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Thread: {M • IC} In Sheep's Clothing

  1. #41
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    Nothing Matters / Apocalypse Please?

    June 7th - 7:24 PM - Stormy - The Clarke Household

    "Why would Poseidon involve himself in the affairs of land-dwellers?" Alden inquired as he stared at his brother with a serious expression upon his face - lightning flashing in the background. "He shouldn't be her-"

    "Neither should we," interjected Adolphus as a rumble of thunder shook the house. "You know as well as I do that we're gods of the ocean and so is Poseidon. We've involved ourselves with the land-dwellers, and so that gave Poseidon the idea to come here himself."

    "Which is bad right?" Another flash came from the windows of the study, "We can't let Poseidon parade his watery arrogance around Grimwald... We must do something!" Alden wanted to take action but Adolphus raised his hand in defiance.

    "No brother. We cannot involve ourselves any more than we've done so far. As long as we remain neutral to the fables, no harm will come to us or Poseidon himself." Adolphus gave a look of intelligence as he sat quietly in his chair. "We must wait and see what Poseidon will do. We mustn't act with haste. Wait. And see what happens. We'll react the way we'll need to react. Right now, we're gods... And gods must be as calm and cool as possible."

    Alden stood in silence as a rumble shook the house again. He only shook his head as he leaned against the window, "You're really something brother..." Alden turned his eyes to the storm to watch the magnificence that is weather.

    "I know," Adolphus did the same with little effort, "It's how we were raised. We were raised as gods... And so we must act like them..."

    "You don't need to tell me twice." Alden gave a smirk as he came off the window as thunder roared. He moved towards the study's doors, "I'll be leaving for the shop... I'm going to close it down for the nigh-"

    Ariel stood in the doorway.

    Alden stood in slight awe before looking over his shoulder at Adolphus who leaned forward on his hands - which were tied.

    "Ariel...? What brings you here in the midst of a storm?" Adolphus asked with a voice of smooth ice and careful precision...

    July 12th - 01:30 PM - The Captain's Chair

    The Clarke Brothers were uneasy today - specifically Adolphus.

    Adolphus couldn't understand why someone would go to such great lengths to kill off a mermaid like that. He just couldn't understand it. Adolphus was a smart man, but he couldn't piece together the pieces - no pun intended.

    Adolphus was hardly listening to conversation at hand - until his brother stepped in. "MAGIC is unreliable especially with that piece of shit you call a mirror!" Alden exclaimed as he slammed his hand down upon the table - causing it to crack. "We need to do better than this piece of horse shit!"

    "Brother," Adolphus said defeated and tired, "Don't do this now of all times... You should control your anger and your strength..."

    "No brother!" Alden growled underneath his breath. His eye-color shifted to a heavy sea-green and became slits. He stared at those that attempted to use the mirror as a safe haven. "You people sit around, contemplating what the next move should be! I say, me and my brother head down to meet Poseidon, Ariel's father, and find out anything from him! It would certainly be better than sitting around here talking politics!"

    Adolphus adjusted the frailness in his expression and slowly sat up. Adolphus looked at the others and scooted closer to Alden, "You must forgive my brother... He has seen some rather tough things and it would damage anyone to see a beating heart and a head in the same consecutive order... So please forgive us..."

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    "Death," his stare penetrating hers as their hands tighten. Her eyes closed as, delicately, she tilts her head towards the sky, his own eyes aimed sullenly at the ground, until suddenly their eyes meet again, and she offers a smile. Him pausing, but then instead looking forward upon the moonlit sea.

    "It comes, sister."

    Spoiler: Prologue 

    "The Captain's Chair",
    A girl and efforts toward novelty

    When Emily and Philip made it to the enchanted tavern, sun hanging high over the rolling waves of the shore, there were several others who had already made it before them or just arriving as well, and the unlikely duo offered their greetings; even Emily, after having mustered the courage. She noticed their eyes flitting about as they noticed a missing variable, but, strangely, no one had inquired about it. Perhaps a bit expected, regarding how detached the siblings were from the rest of the majority of the group there, but it also saved a lot of trouble; if there were any questions, she and Philip had agreed to just dismiss the boy as being sick, or fallen suddenly ill, somehow. To announce the severity of his condition now would be an early diversion, too early for rational thinking. There were more relevant things at hand, and as much as it might have affected her, Emily stayed steadfast. Chin up, head cleared, shoulders raised, the girl kept close to Philip, a man she was in more than two ways indebted to, and took a breath, only to cough at the sudden intake of airborne liquor and refreshment sweltering across the room, heavy, as she apparently found, as it was wide in its reach.

