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Thread: [M] Futuropolis 2094 (OOC)

  1. #1
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    Default [M] Futuropolis 2094 (OOC) (Constant Recruitment!)

    Summary of the dystopian adventures in Nova Casqua:

    At Takahashi's noodle shop on Greenflower street, a collection of characters intertwine as they witness the flooding of Paris on a big screen at the other end of the street. The chaos that followed led to the arrest of Khawarij Al'Aziz, the middle-eastern combat medic, and Joseph Richter, a young and relatively innocent drifter by the hands of the oppressive detective Fritz Cellobs.

    Quintus Argentos, a privileged artist, hitches a ride in Auntie Simone's aerocab to his flat a few streets from Greenflower. After some drug-induced chillsession with one of Q's neighbors, Q and Simone get ambushed by an asian bikergang.

    Meanwhile, Avalon Vernier, some tough-ass bikerchick, patrols the Casquan streets on the Babe during the chaos and is eventually cornered at the same police station Kaji and Richter are being held.


    The year is 2094.

    A dying-yet-politically dominant Earth struggles to overcome internal conflict, extreme weather and her ever-growing population. Luna, Earth's moon, infamous for its crater-shaped utopias under the domes, harbours the more priviliged part of humanity. Lunar expeditions to Venus are well underway, and the recently colonized Mars is fractured by old-world influence, corporate interest and union disputes.

    We're citizens (or bypassers, which we all are in the endless urban jungle) of Nova Casqua (frequently referred to as Casq City), one of the last bastions of western idealism in Europe. Mecca is lost under the sand, Lady Liberty has long been bombed by the french, and the economic heart of China has been washed away by the sea. From Gibraltar Isle to the Berliner Peninsula, there's a firm line of partly self-sufficient European megacities. Between the gated megacities is little to be found but savages, nomads, miserable villages and self-proclaimed states rebelling against the regime as part of a forgotten world war that's spanning for decades.

    The city of Nova Casqua (located near old Calais) is dependent on trade with the other megacities along the Atlantic coast. Since the Netherlands, half of Belgium and the city of London have been flooded, Nos Casqua relies on Luxemburg, Paris-nord-et-Versailles and Ruhr am See, but Paris currently has a leak in the undercity. As a result, eight-million refugees flee north, on foot - to Nos Casqua and Luxemburg. Alas, a perceptive city dweller would know the city is already packed and any step for expansion could lead to the collapse of the Casquan undercity. The supply chain between Paris and Nova Casqua has also been cut; often shot out of the sky by militants. As a joint NCI (Nova Casqua Inquiry) and humanitarian aid effort, the crisis must be investigated and relayed back to the highrise. It will begin in the depths of the undercity, where the human trafficking is at its thickest. But ultimately, the investigation would likely extend to beyond the city walls, and it's increasingly hard to find people willing to venture out
    without ulterior motive...

    (Props to Artur Sadlos, #2 of a long list of deviantartists I will be ripping from to portray the neo-urban vibes. Will add personally drawn map and cityscape sometime in future.)

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    I'm working on a map of a dramatically flooded north-western Europe. It's far from finished; if you've got any ideas about migration or geopolitics, now is the time.

    Snatch the keys to that flying Peugeot and let's run through some walls, woo!

    Link to the In-Character thread
    Last edited by Q; 09-03-2018 at 12:36 PM. Reason: Utilizing the OOC as IC sketchbook

  2. #2
    Splat's Avatar
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    CS incoming

    and dreadfully distinct/against the dark a tall white fountain played

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  3. #3
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    Spoiler: who is she 
    Last edited by Splat; 05-14-2018 at 12:28 AM.

    and dreadfully distinct/against the dark a tall white fountain played

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  4. #4
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    The crazed revolutionairy. I love it. Tell me when you're done polishing and I'll post it in the mainpost.
    We're gonna have to play the waiting game till we've got a crew rolling, anyhow.

    She's got a nice ring to her name by the way. I like those futuristic-sounding names. They really add to the authenticity of the fiction, I think.
    Last edited by Q; 04-18-2018 at 06:08 PM.

  5. #5
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    Thanks lol. I’ve had this character for a long time but I haven’t gotten a name until now.

    and dreadfully distinct/against the dark a tall white fountain played

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  6. #6
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Looks like you've got an awesome roleplay started, Kamakiriad Q!! If you would like to advertise for more members, here are some ways to do so!

    First off, there's the Roleplay of the Week. This is displayed on the website's home page as well as on the side bar of the forum. If you think it might help then we implore you to do so! We are always looking for new RP's to advertise. (No, really. We are. Always.) If you would like a little bit more information, or even an example, you can view that here.

    One of the requirements for a RP of the Week submission is that you have a banner. If you're not artistically inclined, however, do not fear! We have several amazing artists on the site who will make one for you. Simply post here.

    Next, you can post in this thread and the staff will display your role-play in their signatures.

    Also feel free to post in the Roleplay Directory. This is a thread that anyone can view at any time to see roleplays that are currently seeking and accepting members.

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    Thank you dearly Scottie, the mooing Maestro. I'll get to work on it momentarily.

    Splat, you got any ideas? I'm just thinking endless skystreet with two billboards on the side.

  8. #8
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    Name: Simone Temple
    Nikname: Auntie Simone
    Age: 46(?)
    Gender: Fem
    Height: 5' 1"
    Race: Mixed
    Area of expertise: Pilot, Survival

    Appearance: This serious woman has deep-set brown eyes that are like two splotches of mud. Her fine, curly, white hair is worn in a simple, businesslike style. She is short with a slender build. Her skin is dark. She has delicate ears.

