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Thread: [M] Warhammer 40K: The Prophet In Silver - recruitment and OOC

  1. #21
    June MotM 2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azazeal849 View Post
    I also feel obliged to point out to everyone that Dakkagor has sneakily started a RP of his own over in the Sci-Fi section.
    I'm aware, I am planning on joining. The idea of playing a void scrapper, is a rather interesting idea. I'm hoping it doesn't end up with us all dying horribly by some kind of aggressive alien.

  2. #22
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    I remembered that I can just copy and paste Vizkop's profile with a few tweaks. But, I do plan to bring in a second character for a little diversity on part to prove that yes I can in fact play non-Mechanicus characters.

    Name: Vizkop
    Age: 75
    Position/Rank: Mechanicus Covert Operations Specialist

    Spoiler: Appearance: (roll with me here and assume the iconography is mechanicus 

    Personality: Amiable, clear-headed, cool under pressure. Just a few things to describe Vizkop.

    Weapons: He carries two primary weapons. One is a custom designed stub pistol with an integrated silencer and the other is a large bore stub revolver meant to take down armored targets. He also has a pair of hidden blades integrated into his arms that include power fields.
    Other: Under his robes, he wears an armored body glove for protection.
    In addition to standard Mechanicus implants, both Vizkop's arms are bionic as are his legs, ribs, and spine. His hearing and sight have also been enhanced through cybernetics. He has also been fitted with subdermal armour lacing for added protection.

    Background: After the action on Venatora, more has come to light about Vizkop's life prior to Inquisitorial service. Primarily his life working as an assassin for a secretive society within the Mechanicus. Many of his exact activities are sealed inside data vaults. After his actions on Venatora, his cybernetics saw a complete overhaul and he was fitted with new limbs.
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  3. #23
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    Think Lizzy could hop in on this?

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  4. #24
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    Name: Aleksandr Esw Sadyr
    Age: 26
    Position / rank: Armsman, Field Agent
    Appearance: Aleksandr like most natives of Carthae stands well over two metres tall, approximately 6’11, with a shaggy mane of silver hair, and pale grey eyes. Duelling scars mark the left side of his clean shaven angular face. Early in his service with the inquisition, he lost his left arm in combat with an Dark Eldar Pirate, since then he has received an bionic arm augment, plated in black plasteel. Large portions of his body are given over to intricate tattooing, each one describing an achievement in his life.

    Personality: Generally the quiet one in the group, he often lets others do the talking during missions, only finding his voice when it is most needed. His will is strong for one with so few years under his belt, many have mistaken this for the hard headedness of youth. The Emperium is his home, and the team his family, coming between him and either of them is a mistake most don’t make twice. During the downtime between missions , he often spends his hours sharpen his skills with a blade, or in more mundane pursuits like reading and the making of origami animals.

    Force sword – Inherited from his mother after her death in the service to the Inquisition. The blade is long and slightly curved, engraved with pentagrammic wards, with a two handed hilt wrapped in copper and silver wire.

    Scipio pattern Naval auto pistol – A heavy brute of a gun, fires all standard auto pistol ammunition, though generally loaded with dum dum rounds for increased stopping power. Like most naval arms, it is built to withstand the harshness of the void, solid enough some say to crack an orc skull. Heonly resorts to using the gun when work with the sword is impractical.

    Combat knife - standard imperial guard pattern.

    Latent/wyrd psyker - like many of the people on Carthae, Aleksandr has latent psyker abilities. His manifested in the quickening, and telepathy, unlike so many other psykers he cannot bestow the quickening or quicksilver unto others, but only himself, heightening his combat speed and reactions to superhuman levels. Though still young, Aleksandr is learning and mastering his latent abilities slowly but surely strengthening his mind, and will to become a better agent of the Inquisition.
    Armoured body glove - Form fitting leather body glove, with mate black carapace armour on the chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. Often with a long coat of tanned leather.
    Vox bead
    Equipment webbing - spare ammo, multi-key, data slate, small spool of mono filament wire.

