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Thread: [M] Nightfall_Outbreak: Flesh and Steel • IC

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    Default [M] Nightfall_Outbreak: Flesh and Steel • IC

    "Open your eyes dear Saviors, for this world's demise must be prevented"

    Chapter 1: Vision Amongst Saviors

    The Royal Emperor sits on his majestic Imperial Throne foresees everything. Not good ones that he saw, but the ones that might lead Earth to destruction. On one time, the Royal Emperor received a vision of the Earth being destroyed by a huge explosion. Wiping out the Earth's surface in just seconds. And he knew that it is the Hybrid's final attack, he then sends a vision to all Saviors on Republic City because he also know that their city is the beginning of the end...

    "Saviors! Saviors! Open your eyes, never kill your fellow Saviors for you will need each other to stop The Purge,"

    That is what the Royal Emperor said in the vision. With his worried voice, he warned about The Purge. The prophecied final stand against the Hybrids...

    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

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    Default The Trudge to the End

    The Night Prior to the Call of Saviors by the Emperor

    You sure you killed that rogue,” questioned Paul [Philip] Aldwinckle who looked at Mark [Garry] Elwood who seemed preoccupied with a corpse that was strung about on the pavement. “I’m pretty sure Lead… I don’t believe a rogue of that skill would get away from us so easily,” said Mark with a chuckle, “It’s not like the rogue would suddenly attack us, on a mission mind you, out of complete nowhere without the single hint of awareness to said attack.” “Would you two can it for a moment,” said a frisky woman who was examining the corpse of the dead rogue, “I need to figure out if this is the rogue we killed is linked to our search.” Mark looked at Charlotte [Dawn] Cossey, who was the mechanic and perhaps the smartest of the group, with a slight grin under his mask. “Well like I said I killed the bloody thing and I believe I should be rewarded handsomely for it,” Mark said with a defiant, but playful, tone. “Not in a million years Mark,” said a man who walked over to the three having a sniper rifle settled on his shoulder. This man was Elmer [Edmund] Faulkner, the sharpshooter.

    Paul looked at Elmer with a soft smile on his face, “Glad you could meet us Elmer. It seems that your skills haven’t failed ya yet.” Elmer nodded as he tipped his goggles to the lead before turning towards Charlotte, “Did you find anything yet?” “Nothing,” she said as she stood to her feet, “Another dud. We really need to increase our search.” “Well apparently we got company,” Paul said as he looked over his shoulder at a few rogues that seem to want take vengeance against the four who killed the rogue’s comrade. Paul slipped out his twin magnums, Mark pulled out his trusty handgun with a smirk and chuckle, Charlotte readied her hand-made magnum, and Elmer prepared his sniper rifle as Paul, Mark and Charlotte rushed forward and took on the rogues head on.

    The Next Day

    Saviors! Saviors! Open your eyes, never kill your fellow Saviors for you will need each other to stop The Purge.

    Paul sipped some tea before setting the tea cup down upon the disk that was made for said tea cup, “Looks like we’re saviors…” “Unlikely. We’re just Imperial Enforcers,” said Charlotte who was tinkering with some mechanism that was settled on the table the four were sitting at. “But what about our powers? We can excel further than regular enforcers,” exclaimed Mark in protest, “We’re saviors of Republic City after all! So we must do what is told of us.” Charlotte sighed softly, “Whatever the case may be, it’s not like we’re going to get anything good out of this even though we might be placed in a world-ending scenario.

    Paul rubbed his scruffy chin before speaking to the group, “I got a plan. We’ll join in this event and see what comes out. If nothing good comes of this we’ll leave and let other ‘saviors’ do the work while we do what we were born to do. Aside from that I got some information that may be of use to us for taking down M.E.D.U.S.A.” “The assassin organization,” questioned Mark as he looked over at Paul with a raised brow [that was hidden behind the mask], “You’re assuming that we simple Imperial Enforcers can take down one of the strongest organizations out there. We have a bigger threat at hand Paul!” “I know, I know… But we must do something about the organization before it’s too late. They may have already sent an operative of theirs to kill us. We don’t know and that’s the problem here,” said Paul in response to Mark’s outcries of protest.

