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Thread: [M] The New Gods (OOC)

  1. #1
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Default [M] The New Gods (OOC)

    Rated M for possible drug use, alcohol, and maybe a kinky god or two.

    Welcome, to the New Olympus! What? What do you mean- SHUT UP CARL, NO ONE ASKED YOU! NO, WE CAN'T CALL IT JUST REGULAR OLYMPUS! We gotta point out that the old gods have died. No, we can't just gloss over that! Anywho, Welcome, to the new Olympus. Or Valhalla. Or Heaven. Whatever. The newest set of gods live here.

    Like We said, this is where the gods live. The old gods have died, but they were boring anyway. No one cares about your hammer, Thor. Fuck off with your pitchfork, Posiedon. Well, we're the new gods. It's our job to govern reality and all that shit. Eh, what can you do? We're here to watch y'all like reality television, and intervene sometimes. Also, we get to create new myths! Like the old ones, but newer and better! I'm working on one right now, called "How far can we get Donald Trump before he is inevitably killed?"

    1. No god-mod- actually, god-mod all you want. It's the gods.
    2. No Mary/Gary/Nonbinary Sues. Fuck off with your perfect god.
    3. Don't be a dick. Gods can be dicks, you can't.
    4. No carbon-copy gods. Shake it up a little. You can't have Thur, god of lightning, with a magic baseball bat. No. Make different gods. Oh, and
    5. Make the gods' personalities reflect their domain. They are literally the metaphysical manifestation of that thing, so... also, duality gods are fucking great. Except Carl.

    God Skeleton:
    Gender (subject to change):
    Regular Appearance:
    People/things/places they Patron:
    Demigod children they have (Optional):
    On a scale of One to Zeus, how much of a shape-shifting kink party god are they:

    And That's that! Oh, wait, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Anera, goddess of Bad-Assery and Bread. I'm kind of a big deal around here *cough cough* Queen of the gods *cough cough*. I look forward to seeing you around. Gods just kinda... pop into being around here, so new arrivals are never a problem. We are ALWAYS accepting new gods and goddesses!
    Currently, we have Me and Carl! Carl's a bastard, though, so he doesn't count. Here's a list of the gods we need.
    -Literally anything
    When new gods appear, I'll set up a list of them.

    Hey, a List appeared! Great!
    Spoiler: The Gods 
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 03-18-2019 at 12:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    I'm definitely signing up once I get my laptop back.
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  3. #3
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Let me know if it should be goofier I promise that he has a few interesting quirks.

    Name: Artis Resignatis Sciens Arcuatum Servatione or Arsas for short
    Gender (subject to change): Male
    Regular Appearance: Normally wears a bright black suit and pants. Yea figure out bright and dark. His skin color normally shifts from bright blue to dark blue depending on mood. He has slightly longer than shoulder length white hair. Unadorned though otherwise except for a pocket watch.
    Domain: Secrets, Security, and Poetry
    Symbols: A snake hold a quil, a lock with a pen in it, or three eyeballs in a triangle formation.
    People/things/places they Patron: Libraries, Vaults or safes, and hipster cafés
    Demigod children they have (Optional): None as of yet
    On a scale of One to Zeus, how much of a shape-shifting kink party god are they: a one sadly
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  5. #5
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Nice! Accepted.

  6. #6
    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    Name: Gallia
    Gender (subject to change): Female

    Regular Appearance: Her hair is her pride and joy and she will be sure to let you know to NOT TOUCH HER HAIR!! It's a very pretty mint green color that stops at the backs of her knees and "waves just like the ocean" as she so eloquently puts it. She reaches to about 8'5" and her skin is a dusky brown and covered in freckles. She can normally be seen wearing the latest earth fashion, but on rare occasions she's been spotted in track suits when she's having artists' block.

    Domain: Fashion, the arts, and surprisingly fruit?
    Symbols: A makeup brush covered in paint
    People/things/places they patron: Fashion week/Fashion designers/Wineries/Orchards/People with no fashion sense

    Demigod children they have: Twin boys Atlas (25) and Ezio (25 (3 minutes younger)) and one girl Aislin (16). Aislin is the youngest of the three and a sports junkie, she hates dresses, but likes a nice skirt or fancy pants. Atlas and Ezio however have followed in their mothers' footsteps in fashion and will only wear what's in season and if they don't like what's in season they'll make their own clothes. They're freakishly protective of their younger sister, so much so even their mother thinks they are sis-cons. Needless to say Gallia is very worried about her daughter sometimes. She can only assume they got that protective nature from their father. He was an absolute pain when they were born, going so far as to baby proof the pillows....anyways that's a story for another time.

    On a scale of one to Zeus, how much of a shape shifting kink party god are they: She was an 8, but after her kids she toned it down to 5.
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  7. #7
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Cool. Accepted! One more god, and I'll prop up an IC.

  8. #8
    The Invisible One
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    Hey SaltyIrishman, interesting RP you've got here. If you'd like to advertise it, please allow me to show you some ways to do so.

    First things first, you should check out Roleplay Of The Week, which you'll be able to see advertised on the forum sidebar, and on the sites home page. If you go through and submit your RP for Roleplay of the Week, and it gets chosen, it will show up on the site, allowing people to see your awesome RP!

    If you do decide to submit your RP for Roleplay of the Week, you'll need a Banner for your submission. If you're unable to make one yourself, head on over to the Banner Shop and one of our awesome artists will help you out!

    If you don't want to make a submission for Roleplay of the Week, post in the Roleplaying Games Directory and people will be able to find your RP there!

    Finally, if you post here, members of staff will put a link to your RP in their signature to help people see it.

    Good Luck and have fun!

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    Now all we need is Axel over here and we will have evolved from dragons to Gods.

    Also I really love your character Luminous. Such a cool design and I really can't wait to see how the characters with us.

    All we need is a really touchy character lol

    Also i am debating edited it to have one demi-god so we have a secondary set of characters to interact with one another.

    What do you think Salty?
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  10. #10
    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    Yeah then the gang will be together, but then we are still missing Lady...

    Thanks Kor :3. I thought I'd go for a more motherly character. This RP is going to be fun, I really can't wait!
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