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Thread: [M] War in the Void - Patriots IC

  1. #1
    The Replicant
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    Default [M] War in the Void - Patriots IC


    Spoiler: Stella Rosa, Eudaimonia - Baraspine 

    Spoiler: HDMS Imperialist - Baraspine 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 01-03-2019 at 02:06 PM.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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    The Last Remembrancer
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    Alyss watched the tacticae screens with intent. The bridge of the Eudaimonia had once been an ornate place of weeping angel statues, gold leaf and rogue trader clan heraldry worked in gemstone mosaics. She had had all that offensive finery stripped away, and had sold it for a princely sum. Now the bridge was a subdued, plain space of screens, silent servitors and its crew. Some of those crew were Jotunhel natives, others rebels and hereteks collected from a half dozen worlds. All of them fugitives from imperial 'justice'. All of them mercenaries for the patriots.

    Alyss felt the dry, sterile brush of an Imperial Astropath, and shuddered at the sudden taste of ash in her mouth. She reached out anyway, and plucked the message from the surging tides of the aether before it was lost. She felt the rigid mind of the astropath recoil from her confident touch and wished him well with his nightmares. Unfolding the message in her mind, she sighed in the real and snapped her attention back to the materium and her bridge. Officers looked at her expectantly and she suddenly wished to be elsewhere.

    "Bring us about, towards that docked Dauntless there" She pointed to the tacticae. "Silent running please."

    Iric Frostulf, her coordinator with the Damned aboard the Glom, a sergeant with a long waxed beard and a balding scalp, stomped up to the command pulpit.

    "We aren't abandoning the commander and his men?" The question was as much a threat, growled low and backed by the holstered heavy bolt pistol Iric was running a trigger finger over. Iric was there because the Damned didn't trust Alyss, and Hassek wanted a guarantee Alyss wouldn't cut and run. That was fine, she didn't trust them either, and had here own guarantee's in place within the regiment.
    But they needed each other. Alyss didn't intend to abandon the renegade regiment just yet.

    "No, but we have orders to attack and harass that ship. Take us in on silent running. We hit it with a full broadside from ambush, then power around Baraspine at full burn to evade pursuit. We cut engines once we are over the horizon, and then rejoin the Colonel as he is ready for evacuation."

    "I must communicate this with the Colonel." Iric growled.

    "We are at battle stations, I won't drop shields for that."

    Iric nodded, grinding his teeth. The Eudaimonia rumbled under their feet, then fell silent.

    "Concordance in ten minutes."

    Alyss nodded. "Prepare the portside batteries please. We'll get one shot, so make it count!"

    She reached out with her mind again, and shot a quick message to the Stella Rosa to answer an increasingly insistent request to form up a strategy. With that done, she sighed and smoothed out her petticoat, and steadied her nerves for the wait. That was always the hardest part of void combat.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 01-12-2019 at 09:19 PM.

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    Mechanicus Cruiser Stella Rosa
    Zero hour +8
    Objective: Eliminate the Fulmen

    <Communique coming through, Captain. Commodore Thark requests we engage the Dauntless class Fulmen and remove her from play.>

    Raynar leaned forward in his command throne and regarded the display of the vulnerable Dauntless. They would not be alone as the Eudaimonia would be engaging as well which caused a plan to form in his mind. Keeping the ship at ease at least for a few moments on approach so their guns could find optimal firing solutions. Crippling the ship was the first thing on his mind and once her engines were gone, choosing a next step would be all the more interesting.

    <Contact the Eudamonia,> Raynar canted to the communications servitor, <secure line.>

    There was a monotone sound of compliance from the servitor as the line was opened. Raynar shifted a bit as he returned to normal speech for the message. “This is captain Thane of the Stella Rosa. I would like to approach the target at first and hopefully keep their guard lowered by offering assistance as an allied Mechanicus vessel. With their sights focused on me that should give you an optimal opening to strike. Sound agreeable?”

    They had moments to decide and if their companion declined, then all guns at the ready was a fine alternative.

    There was a hiss of static, and a strange whispering filled the bridge from the open channel. A womans voice filled the link, but the whispering never went away.

    "Go ahead Rosa. Kick open the door, and we'll make the kill shot."

