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Thread: [M] The Wanderer & The Rogue {IC - Ziekwalt & Kitty}

  1. #1
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Default [M] The Wanderer & The Rogue {IC - Ziekwalt & Kitty}

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    It was just another normal day for Cedric, who had packed up his camp having slept out underneath the stars the night before. He was currently heading for a small town which he had heard rumors of bandits raiding and pillaging the crops and valuables of recently. To top it off their harvest had not been so great that year as it had been so hot and dry not many crops were yielded for them. Cedric hearing such news couldn't leave good enough alone and so he wanted to do what he could to ehpl the town, even if that meant he may need to put himself in danger. Cedric was known for being a skilled swordsman and as such he knew he could handle a group though he wasn't sure how many there were he could scout the area and find the bandits to cut them all down one by one if need be.
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  2. #2
    Member kittydivine's Avatar
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    Narissa sat in a small shack she considered a safe house. She was lucky to get anything after dealing with the local bandits. The shack radiated with heat from the afternoon sun. It wasn't the worse place she'd been stuck in, however she disliked skulking around a small farming town. Everybody knew each other and they were all far too nosy. What caught her attention was one of the residents talking about a warrior coming in to deal with the bandits. This wouldn't end well for her as she knew they'd tell him everything just to save their hides. This meant preparing for her departure earlier than what she had arranged. That was a waste of a coin purse.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

  3. #3
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric made his way to the town and met with the village leader and spoke with him about the bandit attacks. As he did he asked about the number of attackers and any other details that could be provided. Cedric wanted to make sure he had as much information as he needed before going head-long into battle. As such he learned there were very few archers or long range attackers and mostly brutish close range attackers.
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    From her vantage point, Narissa watched the newcomer. He seemed to carry himself with experience, not the greenhorn she was expecting. "Damn," she muttered. It would be a fair assumption that he also had good tracking skills. Even if she were to leave now, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't follow. Perhaps she should hide until he leaves?

    Narissa tapped her fingers and kept on watching the man. From his armor and weapons she'd have to guess he was a knight. But from where? She was a too far to make out any insignias. The real question was whether he was here for just bandits. There had been many knights who chased after the bounty on her head. Hopefully, the good samaritan didn't fancy himself a bounty hunter as well.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

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    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric collecting all the information he could asked the village elder to gather everyone up in the town hall so that it would be easier to protect everyone when the bandits struck again. "I'll keep guard out front and when they come I'll cut them down." Cedric said as he had no mercy for bandits who purposefully harmed innocent people for no good reason.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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    It had been hours as Narissa kept her watch on the warrior. The bandits struck randomly, sometimes at night and sometimes during the day. They would have also heard about the warrior's arrival. They probably spent the day gather more men to outnumber him. It would be interesting to see how he fared against at least a dozen bandits, if not more.

    The shack she had to hide in was set atop a hill overlooking the village. During the winter, it was used to keep meat but now during the summer it held dried herbs and pickled vegetables. That was to say, it stank. Thankfully, the rooftops of the village were hardly used by its people, giving her a way to travel stealthily. The warrior stood by the front gate, as he said he would. Narissa rolled her eyes. Many like him loved to play altruistic do-gooders, though most were just as greedy as she. He'd probably fight off the bandits then demand compensation.

    "Don't know how you can stand in the heat with that armor," she griped, fanning herself. The northern city where she was from rarely ever got this hot. Maybe he'd pass out from heatstroke before the sunset? She chuckled softly. That'd be a sight.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

  7. #7
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric stood guard rest his eyes while standingguard and fought off the random bandit raids sending them off with multiple injuries conserving his strength as he knew they would come in full force with time. "I might be wiser to kill them off fromthe start but if I do then it would waste more energy to move the bodies when the rest come. Instead I'll clean everything up at once." Cedric stated as he stood in front of the city hall. As he did it grew hot even more so with the armor he had on which to counter he cast an ice spell to cool himself off to maintain his condition. After some time the sun would go down and that would be when all the bandits would come after him and he would go all out.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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    The sun was setting, painting the sky with orange and purple hues. Narissa yawned. At one point, she'd left to grab food and came back to see that the warrior hadn't moved. He even used magic. "What a well educated knight. Wonder where he's from." She nibbled one her dry rations of jerky and hardtack. Thankfully she had a wine skin to wash it all down with. The bandits were soon to arrive. Lounging on the roof, Narissa looked out to the road. They might circle and try to attack from the sides. Or they could rush in head-on. It was hard to tell with these ones. Most of them weren't brightest and some even less so.

    Funnily, the warrior hadn't sensed her presence. Not that many could, but someone with magic could detect her if they knew how. Perhaps he was ignoring her, suspecting her to be a looky-loo of sorts? Narissa chewed on her jerky. Well, they'd cross that bridge if they got to it.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

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    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Cedric waited for the bandits to rush him before he lifted his sword and channeled mana into it in order to activate a rune which duplicated his sword. At that point he began to move in a strange manner as if dancing while waiting for the bandits to approach. To an untrained eye one would think Cedric had lost his mind when in truth he was preparing himself to do a dual wielding sword dance which was a rather advanced technique for knights who specialized in dual sword fighting.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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    "Oh my, how thrilling," Narissa said, watching the knight. That was definitely an advanced technique. Far too advanced to be using on country bumpkin bandits. Had he fought in the wars? She took a swig from her wine skin. She could see, from her high vantage point, the gathering of men far in the distance. They wore hoods and cloth masks, brandishing simple weaponry. "Now the real fun begins." Narissa noticed the bandits split into two groups. They were going to try and flank his sides. Good luck with that, she thought. The knight had a little more advantage.
    I have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.

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