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Thread: [M] Nightfall_Outbreak: Flesh and Steel • IC

  1. #301
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    Paul jerked for a moment, while he was still on the ground, to dodge the incoming pin of the sword. He dodged it, but it took a good chunk of his side. He grunted in pain as he rolled to his feet holding his right side with his left hand. He growled lowly, "Is that all you got Aiden!? This fight is getting boring...!" Paul rushed forward, ignoring his wind, and leapt into the air slamming down his fist increasing his momentum by using the gravity of the movement. Meanwhile Kristopher and Mark stood against each other; both breathing heavily. However Kristopher had more energy than Mark leaving mark to collapse to one knee. "Dammit," said Mark, "Why aren't you dead yet!?" "That's because I had more training than you and I've taken on Imperial Enforcers before," Kristopher cackled. "Bullshit," screamed Mark as he stood to his feet and leapt high in the air before slamming his left leg down in a vertical motion.

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    The Emperor stood still as he watched his Enforcer [Mark] fights Kristopher, then while the two stand against each other, the king in the silver armor raised his arm towards Mark. A gold beam went towards the Enforcer and healed some of his wounds, the Emperor continued, "Mark, stand up and fight! Never give up to this foul Equalist!"

    Meanwhile at Republic City, Seven was struggling to land a few more hits on the Warlord. He failed at times and the Warlord decides to end his pathetic fight now. Cypher is still trying to get up after being thrown away. He looked up at Seven and the Warlord's hideous looking arm. Seven leapt into the air with his energy sword in his hand,but before injuring the Warlord Seven's visor was covered with blood from inside. Why? He coughed blood, he looked down, he was lifted up into the air and he saw he got impaled by the Warlord. He puts his hand the creature's sword and took a grenade from his belt and pulled the pin, he did this to attempt to end its life with his as well... "Heheuh, I die, you die as well... Bug.." soon after that, an explosion followed..

    Cypher was still on the ground enduring his pain. But, as he managed to get up once more blood splatted on his visor, covering his vision partially. Few drops of blood also stained his black armor. He wiped his visor, only to see a destroyed helmet of Seven's armor rolled down his feet. He bent down, and take Seven's helmet... "Seven, you fucking bastard. You killed yourself,"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  3. #303
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    Effemy charged at the creature with her sword. She stabbed it through the eye, but it just shook it off. What the hell..? Anything else would have died...!

    Ebrahim charged in, blasting the creature with fire and ice. The creature, screaming in pain, lashed out. Its terrible claws swung wildly and hit Effemy in the side, breaking a few ribs and puncturing a lung. Gasping, Effemy fell to the ground. Ebrahim looked conflicted: his sword flickered from flames of red and cyan until brilliantly erupting to flames of blue. He rushed to her side and knelt beside her, using his takeover healing powers to share her wound: instead of her having broken ribs and a punctured lung, they both just had a few broken ribs. They would survive...maybe.

    Ebrahim, gasping for air, dragged Effemy to safety. They didn't know if they would live, but one thing was for sure: they couldn't fight.

  4. #304
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    Angela protected Andrew as he rested from all the hybrids that were swarming towards them. She couldn't keep up with it for long. She heard and explosion and looked up to see Seven being blown to pieces. When she was distracted, she was knocked over and her shoulder slammed into the ground. She cried out in pain. When she looked up, a hybrid was just about to bite her brother. She tackled the hybrid and slit its throat. "Not my brother, you bastard." She stood over Andrew who was passed out.

    Finally the hybrids seemed to learn that Angela was nobody to mess with and avoided her. She picked up her brother, and wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders as she awkwardly carried him into a building. She stuck him into the center room of a building, safe and sound. Once he was safe, Angela ran outside to find Zhen. She killed a few more hybrids and dodged other attacks until she found him on the ground, injured. "Zhen!" she called. "Are you alright!?" she knelt next to him, but was ready to attack anything that came near them.

  5. #305
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    Zhen would lie on the ground in pain as all he could do was watch as Seven was blown to pieces by his own bomb. The Warlord only seemed to just be shaking off almost every single attack they threw at it. He looked up at Angela as she had walked over to him. When she asked that he was alright, "Yes, I'll be fine." He answered out of impulse, not rudely however.

    As he tried to stand, the pain in his chest and shoulder had increased to levels that even Zhen himself couldn't bear. He collapsed nearly as quickly as he stood. His left arm lay limp as his shoulder was pierced by the Geno-Hybrid, blood flowing from the wound just so. He held his hand on his shoulder to apply pressure as he sat up, wincing as he did.

    DAaron was busy trying to fight the Warlord, blasting energy balls at it. It stumbled for some and for others it was almost completely unaffected. DAaron looked back to see Angela over by Zhen. He sighed, shaking his head for a moment before blasting Zhen once more.

