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Thread: The End is Nigh: Kind Of - OCC [M]

  1. #1
    Mr.Cynic's Avatar
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    Default The End is Nigh: Kind Of - OCC [M]

    Rated M: Drugs, adult material, romance, violence, gore, swearing, and other gnarly stuff. Absurd Satire and Twisted Humor

    Society dubs them Social Justice Warriors. What if the greatest philosophers and theist of the world, were simply that? True Warriors. What if all the great wars, were defeated by great philosophers and not violence? Too bad that's not what history says.

    Guns, and atomic weapons destroyed wars. So, there's that. The end of the world is nigh. And there's nothing we can do about it. What if, both the Rapture, The Summon of the Eledritch Horror and some other world ending events began to occur.

    And all you had were these fucking twats to save your asses. Well, too bad, all you have are these fucking twats.

    The End is Nigh: Kind of

    The world is about to end, unless, these assholes can stop it from being destroyed. It starts all off in the beginning as both the zombie apocalypse, the summoning of the Elderitch of horror, and something about demons and the Anti-Christ.

    The Plot

    All the world ending events are beginning to happen. Unless the greatest Social Justice Warriors can defeat the enemies before the world ends. The SJW, were an ancient power long ago, who used their ways of philosophy to have everyone basically ignore and argue over who is correct.

    The SJW must fight their ways through zombies, cultist, more cultist, demons, and anything else you can think of with their powers of their philosophical ideas. Their powers mighty.

    The Cast
    *If you have other ideas, I am more than willing to take them

    Existential Nihilism

    Your Fearless Leader Artair "Can I finish my coffee first?"

    His More stable partner Mable "Guess I am actually doing this"

    Absurdism - Minkasha

    Cosmicism- Open

    Radical Skepticism - Clyde

    Feminism - Miss Devil

    Christian- Open

    Jewish- Open

    The Rules

    Follow all of RPA rules, you know all of them by now. So I don't feel like repeating them. That's a long list

    Have fun with the idea, This Is Not a RP, to piss people off. This RP is created simply to have fun. You can be as radical or mild as you like. The RP is designed for a few laughs.

    No God Modding

    GM Word is Law, I am a lot heavier on my critique and analysis of characters, don't fight or argue with me. I don't look for complete character sheets, I look for who is willing to own up to their mistakes and edit when asked.

    PLEASE Please please, Communicate with me. If you have somewhere to go in the next 2 weeks, please go ahead and tell me. I understand when circumstances don't allow you to, so as soon as you can please inform me

    Again Have Fun

    Also, No Character Sheets in Spoiler Tags. Thank you.

    The Character Sheet

    Name: [your name of your character, it's 2016, and a modern RP, so keep that in mind]

    Role: [you may either choose your own idea or choose from one of the slots, your choice, will replace a slot though]

    Age: [20+]

    Gender ID- [how do they identify]

    Sexual ID- [how do they identify]

    Marital Status: [yes that's right. You can be single, divorced, widows, or married to one of our wonderful cast members, remember to ask someone first]

    Appearance: [I will accept, realistic 3D pictures, or realistic drawn images, but nothing too cartoony or too animey. And I will accept Realistic Portrayals of People. No actors on the.....well okay I will make an exception if you choose smart.]

    Personality: [normally I am looking for a fully fleshed out character. I still am, but really break the mold here. These are extreme characterizations. So think Saints Row 4, or something like that. I want to see fleshed out characters, but take their role into consideration of their personalities as well. Don't be afraid to make this strange]

    Powers: [your powers, are directly Shit Talk Powers. That are from your philosophical views. Make sure they fit the role you chose. For example, maybe a feminist will make a male demon feel bad for terrorizing a woman or something like that]

    Equipment: [no weapons, but just ordinary items they carry everyday]

    History: [I like fully fleshed out characters, with backstories. For goodness sake, don't go "she was bullied and that made her sad". If you mention it, I want to know how it affected her and I want to know why it's important to building this person]

    Theme Song: [last, but not least, their theme songs. Optional. But heavily recommended]

    Misc: [anything else I forgot. Add their relationship with their married spouse or something here. Maybe they have a mental illness, etc.]
    Last edited by Mr.Cynic; 03-06-2016 at 06:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Denraven's Avatar
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    Don't solicit me.