    Clearing her throat, Emily pried open a wax smile at a four-eyed gargoyle-looking thing as she stepped into the private lounge of the tavern, back she was to the ornamented walls and tenderly lit ceilings that she had set eyes on for the first time only two days before. The place, as well, that she and her brother had called a bedroom for just a night, now stirring with a stifling unease and celebrities of lore, tense and on edge like a slowly melting glacier cap struck by a heat it could not bear. It was a peculiar mood, akin to a chain wrapped around the neck of men, but not yet ready to crush the bone, as if it was waiting.

    As if, one could even propose, this was just an exercise in organized chaos, the whole blood-soaked, cryptic ordeal. Someone, somewhere, playing a game, yanking threads latched to the limbs of puppets, and watching the wreckage as it happened. Blackbeard's voice rumbled in the background, an attempt to expedite the meeting as Emily searched for an empty chair, and almost ran into someone before finding the coat of Philip again with her fingers. She wrinkled her brow. Someone, somewhere, playing a game...or perhaps, even, doing more than just play.

    As she casually scanned the room and spotted the red-haired girl, along with the young inconspicuous-looking man she believed they called Adam, another, more rugged, disheveled man, seemingly new from last time, and the infamous Bloody Mary, Emily held her throat for a moment and instantly felt a shock rattle through her.

    "All things have an end, Emily."

    Jerking back to reality, a loud, excited voice murmured in the background as Emily tried to recollect herself. She was sitting now, though she hadn't remembered drawing out a chair. Her thoughts were shrouded by deductive strife as, in the background, the banter continued with an unnervingly mystical air. She looked at Philip, who appeared to have a vague but warm look on his face. Then she looked back down, concluding only she was acting uncanny. What was that just now, then? That sensation?

    That feeling of something dark approaching?

    Suddenly, just as quickly and abruptly as it had invaded her it faded away, and the world returned into focus, and Emily gathered the final words delivered by the voice from earlier, now reduced to a mumble. "I don't understand. The mirror never failed me before." The girl careened her neck to see it was Adam speaking, and then blinked as she looked around the room again and, slowly, her eyes widened. Where....

    Where was Marlon? Hastily, after finding him nowhere in the room to be found, she turned to Philip.

    "Mr. Frenchworth," she whispered hurriedly, "do you know where Mr. Stale is?" It had went over her head completely, the events of the previous night overshadowing the status of their party's other member; the one, even, who had chosen to take the Green children along in the first place. Not to mention the suspicion it would arouse, two people from their group having went missing in the same time span. But on second thought, maybe that could be used to their advantage.... Regardless of utility, however, the contemplation of possibility was cut short as a burly voice thundered through the room.

    "Magic is unreliable, especially with that piece of shit you call a mirror!" In its stead was a large smack as the owner of the grisly tone, another half of brotherly kin more divine in form than their outward appearances presumed, clashed palm against table, shaking the room. "We need to do better than this piece of horse shit!"

    "Brother," intervened the one beside him, in a coolheaded tone, "Don't do this now, of all times. You should control your anger...and your strength."

    Mirror? Emily's ear perked at the word, and searched for the object of interest while the wrathful tongue continued not too far away. It had been mentioned earlier, that mirror, but she hadn't caught it then; its taking place during her own unexplained disruption. What could that have been? she wondered softly as her eye procured a gleam against the clutched knuckles of Adam's right hand.

    Mirror, she whispered in her head, like a statement of confirmation.

    "...Poseidon, Ariel's father, and find out anything from him! It would certainly be better than sitting around talking politics!"

    A cold silence befell the room as the girl turned back to the main stage, lingering in that way until the sibling from earlier assembled himself and spoke on the behalf of sense, as level and discrete as ever. "You must forgive my brother. He has seen some rather tough things and it would damage anyone to see a beating heart and a head in that consecutive order. So please," a voice as dashing as it was sincere, "forgive us."

    Intimidating, almost, his polite formality. For a god of sorts, it might have even been unfitting, if not for it simply him being himself. Halting, the thought crossed her mind as the girl fixed onto her chair furrowed her brows and curled a fist or two. That was right. Him being himself; everyone, dipping their foot in the water, providing contribution. Whether it be fury, magic, logic, it was something. It was something!

