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Thread: [M] War in the Shadows - Imperials IC

  1. #21
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    Spoiler: Gavin Jenkins, Sapphira Wilder, Kojiro Osada - Baraspine 
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  2. #22
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    Spoiler: Glabrio Hybrida, Martin Crenshaw, Kojiro Osada 
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    "I can." Kojiro said in heavily-accented low gothic. "One of them is but a hundred meters that way, more or less." He said, as he pointed to the right. "Avoiding one sniper in this kind of terrain is child's play, but the other one makes it much more difficult. If it were possible one or more of you could draw their fire, I could get them with my knife. and then with one left, we could handle that one. Is this plan acceptable?" Kojiro continued, his mask concealing his facial expression, and his voice a professional, calm, even temper.

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  4. #24
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    Spoiler: Kally Sonder - Marioch 
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  5. #25
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    +I'm going to have to make a hell of a mess, whichever way it pans out. No matter what distance the kill occurs at, I'll need proof.+

    She gestured, a few quick chops with her left hand as she stowed the magnoculars. The two huntsmen peeled away, left and right, and Kally began to pick her way back down the spur to a likely looking boulder.

    +You want another trophy.+ She tutted as she settled onto the boulder, and set up her camo cloak.

    +No. I need to be sure. People like Alicia, they keep living because people assume there is no way to survive something.+

    +A born survivor. Something you have experience with.+

    She allowed herself a small smile and hooked into the rifles systems. She stretched her joined senses out, taking in all the factors. She wasn't, actually, a very good sniper. But with a weapon like this, a mediocre long range shooter became deadly indeed, as nearly a hundred hours of range time had proven to her satisfaction.

    +Monitor their ingoing and outgoing please. I need reporting codes and idents+

    She released the breath she had been holding as she pulled gently on the trigger. She had been focusing on a leaping Nebula trooper, leading him to account for the rounds travel speed over this distance, the rifle correcting for wind speed, altitude and even Mariochs gravity and rotation. The round punch through his torso and sprayed shrapnel, blood and flame behind him in a fan. Suddenly dead, the leaping trooper lost all control and ploughed into the earth, a tangle of armored limbs, amongst a squad of Imperial Guardsmen.

    She didn't bother shifting, not yet. Even for a unit as disciplined and networked as the nebulas, it would take valuable seconds for them to realize they had a sniper on their flank. She fired her second shot. This time, a gesturing Nebula, possibly an officer, folded in half and collapsed, his head gone. The round had penetrated a weak band of armor just above the hips, hit the rear armor and deflected upwards, and then tore its way through the officers body and his helmet in a detonation of force not unlike a frag grenade. She shifted her aim as the squad ducked for cover, no longer invincible. As they hunkered down, they became an easier target. She worked along a ridge of rock, picking off two more and crippling a third. Up here, this gun in hand, the sense of power was almost intoxicating. She reflected that probably explained a lot about Arcolin. Smoke grenades detonated along the line, an advanced version filled with chaff and sensorium blinding chemical smoke, so she switched target.

    The Nebulas dropship had been hovering nearby in support of its charges, and had started to turn to sweep the mountainside with its sensors, and then its rocket pods. She planted a round clean through the canopy glass, the pilot, and the co-pilot behind him. The canopy was suddenly painted red from inside, and the craft pitched forwards with an alarming wail before slamming into the red mud and crumpling like a ration pack slammed into a wall.

    +They are sending an alert. Decoding+

    The huntsmen pinged her, but she could already make them out. Bounding through the smoke and fire, leaping over the dropship, came two Nebulas. She shipped her rifle and rolled off the boulder as heavy caliber fire began to stitch the hillside. She ordered the huntsmen to stay down and out of the way. They were her ace in the hole.

    She crawled into a rocky ditch and drew her plasma pistol. She kissed the weapon as fire continued to kick up rocks and dirt. This was suppression fire, just meant to keep her head down. She flicked the fire selector to maximal.

    The first nebula dropped into the ditch from her right. Most people would have been looking down the hill at the suppressor, so flanking should have been safe.

