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Thread: Aurora Dreams: A Firefly Story [M]

  1. #1
    Domina Noctis
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    Default Aurora Dreams: A Firefly Story [M]

    Aurora Dreams: A Firefly Story

    I’ve been wanting to do a Firefly game for a while, I tried to start this game once before and it never really took off so I thought what the heck let’s try again. Ushima and I will be running it as the GMs but I enjoy player interaction so if you have a plot idea please let us know and we may run with it. We are thinking of running the game from mission to mission kinda like the show did with the episodes so we will start out with our first mission below.

    The Unification War ended eight months ago and everyone that was a part of the war now has to move on with their lives. Some people dropped everything and took up arms to fight for what they believed was right whether they were a Purple Belly or a Browncoat. Others helped indirectly and some avoided the war entirely. Regardless of what you did during the war everything changed with Unification.

    Our story is going to follow the crew of the Aurora, a Komodo Class ship. The Aurora is known for being a ship that will take almost any sort of job, from transports to heists. Currently the ship is docked on Persephone at the Eavesdown Docks taking on new passengers and a new job. While docked on Persephone the Captain through his connections with the career criminal Badger has come across the information about a corporation building weapons for the Alliance. Rumor has it that Rhycom Industries has been working on a new weapon that will be able to quiet the unrest in the outer rims. Somehow Badger has managed to get his hands on several access badges to the station and a set of blueprints of the station. How Badger came in possession of the badges and plans he isn’t telling. Though he has sold them to the Aurora for a pretty price, Badger has even agreed to put them in connection with a mystery buyer who will only be revealed after the job.

    The weapons system is actually a satellite guidance system that will allow the Alliance to position weapons in orbit around outer rim planets. With the Artemis system the weapons will be controlled remotely by the Alliance and could target anything from a specific person or a whole city. It would allow them to remove a problem individually or wipe out an entire city. Either way it is bad news for the people of the outer rim. The satellite itself if far too large to steal, however the control module with all the programming is a round orb about ten inches in diameter.

    Spoiler: The Aurora 

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Available Roles:

    Captain: Michael King (Ushima)
    First Mate: Cori Sutton (AngelDellaNotte)
    Pilot: Michelangelo Cardones (Dnafein)
    Mechanic: Jun Kae (Heson Shadowbane)
    Medic: Anika Mehren (Griff)
    Gun for hire: Fluke (Q)
    Gun for hire: Reserved for J'von
    Companion:Mei/Zhao Feiyan (Lleona)
    Passenger: Qillaero Skiphning (Q)
    Passenger: Francis “Frankie”or “Frank” Astair (Nope)

    We may accept unlisted roles but they must be approved by one of the GMs. As for how long you have been on the ship that is up to you but keep in mind it has only really been running since the end of the war at least under this captain.

    1. All the standard RPA rules apply to this game.
    2. We want to keep this semi-realistic so no god modding.
    3. Player interaction is encourages so co-ops are more than welcome.
    4. While player interaction is something we want if you have any drastic plot lines you want to do please run them by the GMs first.
    5. Overall we want to have fun.
    Last edited by AngelDellaNotte; 11-16-2018 at 01:35 AM.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  2. #2
    Domina Noctis
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    Name: Cori Sutton aka Cordelia Sexton

    Age / Birthdate: 27 / May 21st, 2484

    Ethnicity: English / Hispanic

    Gender: Female

    Spoiler: Appearance: 

    Homeworld / Place of birth: New Cardiff, Londinium

    Religion: Buddhism, not a practicing Buddhist and believes her karma is beyond redemption.

    Weapons: Pair of Colt Peacemakers and a Winchester rifle.

    Special Qualities: She is an excellent marksman and well trained in hand to hand combat. Despite her injuries she is still able to hold her own in a fist fight. Something that happens quite often when they are in port or on world.

    Role: First Mate, weapons specialist

    Opinion on Unification: Opposed, fought with the Independents.