    Zhen slid across the ground. This time, he wouldn't be getting up, not on his own. The pain was just too unbearable at this point. Zhen didn't understand the plan of his cousin. At the rate DAaron was going, Zhen would be dead in less than an hour. Zhen looked over to him, DAaron turned back, continuing to blast at the Giant hybrid before them.

    Zhen's head turned to Angela for a moment before flopping to the ground. He lingered between consciousness and unconsciousness, his eyes flickering from open to shut every few seconds. The urge to just close his eyes seemed all too easy now, the darkness when his eyes closed seemed to be calling to him.
    Aiden looked over at Paul. He stepped to the side to dodge any attack that was being thrown at him. "Play time is over." He snarled. Suddenly, Aiden sped around Paul, creating a light vortex with his speed. While doing this, he zipped in for punches and kicks, knocking the man about inside the circle.
    Last edited by DCaesar of Wakanda; 04-20-2015 at 10:53 AM.

  6. #306
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    Cypher saw the others fought until their last breath, including the valiant but brutal death of Seven. He saw the Warlord glanced at him, and prepared for ending this. In his mind, he thought only of his sister and the fate of the ones whom he travelled with. He picked up his sword, and pressed the trigger to make the teeth of the sword spin. It roared as loud as a lion's roar, Cypher's soul now filled with the urge to kill this monstrous beast, and he will.

    Meanwhile, in the refugees camp sat Athena on her wheelchair with her hands close to each other, praying for his brother's safety. "Dear Lord, protect my brother. I do not know where he is now, but I beg You, please protect him from death. He is the only one I got," tears ran down her cheek as she prayed. No one knows what will happen to the Team back at the battlefield.

    Meanwhile, Deimos' fleet was still faraway. And will unleash hell...
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

  7. #307
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    Angela held Zhen tightly. "Come on Zhen! Zhen!" she shook him gently. Then DAaron suddenly blasted Zhen. "HEy!" She called out ot DAaron. "Are you crazy!? He's your friend!" Angela threw her knife at DAaron's back and struggled as she helped Zhen up. "COme on, Zhen. You wouldn't dare!" She dragged him away from the action and collapsed in an alley way.

    Angela applied pressure to his wounds. "Zhen.... you have to stay with me. I love you even though we barely know each other." She took off her mask and shoved it against Zhen's bleeding shoulder.

  8. #308
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    「Event」【The Norridian Military Camp】 「Event」

    "Sir," the radio operator paused for a moment as she looked at the officer with a sad look upon her face, "The artillery ready for bombardment. Awaiting orders sir." The officer turned towards the radio operator before turning towards the smoke clouds in the distance as artificial wind touched the skin on his furrow mustache. He bit his fist as though he was contemplating a heavy decision, 'The Rouges haven't left the city nor did the additional companies... This is bad... We don't have time to wait for them any more! If that bioform reaches the Emperor than Norridia is fucked... Make a decision a quick!' His eyes swayed from a single pair of eyes staring at him to the whole tent staring in fear, excitement, envy, and other conjoined emotions. The officer slammed his fist onto the plastic table before turning his head towards the radio operator, "Inform all additional companies that if they don't get the hell out of there they'll be subject to bombardment. FIRE ALL ARTILLERY SHELLS!!!" The radio operator nodded and transferred orders from her to all additional companies that were fending off the Hybrids with all their hearts.

    A roll of thunder was present in the officer's ears and this caused the grown man to cringe in regretful fear. A whistle came into tone. A whistle that wasn't of the mouth and not of a small "6" like contraption, but rather the whistle of a shell - an artillery shell. There was a single distinct whistle before several faded into the original's place. Then... Fire...

    Fire erupted from several sectors of the city setting buildings and other city establishment ablaze with a fiery red. The flashes caused all who spectated to cringe or look away in horror as valiant soldiers would succumb to the bombardment. A choice that would hunt the officer for years to come...

    【The Mansion】

    On the outer perimeter Charlotte and Elmer stand there ground against the Hybrid surge. Their eyes filled with unrelenting range and destruction. However as the shells rained down a single shell sent a few soldiers flying over the emplacements and into the surge to suffer a terrible death. Elmer took cover by some sandbags before being blown off his feet by a shell that rattled his nervous system. He laid on the ground slightly conscious as flashes across the city was the only thing he could see. Charlotte, with her unnatural strength, lifted Elmer and ordered all available soldiers of this company to retreat to the mansion in order to stand clear of the bombardment. However even though she had given the order no soldier would yield. She stood in silence as the soldiers stood at their emplacements and hold their ground. Even though fire hailed down upon them and the Hybrids were endless these soldiers were still brave enough to give their lives for the Emperor. Charlotte shook her head as trotted through the gates with brisk movements - narrowly dodging a shell that had landed on the front lawn. He had to return to Mark and Paul before any shells would land on top of them.

    "Play time is over."

