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Thread: Deadman Wonderland: Vegas - OOC/Signup (Rated M)

  1. #1
    Antivan Crow
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    Default Deadman Wonderland: Vegas - OOC/Signup (Rated M)

    Click HERE for a link to the IC Thread.

    Las Vegas. A den of gambling, sex, and any sort of vice a person could ever want. When the gravy train runs dry, Vegas will spit you out like a piece of unwanted gristle in an otherwise juicy steak. If you can manage to keep the money flowing, though? She will be your little whore until the day you die. This is not only true for gamblers and fortune seekers... but the businesses of Vegas. One such business? The ever-populated American Prison System. No doubt, prison for profit has been around nearly as long as the concept of prisons themselves. After all... extortion is lucrative. Keep the bad men away from people, get paid to do it. The money stops? Well... cuts might need made and prisoners might "fall through the cracks". Big business. Big money. But that also comes with costs such as feeding and medical care for the inmates. How to offset some of those costs plagued the warden of the Clark County Detention Center in Las Vegas.

    It was during one of many frustrating nights that he caught wind of the Tokyo Deadman Wonderland facility. As he dug deeper into what went on there, he found the idea of a prison amusement park was making an incredible profit for the Tokyo prison. It would be risky and expensive, building the new facility... but Vegas rewarded those who took a gamble now and then. "Fuck it!" he said, and sank nearly all he had into finding contractors and financial backers. One such backer was the warden of the Tokyo facility himself. Once the contracts were drawn up and the build permits issued, construction progressed at a breakneck pace. In two short years, the Las Vegas Deadman Wonderland facility opened its doors to the public. Profits poured in like mana from the heavens, and the warden reveled in his newfound riches.

    All was not sunshine and rainbows, however. One year after opening its doors, the warden passed away as a result of a massive stroke. Replacing him was one of the main financial backers behind the project, a man from neighboring California with rumored ties to the mafia, latin kings, and other unsavory criminal elements. However, both the media and investors dismissed these accusations. No hard evidence existed to corroborate the claims, after all. People do say such vile things when they are jealous of others' success. In any case, things continued as normal for the amusement park and prison. Below ground and away from prying eyes, however? Well... those with power and influence know the truth.

    Deadman Wonderland is a fun time for all who visit. Food, games, rides, roller coasters, and even live entertainment. The inmates are not required to perform in shows, but are rewarded with commissary items if they do so. As a result, many are happy to take part and amuse those who come to the park. ... but that is only what the general public sees. Deep beneath the earth where they call home, the real Deadman Wonderland isn't as much a prison as you might expect. Though they cannot leave, the prisoners have the ability to wander about the containment facility, even obtaining some basic luxuries-if they are successful. After all, the biggest attraction of Deadman Wonderland is something most do not see... save the richest and most twisted.

    Spoiler: File #DM89149CC - Vegas 

    What might be the most lucrative attraction, you may ask? Bloodsport... in as literal a sense as it can possibly get. The prison system seeks out special 'specimens' scattered all around the Vegas area and beyond, special users of a little power with potential connections to the Red Hole incident, a massive earthquake that rocked the city of San Francisco and the entire southwest a decade prior. These special projects are purchased from other prisons and locked away deep underground for what the researchers of Deadman Wonderland might call 'studies'. What those who watch it might call it is a little closer to 'gladiator battles'. Seemingly at random, the powers that be select two of G-Block's unique prisoners to fight in no-holds-barred combat, the one restriction being that no weapons be given to them. They are only allowed to use their natural abilities.

    Not to say that they are defenseless; each and every prisoner is there for a reason. That reason is their Branch of Sin-a power unique to them that centers entirely around the weaponization of their blood. In a typical fight, each combatant uses their Branch of Sin to defeat their opponent, all for the entertainment and betting pleasure of the billionaire degenerates who watch their every move. The winner is presented with a sum of currency known as 'Scales', necessary for purchasing commissary items, luxuries, and the antidote gummies they need to reset their poison collar... which would otherwise kill them in roughly a week's time. The loser has to go through the dreaded penalty game.

    The penalty game? Well. Let's just say you want to avoid it at all costs. Strapped to an operating table, you'll get to watch the penalty wheel spin and spin, and whatever it lands on, you get forcibly removed from your body in a painful operation. No anesthesia, no laughing gas, just you, a mountain of pain, and getting to watch them hack bits off of you for the crowd to cheer. You CAN pay scales to get out of this... but your reserves can only last so long. When you run out, there's nothing to save you from the penalty game.

    As a newer arrival to the Vegas Deadman Wonderland facility, you will be put through this same trial-by-fire. After a quick briefing, you are given a single antidote gummy and a Scales card loaded with a measly 5,000 scales. Given the fact a big bag of potato crisps costs 500 scales and an antidote gummy costs 10,000 scales, that won't last you very long. You'll have to fight sooner rather than later, and earn your scales. Do you dread it? Will you try to find a way around it? Will you fall into the depression that has claimed many other Deadmen? Or will you become the bloodthirsty monster the crowd thinks you are? Only you can decide that.

