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Thread: Babylon {M} IC (MidKnight & ZiekwaltZier)

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    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Sci Fi Babylon {M} IC (MidKnight & ZiekwaltZier)

    Space Station District 12 08:00 Hours

    Paeris was packing most of his clothes in a bag, he kept some important things to take along with him. He looked at his boarding pass, "Babylon." It read on the designation. He takes in a deep breathe and lets out a slow soft sigh. He received a holo call yesterday. It was a Board Member from the CDI, Colony Directive Initiative. He spoke for a few minutes about his new line of work and where he would need to be and a few hours later, he received a package of his new uniform and ID along with a boarding pass.

    He left his apartment and making his way to the departure area. He stopped by a few stores to gather essentials for himself. It took him almost an hour to make his way to the departing area. He was eating a sandwich since he didn't had time to cook anything, he overslept from his alarm and was in a rush to get where he need to be.

    He approached to one of the security check points where he placed his bag on a conveyer belt that moved towards one of the security scanners, checking for unauthorized weapons, items or contraband. He finished eating his sandwich while walking through one of the scanners. He looked at the window to the Docking Bay and sees a ship. He looked closely at the name on the side, "Babylon."

    After passing through security, he was at the main entrance to the ship. He clenched his hand and takes in a deep breathe. He never flew a ship with only one person before. Normally he would be with a crew, most of the time he would be fixing the problems and help pilot the ship. But this time, he would be next to the Captain. He gathered his courage and finally walked inside. He could smell the ships interior, it was still new in it's condition. He was searching for another person on board to learn more about his position and where he would bunk. He found someone in what appears to be the mess hall. An Orc was standing there with a data pad. The Orc had a beard but his teeth still showed. "Ah you're finally here. The Captain is already in the Main Control, I'm here to make sure you're both settle in. Names Barth." He reached out to shake Paeris's hand whom returned to the gesture.

    Barth looked at the Data Pad and started pressing some buttons, "Okay so I got the Pass Card you'll need to access through the ship, this will get you into most places but other places the Captain only has access." He hands over a card and continued looking at his Data Pad.

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    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Vincent had worked hard going through school to become the captain of his own ship in order to fulfill his dream of traveling the galaxy and delivering essentials to those in need. He was a medical doctor but the work was much more hectic than he could handle, growing older it was wearing on his mental state and so he had opted to become a captain out of the desire to explore and see new things. Vincent was excited to get his own ship and it was even named after an ancient city which only made it greater since he enjoyed history. As he was already on the ship, Vincent sat in the main control room which he just referred to as the bridge waiting for his co-pilot who seemed to be running a bit late. It would have normally caused an issue but at this point they did not currently have a shipment to deliver so he decided he would be lenient with his new ship mate.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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    Hell Knight of RPA
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    He takes the pass card and looked to the main bridge and headed to the entry way while still carrying his bag. As he walked inside, he looked around the room and noticed how spacious it was. He could literally take it as a room for himself but he was only dreaming about it. He sees the Captain sitting and appeared to be waiting.

    "Sorry for the late sir, I" He cleared his throat. "My alarm wasn't set properly." He sighs softly and looked around. "I didn't think they made the bridge this big, think they thought a skeleton crew to operate this?" He asked.

    "It could but two can do the job." Barth as he entered the room. "Here." He said as he handed a pass card to the Captain. "Your quarters are over there and second hand is over there." He pointed at several directions with his hand while looking at his data pad. "The Cargo is currently being loaded as we speak, make the trip and you'll get paid." He tapped on his data pad. "Oh and also there is a bonus if all the cargo arrives...safely." He walked to the exist. "Control Tower will confirm if your ready."

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    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "It's fine we didn't have to depart right away, just make sure that you aren't delayed in the future." Vincent stated as he looked at Paeris. "I'm Captain Vincent Valentine, but you can just call me Captain Valentine. This is my first time as an actual captain but I've done all the classes and graduated with high honors. In fact I was Valedictorian. Previously I was a doctor though, I grew tired of constantly being stuck in surgery so I decided to follow my dream and become a captain. Sure its not a battleship and rather its a cargo ship but I'm still able to live out my dream as a spaceship captain." Vincent said as he spoke to Paeris and then listened to Barth who gave him his key card and nodded. "Alright lets get settled into our seats and then we can depart for our drop off destination. I'm sure things will go smoothly. We just need to be careful, and they most likely gave us such a large ship in order to decide on our own crew if need be." Vincent said as he was thinking of recruiting new crew later if the bi-laws in the handbook allowed it.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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    "If we're looking for our own crew sir, I had already read the handbook last night." He placed his bag down and grabs the handbook inside. "It would seem we can hire a crew but their pay would come out of our pay it seems and we would be held responsible for their actions if they end up robbing us or destroying something rather important." He sighs softly. "If they did sabotage something, luckily for you however; I am an engineer." He smiled. "I worked on my parent's ship before since I can hold a tool as a child and since then I left the home ship, I've worked on multiple ships before here." He looked around. "To be honest, I've never expected to be hired by a company with private military contracts."