    Kally was no longer 'most people'. Her plasma pistol spoke, the white-blue beam illuminating the length of the ditch. The bolt bored through armor, flesh and power pack. The solid fuel in the jump pack went up like a firework, shaking the mountainside with the force of an artillery shell, gouging a flaming crater in the earth. She dropped the overheating pistol, and smoothly drew a bolt pistol. This gun, a Cinder Crag arms Mauler, had been with her since the start of the inquisitorial career. As she came up to the lip of the trench she sighted in on the last Nebula sent to hunt her out. They were retreating down the mountain, back towards the fight. Without the Nebulas, and with one of the dropships a blazing wreck, the fighting had swung back in the Imperium's favor.

    She dropped the iron sights over the retreating trooper, and snapped off a shot. It hit the weaker knee armour and dropped them onto the mountain, on their back. She set off at a sprint after them as they slid down a slope of scree.


    She reached the trooper just as they lurched to a knee. She kicked the rifle out of a hand and slammed the butt of the pistol into the troopers helmet, cracking the optics. Flailing, they crashed back over.

    +That trooper just fell out of their network. And its not Alicia Tarran, what are you doing?+

    She straddled the Nebula, and wrapped both hands around its helmet. She felt her augmented muscles bunch and strain as she twisted, until finally the seal gave and the helmet came away. She flung it away, and came face to face with the trooper. A woman, with fair skin and short cropped auburn hair. The Nebula stared at her, eyes wide in shock and pain.

    "Fugging hell. . ." she breathed. Kally leaned in.

    "Call her." She said. She didn't feel any need to clarify who she was talking about at this point.

    "So you can kill her? Fugg you, Imp witch. I know who you are."

    "Call her." Kally drew the short, powered blade she had liberated from Delzharians bodyguards, and pressed its point under the womans chin. "Or I'll pull you out of your armor in pieces, and call her myself."

    "We're a family." She spat. "We don't sell each other out."

    "You know." Kally leaned a little closer, and let her aura wash over the woman. "I thought that myself. I forgave her for her lying, like you are meant to for a family. I watched her back, stood up for her. But in the end, she sold us out. For some scumbag heretic she barely knew, but considered a brother. She's not your family. You're an asset to her. Just like I was."

    The soldier struggled, but Kally knew the satrophene keeping her conscious and out of pain was wearing off. She pressed the blades edge against her neck.

    "I'm going to go, to that crashed lander. I'm going to introduce myself to your patriot family, until Alicia De Rei comes and stops me. Pass that on for me."

    She punched hard, cracking the womans skull against the back of her suit, and knocking her cold. She stood, and jogged away, slipping into the rock field. The two skitarii hunters met up with her, and passed her her plasma pistol.

    +Do you think she'll take the bait? Evgeni Veiss's cold green text scrolled across her vision as she jogged back into the hills.

    +She can't afford not to. Her status in the Patriot forces is at stake, and I'm willing to bet good money she's convinced herself that not only are the Patriots right, but she needs to protect them. She'll come.
    And if not, I can spend a few months hunting the Nebula's and make sure that when I do find her, they'll be no one left to protect her.+

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    “Can you see where?” Glabrio called as he yanked his signature pistols from their holsters.

    “Brace for aura.” Crenshaw cautioned through gritted teeth as he shimmied sideways in the muck to relocate from a follow-up shot, reached for his null collar. If they are using psyocculum, that should cause them difficulties. He irritably clicked his teeth at the natural counterpoint. Of course if they are using psyocculum…that would mean shitting enormous, Republic sized difficulties for us.

    The blacksoul allowed a moment’s grace before he deactivated his limiter, and set his oppressive blankness free to engulf himself and those nearest to him. He wordlessly decided to give Hybrida the benefit of the doubt that his outburst, and ventilation of a different mutant, was attributable to direct exposure to his soullessness – rather than the litany of serious yet presently irrelevant, on account of the marksmen engaging them within their deployment zone, concerns which burdened the team.

    "I can." Kojiro said in heavily-accented low gothic. "One of them is but a hundred meters that way, more or less." He said, as he pointed to the right.