    Personality: As a child, she was already a pessimist, suspicious of everyone's motives, and incredibly irreverent, but she was dependable and self-sufficient. Following her ordeal of two decades at the prison workcamp, she has developed phobias about men, sex, and snakes.

    Opinion of ruling western regime: Bunch of pious greedy bastards out to steal the last penny from the sinking ship.

    Origins: Grew up as a street kid in the Undercity, parents unknown. "Simone" was spelled out on a dirty alphabet bracelet on her wrist, she has no memory of when she got it or from whom. Cataloged during the XXXX census at the Temple Street Shelter, estimated age of 9. Census taker recorded her DOB as being that day, June 16th, ten years prior.

    The priest who ran the shelter introduced her two years later to retired three-star General Rafael Hammond, who was touring the shelters to find someone to become the face of homeless youths in the Undercity. As it was explained to him, it would only be a matter of time before she was sold to one of the Undercity brothels. He took her in, treating her like a daughter in all but name, even teaching her how to shoot! She travelled extensively with him, explaining life as she knew it in the Undercity and gaining support for charity programs. Over the years, she blossomed into a beautiful young woman - which begat a series of malicious gossip about her and the general.

    Enraged by this, Hammond's nephew, Elias Durand, a Colonel in the Army, began pestering his uncle to "kick the little gutter bitch back to the Undercity." When the Ninth Penninsular War broke out, he arranged for Simone to be drafted - however, her status and General Hammond's influence got her a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant, Army Aviation, and eventually found herself reporting to Colonel Durand. He assigned her to shuttle duty, ferrying troops, supplies and replacements to the front, and taking the wounded back to the rear.

    On her last supply run, her location came under heavy fire as the enemy attempted a heavy push. Managing somehow to get her badly damaged shuttle into the air, despite heavy flak, she put it into a power dive into the headquarters of the enemy's segment, ejecting at the last moment. She punched a hole into the enemy line, but a stray shot caught her in the left knee. Rescued by friendly forces, she hadn't been at the MASH unit for more than twenty minutes when two MPs showed up to arrest her mid-treatment for insubordination and disregarding orders.

    At her Court Martial, Colonel Durand explained that her orders were to avoid contact with the enemy and to assist with the movement of wounded back to the aid stations. How damaging would it be if pilots disregarded orders by crashing their supply shuttles into enemy lines instead of taking care of supplies and wounded? The board sided with Colonel Durand and Simone was summarily drummed out of the Army. As a result, she no longer qualified for follow-up treatment for her knee injury at a Veteran's hospital.

    The war ended a few months later - as it turned out, the enemy's prince, eager for glory, had come up to personally lead the attack and had died when the shuttle crashed into the headquarters tent. Colonel Durand argued that giving a medal to a pilot who'd been cashiered for insubordination would look bad for the Army, so it was quietly forgotten.

    She was quickly hired by Caron Courier service, and worked for them for a year and a half. Hand delivering a package to her boss one night, she was hit from behind. When she woke up, her boss was dead, the package was missing, and the police were arriving. It was later determined her gun was used to kill him, and she was covered with gun powder residue. Simone was convicted and sent to a work camp, where she became an immediate favorite target of the guards. Half her first year was spent in the camp's infirmary.

    A general amnesty was declared twenty years later and Simone found herself back in the city. Fortunately, she had a few connections left that were willing to help her get a job as a pilot with Globus Charters, which runs the older LTI aerotaxi VII and chartered aerobuses. While she does take out the aerobusses, most of her time is spent in the aerotaxis.

    Clothing: Loose black culottes pants with the pant legs wrapped around the calves and tucked into knee-high steel toed boots, scarlet tank top, black utility pocket vest with concealed holster, black jacket-wrap with trumpet sleeves and a Kevlar lining, black infinity scarf, studded leather gloves.

    Most important items: Titanium Shock Cane, carbon fiber knee brace, MiniDek5 SmartWrist (cyberdeck you wear strapped on your forearm, out of date model), AR Glasses (linked to the MiniDek), glass-filled carbon fiber lapel daggers, Swiss Army Multitool, Beretta Px4 Storm Compact 9mm.
    Last edited by Enigma; 04-21-2018 at 03:50 AM.
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  9. #9
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    She sounds as enigmatic as intimidating. Temple street sounds like a haven in the undercity - I really like it. If you want, you can expand on it. I'm not certain what would happen to religion at the end of the 21st century, but it surely wouldn't be absent.

    The conflict you mentioned (9th Peninsular War); it's likely to have taken place north of Berlin, either a conflict with the Danish remnants, a splinter of the German neonazis or Russian conquest (as they've certainly rooted their way into Poland). Take your pick! Here's the map I'm working on; you can use it to get a glimpse of the geopolitical situation.

    It's far from finished. I especially want to improve the aesthetics after we've laid the groundwork. If you know any future towns I've missed or something, I'd be happy to hear it.

  10. #10
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    For a second I was like “oh my god that’s a beautifully drawn map how did you make that??” and then I realized it was literally a map of Northern Europe.

    I should have Avalon finished today. I have another character in the works as well but I’ll hold off on introducing her until I see what other people come up with.

    and dreadfully distinct/against the dark a tall white fountain played

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