    "You can just call me Paris by the way sir, most of the people I've known have a hard time saying my name properly." He said while settling down in his own seat and looked at the controls. He heard a beep and looked at his own console and sees a message from Control Tower. "Well Captain, Control Tower says our loading procedure is completed, fuel is ninety percent full and still fueling." He swiped the message and sees another, "They also sent us a manifest of our tools, equipment and supplies...hygiene supplies...miscellaneous, miscellaneous..." He leans back in his chair, "...and hundred cryo pods with human life support." He looks over his shoulder to the Captain, "It would seem we are transporting a colony." He chuckled and hears another beep, he checks the message, "We got a map to our destination." He clicked on a few buttons and had it displayed in the center of the bridge. "Yania...a mining colony." He lets out a small scoff with a little surprise look. "No wonder we'll be getting a bonus if we arrive safely." He chuckled softly.

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    "That would make sense, we would have to pay them out of what we earn from the deliveries. That is if we were to hire a bigger crew, for now just the two of us should suffice until we get more difficult jobs which require more hands on deck." Vincent stated as he looked at Paeris and cleared his throat when he went over what they would be delivering to the mining colony of Yania. Vincent remembered hearing news about the route to the mining colony while he went through the program to become a captain of a ship. "We have quite a lot to deliver, seems among the things we are delivering we are also sending more workers to the colony so it would seem. "Once we are finished with the fueling let the control tower we will be on our way to Yania, so input the coordinates. Our first job may be a bit bumpy since there is an asteroid belt in the path of the Yania Colony. We'll get there safely though, luckily it was one of the simulations I worked on the most during my training in the captain's program. I won't say it will be smooth but I'm confident I can navigate us through with a bit of ease." Vincent stated as he looked at Paeris and smiled starting to feel a bit excited about his first job as the Captain of the Babylon cargo ship which would deal with miliary contracts.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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    "Yes sir." He replied and looked at his dashboard, he checked most of the systems as everything starting showing a green light. The fuel icon was red for a few minutes until it finally flashed green. He looked at his navigation system and made a flight chart. "Sir, if we jumped from check point to check point, that should save us a few days, there is a asteroid belt on our route but nothing dangerous." He pressed a few buttons and showed the destination mark and the routing check points. "Most of these check points are routine inspections." He looked at the Captain with a curious look. "Or we can skip all that and straight towards our destination." He smiled, "By your order Captain." He heard a beep and looked at his intercom and sees a message. "Fuel is completed and at a hundred percent, engines are green, life support system green, counter measures are green." He shifts his position in the seat, his fingers tip touches the controls on the dash and let his hands smoothly rubs the surface until his hand completely grabbed the controls. "Don't hurt me and I won't hurt you." He said softly to himself.

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    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "It would be quickest going about the checkpoints so we'll do that. Working for military contracts they wont exactly inspect the important contents since it would go against their privileges. So we can go the quick route." Vincent said as he looked at his new co-pilot of the cargo ship Babylon. The trip would take some time but using space warps they could reach the checkpoints faster and safely.
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    Hell Knight of RPA
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    "Yes sir!" He said proudly as he started the moving the controls, rotating them around for inspection first before hitting the manual flight control. He reached for the ear communication head piece and pressed a few buttons. "Control, this is Cargo Transport Babylon, we are ready to depart from Docking Bay Three." He waited for a response.

    "Copy CT Babylon, you are clear to depart and clear from any structures."

    "Good copy Control." He replied and hits the manual override. He grabs the controls and takes a deep breath and exhales slowly and softly. He looked at the cameras to the forward bow, port and starboard side. The ship's engines started glowing, showing a sign they were active. The ship moved way from the station and started moving with the coordinates given. Once they had a good distance away. Paeris looked at his console. "We got a good distance away from the station, coordinates are set, engines are primed for warp jump."

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    Sovereign of Twilight
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    "Understood, great work Paeris. Keep on the course and prepare for warp jump." Vincent said as he looked at his crew member before he input his captain's code to authorize the warp jump handing over control to Paeris to input the coordinates for their first warp jump. "How long will this journey take by estimation of the ships navigation system taking into consideration for multiple warp jumps when energy charges are at maximum capacity?" Vincent asked as he wondered how much time they would need before reaching any obstacles he may need to navigate them through. Vincent knew it would be at least a few days but at the same time he wanted to take the free time he had to look for something to do on the ships system.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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