    “First shot came from there.” Crenshaw recollected, with a chop of his hand across the jumbled, desolate dunes of the hive’s industrial wasteland. “Range unknown, elevation is a possibility, and the safe presumption would be they are repositioning and coordinating with their partner to flank us.”

    “Aye, I’m on the bastard.” Black tersely added as he readied his drone for launch.

    "Avoiding one sniper in this kind of terrain is child's play, but the other one makes it much more difficult. If it were possible one or more of you could draw their fire, I could get them with my knife. and then with one left, we could handle that one. Is this plan acceptable?"

    “Only if you are quick about it.” Crenshaw dryly commented, and implicitly volunteered, as he slithered forward on his stomach. He came up into a crouch behind a partially stripped and submerged Taurox engine block, and thoughtfully hmm’d as he craned around the corner to route his course. He turned back, and saw Hybrida crouched on the balls of his feet with his matched pistols ready.

    The Interrogator nodded stiffly. “On your go.”

    “Go!” Crenshaw barked as he pivoted his hips, and surged out from around the opposite side of the engine block he had reconnoitered. He could feel the rusted chunk of metal shudder as another bolt, hastily adjusted, thundered into it as he cleared the cover in a hunched over sprint across. One…

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    Spoiler: Glabrio Hybrida, Martin Crenshaw, Kojiro Osada - Tranch 
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  8. #28
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    Spoiler: Kally Sonder - Marioch 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 10-20-2020 at 09:01 PM.
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  9. #29
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    +I need a hook into their vox now, or I'm dead+

    +You took down seven of them with barely a breath of effort, and now you want to do this properly?+

    +Elevation, terrain and the element of surprise. I don't have any of those right now+

    She put her head down and ran, full sprint down the slope, bouncing between the rocks on instinct, one foot flowing without conscious thought in front of the other, for as long as she didn't think about it. Adrenaline singing, she focused on her in-feed, ignoring the tingle of combat drugs surging through her muscles.

    + . . .Suppress and advance on the flanks. I'm rolling up the centre.+

    There you are, you bitch.

    Positional data overlayed in greens and reds, silhouettes showing the curved, dome faced nebula suits advancing in pairs, covering the ground with methodical, murderous intent.

    She swung out the rifle in her right hand, and fired it, unbraced and barely aimed. But she was a lot closer now. A lot more in her element.

    The heavy round missed its intended target anyway. But it still punched through the meat of one of the advancing Nebula's shoulders, throwing him over with the sledgehammer impact. A mission kill was as good as a kill.

    +Contact left! Firing!+

    She fell, sliding behind a small line of scree and boulders as her world exploded. Nebula weapons used explosive ammunition, cheaper and easier to produce than true bolter rounds, but just as deadly to a lightly armoured opponent. The ground was chewed to pieces, chips of rock and clods of earth thrown everywhere, but it absorbed the attack.

    +Mkinnley is down! Covering for extraction!+
    +Leave him! Sonder is a priority target, we are going to take some losses but we will bring her down!+

    "Is that what you said about those poor bastards on the dropship?" She transmitted on an open frequency. She was rewarded with the vox chatter dropping dead. And every Nebula in the field arrowing in on her position.

    You wasted your information advantage on a psychological cheap shot. Crenshaw tutted in her head. She could already hear the hiss and distinctive crunch of them switching channels.

    +Re-establishing link. Give me a minute+

    She left the rifle behind as she slithered clear of the rocks. She left it propped up, a spool of mono-thread wrapped around its trigger, the dispenser clutched in her right hand.

    +. . .got an IR scatter point. Its transmitting on encrypted mechanicus lengths+

    She dropped her senses into the skull, and was rewarded with the image of Alicia looming out of the smoke and opening fire. The skull died a half second later, killing its feed and disconnecting her from Evgeni Veiss. All the huntsmen were long dead. She was alone.


    She yanked on the spool of thread. The exitus rifle fired.

    +Got you you psycho bitch!+

    Gunfire sliced into her rifles position as she surged from the smoke into her second target. The Nebula spun, and Kally barreled into them, slamming them over. The Nebula dropped her rifle and clamped hands around Kallys wrists as she brought her knife down two handed, and the two rolled over, punching the wind out of Kally's chest.

