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Thread: [M] War in the Dirt - Patriots IC

  1. #21
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    Spoiler: Campaign 2 preview 
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  2. #22
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    Spoiler: Prologue 

    Spoiler: Destruction Maniple Alpha-Rho-Phi, the Damned 88th, Cytherian Outriders - Marioch 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  3. #23
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "This is Blizzard Actual, Striker." Jarn responded. "Blizzard group will take the rocky ground to the south. We can move quickly over broken ground and capture the guns, turn them on the Imperial advance."

    He released the send button and looked at Starolf.

    "Are you mad? Artillery and heavy weapons? We'll get pulled apart!"

    "Not fucking likely." Jarn responded back. "We'll use the cover and our own mortars and grenade launchers to fight them at their own game, until we can get on top of the bastards. We need some new heavy weapons. Anyway, you want to get torched alive by a hellhound, you feel fucking free to take the centre. Leave that to the cogheads." He kicked Starolf in the shin, eliciting a sharp growl of pain. "Get your lads and lasses unfucked quick. Its hotter than a daemons anus out there, so I want everyone to clear the landers fast, the Imps will be arrowing in on our position faster than a priest in a boys scholam, and I don't want to be sitting next to one of these landers when they take a pasting from a griffon battery."

    "Whoever first colonized this place must have been insane." Starolf muttered as he stood and moved down the line of seated soldiers. "Its over 30 bloody degrees out there."

    "The imps probably thought the same about us when they landed on our planet." Hassek grinned wolfishly. "So lets see what kind of welcome the locals have for us."

  4. #24
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    “This is Phi Actual,” Krypter responded, “I will keep the center busy.”

    His words were punctuated by the thunderous blast of his beloved Thanatar’s plasma mortar. It arced through the sky zeroed in on one of the Imperial Salamander units. It would take time for the massive weapon to fully recharge and before that time it would be up to the Castellex robots and the Skitarii to bear the main burden. Which they would do gladly.

    <Standard Attack Pattern Zeta> Dominus Krypter encoded over the maniple’s private channel. <Engage the Imperials until our comrades can acquire those artillery pieces.>

    The Castellex robots were fitted with Mauler canons on their shoulders and heavy bolters on each massive mechanical fist. The Imperials would first get a taste of Krypter’s prized machine before facing the rest of his forces. The Dominus was at the back of his forces with his Thanatar, directing hundreds of processes at once along with his datasmiths to ensure the actions of his robots were absolutely precise.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
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  5. #25
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: The Damned 88th 

    Spoiler: Destruction Maniple Alpha Rho Phi 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  6. #26
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    Two directions to get shot in the arse in, and one we can only climb. And me without scaling gear.

    "North slope!" Hassek yelled, then flinched as a mortar round landed nearby, tossing up dirt and a few limbs. "You take an assault section, lay down as much smoke as possible. Starolf will coordinate suppression fire from this line!" He chopped his hands to indicate the line held by Becks Tephanians. "I'll be with him to coordinate on the vox. You take Droplaug with you. I'm giving you command!"

    "Right boss, I won't let you down!" Herkja yelled and scurried away as the autocannon coughed again. He wrangled a section up to the firing line, screaming over the pounding artillery and the roar of landers lifting clear. One took a pasting and broke clean in two as it tried to lift, exploding in a lopsided blast that sprayed burning promethium over a half dozen of the damned and a squad Tephanian Rangers. The sound was appaling. Hassek and a few of his men shot them down, putting them out of their misery.

    "Those were my men!" Beck yelled as Hassek tossed himself down next to the ranger. "You fucker! You shot my men!"

    "If they were Imps I'd have let 'em burn. That was a mercy." Beck grimaced, but said nothing, looking at the smouldering corpses. Hassek grabbed him by the lapel of his too clean uniform, and cuffed his helmet, hard. "Listen to me! They were dead, or they wouldn't want to keep living afterwards! This is a fuckin' war, and worse things than being mercy killed by your own side happen all the time!"

