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Thread: Intro - READ THIS FIRST!

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    The Replicant
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    Default Intro - READ THIS FIRST!


    This persistent world is rated M for violence, gore, strong language and distressing themes
    Potential sexual scenes and allusions to rape

    We are always open to new players!

    Hi everyone, and welcome to Warhammer 40K: Reckoning, a persistent world which will also conclude the ongoing series of 40K RPs I have been writing on this site. The over-arching story of this persistent world will be a war between the imperium that we all know and love/hate, and a separatist group of worlds looking to take control of their own destiny (think the American Revolution in space). Who wins will be up to you, the players. To succeed you will need to fight smart, trust your allies (or not…), and not believe everything the propaganda reels tell you.

    First of all, you’ll need to pick a side...



    Once you have decided that you want to submit characters for the Imperial crusaders or the Adrantis Patriots (or both!), you may pick one or more storylines to be a part of. Each blurb below also contains a suggested character sheet template, although it is very basic and you should feel free to add extra headings and information at your discretion.

    Please submit your CS in the relevant recruitment thread (links in tabs below).

    Spoiler: War in the Dirt 

    Spoiler: War in the Void 

    Spoiler: War in the Shadows 


    There is a fourth sub-forum, the Home Front, which will be for initial applications, general questions and admin, and eventually for RPs that take place behind the front lines of the Adrantis War. Players will occasionally be invited to view the INTERLUDES IC threads for updates on the course of the overarching war.


    I have four battles scripted for the ground and space storylines of each side. Players will be grouped together into teams: Imperial and Patriot teams for ground, space and covert respectively, and will work together (or not…) to achieve victory. My plan is for each battle to feature three objectives, and for each group to have a limited number of posts to complete them. I am thinking of using three rounds of posts (i.e. 3 posts from each player in the team) as the limit for the first battle, and adjusting if this proves too short for people. I will reply to each player post (or round of posts) detailing the outcomes of their tactical moves and / or throwing new obstacles in their path. After the three rounds are complete I will judge whether the objective has been completed or failed, and move the story on accordingly. This may involve jumping to another section of the battlefield, especially if the fight has gone badly and most of the player units are dead.

    The Imperial / Patriot covert storylines will follow a more traditional RP format, though each will have four distinct chapters that roughly coincide with the battles of the other storylines.

    Battles will be purely narrative rather than dice- or points-based, with myself NPCing the enemy forces as well as any relevant player allies. Generally I will be rewarding tactics that would work for a real-life military, although since this is 40K, if you do something sufficiently awesome and entertaining I’ll probably give you the win. And every now and then I’ll be a dick and throw you an unfair setback no matter how good your last post was, to see if you can claw your way back to victory. Whether the players win or lose each campaign will influence the ongoing storyline, but not so much that a team who lose an early battle will be handicapped for the rest of the war.

    Ground, space and covert players may find themselves operating in similar areas, but generally will not be directly interacting with each other. Likewise players from opposing sides won’t be directly fighting each other until the fourth and final battle. However, I am happy for players to write their own PvP mini-battles around the main campaigns, although I may not have time to arbitrate them all.

    As each player group will be working as a team, you may occasionally have to wait for someone else to post and catch up. However, if they are taking too long I will make GM posts to move them along with whatever the more active players are doing.

    Players will be answerable to some kind of senior officer or command ship in each battle, which will issue general orders that they are then free to carry out in whatever way they see fit. Flagrantly disobeying orders may have consequences. Player units / ships will also frequently have NPC support to call on, though how willing and able they are to carry out requests may vary.


    Naturally, all standard RPA rules apply, but here’s a few of my own (which will no doubt be familiar to my regulars…). Mostly, they’re to help the readability of the IC threads.

    • Please write all IC posts in third person, past tense. That is, “he drew his pistol”; never “he draws his pistol” or “I drew my pistol.”
    • Please don’t use quote boxes in the IC. If you’re reproducing someone else’s text to help put your own post in context, then please just indicate the copied text in a different colour.
    • If you’re copying someone else’s text into your post, please do not copy any more than is necessary to give context (i.e. don’t reproduce their entire post!)
    • Please do not use coloured text just to indicate that your character is speaking aloud. Speech marks are fine.
    • You can take a break or bow out of the RP at any time, for any reason. I understand that real life can get in the way, and sometimes people just aren’t feeling a story any more. But, if you plan to leave, please have the courtesy to leave a message in the OOC, so that the rest of us aren’t left waiting around for you.

    As far as additional guidelines go, I strongly encourage you to include a physical description of your character in their first IC post, as this will help establish the character in the other players' minds. Also, anything written in your character’s background section should get at least a passing mention in the IC.


    Spoiler: The Adrantis Nebula subsector 

    That’s everything for now - head over to one of the OOC threads and have fun!
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 05-09-2019 at 04:33 PM.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.


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