    Then what do you propose we do Lead,” said Elmer as he leaned back in his seat, “I’m down for taking on some Equalists.” “Equalists are dangerous people. Only the strongest of enforcers are of a match against them. We’ll be lucky if we kill at least one,” Charlotte looked up from her mechanism, “We’re playing with big players here lead. I don’t think it’s wise going after M.E.D.U.S.A this early in the game. Let them come to us.” Paul looked at Charlotte with a sigh before smirking softly, “I guess you’re right, but we’re aiming to take down M.E.D.U.S.A and that’s final.” All three of them nodded in unison.

    Good,” Paul paused for a moment lighting a cigarette, “Anyone got any idea where he royal family might be headin’ today?

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    The moment when Cypher received the vision, he immediately wakes up from his sleep. Leaving his slumber to awake in the real, chaotic world. "What in the world was that?" Questioned Cypher as he touched his head with his hand. Then, he touched his earpiece to communicate with his sister who is now known as the Watchtower, "Sis, what's the situation outside?"

    "I don't know brother, but it seems that you have just been awoken from your slumber right?" Asked his sister jokingly. She smiled and looked at the monitors infront of her. "Everything's okay right now Cypher, well no one's got attacked by those bloody Hybrids for sure,"

    Cypher laughed at her first statement, "Haha, how do you know?" Then, he quickly ran to a rooftop to look out in the distance. As soon as he did it, a huge root-like tentacle bursts out from the ground miles away from his location. He touched his earpiece, "Sis, are you picking this up?"

    "Yeah, some kind of root-like thing just came out from the ground and its pretty much huge. You should try to investigate what it is,"
    "Yeah... Later..."
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

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    It was a normal day for the DeVoe twins. In the early hours of the morning, around 1 a.m, they donned their respective costumes and headed out. They didn't speak to each other about the weird dream that they had experienced, thinking that it was only themselves who experienced it.

    As they went out on their patrol, Angela would stick to the shadows on the lookout for possible signs of the Hybrids. Her twin brother would jump from roof top to roof top to look for the monsters. All around them, they saw old trails and blood stains from earlier that night. Angela would kneel down next to a disembodied limb or a stray head and say a quick prayer for their soul. She felt sorry for their loved ones who will soon find out that their loved one had died in such a horrible fashion.

    So far, Angela and Andrew had been lucky. No one they knew had been destroyed by these creatures. Not yet anyways. She would like to keep it that way. Angela looked up to where her brother stood on the edge of a building, looking down. He had a slightly glow about him as he absorbed the energy off of the building. She would never let anything happen to him. And she knew that he felt the same way.

    Andrew stood at the edge for a while longer, spinning his staff as he watched over this little segment of street. He then continued his path of running over the rooftops. He knew that his sister was close behind. She was his backup. She did all the behind the scenes fighting and he did the big public battles. It was a good trade off. Each day, they would collectively kill roughly 5. That number varied greatly. Sometimes the hybrid traveled alone, few and far apart. Other times in big groups. Or a lot of little groups. In the area they watched over it was usually a few Hybrids here and there. But as of late, they had noticed that the number was picking up. And that was not a good sign.

    Then Andrew heard a low whistle. It was their signal that a hybrid was coming his way. He listened some more. Three short whistles. Three hybrids. He looked at the nearest lightpole and slid down. He stood in the middle of the empty sidewalk when he heard the scream. A woman turned the corner hard in front of him. Following close behind were two hybrids. He knew instantly that his sister was taking care of the third. "Never fear, ma'am. Fire Fist is here to save you." With that being said, he charged that the hybrids and charged his staff using his powers. As his staff glowed from electric energy, he spins it and hits one of the hybrids with it. He dodges an attack from the other and retaliates with his own. In less than a minute, both monsters where killed. He turned to the lady. "Quickly, return home and lock yourself in. Be safe, citizen." The woman nods and runs home.

    In the alleyway, Angela leans against the wall. "'Be safe, citizen'? Wow... that was the most cliched thing you could've thought of." Behind her is the final hybrid, dead on the ground. She looks at the sun as it rose above the horizon. "Funny question, bro. Did you have a weird dream?" "Yeah... about some guy calling out to all the Saviors?" She nods. "What do you think it means?" "It means that these attacks are only the beginning."