    Beck nodded, focusing again. "What now?"

    "We advance! Squad by squad, bounding covering fire, up this goddamn slope. We support our flankers so they don't get mowed down, and we eat as much dirt as we can stomach!"


    "Smoke em!" On the ridge!"

    Herkja stormed forwards, feeling so exposed she might as well be naked. She knew the logic of it, but her back felt like it had a huge target on it. Hassek was putting a lot more faith than she would in the cog-boys and the elite of the rebellion. Grenades fired from launchers landed ahead of her, pouring out white smoke that hazed the battlefield and cut visibility. Enemy fire still hammered down at them, but they couldn't be targetted easily at least. Under smoke cover, and with suppression coming from two sides, Herkja's force started to make ground towards the battery.

    Herkja slid behind a small outcropping, finding a unit that had got ahead of her. They were young, transit born troopers, and they looked scared out of their minds.

    "We can't go forward! We'll get shot to bits!"

    Herkja punched the girl in the mouth, knocking her onto her arse.

    "Groxshit! Stay here, and you're good as dead! The imps will have the whole slope ranged, and they'll drop a mortar on your damn fool head!"

    She risked a look over the rock outcrop, as shell landed to her left, punctuating her point with a gritty blast.

    "The smoke is only buying us time! And anyway, don't you wanna hurt those fuckers for destroying your home?"

    There was not the roar of anger she was hoping for. They didn't know Jotunhel. They probably barely remembered Atalanta. Well, plan B.

    "Get up that damn slope, or I'll kill you myself."

    That got them moving. Herkja hated it, hated being just like the nooses that had terrorised her for so long. But if it kept them all alive in the long run, it was a necessary sacrifice.

  7. #27
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    <Sicarians> The order came over the secure lines of the Maniple the instant the Devil Dog was reported so close to their defensive perimeter. A moment later there was a buzz of activity as a squad of heavily augmented killers emerged from their concealed positions. The squad was led by the Sicarian Princeps of the Maniple who was known simply by designation as “Sigma.” Like Alpha Tribunus Donovan his augmetic head was shaped as a skull in accordance with Krypter’s preferred aesthetics. But Sigma’s was a leering visage of fangs with burning eyes that flitted through multiple vision modes at the speed of thought.

    The automata were still in suppressive stance, their shoulder cannons blaring to keep the Imperials from advancing too far. The flame-spewing vehicle was a priority target for the Maniple’s Sicarians while the rest of the Skitarii riflemen and weapons teams focused on triangulating through the smoke.

    <Kill.> It was an order that was delivered with a chilling tone across the Sicarian battlenet as they approached the Devil Dog’s flank. Stubcarbines opened fire, tearing into the infantry screening the vehicle. The Sicarians were fast and lethal killers, aided in no small manner by the stopping power of their firearms. As they closed in, power weapons flared out and sliced through armor and flesh. Sigma’s taser goad flashed out and struck an Imperial, the weapon discharging and cooking the man’s nerves and organs in moments. With the noise being projected by the domed heads and antennae, vid-screens in the Dog began to go static and the infantry outside became disoriented.

    The attack was sudden and brief, leaving a little over a dozen Imperials dead and melta charges magnetized to the Dog’s treads. The Sicarians retreated and detonated the charges, ripping the tread to shreds in a shower of fire and molten steel.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
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  8. #28
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    Spoiler: The Damned 88th 

    Spoiler: Destruction maniple Alpha Rho Phi 
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  9. #29
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    "Frags! Frags and storm! Jotun! Jotun!"