    "Excuse me," squeaked the feet of the chair the girl was sitting upon while she carefully, stalwartly stood to her own, " add, I'd just like to inform that the previous night, while visiting Mr. Stelz's chamber, we came across some...setbacks of our own, and my brother was injured, but is being taken care of now, as we speak, in Mr. Frenchworth's residence." She breathed slowly. Her voice was not familiar with inflection or even positing 'familiarity' as a communication aid, but she continued delicately. Brother.


    "However," she glanced at Philip pensively, "another member of our group, mister Marlon Stale, managed to obtain answers from -- I mean, he...took matters into his own hands by infiltrating the cell and questioning Mr. Stelz more directly. That was when we were sighted by a guard and were forced to escape, but Mr. Stale vanished without us, and we were separated." Emily puckered her shoulders. "The way Mr. Stelz avoided the previous questions, it seemed suspicious, but that could've been a...byproduct. That is, of his insanity. I do not think he was directly involved with the mermaid's killing. Rather, I do not know. But he does know something, and he might have given a hint to Mr. Stale, whose whereabouts, it seems, is currently unknown. He said that Mr. Stelz was 'of no use', but...but we can't be certain.

    "I...I suggest that perhaps forming a search party for Mr. Stale could help the case. And," the girl looked up at the mirror that Adam held, "it might be best not to ask, but something compels me to believe that mirror might in fact belong to the one you call Cruel. Does it not?" She held her tongue. She couldn't put it into words, exactly, but it was a feeling that brimmed along the tips of her heart; that darkness, that tingle of malice. It was an intuition that wouldn't make much sense, analytically -- but earlier, when she felt her spirit rattle, it was reminiscent of another particularly risky excursion. Indeed; just the night previous, when they had visited Rumplestiltskin's cell, and the world fell quiet. She summoned another breath.

    "Perhaps, it could only work under certain circumstances, such as with the owner, or at least the one who last obtained it. Or perhaps, something has happened to the owner, or to the mirror. Whatever the nature, I do not think -- I feel...that we shouldn't wholly dismiss the importance it, along with all the other collected articles, may have. After all, it couldn't have been where you had found it by simply coincidence."

    The girl closed and then opened her mouth very briefly, as if having more to say, but then stopped herself, uttered, "This is all," and sat back down. She had pushed it a little -- talking so much at once at such a volume was incredibly overwhelming, but in the end, she deemed it better than unrequited silence. Then, with a flash, suddenly coming to her was the memory of the fated stormy night only a few sundowns earlier.

    Water. Lightning. Feet soaked to the knees. The face -- smooth and young and beautiful. The face, that was, of a human, and hands too, and an abdomen that was of --

    "Docks, on the southern side," eyes glimmering, but with fear? Or with understanding? Scarlet hair, scarlet like blood. No, she's smiling. "There you will find it, looked over by some old pirate. Don't tell him I sent ya! It's not too far!" And that was it; gone. Sand mingling. Returning. Back on paved road. Her hair and her hands and her tail astray. Almost morning -- it's a blur, but now it's another face -- a more familiar one. It's...

    No, she decided, not yet. Not yet.
    Last edited by Redael; 08-20-2015 at 08:58 AM.
    Mooo-oom, I'm done.

  3. #43
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Mary had her back rested against the wall once more. The items on the table didn’t strike fear into her, she had seen worse. She folded her arms over her chest, holding the mirror tight in her grip. For some strange reason, she felt protective over all mirrors. She was watching Blackbeard and didn’t see Adam until he rushed over grabbing the item from her arm. Her hands went claw like, not backing down at the strange hand he now had.

    Her eyes flooded with black as she watched him, almost growling under her breath. “Rumple sure did like stealing your stuff hmm?” She asked him, spitting her words at him. Don’t touch her stuff, don’t rush towards her. Don’t touch her. Simple rules. Fuck them up and she’ll fuck you up. She watched him bounce onto the table and then green sparks flashed from the mirror.

    She could have chuckled when the light nearly scolded his eyes. She saw nothing in the fog, nothing but the emptiness of the golden frame. She felt him push the mirror back into her hand and she had a brief burning idea to whack him hard around the top of the head with the mirror. But it passed and she moved back to the wall, the mirror in a tighter grip in her hand.

    Mary raised an eyebrow at Blackbeard and scowled at the old man. “Don’t doubt the magic of mirrors BlackBeard.” She said with a small creepy smirk, making a mental note to scare the living daylights out of the older man one day soon.