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    Zhen was meditating as the vision came to him. Saviors? Zhen was far from being a savior, however, it seemed that he was chosen to be one. "Savior for what?" He asked, knowing that he wouldn't receive a response. He just sat up on his bed and looked around his room. The room seemed smaller now, making him feel a little claustrophobic.

    "I gotta get outside." He muttered as he put his hat on. He then looked out the window and teleported to the top of the building across the street. He just walked along the top of the building as there wasn't really much to do during the beginning of the day. He just walked and waited, waited for something to happen.
    Aiden smirked as his sword went through the flesh of an unsuspecting victim. He laughed as the man looked at the blade coming from his chest as screamed. This was the fourth completed assassination this morning. M.E.D.U.S.A. was already a feared assassination organization, having Aiden at their disposal only made the fear more intense as he was just SO good at his job.

    In fact, Aiden was even sent after other agents when they stepped out of line. If a person was on his list, that person could already be considered dead. Now he just walked down the damn near silent street, just tapping on a little screen that informed him of his next job. This time it was not one, but four. To be more exact, the four that protected the royal family. "Interesting," Aiden sneered. "This'll definitely be a challenge." He continued to walk down the road casually before stopping.

    Aiden noticed the one known as 'Fire Fist' save a woman from the two hybrids. He hadn't received this one as being one of the people he must assassinate, or at least not yet. It was then that he finally sheathed his bloody sword, it sheathed on the lower part of his coat at the area just below his waist.

    He looked over to the young rogue, only giving narrow eyes as he walked. He viewed rogues to be pitiful people who use their power wastefully, if he was on Aiden's list...Aiden would take his time in murdering him, enjoying every second.
    Last edited by DCaesar of Wakanda; 02-23-2015 at 07:34 PM.

    Spoiler: Theme Song 

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    Saviors! Saviors! Open your eyes, never kill your fellow Saviors for you will need each other to stop The Purge.

    Effemy shuddered, the cold, slimy cobblestone floor of the alleyway touching the skin of her legs. She was curled into a ball, her hat lying to her right and her masamune clutched tightly in her right hand. If only her home wasn't two cities away, she would be able to warm herself with the comforting fires of her forge. Her brown hair, now matted and dirty from days of walking in the dirt, was hanging in front of her eyes. Some times it felt like the days of being a reputable blacksmith were far behind her, left in her home city, and she had trouble remembering why she had came so far away: to protect the citizens here from danger. Never mind; after having the vision, she had a job to do. She needed to find these other "saviors" and protect her world.

    Effemy was jolted from her stupor by the sound of the ground ripping. In seconds, she was up, running towards the source of the noise with her masamune in hand. Root-like tentacles were bursting out of the ground. They were huge, towering above her and sending dread seeping through her body. She may have bitten off more than she could chew.

    Sometimes she wished that instead of being able to attract all attention to herself at once, she could make herself invisible.
    Last edited by Juder; 02-07-2015 at 05:21 AM.

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    Cypher ran on top of buildings and parkoured in its interior while doing his short maneuvering through obstacles. When Cypher reached a spot where he could see clearly of what is the Hybrid Root, he stands up high and saw someone in the streets, "Athena, where are all these people coming from?" Cypher asked his sister.

    "Hang on a second," Athena's fingers typed on the keyboard very fast as she moved to one camera to another for observing the city streets. "Well, they are from Hutch's Street, North West from your view," Athena rolled back with her wheelchair to a table and grabbed the hot coffee. She lifts it up to her lips and takes a sip from it, the caffeine makes her even more active than tired.

    Cypher went towards Hutch's Street and saw a small horde of Hybrids. He takes out his sword and one of them strikes but Cypher sliced it in half before its skin could touch his clothes. Then, he continues to kill the rest of them. Just after that, Cypher continue to walk towards the Hybrid Root and suddenly he saw a young woman lying down with her legs close to her body well, it is night time of course but it's 2 in the morning. "Hey, what are you doing outside here?"
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

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    The ground seemed to shake as tentacles shot up from the group a few blocks away. "That's our cue. Let's go. This might be your worse." Together, they ran across the rooftops towards the hybrid. They stopped once they were only a block away. "others are here. Stay in the shadows, Night Owl." "I know what I'm about. You jut do your thing and I'll interfere as needed, FF."