    Paul stood as he received an endless barrage of punches and kicks. He was being tossed around like a rag doll, but once the barrage had ceased he fell to the marbled floor with a heavy thud. He has suffered injuries, but none such as this. Every fiber of his being was in pain. He couldn't bear it. His eye-lids were heavy as he began to loose consciousness. 'I am... Still... Weak,' he thought as his body went numb and his eyes had fully shut. His body lied there without motion or without disruption. Has finally succumbed to pain, and pain embraced him with hearty laugh of sinister plight.

    On the other end Mark and Kristopher were still neck and neck but Mark had lost most his energy. He was basically piloting on sheer will alone. He wasn't sure what would happen if he gave here, but he didn't want to think of that and continued his assault. "COME ON YOU FUCKING DICKWAD," screamed Mark as he swung his right leg to the left in the form of a sweeping kick to the side. "WORTHLESS EXCUSE FOR A ENFORCER," screamed Kristopher as he accepted the kick, but caught it and slammed his left elbow down upon the lower leg area [before the ankle] and snapping it. Mark wailed in pain as he fell to ground holding his leg. "YOU AREN'T EVEN STRONG! YOU'RE A WASTE OF MY TIME," screamed Kristopher as he picked Mark up by the neck after walking over to him, "You don't even deserve to call yourself an Enforcer..." Kristopher combined all of his strength into a single attack and slammed Mark into the marbled floor rendering the steampunk Spiderman unconscious.

    【The Unknown Bioform】

    The creature, with unrelenting ferocity, roared as it received several shells to the back and to its sides. It collapsed unto a building which erupted into flames as well. Some soldiers, who stood amongst the carnage, wondered if it was dead but their retreat was the only priority. The creature groaned in pain as its skin was penetrated by bunker-busting artillery shells. It was rendered immobile as artillery shells continued its barrage of shells. The Rogues that were around the beast could easily kill it at this moment, but that was not the only problem. Smaller Hybrids scattered in fear as shells crashed down upon them either launching them or imploding them into organs and other biological parts.

  9. #309
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    Zhen's eyes closed. The sweet voice of death was calling to him, beckoning him to let go. For a few moments he was hypnotized by the call, he felt as though the wounds were beginning numb. The voice continued, promising that all his pain and suffering would soon be gone.

    Zhen-Tsu Khan had nearly given in to death, but something or someone, kept him fighting. That person was Angela. Somehow, Zhen had still managed to hear her voice despite all of what was going on. When she spoke of her feelings, Zhen's eyes slowly began to open.

    His eyes blinked slowly, looking at her, saying nothing. In a light burst of energy, Zhen's left arm weakly went up to her face. His hand rested on her cheek for a moment. Zhen wanted to pull her close, but now wasn't the best time as it now began to rain the heavy artillery. Explosions were everywhere. Zhen didn't want her to leave, yet he wanted her to live. Zhen wouldn't forgive himself if she were to die, trying to save him.

    It was then that Zhen had begun to feel something different. Most of his pain was numbed, and he was still conscious. It were as though someone had flipped a switch. This was the determination that all Khans had.

    The mind of a determined Khan usually blocks out most pains amd Zhen was a prime example. Zhen's lied in the fact that he loved Angela as well, and was going to fight for her no matter what "I am not going to leave you." Zhen said firmly.

    Suddenly though, one of the shells were going to land right on top of them. Zhen quickly looked at Angela. Placing his hat in her hands, he teleported her away from there. An explosion followed from his location...

    DAaron dodged the knife throw as he knew that it was coming. As the shells rained down all along the sides of him. Surrounded by explosions, DAaron was blind again, or more so than normal. He just sat cross legged as bombs and hybrids exploded around him. He then sat quietly as the hybrids tore him to shreds.
    Aiden slid to a stop. His hand and knee sliding across the ground for a moment. He watched as Paul lied on the ground, wondering if he was dead. He walked over to Paul's body, leaning over him. He scoffed at him, "Not so tough now are ya Daddys boy?" Aiden said, turning away to see that Kristopher was finished with Mark. After looking at Mark and Paul, Aiden listened. That was the sound of bombs going off all around them. Aiden began for the door. "Come along Kristopher, we've sent our message." Aiden called.
    Last edited by DCaesar of Wakanda; 04-28-2015 at 10:14 AM.

  10. #310
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    Before Cypher attack the bioform, he was blown away, again by the destructive blows of the artillery shells. His armor was partly damaged, leaving his visor cracked. His body lies behind a rubble of debris, without energy to stand back up. He tried to resist the urge to close his eyes, he felt like he was balancing himself on a thin line between death anf life. More explosions, this time, he managed to see the enormous creature fell and tried to get back up. He closed his eyes, "Athena, stay s-safe,". He said those words, closes his eyes, leaving him to be decided by fate...

    Deimos' fleet halted as they saw the artillery shells being shot at the city, the leader, Deimos laid his hand on his face, thinking of the stupidity of the officers of the Libertists. His fleet went closer to the city, maneuvering themselves through the flying shells, Deimos now thinks, where are his friends? Where are the Saviors? Where are the Angels?

    Men of Iron, and the Savage Sons shall rise..
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

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