    Mary was not amused when the fish god decided to include his own opinion on magical mirrors. She spun the mirror in her hand, the longing to strike the man with the mirror growing with each angry word. “Oh I’m sorry dears. Did the beating heart and severed head damage you. Get over it. We each do what we do best. Go see her father and spare us your insults when you sit here with us…doing nothing.” She said pushing herself off the wall, twirling the mirror once more in her hands.

    The child spoke. The one who would have stood in the shadows with her brother. But she was alone. Mary let her eyes drag over to the girl and blinked slowly waiting for her to speak some sense. Mary cared little for what they did the previous night. Mary swivelled the mirror in her hands and gazed into her reflection as the girl said it belonged to someone called Cruel. “We are all cruel honey.” Mary said as the girl sat down. “But she’s right. You aren’t getting rid of the mirror. It is magical and something is wrong with it. I cannot get through to it.” She said almost grumpily. Three times she had tried to push herself into the reflection, to show her true self but still it refused.

    “I say tweedle dee and tweedle dum here go see Ariel’s father. He might be able to shed a little light on this. The rest of us can split up. Perhaps we can go see what these mundies have found out. Anything is better than sitting here on our arses waiting for body number two to arrive.”

  4. #44
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    Scarlett was sitting this time as the group met in the backroom of the Tavern, staring at the floating head of Ariel in the jar. The night before had certainly been terrifying and yet everyone else seemed so calm. Maybe they were used to seeing head floating in jars. Heads of friends no less. The woman's red hair still floated eerily in the water, spread out around her face like some kind of sea plant.

    The young woman listened to the voices around her, eyes never breaking away, even when the mirror sparked in Adam's hand. Only to finally speak after Mary. "We should return Ariel's body to her father." She thought it was something she'd want. For her grandparents to know what happened to her, should something happen to her now that she'd gotten involved in all these doings. Especially since she was doing it against her grandparent's wishes.

    Finally breaking her gaze from the head floating in the jar she looked around at those gathered. She knew Adolf was gone, pulled away by his business. However she noticed another face missing. She was surprised no one else had mentioned it yet either.

    "Why is Lady White not here with us this evening?"

  5. #45
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    "I can answer that for you dear"

    The door to their meeting had been opened for a while now, and a particular individual had been listening rather intently. The Jack of tales no less, was leaning in the doorway, and a disgustingly smug smirk plastered across his face. On that specific evening, he's opted for a navy suit matched with a cyan coloured turtle neck, the lighting of the room illuminated his features perfectly so.


    It was then that Renni decided to perk up. Upon hearing his voice, she lifted her head and grinned slyly. A hissing sort of chuckle could be heard from her end of the room as she stood and stretched.
    "I was wondering when you'd show up Jackie"

    He sniggered almost childishly, and pushed himself up and into the room, pushing past some members carelessly. He shot a wink in her direction.
    "Obviously you couldn't keep me away Foxy"

    He turned his attention to Blackbeard, perhaps hoping the same cockiness would work with the grizzled old man. He was always a bit of a optimist in that sense. He delicately replaced a stray strand of hair as he inspected his nails. The man almost looked bored as he revealed his scene stealer.
    "Miss White isn't here my dears, because she's stone cold dead"

    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

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    Phillip sat quietly, hardly listening to everyone speak, he had seated himself next to Emily and felt rather protective over her. One wrong word from anyone and he might get angry. Hell, he might say something that was not even nice! But all seemed to go well, or at least for as far it could with everyone being here. Not Stale though, but he somewhat did not care if the man was here or not. Maybe he had something more important to do, or maybe he was ashamed for leaving an old man, with a little girl and a death boy. But Stale would get what he deserved, pigeons were to keep him up all morning and he would find himself being pooped on quite a lot the next coming weeks.. maybe months, it all really depended on how angry Phillip felt.

    His focus however was more on the head of Ariel and they still beating heart. He was a doctor after all and had pulled both the jar with Ariel's head and the beating heart towards himself to inspect them. His tools were on the table, his glasses on the tip of his nose as he examined both the head and heart. "Yes... yes.. it is really hard living without a head.." He said, not even knowing if what he said had anything to do with Mary's comment on the head and heart. "Its very tricky, chickens can though.. chickens can live without a head for quite some time. But it all depends on what is left of the brain.." He pushed his glasses up his nose and tilted his head letting out a small 'Ah-hah' and "humm.. i see I see" every time he turned the glass jar or inspected the heart.

