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Thread: Miasmic Green Mushroom Circle (Enter At Your Own Risk)

  1. #1
    The Grey Lady
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    Default Miasmic Green Mushroom Circle (Enter At Your Own Risk)

    Part I: Madame H Sets a Task

    The foul scent of the mushrooms must have drawn you in. Or perhaps you were mesmerized, unable to turn away, your feet compelled to move even if your mind begged for them to stop. Now it is too late and there is no going back. In the blink of an eye you have been transported.

    The sensation of falling captures you, you notice your hair catching along the cool air that whips past, perhaps a little too cold. The next thing you feel is your body connecting with a worn wooden floor, a distinct thud as your momentum is suddenly arrested. You have arrived at your destination.

    Standing up, you take a moment to catch your breath. Thankfully you appear not to be seriously injured. But that just leaves one question. Where are you? Looking around there isn’t much light, only the illumination from the moon pouring in through the large glass dome that acts as a ceiling.

    There are shelves all along the walls with endless books all covered in cobwebs. The bindings look ornate, but old. How long have they been here? Some of the windows are broken, some just cracked. A gentle wind blows the white curtains forward and backward.

    Tumbleweeds of dust travel across the floors, in the center of the room - a giant astrolabe built in. How expensive must that have been in it’s time? When was it from? What was it for? Two rounded staircases lead the balcony where more books await. But the chilling thing? The footsteps in the dust that seemingly come from nowhere and lead nowhere.

    The temperature continues to drop, you’re growing colder, shivering. But then you hear a voice.

    “Who are you to disturb my slumber, mmm?” The voice is melodic, almost sweet, but somehow threatening. A spectral figure makes herself known coming rest atop the astrolabe in a more comfortable seated position.

    The ghost of a woman in an elegant dress and Venetian mask, as though she had been going to a party.

    “You’ve found your way to my library. How quaint. The voice grows deeper, somewhat grim. There’s the flash of what would be a smile. The woman shakes her head and raises a hand, her fingers then wagging whilst making a faint ‘tut tut’ sound.

    “The very place where my life met it’s dramatic and glittering end. A fate that we shall have in common unless you can assist me. You see, I’ve grown bored, after so many years, I’ve read all the books here. If you wish to find a way to the next room with your life… you’ll need to appease me.”

    The haunting specter floats upward, and then draws closer to you, circling you like a predator would it’s prey.

    “You owe me a story - tell me a dark tale about the night the lights went out.”

    Cackling, cackling and howling laughter. “And if you tell me a story so good… those doors will unlock” The specter points to a grand set of double doors, heavy, and unlikely to have been opened in ages. “And you’ll progress to the next room, where the next ghost will make a request. There are four of us in total, succeed four times and you’ll be returned from whence you came."

    You feel a hand come to rest on your shoulder and feel a strange presence from behind. "As for me, you may call me Madame H. Your time starts now. Tick tock little one."

    Spoiler: Rules and Other Information 

    Prompt 1: Tell me a dark tale, what happened when the lights went out?

    Prompt 2: You're seated at the dining room table, before you is a silver cloche. You hesitate to place your hand upon it, and after a moment you remove the dome - what is on the plate beneath? It could be a food item, an object, a means of escape, or retaliation. What is it that you see, and what do you do?

    Prompt 3: Who was this woman? What happened to her in life? What happened to her portrait in death?

    Prompt 4 (Final Prompt): You have felt the hatred of the house, but now - tell us what lies beyond that final set of doors? What awaits you on the other side? Freedom or something else? Write in the guest book.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 10-24-2023 at 12:42 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #2
    ArtisticVicu's Avatar
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    Spoiler: Prompt 1 
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  3. #3
    The Grey Lady
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    Basking in the moonlight of the library, the sound of applause rings out. At first Madame H is clapping slowly, and then faster, and ever faster until her hands drop and silence falls over the room. The masked figure approaches with a contented look upon her ghostly face. There was once a great charm there that lingers no longer. Only a tired figure who appears ready to allow you to move on.

    "Well done my lovelies. Well done." The voice of the figure is soft, almost resigned to her fate you as the budding story teller have bested her and completed the assignment with a grace and ease.

    "For those who have passed our first challenge the path is clear to the next room. Go forth and see my face more." Madame H relents and with a snap of her fingers you hear a distant door unlock.

    As you approach the heavy door covered in cob webs, you reach out for the handle but before you can touch it, the doors open before you allowing you free passage into the next room. Stepping forward your adjust to the darkness before catching sight of three massive silver candelabras atop a massive dinning room table set for at least 20. The candles are all aglow and beckon you to come in further.

    Along one side of the room you notice large windows though you cannot see far out of them, nothing past the trees whose branches occasionally brush against the glass. If you had to guess, you would assume there was a storm outside, the wind whips and howls just beyond your grasp.

