Argathian Cerebrum Exterminators. The most feared and the most elite genetically enginneered warriors. Quick! Hybrids are taking down the Ship!" "Confirmed, Cypher out. Fire, you and your sister clear out the civilians from the next building,"

    Cypher pulled out his sword and looked at the other two rogues, "The woman with the sword and you, the Riftwalker. I need you both to get on the incoming Transport Ship,"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  5. #25
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    The twins resist the urge to look at each other. They both know that they never once spoke of their relationship out loud. So when Cypher referred to Angela as his sister, completely through him off. But it was a question for another time. He nods at Cypher and went to the neighboring building. He ran through the halls, yelling for everyone to wake up and get out. Angela snuck in the back of the building and quickly got people to leave through the fire escapes. Eventually, the evacuation got them next to each other. Angela looks at her brother. "Did you mention that we were related?" "Don't look at me. I said nothing." "Ask him next time what led to his conclusion, then deny it."

    Eventually, all the people cleared out of the building and moved through the streets to a safer area. Angela trailed them to ward off any hybrids, that would attack the civilians.

  6. #26
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    Cypher walked out the building and climbs up to the rooftop. He saw a Dropship in the distance in about 600m away. He thinks, "Were those two rogues just now are, siblings? If yes, whoa, good guessin'" Cypher looked at the ship, its right wing burns and saw gunfire, it is indeed from an Argathian Cerebrum Exterminator. Cypher took out his sword and prepares for what's next...
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  7. #27
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    Andrew comes up next to Cypher. "The Daywalker stayed with the tenants of the building." he says. He sees the Exterminator and smiles. "Give me an opening, man and I'll drain it of power." He spins his staff as an aura of energy surrounded it. Andrew takes a deep breath and thrusts out his hand towards the Exterminator. A beam of concentrated energy hits the Exterminator in the chest, sending it staggering backwards.
    Last edited by Sparkz; 02-14-2015 at 11:11 PM.

  8. #28
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    Cypher's eyes widened as FF hits the Exterminator, "What the-? Are you crazy??? Those guys are from the Empire!" Cypher stands in his combat position with his Third Vision activated, "Hybrids below, maybe they are shooting the Hybrids below us," Cypher gets down from the building and swings his sword at the climbing Hybrid, slicing it two.. "Athena, have you finished making my new weapon?"

    Athena smiled, "Yes it is"
    "Good, give it to me,"
    "Okay, sending the Cinder Gauntlet now,"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  9. #29
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    Andrew jumps down as well, following Cypher. "It stepped on a Hybrid that was about to attack it. I know what I'm doing." he ran in the fray and blasted several hybrids and burned one to ashes with his staff. He ducked as the exterminator fired towards some hybrids near him. "I'd think that we all are crazy for fighting these things. But that's just me." Andrew tackled Cypher as a hybrid tried to attack him from behind. "Watch your back." He gets up and continues fighting.

  10. #30
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    "Rude. The makeshift, 'Strong willed leader' type, aren't you Aldwinckle? I see..." Aiden sneered, as he stared Paul down. Aiden wanted a fight, but he figured that he wouldn't provoke them as of yet. He knew that he should study his target first, although mentioning his name might bother him. Aiden just began to walk away, hands in his pockets. "Also, just some reference information, you'd better watch your backs." He finished smugly, laughing to himself.
    Zhen looked at the one whom he knew to be Shadow. "If they are basically Super Soldiers, Why can't they defend their own ship?" He asked. Zhen didn't necessarily want to help the Empire, but it seemed important. He just teleported his hat onto his head and looked up to the ship. His eyes narrowed, inspecting the other rogue's actions. He chuckled to himself. Firefist's probably never seen an Exterminator before, otherwise he'd know not to attack it. Zhen focused his attention to the airship, hybrids beginning to climb up the sides. He threw his hat once more, slicing off some of them.

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