    Backround: Born on the tribal planet Carthae, into the Esw sadyr clan. He didn’t have much opportunity to know his mother before she left planet, leaving behind a husband and infant child. Aleksandr’s youth was spent much like any other childs on Carthae practicing and perfecting the graceful sword art his people are famous for. Though his was not a happy youth, none in his clan ever spoke to him of his mother, only upon her death and the return of her body and sword to Carthae was the nature of her departure revealed to the young man . She had departed like so many other Carthaens to serve the God-Emperors Holy Inquisition, these and other facts of her life weren’t told to him by his father or elders of his clan, but by Inquisitor that she served for more then a decade.
    The anger of youth at being abandoned by a parent soon faded, as the aged Inquisitor, named Shylocke regaled him with stories of his mothers loyalty and courage, and finally the tale of her death. It was near the end of this tale that the reason for the Inquisitor’s personal escort of her body came out, she had made him promise that on her sons day of ascension to man hood, he would be taken under the Inquisitors wing to train and hone the latent psyker powers of his blood line. When the time came Shylocke returned to witness the trials of manhood, though at the end leaving Aleksandr no time to rejoice with his clan, for important work was at hand.
    He served Inquisitor Shylocke faithfully for four years, never wavering in his duty. In those four short years, Aleksandr had come into his powers with singular ability, best foes that should have been beyond his skill. Near the end of his fourth year serving under Shylocke, who had become something of a surrogate grandfather, he was killed in a battle with Dark Eldar pirates, the same battle that cost Aleksandr his left arm. With no Interrogators serving him, the duty of settling Inquisitor Shylockes affairs fell to Aleksandr, as he was the closest the old man had to a protégé.
    It was during this grief filled period, that he found part of his future had already been decided. In Shylockes personal effects he found a letter, penned in the Inquisitors own hand, addressed to another respected member of the ordo Inqusitor Immanuel Sidonis. It seemed to him that his old master had forseen his death, and wished for the young man to continue his service to the Inqusition. Having served under the Lord Inquisitor Sidonis, and subsequently Interrogator Machairi for the past two years, he’s developed a good working relationship with the interrogator and the members of the team, often enjoying conversing with the scholarly soldier Tomas. The only member of the team he is often distant from is Kally Sonder, its nothing personal against his fellow team member, but more an aversion to her being an untouchable. Like most people with pskyer abilities, he finds untouchables uncomfortable to be around.

    Last edited by MrAGrimm; 02-27-2014 at 08:57 PM.

  5. #25
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    Vizkop, Aleksander and both of Jarms' characters are accepted.

    @ Cfavano - Based on a timeline from characters who feature in multiple RPs, this story is happening several years before Silent Forge. As such I'm not sure that Elizabeth would be old enough to be in active service at this time (also, she works for a different inquisitor)?
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azazeal849 View Post
    (also, she works for a different inquisitor)?
    Not to mention, of a completely different Ordo.

  7. #27
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    Really? I thought this was still hereticus.

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  8. #28
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    Lord Sidonis (and hence his protégés) are Ordo Xenos. Hercynia only caught Schafer's attention because it's a known haunt of an alien artefact smuggler he's been tracking since the previous RP.
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  9. #29
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    But wouldn't he technically still be a heretic? I mean, yes, the artefacts themselves would be under the ordo Xenos, but don't the Ordo Xenos deal with alien threats directly? From what I gather, this Artefact smuggler would be a threat from inside the imperium, and thus under the jurisdiction of the ordo hereticus.

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  10. #30
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    When you think about it, all 3 ordos have to deal with "heretics" on a daily basis, because "heresy" is a very broad term in the Imperium. The Xenos are the people with the expertise to assess the artefacts, find out where they came from, dispose of them safely...and like all inquisitors, they have the authority to terminate whatever is causing the threat.

    You raise an interesting point though - I imagine that inquisitors argue with each other about remits and jurisdictions all the time.
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 02-27-2014 at 07:28 PM.
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