    "Fuggin', no good mutant whore. . ." the nebula snarled through her helmet vox.

    "Traitor." She hissed back through clenched teeth. She arched her back and kicked up with her full, augmented chem driven strength. The knife slammed into the bowl helmet, carving a shrieking line into the armourglass as it slide off without enough force to penetrate, even as the two rolled over again.

    + . . .She's on Aronright! . . .+

    Kally gasped as the Nebula rammed forwards, the helmet smashing into her skull, breaking her nose, and dazing her for a pivotal second. The nebula got an armoured hand around her neck, and pushed her away, the ceramite clad fingers digging into her throat until Kally could hear her reinforced spine clicking.

    "Got. . .you. . .bitch."

    Not yet.

    Kally dug the knife into the Nebulas armpit before stamping her heels into the Nebulas chest, pushing her clear and knocking the soldier backwards into a stagger. Kally rolled up first, ignoring the burning in her lungs, and snap drew her plasma pistol. She hammered the trigger for three rapid shots, punching into the troopers chest. An awful wail of horror and pain cut across the vox as the plasma cored Aronright out. She sank to her knees, her good arm scrabbling fitfully at her plasma burnt chest as she burned, blue flames bursting from the helmet seal.

    +Clear this fragging smoke!+

    Kally drew her sword, Schaffers sword, and forced burning air back into her throat before spitting on the floor. The gunship swung low, turbofans blasting, and the smoke cleared.

    Pounding towards her came Alicia Tarran and another Nebula. She snapped the pistol up, thumbed it into overcharge, and fired. The other Nebula pushed Alicia out of the way at the last second, and paid with his life as the beam blasted his left side to flakes of ash.

    She tossed the overheating pistol aside as Alicia rose from the ground, not twenty feet away from her.

    For a second there was relative silence, the gunship lifting back and away to the sniper and their spotter, before beginning to circle to the left. Kally moved right, putting the hero of the rebellion between her, and her overwatch.

    "I should have killed you when I had the chance." Alicia spat as her helmet rolled back. Her face was a mask of fury, and Kally couldn't help but smile that she had managed to hurt her. That made this worth it.

    "Yes." Kally rolled her shoulders. "I did warn you."

    Alicia circled and Kally stepped back, keeping the lines of sight blocked.

    +Get down and let me take the shot! Striker!+

    Kally snapped her nose back into place and spat another gobbet of blood on the floor. She felt good. Alive. The hunt, the thing she was actually good at, was about to come to its bloody end.

    "Do they know? What kind of monster you are?"

    Alicia paused, and for a moment there was a flicker of doubt.

    "No worse than you turned yourself into. A living weapon is no life at all."

    It was Kally's turn to pause. "I'm what I need to be. Pity about those kids in the dropship."

    "They were already dead. Don't try and goad me."

    "The only way you can be sure. . .is if it told you." Kally leered. "Do the kids following you around know its a daemon? You sure as shit didn't get that useless, lying witch Ella to tell you. She can't predict a damn thing since you got into her knickers."

    Alicia blurred forwards with a feral scream. Kally leapt forwards to meet her, Schafers sword flashing.

    The two slammed into each other, and Alicia drove Kally backwards through the smoking mud. She had a long, curved powerblade in her right hand that had folded from her armours forearm.

    "You're not the only one with a lathe blade!" Alicia drove forwards again. "I'm going to haul you back to Tephaine in a body bag, and put your head on a gakking spike!"

    Kally broke the blade lock and stepped backwards. Alicia drove forwards again. Kally let her aura wash over Alicia, let it fuel her hatred.

    "You won't be the last to frakking try!" She spat back. "Like your limp dicked, dead brother!"

    Hatred could drive you forward. Make you survive anything. But it also could make you stupid.

    Alicia hacked at her, three huge overhead blows driven by fury.

    "Your boyfriend failed, bitch! He's still alive and he is going to break your Inquisition!"

    Kally rocked on her heels. "Wha . . ."

    The uppercut sent her flying backwards. She landed on her back and recovered herself fast enough to avoid the hammering downwards blow that split rock. Kally rolled aside, rose and then immediately broke into a run.

