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Thread: [M] The New Champions (OOC)

  1. #1
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Default [M] The New Champions (OOC)

    Last year, a monstrous supervillain who called himself Ares brutally slaughtered the Champions. Next he butchered the most powerful of supervillains, demolished the non-super retaliation, and bent Gatlin City to his will. By the time anyone realized what was happening, it was too late. However, in secret, a band of heroes, villains, and civilians came together to destroy this threat to their way of life. Together, they defeated Ares. But not without a heavy cost. The resistance were killed in the process. Thousands of civilians were dead. Gatlin City was a crater.

    But over time, the remaining supers banded together to fix their beloved city. Earth and stone were moved to fill the crater, construction was completed at a record pace. People moved back into the city. To commemorate this period of turmoil, the city was officially renamed New Gatlin City. It was the most modern city in the world, with cutting edge technology at every corner. With the Champions gone, however, the remaining supervillains began to plot their own schemes, while older heroes sought to rise to the level of the Champions. New supers are being created all the time, but it’s a coin toss to see which side they’re on: hero, or villain?


    Spoiler: New Gatlin City 

    Spoiler: The Protectors 

    Spoiler: The Vault 

    Spoiler: Supers 

    Spoiler: Character Skeleton 

    Spoiler: The New Champions 
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 11-02-2021 at 02:16 AM.
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  2. #2
    Star of the Dawn
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    Can I call dibs on the leader of the Protectors for now? I may claim a Super as well, but haven’t quite decided yet on the details.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  3. #3
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Sure, although the Protectors usually don’t work too closely with superheroes, more like alongside. The Protectors have their way of doing things, supers have theirs. If you aren’t dead-set on the leader, however, maybe your character can be assigned to work with a group of supers as a way of bridging the gap between Protectors and vigilantes. If that’s not your style, then the leader will also work just as well.
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  4. #4
    Star of the Dawn
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    Hmm, both of those sound really interesting! I’m not too dead set on the leader per se, but acting as a bridge between the two sides fits my character concept perfectly, so Methinks I’ll go with something like that.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  5. #5
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Great, looking forward to seeing your character.
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  6. #6
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Just a quick post to show I am still alive and interested in this subject! I have also sent a message to begin working on a few submissions!

  7. #7
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Civilian Name: Orion
    Superhero Name: Orion/Vega
    Personality: The twins have two minds about everything.
    Age: twenties
    Appearance: Orion/Vega
    Superhero Costume: Arcane Relics
    Primary Power: Arcane Magic (innate power to harness and manipulate mystical energy enhanced by draconic pact beyond typical human limits.)
    Secondary Power: Draconic Body (Invulnerable to small scale physical harm, Super Strength measured to unknown limits due to magic interference, Wing dependent flying mobility.)
    Tertiary Power: Dual-minded (Resistant to mental intrusion or manipulation and powers that target the mind.)
    Weakness(es): Divine and Magic vulnerability (unable to resist mystical or outer planes energies such as those channeled by angels/demons/mages.), Emotional/Instinctive manipulation (Easily loses control of higher mental faculties and self control when provoked on a primal level.)

    Origin Story:
    Like a living fairy tale, a young Irish boy named Orion living on an island off the English coast found a dormant dragon egg buried in ruins. The last dragon egg on Earth bound to him and the immortal dragon spirit within made a pact with the child. He would gain its mastery over magic, and in return it would possess his body when he died. Orion found that while wielding the egg on his person, it could grant him the mythical power of dragons. His family soon grew concerned that he might need protecting, and they might need protecting from him. A little boy who could spout fire accidentally was a major risk to the house after all. They sent him to the United States of America where the government was paying to transfer gifted youths. There Orion moved into the Horizon city transfer student school.

    They ultimately uncovered a cult of demon worshipers devoted to Deaborah, Archdemon of deception. The demon sought to possess the limitless power of the dragon, and the cult manipulated Orion and Asca into turning on each other in a ritual of heartbreak. When she scarred his face, the dragon and human merged into one. Orion is forever merged with Vega, the name of the dragon spirit. The twin identities share one monstrous and powerful form now that cannot be reverted. In the years that followed, the team was reunited and came to work in the floating city of Sanctum far above rebuilt Horizon city. The twins now live with Asca and work as Peacekeepers in the department of magic. While the twins try to find a place in the world, they work together now to make the best of this strange life for their loved ones and all those that they protect. Discovering that similar events have unfolded in New Gatlin city, the twins have taken flight from their rebuilding territory to investigate possible threats emerging in the world.

    Superhero Name: Ascashi
    Personality: Liberated, Optimistic, Passionate.
    Age: twenties
    Appearance: Ascashi
    Superhero Costume: Customized Kunoichi armor
    Primary Power: Chi Manifestation (life vitality energy, takes the form of shapes to fulfill tangible purposes such as blades for combat and wings for travel.)
    Secondary Power: Ninjitsu mastery (Life long training in ninjitsu martial arts and techniques.)
    Tertiary Power: Shadow magic (conjuring and control of darkness and negative energy.)
    Weakness(es): Blind devotion (Knowingly makes choices to protect and support loved ones regardless of consequences.), Emotional manipulation (Judgement and powers dramatically change as mood changes.)

    Origin Story:
    The Kuroicho clan is a mystical faction of kunoichi that protects its island home from the shadows. One of their newest generations birthed Ascashi, who could harness the Chi in her soul like no other. Something about her personally and bright colorful nature always undermined any attempts to behave with the level of ruthlessness and secrecy that her siblings had. This also spurred many rivalries with her older sister who was an ideal kunoichi. Thus Asca was sent to the United Stated of America to protect her from endangering or being endangered by the clan. The government was paying to recruit gifted youths to the transfer school in Horizon city.

    They ultimately uncovered a cult of demon worshipers devoted to Deaborah, Archdemon of deception. The demon sought to possess the limitless power of the dragon, and the cult manipulated Orion and Asca into turning on each other in a ritual of heartbreak. When she scarred his face, the dragon and human merged into one. In the years that followed, Asca made amends with the twins and founded her own dojo in Sanctum city far above rebuilt Horizon city. Asca continues to seek out a way make peace with the past, not just her own with her friends, but with her family back home across the seas. Hearing news of similar tragedy befalling other places such as New Gatlin city, Asca travels to help prevent what happened in her home from happening elsewhere.

  8. #8
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    I like the characters, but they need a couple small things to be fixed:

    - Please change Horizon/Sanctum City to New Gatlin City
    - Please add a bit more detail about the powers your characters possess
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  9. #9
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yggdrasil_Hugger View Post
    I like the characters, but they need a couple small things to be fixed:

    - Please change Horizon/Sanctum City to New Gatlin City
    - Please add a bit more detail about the powers your characters possess
    Alrighty, done! I try to keep things concise and reveal nitty gritty through interaction, but if these changes help anything I am happy to add more embellishment. As a point of clarification, Horizon city is where they grew up from kids into adults, not where they are currently for the RP. Apologies if that was made unclear by condensing down the paragraphs of story.

  10. #10
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Alright, then if you don’t mind add a bit explaining how and when they came to New Gatlin City, as the way it reads now makes it seem like they’ve set up shop in an entirely different place. Once that’s done, they’ll be accepted.
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