    History: Cordelia was born on Londinium to Hugo and Victoria Sexton growing up in a life of privilege. Her father is an Alliance General and her mother is member of Parliament. When the war broke out her older brother Conrad followed in the path of their father and took a commission with the Alliance. Cordelia was mostly known for being a socialite, living life as one large party. Cordelia did whatever she wanted to despite how it looked or reflected those around her. As a teenager she was thrown out of several boarding schools due to her behavior, much to her parents disapproval. After somehow remaining to stay in a school long enough to graduate Cordelia made no moves to go to secondary school or join a profession, she merely worked the party circuit on Londinium. Her mother urged her to grow up as she was starting to be an embarrassment to the family. It was her father's idea to grant her a commission, thinking military life would straighten her out but that was exactly what it took to push her completely away. The night she was due to ship off to the academy she booked passage on a freighter ship to the Outer Rim enlisting instead in the Independent Army under the name Cori Sutton.

    When she first joined she did it merely to irritate her parents but the more time she spent with the Brown Coats she began to realize the differences between the Core and the Outer Rims. She completely dedicated herself to the cause and learned that she was a natural with guns and fighting. Towards the end of the war she had rose to the rank of corporal. During the Battle of Du-Khang she got separated from her unit and stumbled across an Alliance officer who had also been separated from his unit. When she confronted the officer she realized it was her brother Conrad. The two of them stood in a stalemate, guns drawn at each other both trying to explain to the other why they were on the wrong side. Cori will never know if she got through to her brother as a sniper bullet took him out right before her. Shocked from seeing her brother killed mere feet from her, she staggered back stepping on a mine. Luckily for her the mine was defective and the blast smaller than intended, as a result she was wounded.

    She woke up a several weeks later in an Independent hospital camp with damage to her spine causing her loss of use in her right leg. A field medic came up with the idea for a hydraulic brace and managed to convince one of the mechanics to make her one out of scrap parts. With it she was able to walk again but is almost always in pain. The loss of her brother combined with constant pain from her injury led Cori to drinking, she soon became addicted to alcohol and pain medications. Due to her experiences in the war Cori has developed PTSD and, is prone to lashing out at people, experiencing flashback and nightmares.

    At the end of the war she moved from freelance job to job usually getting fired due to her bad attitude or the fights she had become known for picking. She bounced between being a hired gun on different ships and spending time in local jails in the rim usually after being arrested for causing trouble. Until three months ago when she ran across a person from her past who eventually convinced her to join his crew. As far as Cori is concerned Cordelia Sexton is dead and only Cori remains.

    Spoiler: Relationships: 

    Spoiler: Theme Song 

    Last edited by AngelDellaNotte; 11-16-2018 at 01:42 AM.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  3. #3
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    I can dig my pilot out for this if you want.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  4. #4
    Domina Noctis
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    Feel free to, the more the merrier.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  5. #5
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    I'm in as well. Time to dust off that browncoat.

    I'll be using my character from Tradehard, since that's probably not going anywhere. Which sucks, but we can't do much about that. Poor Holey. All that excitement.

    Will post CS soon, if accepted!

  6. #6
    Better Then Expected
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    Captain’s Sheet

    Name: Michael King

    Age / Birthdate: 28/August 1st 2483

    Ethnicity: American

    Gender: Male


    Spoiler: Michael King 

    Michael stands at about 5’9” and weighs 170lbs. His hair is short and dark black with a hint of early onset gray on the sides, from stress. Michael’s eyes are a dark green. Clothing wise he is very basic. Cargo pants and boots, a sleeveless shirt usually but he has an assortment of shirts and hoodies, a bandolier full of ammor, fingerless gloves. Hand cannon holstered on his right thigh. Several other pouches can be found on his person at any given time, he likes pouches, very useful. When off the ship he likes to wear a hooded poncho, to conceal his weapons..

    Physically Michael is very fit, training in the military giving him a well toned form. His body sports several tattoos. His family crest, a lion with a crown and a shield, on his left chest. The Alliance emblem on his right shoulder, which now has a not at all straight line tattooed through it, his own doing. On the back of his neck, near his shoulder blades, is a barcode from his time undergoing experiments as a reader. Numerous scars litter his skin from combat, most notably a thick, jagged line down his chest, from his right breast to his left hip, and a few bullet holes here and there in his side and leg, one in his back.

    Spoiler: Tattoos 

    Homeworld / Place of birth: Ariel/Ariel City

    Religion: Atheist. A man of science, logic and reasoning.