    That was all the prompting they needed as far Raynar was concerned. <Helm, take us away from the fleet and on friendly approach to the target. Once in range, send out standard assistance hails. Once in range of the lance batteries, we cripple the Imperial ship and let our comrades finish it off. Firing solutions on engines and shield generators, you’re familiar with the standard configuration of a Dauntless no doubt.>

    The Mechanicus vessel broke away and made her heading toward the docked Dauntless. The ship was set at an emergency pace on the approach to the Fulmen and had all the appearances of a Mechanicus vessel trying to offer assistance of some kind. It was a nasty trick to be sure but, in the void, no chances could be taken. Besides, honor and dignity were reserved for dealing with members of the Priesthood be they friend or foe. Outsiders were fair game for any sort of trickery.

    <In hailing range,> the communications officer reported, turning on his serpentine body for a moment to look at Raynar. <Begin sending standard hailing, Captain?>

    <Affirmative. Make sure it the messages are enough to cloud their frequencies. The Eudamonia may be running quiet but the Void is full of surprises.>

    <Compliance, Captain.> With the press of a button, a series of earnest and very irritating messages offering help and assistance vomited forth from the ship's open communication line.

    <Well this is quite the opening day, Captain.> Raynar’s first mate, Gideon, was rocking a bit on his heels as he stood a few feet from the command throne. His hands clasped behind his back, the senior tech-priest was observing the finer work of the bridge crew through his noosphere interface. <It seems rather foolish to leave a boarding vessel completely unguarded, don’t you agree?>

    <Oh, I do,> Raynar canted back, <but not all commanders possess enough lateral thinking to account for the sudden appearance of a rebellion support fleet. And I, for one, enjoy the element of surprise.>

    <Oh you mean like when we ‘ambushed’ a single frigate without noticing his friends within shouting distance? I happen to have your lack of composure saved on a video file.>

    <You always have to drag me down when I’m feeling up, don’t you?>

    <If I don’t, who will? It’s within the parameters of my position, Captain.>

    Raynar sighed and rolled his eyes a bit as they closed the approach and began broadcasting their messages offering assistance. The benefit of running Mechanicus icons on the ship was the initial lack of suspicion. But such obfuscation rarely lasted and so Raynar had weapons crew primed and ready to charge the lance batteries the moment he sent off the order.

    <Captain, the Fulmen requests identification codes,> the comms officer canted dully.

    <Canons have firing solutions, sir.>

    <Fire portside batteries.>

    Raynar leaned forward in his seat, his steepled fingers intertwining. A smile came to his thin lips as in the back of his mind he felt an almost approving rumble from the heart of the ship. He squared his shoulders and stood from his throne, standing tall and lean overlooking the bridge. A scarlet burberry coat was draped over his shoulders to make him look a bit broader than he was under which he wore simple attire of dark crimson threaded with gold. His shaven head was adorned with a few finely crafted implants with those on the left side connecting to his replacement eye. The shape of his face made him out to be from aristocratic stock and had a kind of mathematic balance to the proportion of the features, a benefit being genetically molded in an incubator on his “parents’” station.

    He trusted in the rightness of the cause and in that, his crew would follow suit. Even the more cantankerous members who had served on the Rosa centuries longer than Raynar trusted his judgement and he thanked the Omnissiah for that, as he did for being blessed with a first mate not afraid to call his bad decisions and keep his ego mostly in check.

    In the seconds after his order squirted off along the vessel’s noosphere, the lance cannons came to life and the torpedo bays unleashed their payloads to make way for the Eudamonia to swoop in.

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    Spoiler: Stella Rosa, Eudaimonia - Baraspine 
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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    "Confirmed shields down."

    Alyss watched the sensor feed intently. It was a big, capable ship, and those prow lances looked unpleasant. Good thing she wasn't sticking around to fight the brute.

    "Target the Fulmens engine stacks, and fire at will."


    Lasers soundlessly stabbed across space as the Eudamonia made its presence known. Its laser battery lacked bite compared to a proper macro-cannon broadside, but it was accurate, rapid firing and powerful enough at close range. Which was exactly where the Eudamonia placed itself as it crossed the T of the Fulmens, gouging glowing lines into its engines and boring flaming holes into reactor decks. Return fire from point defenses peppered explosions across the Eudamonia's shields to little effect as the privateer poured fire from its lasers into the larger vessel, then powered clear, descending sharply and turning away.



    "Holding steady."

    For the moment. She grimaced as return fire from the broadside on the Fulmens lit up void space. The ship rocked and shook beneath her, and she clung onto the railing as the voids distorted and blew out like blown glass.