    Fire Fist made his way towards the root/ tentacle thing and touched a lightpole wih his staff as he made his approach. He glowed as he charged at the hybrid, knocking a tentacle away from the guy talking to the woman on the ground. It looked like the same woman from before. "Ma'am. I would get out of here. You seem to be attracting a lot of attention." He threw his staff at a tentacle and it turned to ash. He grabbed his staff once more and continued his assault.

    Night Owl stood in the shadows out of sight. She took out her whip and snapped it at a tentacle as it neared her. She wrapped the end of her whip around the end of a tentacle and forced it into another ten le. Her brother made another tentacle turn to ash. She smiles from under neath her mask. Then a tentacle started to crash down on the other hero(?) who was helping the woman from before. She rushed out of her spot in the shadows and tackled him and pulled the woman out of the way. "Watch out." She says gruffly before heading back ini the shadows again, snapping her whip at the hybrid root, keeping it away from her.
    Last edited by Sparkz; 02-07-2015 at 09:11 PM.

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    I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking at,” said Paul as he noticed the tentacle hybrid in the distance. “Whatever the hell it might be we’ll have to kill it no,” questioned Mark as he slowly stood to his feet staring at the creature knowing this creature was going to be one hell of a kill. Paul, Charlotte and Elmer all stood shortly after Mark. Paul looked at Elmer for a quick moment before looking towards the creature, “Elmer take the high ground…” “Got it,” said Elmer as he shrugged the sniper over his shoulder and rushed off somewhere that was deemed as a good vantage point. “Mark you get up on them roofs and rush the thing from high above,” ordered Paul as he slipped out his magnums knowing it was going to be a fun battle, “Charlotte you’re with me.” “Right Lead,” said Charlotte as she moved towards the creature knowing it was quite a ways from where they were. Mark smirked underneath his mask as he yodeled like a Mexican and leapt up onto the side of the café building before leaping up on top of the building.

    Paul and Charlotte rushed down the bricked street towards the creature knowing the four would work together to take this thing down; knowing it had attracted attention. “It’s a Hybrid,” said Charlotte in slight surprise. “A Hybrid Root to be specific,” said Paul as they arrived at the scene of the battle that was taking place between some rogues and the hybrid.

    Mark came jumping over and popping a few shots into the creature before rolling backwards and coming to a screeching stop on the roof of a building. Elmer found a suitable place to fire bullets at the creature and with this once he found a suitable shot he took it. Paul saw bullets fall from the sky onto the creature signaling that Elmer found a position of his liking. Paul knew this was the cooperation of the Lucky Four.

    Charlotte looked at Paul before leaping up towards the creature and slamming her fist into one of the tentacles causing the piece, above the target point, to explode leaving only part of the tentacle intact. Charlotte came down and slid to a stop firing shots off at the creature; as did Paul.

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    Cypher shrugs as the two persons pulled him away in his mind he thinks, "Ugh Rubber Suit People," he then takes his sword and ran towards the Hybrid Root. When he arrived, 4 Imperial Enforcers had been engaged in combat with it. "Athena, scan for any steam-powered things in this place,"

    "Alright brother," Athena's narrowed as she carefully look for steam-powered mechanicals. 12 seconds passed, there's not even one to be seen but luckily, Athena found one. "Right next to you Cyph,"

    "Thanks," Cypher kicked the box-like device towards the Root and took a sharp ended pole to throw it at the device and hot steam came out of it, heating up the Hybrid Root. The Root's skin began to less hardened allowing Cypher to cut through easily, "Hell, it's about time," he charged towards the Hybrid Root with his sword in hand. But suddenly, Hybrids emerged from the ground nearly grabbing his leg. Cyoher rolled on the ground and takes out his gun. He quickly shoots 3 bullets and makes 'triple tap' on the emerging Hybrids' head. Then, Cypher proceeds to the Hybrid Root and slices it. "Get down get dead,"
    Last edited by Rha'az; 02-08-2015 at 05:12 AM.
    "May the great Twelve have mercy on us all," - Marius, Inquisitor of the Crown

    Spoiler: Random stuff 

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