    So will you be my Deadman, with nothing but the blood on your hands? Or are you merely trapped in my Wonderland, and want to make me bleed like you?



    1. Follow RPA rules and guidelines.

    2. I am not a tyrant GM. If you have an issue with something I am doing, let me know and we can discuss it. I am happy to interact with and take feedback from my players. However, if after discussing an issue, I make a ruling? Generally that ruling is final.

    3. Don't argue or fight in the OOC.
    3b. Do not post IC material in the OOC thread or OOC material in the IC thread.

    4. While this RP is rated Mature for violent content, adult themes, foul language, and potential blasphemy... there will be no explicit sexy times allowed in the IC. Character romance is allowed, but more adult moments must "fade to black" and be conducted elsewhere.

    5. Put "I will be your Deadman" or "Stuck on your Wonderland" at the top of your CS so that i know you have read these rules.

    6. Characters will be reviewed by either Beta (that's me) or my Assistant GM (known as Iwazuma at the time of posting this). If accepted, you will be allowed to post in the IC thread and added to the active roster. If not, younwill be informed that editing is needed and what that editing is. Causing drama after a review may result in being barred from joining.

    7. Character death is a VERY real part of this RP. If your character is too precious to you and you do not want them to die, this is not the place for you.

    8. Remember that you are in a prison and likely watched nearly all the time. Do something that might piss off the guards or Undertakers, and chances are good they WILL know about it.

    9. Have fun, people. This is an RP, after all. Yeah, we might be trying to maim one another's characters, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun and be friendly with each other.

    10. The Vegas facility has only been in operation for about four years, so keep that in mind if you mention it in your character backstory. I would also like to limit the tenure of the characters in the RP, making most of them quite new to the facility. Please keep your characters limited to being in the facility no longer than a handful of months, though shorter is better. For example, my character has only been here for five months.

    11. Rules may be edited or added to as the RP progresses.



    Spoiler: Doctor Su-Jin "Sue" Yang 

    Spoiler: Irwin 'Crocodile' Turner 

    Spoiler: Frederick "Box Turtle" McGinnis 

    Spoiler: LaToya "Fire Skink" Gomez 


    The Fist
    Spoiler: Kazuhiko Matsui 

    Keith "Iron Mask" Wiley


    Active Roster
    Anna "The Komodo" Jacobson, played by Beta
    Ellis "King Cobra" Cooper, played by Iwazuma
    Zachary "The Tegu" Rodriguez, played by Dawscombine
    Dakaku "Salamander" Mizu, played by Kiro Akira
    Ivy "Gliding Geko" Valle, played by Organis



    Scales are like money in the Vegas Deadman Wonderland facility, and are given to any combatant who takes part in a fight. Winners are given 100,000 Scales, and the loser is given only 10,000. A single scale is about the same as one cent in the United States, when used on commissary or luxury items. Commissary items range from cheap snacks like crisps and candy, all the way up to fancy meals like steak and lobster. Luxury items are similarly varied, ranging from cheap knick-knacks and curios all the way up to things like luxurious bedding and 4k UHD Televisions.

    Scales may also be used to mitigate aspects of the Penalty Game. The costs are as follows.

    Anesthesia (local only) - 12,500 Scales.
    Anesthesia (full) - 50,000 Scales.
    Skip Penalty Game - 100,000 Scales

    Scales may ALSO be used to buy your freedom, should you ever manage to survive long enough to save 10,000,000 Scales. If one manages this, their criminal record is wiped clean and they are released from the facility to begin their life anew.


    CS Template

    Nickname: ( Use a species of reptile for your nickname )



    Crimes: (Must be significant enough to warrant the death penalty, but not enough that you would be shot and killed on sight when you are caught.)

    History: (Detailed, 3 paragraph minimum. Why are you at DMWL? Reaction to Carnival of Corpses? Lose anything to Penalty games? etc...)

    Branch of Sin Name:
    Branch of Sin Description: This is your Branch of Sin at its purest form-what does it do? How does your character use it?

    Branch of Sin Abilities: 3 Max, Range 25-100ft for distance attacks (100 ft reserved really for ranged BoS users)-these are additional abilities your Branch of Sin can perform, in addition to its basic use.
    Name: (The name of the ability)
    Rank: (What Rank is the Ability? D,C,B,A,S: D is weak, spammy-type moves, while S-rank is reserved for extremely powerful moves with no spammability or heavy backlash on the user.)
    Description: (What is the ability? What does it do?)

    Last edited by Salroka; 04-13-2018 at 01:23 AM. Reason: Edited Active Roster and NPCs.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  2. #2
    Antivan Crow
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    The Komodo
    Spoiler: Anna Jacobson 
    Last edited by Salroka; 03-17-2018 at 03:01 AM.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  3. #3
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Spoiler: Ellis Cooper, the Cobra 
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 02-21-2018 at 07:44 AM.
    Karma is the best.

  4. #4
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Looks like you've got an awesome roleplay started, Beta! If you would like to advertise for more members, here are some ways to do so!