    Weapons: A large caliber hand cannon and a compact shotgun. Michael also likes to train with a two handed sword, recreationally, it can also be seen in his hands as he makes rounds on his ship. Never used in combat but he hopes to someday. His time in the military also gave him a decent understanding of other weapons and a makes him versatile in his roles for jobs, but the hand cannon and shotgun are usually his go to and often on his person.

    Spoiler: Weapons 

    Special Qualities: Michael is a good leader, he’s charismatic and has a personality that just draws people in. He also has minimal telekinesis, able to move objects the size of a footlocker or smaller. Also he sometimes gets a sixth sense when something is about to happen.

    Role: Captain

    Opinion on Unification: Since being tossed aside by the Alliance and sent to his death he questions his efforts if it was worth it to work for a government who saw him expendable. He sees the benefit of being united but no longer cares for the ruling body and doesn’t care if he hurts it in his dealings.

    History: The King family has a long line of military tradition. Their family producing great soldiers and leaders. Michael King was no exception. As a young boy he was diligent and studied hard throughout school. With high marks he was enrolled in a prestigious military academy. He was the pride and joy of their family. Ambitious, strong, charismatic. By the time he finished at the academy his mother had numerous suitors lined up for him. But he brushed that aside as he was about to start his military career.

    Because of his family he was fast tracked, earning several promotions, all of which he felt he didn’t truly earn but took them nonetheless to appease his mother and father. Michael was not one to sit idly by and was often in the thick of things thus earning the respect of those under his command. He went out and bled with them instead of sitting back and barking orders. One time after he had been shot in the leg he managed to tap into his telekinesis ability, throwing up small amounts of debris and spent shell casings around him. Immediately after the battle he was shipped back to Ariel City to undergo experiments. Every day he would be hooked up to different machines, being poked and prodded. He was able to control his power but could only lift smaller object, the size of a small crate or footlocker. Command was disappointed they couldn’t get him to harness his powers further.

    They sent him on a mission soon after. Michael was tasked with leading a small squad to destroy a small outpost landing zone the Browncoats were using to ship supplies. Only it hadn’t just been a small outpost but a rather large one and they were outmanned and outgunned four to one. It wasn’t like command to give him bad intel, it was always accurate. When all hell broke loose Michael had realized he had been sent to his death, tossed aside and abandoned, he didn’t suit the Alliance’s needs anymore. He fought hard, the hardest he’s ever fought before. A Browncoat wielding a shirt blade cut him badly across the chest. Michael blacked out after that, the pain was intense. As his vision faded rage courses through him.

    When Michael returned to consciousness everything was torn apart, tossed around and several things were in fire. Bodies, both Alliance and Independents, lay dead around him. He also was staring down the barrel of several Browncoat rifles. As a POW they treated his wounds and kept him off the grid. Once the Alliance won the war he was released, but he was done with them. Michael bounced around the frontier, making all kinds of friends and enemies. Winning a ship in a card game sent him on a new path of self made riches, taking on a crew and any job they came their way.

    Spoiler: Relationships 

    Spoiler: Theme Song 
    Last edited by Ushima; 11-16-2018 at 07:56 AM.

  7. #7
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Spoiler: Michelangelo Cardones 
    Last edited by Dnafein; 11-13-2018 at 08:51 PM.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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    Domina Noctis
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    Dnafein it looks good but can you add the new parts of the characters sheet?

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  9. #9
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    All right its up.... Mostly.

    The relationship area has filler to be worked out with the character owner.
    Last edited by Dnafein; 11-03-2018 at 04:39 AM.
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    Looks like you've got an awesome roleplay started, AngelDellaNotte! If you would like to advertise for more members, here are some ways to do so!

    First off, there's the Roleplay of the Week. This is displayed on the website's home page as well as on the side bar of the forum. If you think it might help then we implore you to do so! We are always looking for new RP's to advertise. (No, really. We are. Always.) If you would like a little bit more information, or even an example, you can view that here.

    One of the requirements for a RP of the Week submission is that you have a banner. If you're not artistically inclined, however, do not fear! We have several amazing artists on the site who will make one for you. Simply post here.

    Next, you can post in this thread and the staff will display your role-play in their signatures.

    Also feel free to post in the Roleplay Directory. This is a thread that anyone can view at any time to see roleplays that are currently seeking and accepting members.

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