    "Welcome! Welcome!" Another voice calls from behind, but when you turn back there is nothing, and the doors you have come through are sealed once more.

    A dapper dressed man, clad in a black tuxedo bids you welcome from the head of the table. He rises in his seat, just as ghostly as the figure before. A golden venetian mask this time spread across his face shield many of his features from you as the viewer. "You have kept me waiting for too long. Sit."

    The figure outstretches a hand and one seat draws back from the table long enough for you to sit before being tucked in. "Your fate is in your hands. Tell me a dark tale, and you shall be well fed. Fail to impress and you shall starve, joining us here in purgatory."

    Spoiler: Prompt 2: The Dining Room 
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Spoiler: Prompt 2 
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  5. #5
    The Replicant
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    (Prompt the Third: a Hanne and Az collaboration!)

    With your new writing implements in hand, you enter what can only be described as a drawing room, the kind that existed in the bygone era of stately homes. or remain in the grand palaces of the world today. The walls are papered in a deep red with a striking black floral pattern. The floors are oddly free of dust, a dark red wood. The furniture equally appealing is upholstered in a crimson fabric almost velvety.

    But before you can even take the opportunity to sit, catch your breath, relieved you have made it this far do your eyes catch a fantastic sight at the far end of the room. A blazing hearth, such light and warmth emanate from it, the chills you had felt earlier have finally subsided and for a moment in time you feel safe. Until you notice a massive frame hanging above the mantle. Within is the portrait of a lady, you find her familiar, but you can't quite place her. Her face has been slashed, the fabric of the canvas torn in what seems like a wild rage.

    "Do you like what I've done with the place?"

    You turn to see a gaunt man standing in the middle of the room; dark haired, dark eyed, wearing a faded double-breasted suit, and smiling icily. You didn't hear him enter, and he certainly wasn't standing there when you walked in. As you watch, green light fulgurates across his spare frame and his form appears to flicker from side to side, like a badly-tuned TV image. He grimaces, before turning to an ashtray lying broken in the middle of the floor - he extends a bony hand and another flicker of sickly green light jolts from his hand to the ashtray. It lifts itself up off the ground, welds together at the crack that had split it down the centre, and comes to rest on the coffee table.

    "I've been cleaning up a bit," the man explains, "But I'm trying to decide if this one deserves it."

    He nods towards the portrait. You see flickers of emerald lightning dancing in his eyes as they fix on you.

    "What do you think? What's her story?"

    Spoiler: Prompt 3: The Drawing Room 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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    Spoiler: Prompt 3 
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  7. #7
    The Grey Lady
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    Default Prompt Four - A Way Out

    Having completed your task, the doors to the drawing room fly open and allow you safe passage to one last room beyond. Staring at the doorway you cannot see through, it appears as nothing but a void just waiting for you. Will to allow you through? Or will the darkness consume you? There is only way to find out my dear intrepid explorer. You are called to enter it, you can feel in your very bones the chill of the wintry air, you are almost free...

    Stepping through you alarmed by the fact that nothing seems to have happened. You turn your head back to peer through the door from whence you came and clearly see the drawing room behind. Facing forward you are in a grand entrance hall. The floors are of crisp white marble with grey veining. You can see the entrance just ahead of you. Doors of brilliant white oak that have faded over time until a dull grey, layers of pain slowly but surely chipping away.

    The great chandelier to hangs high above your head in the center of the room has not been illuminated in many years and instead collects dust upon the ironwork and candles whose wax trails remind you of a time when this place would have been full of life. The carpet that leads from the entrance doors and up the tremendous staircase was once red, but is now also dull and threadbare. Small clouds of dust emerging as you step on it.

    There is a small circular table in the center, between the doors and the stairs. A crack vase sits upon it with the remains of a lush bouquet, now all dried and crisp. But getting closer you see a dusty book and a pen. The cover is of red leather with gold lettering that simply reads "Guest Book."

    Opening it you can hear the creak of the spine, you thumb through the dusty pages to read the stories of those who came before you. On the last page, one final challenge is written.

    "Houses... are alive. This is something we know. News from our nerve endings. If we're quiet, if we listen, we can hear houses breath. Sometimes, in the depth of the night, you can even hear them groan. It's as if they were having bad dreams. A good house cradles and comforts, a bad one fills us with instinctive unease. Bad houses hate our warmth and our human-ness. That blind hate of our humanity is what we mean when we use the word 'haunted'."

    Spoiler: Prompt 4 (Final) 
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 10-24-2023 at 12:41 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Spoiler: Prompt 4 
    Last edited by ArtisticVicu; 10-29-2023 at 03:00 AM.
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles


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