Hey Everyone!!
Did you miss me? Of course not! I figure that, as head of the Character Applications, I probably should also keep track of character achievements ^.^
"How?" you ask? Easy!
Similar to how the League is set up to give points to players as they compete in battles, we will also be keeping tabs on what the heroes THEMSELVES are doing.
So, in the words of our marvelous leader Pure...
"If you think we're just keeping track of the players, you are horribly mistaken! Every battle your hero takes part in is also recorded! That includes traded, stolen and burrowed heroes!
Every win, every loss, every achievement and every single fuck up will be added and removed from your ranking.
The Member League is where the players stand out.
The Rankings is where the Heroes stand out.
The actually scoring system will be the secret of the Council, though after a while most of you guys will be able figure it out. (We hope xD)
The rankings will not be meaningless. Depending on the height of a fighter's rankings they may or may not be possible to trade with.
Though it will not affect your league points, do you really want to be the player on top of the league with only one high ranking hero and nothing but low ranking heroes elsewhere? (In other words, use ALL of your heros!)
Remember this is all about the performance of the individual, not the team. You could lose 1-4 on a five on five battle but the one guy who won will still get their full ranking points, while the others...."
Well, the others are dead anyway, so no one cares about them xD
Basically, the heroes that survive rounds, get traded, and go-fight-win! will rise in the ranks and be recognized as a true Hero among Heroes. Do you want to know what it feels like to know that you personally made Spongebob Squarepants the most valuable character in the circuit? Well, here's your chance! Keep an eye on this thread, and may the best characters win