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Thread: Roleplaying Games Directory

  1. #51
    Member Jason Todd's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay : The Uncanny X-Men
    When it was started : 2/25/19
    How many players you have : Just myself, one prospective player.
    Type of Roleplay : Marvel Superhero Science Fiction
    What level of skill required : Moderate.
    Plot Summary :
    It is the year 2019, over the last two decades a long hidden subspecies of human has emerged: Homo-Superior: Mutants. These individuals are by all means human, but for a single, major difference, an X-gene that gifts them with abilities that range from mundane, to extraordinary. Frightened by the prospect of losing their place in the world, humans and their respective governments around the world have been quick to respond with anger and hostility towards this ever growing and, (mostly), peaceful group of individuals.

    Sensing the coming turmoil, renown scholar Charles Xavier is secretly forming a group of mutants to train them in the use of their powers for humanity's benefit, and to show the world that Mutants and humans can exist in peace. These extraordinary individuals are known as the X-Men.

    Link to Out of character Thread :
    Link to In Character Thread : Coming soon
    Miscellaneous Information : Thanks for checking out my RP!

  2. #52
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    Name of your roleplay: Search the Stars
    When it was started: 4/15/19
    How many players you have: Two, with several interested RPers
    Type of Roleplay: Sci-Fi
    What level of skill required: Moderate
    Plot Summary: Earth is dying, and its only chance of salvation is a team of select individuals searching the galaxy for a miracle.
    Link to OOC thread: Here
    Link to IC thread: N/A

  3. #53
    AxelVanDeriz's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay : New Skies, New Home
    When it was started : OOC thread posted on 5/04/19
    How many players you have : 2 thus far, myself and one other
    Type of Roleplay : Mature Sci-Fantasy (fantasy, sci-fi combination of sorts)
    What level of skill required : moderate, be able to post a paragraph at least, have decent punctuation and know differences between words that sound alike (such as their, there, and they're)
    Plot Summary : You and other 'humans' wake up in cages, soon you'll find you're not human anymore, and will essentially be dropped off on a currently, nearly entirely, barren planet as all new weredragons. Not only that, you're also breeding stock to establish new lines. So, take up your bags of meager supplies and survive, in any way you can.
    Link to Out of character Thread :
    Miscellaneous Information : Please be 18+ and able to handle some mature themes. There will be little blood, no gore, but swearing and sensual situations will be frequent, if not continuous.
    Spoiler: Frequently Used Characters 

  4. #54
    New Forum Person LordDoom's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay : (Required)
    When it was started :
    How many players you have :
    Type of Roleplay : (Required)
    What level of skill required :
    Plot Summary : (Required)
    Link to Out of character Thread : (Required)
    Link to In Character Thread :
    Miscellaneous Information :

    Is this only way to promote a game? This only place to promote game? How do we actually start a new game forum/thread on this website? I'm a newbie here but have been GMing on other game forum sites for years.
    New to this site but looking to continue 3 games I've had running for years on another site that sucks and shall go unnamed... LOL

  5. #55
    The Replicant
    Azazeal849's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay: Reckoning

    When it was started: 30th October 2018

    How many players you have: 4 (plus 2 inactive)

    Type of Roleplay: Warhammer 40K persistent world, telling the stories of soldiers, spaceships, secret agents, and the civilians back home waiting for them

    What level of skill required: All are welcome!

    Plot Summary: An entire subsector has seceded from the galaxy-spanning Imperium. The Adrantean Patriots are fighting for their independence. The forces of the Imperium call them traitors to the God-Emperor. Choose a side (or both!) and help determine the course of the war.

    Link to Intro and Rules thread:

    Link to IC threads:

    Miscellaneous Information: Always recruiting! The missions are specifically set up so that new players can jump in at almost any time.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  6. #56
    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay: Howling Under the Blod Moon
    When it was started: 7/20/19 (OOC)
    How many players you have: Just myself so far
    Type of Roleplay: Mature Fantasy
    What level of skill required: Mid-High

    Plot Summary: A long time ago there were four packs that lived among one another in peace.
    All packs lived in secrecy from humans, afraid that if they show themselves they would be hunted down.
    Of course they weren't just your average wolves. No, these wolves bore a mark or markings that
    represented the elements that their clan was associated with. The alphas of each pack did their best
    to maintain the peace and stability within their own ranks as well as their neighbors. But there was
    one wolf that did not believe in the teachings of the alphas. He believed that hiding away like
    cowards and keeping the secrets of the land to themselves wouldn't benefit their way of life. The pack
    leaders never paid heed to the wolf's ideas of coming out of hiding and interacting with humans. His
    beliefs were the kinds of dangers that would collapse the very existence of their civilization thus
    leading the elements to fall out of balance.

    Link to Out of character Thread:
    Link to In Character Thread: Not yet created
    Miscellaneous Information: N/A
    Spoiler: Signature 

  7. #57
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    Name of your roleplay: QUEEN (The band)

    When did it start? July 27th, 2019

    How many players: Myself for now

    Type of roleplay: Mature

    Summary: The members of Queen (most likely them in the early 70s) are in high school or college with each other. Freddie and John likes each other while Brian and Roger likes each other. One day, something happens to make them run away from their homes for a while but they just grow closer and closer

    I believe this is the link:
    Last edited by Kris; 07-28-2019 at 06:54 PM. Reason: E-mail removed, please don't post RPs outside of RPA

  8. #58
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Quote Originally Posted by iconicherry View Post
    Name of your roleplay: QUEEN (The band)

    When did it start? July 27th, 2019

    How many players: Myself for now

    Type of roleplay: Mature

    Summary: The members of Queen (most likely them in the early 70s) are in high school or college with each other. Freddie and John likes each other while Brian and Roger likes each other. One day, something happens to make them run away from their homes for a while but they just grow closer and closer

    I believe this is the link:
    Where is the OOC link? or the recruitment thread?

  9. #59
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Name of your roleplay: Marvel: The Children of Essex
    When it was started: 4/24/21
    How many players you have: 2
    Type of Roleplay: Fan-fiction (possibly mature)
    What level of skill required: competent
    Plot Summary: Nathaniel Essex "died" fighting the X-Men along with his creations. In reality, Nathaniel Essex lived on through the body of Claudine Renko. Now going by Nathania Essex she began her work again on creating the perfect mutant army.

    Years later the Children of Essex have grown up and escaped the clutches of their creator. They must navigate a world they never knew and hates them for being mutants.
    Link to Out of character Thread:
    Link to In Character Thread: not started yet
    Miscellaneous Information:

  10. #60
    The Last Remembrancer
    dakkagor's Avatar
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    Modern times or Sci-Fi games.
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    Name of your roleplay: Vacuum Crows
    When it was started: 23/5/2021
    How many players you have: None currently
    Type of Roleplay: Science Fiction Mature.
    Plot Summary: Build a custom Mech, and pilot it through a bloody campaign across the surface of a world torn by war, as two empires clash. Many chances for drama, cool fight scenes, and political shenanigans.
    Link to Out of character Thread:

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