    First off, there's the Roleplay of the Week. This is displayed on the website's home page as well as on the side bar of the forum. If you think it might help then we implore you to do so! We are always looking for new RP's to advertise. (No, really. We are. Always.) If you would like a little bit more information, or even an example, you can view that here.

    One of the requirements for a RP of the Week submission is that you have a banner. If you're not artistically inclined, however, do not fear! We have several amazing artists on the site who will make one for you. Simply post here.

    Next, you can post in this thread and the staff will display your role-play in their signatures.

    Also feel free to post in the Roleplay Directory. This is a thread that anyone can view at any time to see roleplays that are currently seeking and accepting members.

  5. #5
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Hi Scottie!
    Karma is the best.

  6. #6
    Member Dawscombine's Avatar
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    I will be your Deadman

    Name: Zachary Rodriguez
    Nickname: The Tegu
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male


    Likes: Lucha Libre Wrestling, Salads, His Hair
    Dislikes: People he can't understand, Spicy food, Fire
    Hobbies: Watching Wrestling, Writing in his journal, Doing exactly 77 push-ups every day

    Crimes: 16 counts of armed robbery, 5 counts of kidnapping, 5 counts of murder, 3 counts of manslaughter

    History: Zach was adopted by an immigrant family in New Mexico in a town that was hard on it's luck. His father worked as a Mechanic at a failing garage and his mother was unemployed, occasionally committing petty theft to make sure the three of them were fed. One day, however, his father came home with a surprisingly large amount of money. They were all overjoyed to hear that he had gotten an offer to go work overseas in Japan, and that his entire family would be coming with him. Zachary was 10 at the time.

    They had finally caught their lucky break, it seemed. They were making enough money to support them all and everyone seemed happy. That is, of course, until the Great Tokyo Earthquake. Zach's father died in the event and his mother was severely injured. It was a miracle that Zachary made it out with only a small spot on his right leg. Zach tried to support his mother the best he could, but he knew he couldn't make it in Japan, anymore. He soon gathered up enough money to move himself back to America, not even thinking twice about leaving his mother behind.

    There he survived purely on the seat of his own natural ability in a fight and his ever growing street smarts. Robbery, murder, kidnapping, ransom, he did whatever he could to scrape by his next meal, eventually making his way to Nevada in an attempt to get a "legitimate" job as a security officer for a brand new casino. It was at the job interview that his Branch of Sin manifested, accidentally killing the interviewer and making a real mess of the third floor. That's when he was stormed by a swat team and brought in to be found guilty of every crime he was even remotely involved in over the past twelve years. Deadman Wonderland caught wind of the story and bribed the judge to put him into their hands.

    He's been fighting in the Corpse Carnival for roughly four months now, beating his kinfolk with his clever use of street brawling and makeshift Luchador techniques. He's only lost two times so far, losing his Genitals one time and his stomach another time. He's known for relentless, yet carefully planned assaults using his versatile and mobile power.

    Branch of Sin Name: Tengu Boleadoras
    Branch of Sin Description: A Bola like construction with three "weights" on "strings" that can be extended and retracted by using the blood inside the weights.

    Branch of Sin Abilities:

    Name: Grand Bullet
    Rank: A
    Description: Shunting a large amount of blood into a single ball rather than a linked bolas, Zachary launches a small but heavy projectile at high speed. Slow to charge, but meant to deal high damage rather than trap or disable, this ability is best used on injured or otherwise incapacitated opponents.

    Name: Malediction Flail
    Rank: B
    Description: Rather than creating a ranged attack with a blood bolas, Zachary keeps the connecting "chain" attached to the blood draw site. The excess used to make the second and third weights of the bolas are then used to create spikes on the first weight. The result is a dangerous and flexible weapon for use in close encounters.

    Name: Stick
    Rank: D
    Description: Zach's blood becomes adhesive, allowing him to use it to swing off of things, pull people in, and pull himself out of situations. The adhesive can hold up to 150 lb for 5 seconds before failing and cannot attach to human skin or blood directly, but things like clothes are fair game.
    Last edited by Dawscombine; 02-13-2018 at 06:19 PM.

  7. #7
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    Spoiler: Salamander 
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 04-11-2018 at 01:33 PM.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  8. #8
    Antivan Crow
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    @Iwazuma - Ellis is approved, no edits needed. Great job.
    @Dawscombine - Sent you a message on Skype.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  9. #9
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    Beta I'm done o.o
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  10. #10
    Antivan Crow
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    You did not say anything about his transfer to the Deadman Wonderland facility, so please add that in. In tandem with that, please give a tiny bit of detail as to his first impressions. I am fine with him being a nearly brand-new addition, but he at oeast needs a tiny bit of depth there.

    His A-Rank ability, while good, would lead to MASSIVE blood loss if he outright cut his arm open. Anemia is a very real thing in Deadman Wonderland, and a very quick way to earn yourself a loss and a penalty game. For an example of how to use a good power but not suffer massive blood loss, look at how Ellis (Cobra) uses his venom spit.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

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