    Herkja pumped her arm, lobbing a frag grenade into the scrambling guardsmen and then drew her sidearm, a fat nozzled hand flamer linked to a fuel tank at the small of her back. She ran at the ducking guardsmen as grenades detonated, breaking up the counter fire to the Damneds charge. Men and women fell left and right, dropped injured or dead by lasrounds, but Herkja slammed into a small knot of guardsmen. Her flamer roared and two stumbled back, shrieking as they burned, and in her right fist she swung a hullmetal axe, cracking it into a flak helmet with enough force to drop her opponent in one go. She was a small woman, but her frame was packed with corded muscle, and she wasn't afraid to kill. A rifle butt slammed into her jaw and sent her stumbling over, blood filling her mouth. She tried to roll away as standard issue boot caught her in chest, and then again in her crotch. Trying to roll onto her back caused a heavy weight to drop onto her, which resolved into an enemy trooper trying to stab her with a bayonet clamped in one hand, the other clamped around her neck.

    For a second her vision began to grey as she fought desperately to keep the knife away. Then there was a sharp crack as the troopers head exploded wetly, and he fell slack across Herkja. For a second she just stared up at the awful, hot bowl of the sky, until someone dragged the body clear and hauled her to her feet.

    "Droplaug." Herkja coughed. "Took your damn time."

    "You saved me on that rotten orbital." The taller woman calmly reloaded her lasrifle, a ghost of a smile on her face. "Seems only fair I pay you back."

    The Jotunhel forces had bit deep now, like a bullmastiff with its jaw locked around its opponent. Fire against them had slacked off, and more squads made the ridge, clearing the rocks and pushing towards the artillery battery. However it was anything but decided yet.

    "Call it in to Jarn." Droplaug passed Herkja her axe. "Time to take the battery."

    + + + + + +

    Jarn tossed his vox receiver back to Ulf. Drawing a bolt pistol he turned to Beck, grinning.

    "My lasses have made the ridge, we need to push!"

    "What the hell do you think we've been doing?" Beck snapped back, gesturing to the slope with its scattering of bodies.

    "The pressure is about to come of us as the imps redeploy to stop my other companies from consolidating. In that moment, about a third of the imps are going to be running around, rather than shooting at them or us. Thats the moment we storm forwards, full assault!"

    "For a mercenary you know an awful lot about Imperial Guard tactics." Beck shouted as he drew his own pistol, and started gesturing his squads forwards.

    "Fuckers taught me everything I know." Jarn laughed. "And I'm happy to repay that kindness!"
    Last edited by dakkagor; 03-17-2021 at 04:02 PM.

  10. #30
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    It only took a few moments for Krypter to take in all the information and run the odds of their best course of action. The time for just sitting there was gone for if they were to repel the Imperials, letting them keep moving in would accomplish nothing. It was time to shift the tables of the battle just a small amount. For even that much could end up turning the tide entirely.

    <Begin advance> was the command sent out across the Maniple. With the mercenaries taking the mortar positions with good projected success now was the time to press on.

    The whirring of machinery joined the cacophony of noise as the Castellex robots began their ponderous march forward, metal feet thudding into the ground and gouging tracks into it. The Skitarii advanced as well while the Sicarians relocated to push further into the Imperial lines. Precision fire from the Skitarii galvanic rifles rained upon those Imperials holding position, sending two of the heavily armored baselines around the Devil Dog down in twitching heaps as their nerves were cooked. Arcs of returning plasma fire reduced a few of the advancing Rangers to melting slag and meat but all Krypter and Donovan saw were “acceptable losses” ticking across the command feeds.

    The Castellex robots kept up volleys of fire from their fist-mounted heavy bolters as the advance shifted southwest toward the nexus of activity Krypter had detected. Metal fingers wiggled with something like excitement once the Dominus got the ready wink from his beloved Thanatar. The firing directive was given and the familiar rumbling of the plasma cannon warmed his senses. His sensors adapted to the blinding flash of the cannon firing and the roiling payload of plasma arced over his advancing forces to land deep within the Imperial lines. He had no directed target, more using the miniature sun to disrupt the efforts of the baselines.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
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