    "Don't stop! And don't bring us around for another pass!" Alyss pushed herself away from the railing, visibly shaken. She did not like void combat, and being in command of a voidship made those particular anxieties worse. "Damage report?"

    "Some fires. We're venting now. Voids will be back online soon."

    Alyss swallowed hard. More dead friends, more dead free minds for someone elses war. She would be having words about what her little force was expected to accomplish with her employers.

    "Keep accelerating us, and line us up for the extraction. Let the Patriots kill the Fulmen if they want it so damn bad."

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    Their mission would be finished shortly of that Raynar was confident. The ship held steady as her lance batteries flashed, pummeling the Fulmen’s shields while gunners zeroed in on her engines. The battle was never going to be easy but at least it was going smooth with a lot of the portside firepower down. It was quite the spectacle the way the shields flash and undulated almost under the punishing assaults from both sides. The Rosa’s shields held steady for the most part but did fluctuate here and there.

    By the Omnissiah’s grace, surely, the shields held for the moment. But anything could happen in the midst of such close quarters, Raynar knew. He was watching both the realtime and noospheric displays, ready to react beyond confirming firing solutions with the gun crews. It was a type of eerie silence that often filled the bridge of the ship as most communication was done nonverbally for the sake of efficiency save for the occasional burst of vocalized binaric cant.
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    Spoiler: Stella Rosa, Eudaimonia - Baraspine 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 02-22-2019 at 05:39 PM.
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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    "You have got to be kidding me." Alyss groaned. "Have they spotted us yet?"

    There was a pause as her sensor operators analysed the ships movement.

    "Not yet. But if we continue on this course. . ."

    Alyss groaned again. Iric, at her shoulder, was grinding his teeth so loud she could hear his molars in the back of his skull.

    "We can't abandon the Colonel and his men." He turned from the tacticae plotter, his face underlit with green light, and fixed Alyss with a look she really didn't like. "We have to get past them."

    "I know!" She hissed. Alyss was a deadly psyker and a capable insurgent commander. But as a void captain she was a rank novice. The onrushing gothic cruiser and its escorts was simply death for her, and she had no way out. Almost no way out.

    "Cut speed now!" She yelled. "Adjust for geosynchronous orbit over the south pole. Burn for attitude and correct our course with the plot I'm feeding you."

    "You're hiding?" Iric muttered with disgust. Alyss wheeled on him and, in a flash of ill considered rage, drove him to his knees with a blast of telekinetic force.

    "If you want to fight something ten times our mass, then I suggest you take yourself to an airlock and do it yourself!" she snarled. Iric choked something out, an apology maybe, and Alyss flung him away with a flick of her hand before returning to the tacticae plotter. The big Jotunhelian slammed into a bulkhead and slumped to the floor, and stayed there.


    "On course Maam." Alyss nodded, pushing her hair back behind her ears and smoothing her dress.

    "Good. Now, this will take some timing. . ."


    The Eudamonia was tumbling now, a random mass in the debris of void combat that was already beginning to spill from the 'Glom and damaged warships. With voids down and the engines cold, the privateer was another lump of metallic debris, invisible to warp sensors. Even if someone was looking, Alyss had plotted the orbit into the wash of magnetic forces of the south pole, further hiding her ships traces.


    Alyss wasn't focusing on the ships now. She reached out to the Stella Rosa's astropath, and fairly yelled that another cruiser was coming for him.

    Then she reached out her mind, down, down, looking for one spark in the seething mass of soul-fire that was Baraspine. She needed to find her young friend and hurry her the hell along.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 03-31-2019 at 05:41 PM.

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    <Enemy vessel on collision course, Captain.>

    <Turn us away from her and fire all batteries as she skates by.>

    The Mechanicus cruiser fired her engines and began to turn her bow away from the oncoming ship to open a course for the Imperial cruiser to pass them by. Raynar was formulating a further plan with the sudden warning of another ship blurted from his Astropath. Dealing with two Imperial vessels on his own was not something Raynar was wholly prepared to deal with especially as the approaching Gothic class had escorts. TheEudamonia would have to survive on her own and finish her mission once the Stella Rosa had dealt with the Fulmen and plotted a retreat course.

    Omnissiah willing the Mechanicus vessel turned herself in time to rake the passing Fulmen with all guns, torpedoes, and lance canons. In the midst of the action, Raynar had his Astropath relay current status back to the Commodore and warn of the approaching fleet presence.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
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    Spoiler: Stella Rosa, Eudaimonia - Baraspine 
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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