Friday, May 13. 3:45PM New Peaks Time
New Peaks' top dog, Shotaro Yanmei, was fresh out of his last class of the day. World History, taught by the esteemed Anna Jacobson. He always hated her super-serious attitude, but she knew her stuff. Not many people could make the less-extravagant bits of the Golden Age of Piracy out to be interesting, but Anna had explained things in such a way that Shotaro was enthralled with researching the history of the East India Company. He was doing just that on his new tablet when he walked over a blanket that someone had laid out in Calinda Park. Well, another of New Peaks' top fighters didn't appreciate Shotaro's rudeness and decided to speak up.
"Well hello to you too, Mister Yanmei. Do you mind? I was spending some time with Boris and you just walked through here like you own the place. Could you at least apologize to him? I think that's the least you could do." Sasha Nowak, one of the strongest Seniors on campus after Shotaro, a member of the Janissaries faction... and the girl who had accidentally paralyzed Boris during the Holiday Tournament. Few aside from her could make demands of Shotaro and actually back them up. She stood her ground and stared down the S1-Ranked Texan, unsure if he'd react harshly or if he would do as she asked.
Not in the mood to scrap at the moment, nor having the desire to further stress a student who had been through as much as Boris... Shotaro put his tablet into the pocket of his cargo pants and turned to face Sasha. "Yeah, my bad. Got exams and the tournament on my mind and shit like that. Didn't mean to interrupt." While it was not his typical reaction, he really didn't want to deal with all the bullshit that would come from fighting around Boris. So with his apology delivered, Shotaro headed back toward Imperius Hall to finish studying.
THAT was put on hold when Elias Palamara rolled backward over one of the couches and walked over with a sour look on his face. "Here's the dirt you wanted on Siu. You're not gonna like it, but here it is all the same." ... well, that was never good. Especially when combined with the fact that Elias left immediately after handing the flash drive to Shotaro. What exactly did he find that put him in such a terrible mood? Normally Shotaro would stop him and ask, but Elias wasn't someone to cross lightly... considering his ability to dig up nearly anything on anyone in school.
Well, this day was shaping up nicely. Suddenly devoid of motivation to study, Shotaro plopped himself down on a chair near the boxing ring Imperius Gloria kept inside their building and watched a pair of students spar. Maybe watching them wail on each other would elevate his mood a bit.
Across campus, at Pho-getaboutit (a Pho restaurant owned by a stereotypical fat guy from New York City), Vincento Sarconni was also just out of class. He'd just finished his pre-algebra class and sent a text out to a few different people to see if they wanted to spar. Only a couple had answered back that they could meet up with him, as most people were busy preparing for exams and whatnot. Of course, the exams were on Vince's mind... but he was more focused on the tournament than the written tests.
Also in attendance at Pho-getaboutit was Kensley Hagebak. The Danish Hwarangdo fighter was still nursing his wounds after he picked a fight with a sophomore, and had just snapped at another student who mentioned the loss. Vincento wasn't worried about him, as the two were leagues apart in regard to skill... but the boy's demeanor made remaining in the restaurant rather unpleasant. As such, Vincento decided to head over to the Student Recreation Center. While en route, Vince sent a text to the people still interested in meeting up. "Heading over to the rec center. Was getting too noisy at Pho-getaboutit. If you're still down for a spar or hanging out, meet me there. Ciao."
All across campus, students and staff alike were preparing for the upcoming exams and tournament. Tensions were high all around, and it was only going to get crazier as the tournament approached.
Just another day at...