    +Striker Actual, I've got a shot!+

    "She's frakking mine!" Alicia roared, pounding after the blank.

    The two women ran, downhill, Kally lithely moving between and through formations of rock, Alicia powered forwards by short bursts of her jump jets. At the bottom of the slope, she could make out fresh patriot regulars pushing towards the engagement. A companies worth, easily.

    +. . .are you still alive? Kally, respond!+

    +You took your gakking time! Kill the valley! Kill the whole valley!+

    +Just to be clear, the valley you are currently in.+

    +Now, throne damnit! I need her overwatch dead right now!+

    Kally veered towards a deep crevasse she had scouted earlier, as part of her prep. Cut by a thin, toxic stream over aeons, it was narrow, deep and steep sided, lined with clinging red mud and broken spars of rock. An ominous green timer appeared in the bottom corner of her vision. One minute. At 50 seconds, she dropped into crevasse as gunfire barked behind her, sliding down the red mud banks and splashing into the sulfurous, thigh deep water.

    At 40 seconds, Alicia De Rei thundered into the crevasse on wings of fire, blasting up a cloud of steam as she landed like a furious angel. She had drawn a serviceable heavy autopistol as a side arm, and advanced on Kally as the blank drew her bolt pistol.

    "I'm going to enjoy killing you." Alicia snarled as she advanced. 30 seconds.

    "You sure you wouldn't rather take me alive? I'm apparently very fun to torture." Kally leveled her pistol at Alicias helmet as it snapped close again.

    "No." There was a pause. "Not even you deserve that."

    Their guns fired together. Kally's bolt rounds sparked from heavy Nebula armour as heavy autopistol rounds slammed into Kally's reinforced bodyglove. One punched through and cut through her hip, but she didn't break stride as a bolt round blasted Alicias gun to scrap and tore fingers from her hand.

    With a feral yell the two women met again, blades sparking. 20 seconds. Cross, parry, strike. Kally stepped back and spared a glance at the water around her feet. Was it red from the mud, or her blood?

    10 seconds.

    Alicia charged again. Kally lunged into it, stepping past the strike and barging Alicia back with her shoulder. Schafers blade screamed as it glanced from curved armour, its runes flaring with blue witch-fire as it sensed the corruption coiling around Alicia's soul.

    0 seconds.

    "What. . .the frak?" Alicia looked up. Looked up in time to see the manticore missiles, launched from a nearby Imperial firebase, airburst to spread their payload of armour piercing incendiaries.

    "You. . .fucking bitch. You've killed everyone here." she whispered. She snapped her attention back to Kally.

    Just in time for Interrogator Schafers sword, Kally's sword for many years, to ram through her sternum.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 10-30-2020 at 07:37 PM.

  10. #30
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    It hurt, for sure. For all the myths of the Shinobi that exist in sub-sector Yamato, that they were invulnerable to pain was one of the ones that were not true. They did feel pain, only they were conditioned not to show it. But boy, it hurt. He stumbled a second time, as if the shot truly got to him, and tumbled behind a pile of scrap, out of sight of the sniper. Only a second...but enough time for his hololithic projector to activate. All at once the sniper saw not one pursuer, but three. As one leapt over the pule, and one to the left, and to the right. Working in perfect concert, and talking to each other in Tenguian, the words, unintelligible to the fleeing sniper, sounding harsh and menacing.

    It was their eyes, however, that were the most unnerving. A side effect of the generator was that it caused the user and the clones to have glowing red eyes. Normally, for someone in stealth, that would be a detriment. Would be, but for the average imperial citizen, with their indoctrinated superstitions. Glowing eyes, you see, coupled with the daemonic visage of their armored masks and the unflinching tenacity of the pursuit, struck fear into their very hearts.

    Bent almost in half, monoblades drawn, the three assassins, one real, two hololiths, pursued the sniper. The two to the sides split off and, with haste that would cause harm to someone (if they were real) quickly got in front of the sniper, dividing his attention. Too far away to target more than one, and moving too fast to get an accurate bead on, all three would converge on the poor man and, with one swift movement, would plunge the poisoned knife into his spine.

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