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Thread: The Reforged Saga - Prologue: Great Expectations [M]

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    Default The Reforged Saga - Prologue: Great Expectations [M]

    This RP is rated M for possible violence, racism, sexual themes, strong language, substance use, and difficult moral decisions, among other things. It should be noted that many of the characters may be under the age of eighteen. This RP may include themes such as coming-of-age, questions of religion, and the true meaning of freedom. As such, if players feel that they cannot handle such material, it is best for them to steer clear of this RP.

    The Reforged Saga
    Prologue: Great Expectations

    Terrestria was once home of the Shapers, the most secretive, most powerful, and most feared of the magical sects. There were many other sects. Some could forge artifacts of great power while others could rain fire from the heavens. But it was the Shapers who ruled the land, for the Shapers alone had the power to create life. With the raw essence of life beneath their fingertips, powerful magic, and arcane lore the like of which made other magical arts seem childlike, the Shapers could bring forth from nothing mighty legions of creations to do their bidding. There was no army they could not best, no land to which they could not bring life. This power made them the ultimate rulers of every land in which they walked, their creations bound to their will and the humans of the land bound to their law, Shaper Law. And for their enemies, there was only one punishment for defying the will of the Shapers: Death.

    And so the Rebellion began.

    An alliance of humans fighting Shaper oppression and creations yearning to be free, the Rebels harnessed dark power the like of which even the Shaper Council forbade the use of. The war unleashed horrors across the land, bringing battle from the outermost colonies of the Shapers to the heart of their mighty citadels, casting all down into the dust. Powerful armies of creations battled across Terrestria, laying waste to the land and putting countless lives to the sword. The war dragged on for years, the proud Shapers unwilling to admit defeat and the Rebels refusing to back down. It only ended when the Shattering broke the lands of Shaper and Rebel alike.

    Nobody knows who did it. Some claim it was the Rebels, realizing the folly of their actions and repenting by wiping themselves out. Others claim that, near defeat, the Shapers had declared that if they should not rule there should be nothing to rule. Whatever the truth, the Shattering drew together all the Known Lands and then broke them. Mountains rose and fell. Waves swamped and then consumed entire provinces. Many of those cities that escaped the war were wiped out as fire rained from the heavens.

    But that’s all ancient history.


    Spoiler: Plot 

    Spoiler: Production Notes 

    The World of Reforged


    The Grand Academy

    The Grand Academy is the center of learning in Issei and its satellite villages and the seat of power of Thorin’s Council, the ruling body of all the Known World within the Great Magic Barrier. A towering structure of stone, the Academy begins on Issei’s southernmost border and is wider than the chief city of Thorin’s Realm. Its long walls stretch deep into the swamp and its battlements are double-edged blades, looking both out and in. Without a doubt the grandest structure in the Known World, its tallest tower is a mere four stories, but its bowels dip deep into the earth and form an endless maze of rooms and corridors. Great Shaper Doors separate every laboratory and specimen containment zone while groups of creations patrol the hallways, minding anyone who enters so that they do not disturb the delicate experiments in progress. It is here that the people are educated and here that the secrets of the Shapers are furthered. Within its walls more than anywhere else, the authority of Thorin’s Council is absolute.

    Spoiler: Becoming a Shaper and the Meaning of Shaperhood 

    Spoiler: General Teachings and Operation 

    Spoiler: Layout 

    Other Locations

    Spoiler: Issei 

    Spoiler: Machit 

    Shaper Society

    Spoiler: The Councils 

    Spoiler: Magic 

    Spoiler: Marriage 

    Spoiler: Religion and the Legend of the Five 

    Spoiler: Shaper Classes 

    Spoiler: Shaper Law 

    Spoiler: Shaping and Creations 

    Spoiler: Technology and Magical Materials 

    Mechanics of Reforged

    Spoiler: Rules 

    Spoiler: Shaper Stats 

    Spoiler: Character Creation 

    Spoiler: Notable Individuals 

    Spoiler: GM Character – Tancin Jass 

    Spoiler: Accepted Characters 
    Last edited by Imperial1917; 06-19-2015 at 12:10 AM.
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  2. #2
    Enchantress of Men
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    Default through most of it. As mentioned in the interest making a character. So I'll get started on one

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    Looking forward to it.
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  4. #4
    Snotgirl's Avatar
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    I'm considering joining.
    Be wary of paramilitaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.

    —Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny
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  5. #5
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Looks like you've already gotten some interest!

    But just in case...

    The RP of the week, as I am sure you are aware, is a resource for players to see what kind of RPs are spotlighted for the week! These RPs are featured on the homepage of RPA! Just send in a request to your friendly staff member, including a banner which you can get help with over at the banner shop.

    RPG Directory is another great way to draw in more players! Head on over if you're looking to interest more players!

    You can also have your game featured in the Tribune! This is RPA's awesome newsletter!

    Last but not least, you can ask any of the staff to feature your game in their signature!

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Good to know

    Thank you.
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  7. #7

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    Good to know

    Thank you.
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  8. #8
    Snotgirl's Avatar
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    I'm not overly familiar with the world, so I'm going to take some stabs here. Is it alright to make a one trick pony sort of mage? As in, one specializes in say, the Kill spell? Of course, they are trained in other uses but I plan for this character to be a glass cannon of sorts, with only one real spell of consideration in the tank.
    Be wary of paramilitaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.

    —Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny
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  9. #9

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    Geneforge is a relatively obscure RPG, so I can forgive people for not knowing it.

    The spell lists are ordered from top down with the simplest spells on top and getting more complicated going down.
    As such, Kill is a very high-order spell. In the game it would be something that you encounter towards the end.

    That being said, I'm going to have to say no. It would be akin to giving somebody a bazooka at the beginning of the game while everyone else is rocking .22s. I don't necessarily require characters to be balanced in any way, but Kill is one of those spells that would drain all the spell energy out of most undergraduates of the Grand Academy on its first shot. This isn't true for everyone, as spell energy reserves vary, but the majority would start with simpler spells and work their way up. That also means that not having a working knowledge of other spells is very unlikely.

    If you want to have a character who specializes in Battle Magic with an emphasis on Kill that is fine, but what I mentioned about undergraduates and spell energy still applies. The more of your skills you focus into the Battle Magic category, the greater spell energy you will have, but being able to use it as readily as, say firebolt, is highly unlikely.

    Did that answer your question?
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  10. #10
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    Actually, that works even better than ever. If it drains that much, it's far better suited as a last resort/finisher attack. Working knowledge on the other spells is a requirement, I see. I just plan on my character having a higher than normal proficiency with the spell.
    Be wary of paramilitaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.

    —Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
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