  3. #3
    Mr.Cynic's Avatar
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    You could have replied in a visitor message mate.

  4. #4
    NnightStalker's Avatar
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    Wow this was definitely an interesting spin that I know for sure that I have definitely not seen before xD Naraness whose in a skype call with me says she has never heard of something like this! and she has been here forever which means this is very unique! Now how about some advertising help.

    Did you know a great way to advertise your roleplay is to have it chosen to be roleplay of the week! If chosen to be roleplay of the week, your roleplay will be placed in the roleplay of the week thread AND on the home page where everyone can see it! Need a banner?! No problem! We have a perfect banner shop where amazing artists come together to make a custom banner for your RP!

    Did you know that you can also have the staff put your roleplay in our signatures! It's a great way to get your roleplay around since us staff go all over the darn place.

    Another great method, actually its my favorite method is to post in the roleplay games directory! All you do is post a quick summary about your roleplay, and provide a link to your OOC! That way when people search through it and find your RP they'll think how cool and come join!
    Made by the goddess Kicksy!
    I got an even newish newer egg! Check it out!
    Spoiler: Secret Things! 

  5. #5
    Mr.Cynic's Avatar
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    Thank you for the compliments

  6. #6
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    Count me in and if the Christian spot please reserve it for me. I'll try to get a cs up later (on phone now)

    Thank you, Nara

  7. #7
    Mr.Cynic's Avatar
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    It is all yours

  8. #8
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    The Character Sheet

    Name:Theophilus "Theo" Anderson

    Role: Christianity

    Age: 25

    Gender ID- Male

    Sexual ID- Heterosexual

    Marital Status: Single

    Spoiler: Theo 

    Personality: Theo is a Biblical Scholar and believes the Bible is the infallible Word of God. He maintains a gentle and loving spirit no matter what the circumstances may be, yet he is still human and fights daily to resist the temptations of the flesh, the world, and the Devil. He approaches others with a spirit of meekness and kindness, quoting the Golden Rule to do unto others as you would have done unto you but will fight to the death to defend the Word of God.

    Powers: Theo's only power is the ability to quote Scripture although he is empowered by the Holy Spirit to perform miracles according to God's will.

    Equipment: He carries only a Bible, given to him by his great-grandfather.

    History: Although Theo doesn't know how and when it all began, his forefathers were a part of the Social Justice Warriors sometime after the death of Christ. The original Theophilus was commissioned by Christ to represent His kingdom in this secret society and from those beginnings his family has preached the Gospel to a lost world. As the signs of the end were apparent, Theo's father had prepared him to carry on the work as he did and as his forefathers did.

    One day, the Rapture of the Church took place, removing all believers from the world. Yet he was left behind and, in a dream, he had a vision of his true calling. He would join with the Social Justice Warriors in saving mankind from the demons of Hell.

    Theme Song:

    Thank you, Nara

  9. #9
    RPA Honor Guard
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    hmm, maybe I'll be extreme feminism. you know, the man-hating feminazis that give real feminists a bad name.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  10. #10
    Mr.Cynic's Avatar
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    Sure CF. I'd love it.


    I only see a few problems.

    -What kind of miracles can he perform? Are they absolute or does he have limitation? Does his power have any weaknesses before, let's say tiring him out?

    -I'd like the history to be fleshed out a bit more, as well as his personality. Great starts. But a wee bit barren. Remember this story isn't just about what I the GM write. But it's all about you as members as well. The more you give me. The more I can give your characters.
    Last edited by Mr.Cynic; 02-26-2016 at 08:06 PM.

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