    His attention was brought to the mirror now "You know more about mirrors than anyone here Mary of blood.. if anyone is to take a look at it.. to find out what is wrong it should be you yes? yes!? I think so.. I think so" He said and went back to the head and heart. "And we are not all cruel Emily, it would be silly if we were all cruel.. here.. have another slice of pie darling.." He pushed the entire pie towards her, of course he had brought pie, or in this case pie's. "And yes, we should bring back the body to her father. We do not wish to anger the god of the seas now do we? that would be mighty inconvenient and very impractical." He blinked his eyes rapidly and looked up at Mary "What.. are tweedle dee and tweedle dum coming?"
    Sorry for the many mistakes, Im a little bit dyslectic. If there are to many mistakes it means my personal translator is having a live. So no worries they will be fixed.

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    The meeting seemed to spiral out of control, turning into more of a debate than a conversation. They jabbed at each other with words, and some neared the point of physical aggression. Like hen they cackled, snarling away at each other freely. It seemed they'd turn on each other before the murderer would even get to them.

    But it was then that a new arrival made silence descend onto the room. A face familiar to most, Jack Hills had created quite the reputation for himself in the world of fables as well as this one - though most considered him menace rather than celebrity. Blackbeard especially raised an annoyed eyebrow at the fellow's presence.

    "White's not here, my dears... because she's stone cold dead."


    A pistol was drawn instantly, its barrel aimed at the space between Jack's eyes. "You mean to tell me you killed 'er?" Blackbeard growled, cocking the flintlock. "And if it ain't you who'd a done it... you better tell me who did." his eyes narrowed, darting across the room. Obviously, Blackbeard felt not a thing for White, but he grew suspicious of Jack. He came waltzing in here, telling of another corpse - the only way he could've found out was if he was there, and if he was there... Blackbeard was nigh certain he had been the killer.

    "Save your bullets, Eddie."

    Everyone turned their heads to the corner of the room - it seemed new arrivals just kept on popping up out of thin air. Though it was no surprise once he had been identified... the Ratcatcher hovered in the air as if he was sitting in a chair, laid-back as ever. His arms were crossed and he showed a pleased smirk at the scene he witnessed. "As much as I love conflict, it'd be a shame if you blew Jackie's brains out already... he's done nothing wrong except witness a murder." the Ratcatcher explained, his expression growing more amused by the second. "Go ahead, Jack." the one who had deemed himself the new Cruel One placed his hands behind his head to show an even more laid-back attitude. "Tell them what it is you saw. Or rather... who it is you saw."

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    Mary rested her back against the wall and lazily looked towards the young girl beside her. Where was Miss White indeed? She was always here, sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. A new voice answered and she blinked slowly at the shadowy man in the doorway. She sighed deeply and flicked her eyes back to Blackbeard to see if he had anything better to say. She couldn’t hold back the small soft chuckle when he said that Miss White was dead.

    Oh how wonderful it would be. If it were true. She snapped her eyes back to Jack and chuckled louder as Black Beard took it to be a confession. Then another voice. It was a night of pop up strangers. She flicked her eyes to the man and smirked. He came with an air of mystery this rat catcher, something she rather liked. The smile on her lips grew to a full blown grin. “Is it true? The ice heart is no longer.” She asked moving forward from the wall. The mirror in her hand made her think as she twirled it between her fingers. “Adam…The mirror can show us people yes?” She asked, lazily glancing at the man. Not even waiting for a response she held the mirror up to eyeline and uttered the name she wished. “Lady Esma White.”

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    The mirror gave out a blinding green spark, the Ratcatcher grinning before he vanished. Once the sparks had dimmed down the mirror showed not the face of Mary, but of another woman - a woman with skin pale as snow, and ruby red lips. Her dark eyeliner had been smudged across her face and her eyes stared into their own sockets, mouth lazily agape. A hand coated in a leather glove held her by her black hairs. Blood dripped from her throat, deprived of her body.

  10. #50
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    Scarlett wrinkled her nose. It was twice now that she'd seen a decapitated body. Twice within two days. She could have gone a life time without seeing another person she recognized bleeding out across the ground, but there she was. Miss White's head, clearly separated from her body. What made her shocked was, the hand holding up the head, as if the person knew they were being observed. As if they were holding the head on display.

    "Is that....the murder?" She asked, not that anyone else could really tell. "Does the mirror show what's happening now? Could the killer still be at Miss White's home?"

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