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Thread: Galactic Empires {OOC&Sign Ups} {M}

  1. #1
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Default Galactic Empires {OOC&Sign Ups} {M}

    RP is Rated M for Mature of Excessive Language, Foul Language, Blood Gore.
    GM: dakkagor

    Thank dakkagor for the story setting.

    For over a hundred years, relative peace has reigned in the Galaxy. The five core powers, the peaceful mercantile Kel'cyre, the expansionist clannish Charabidian Enclaves, The Terran Federation, the mysterious Sentinax and the war hungry Lyran Empire have held each other in check with a careful balance of trade, diplomacy and limited warfare. With sword and pen, the five great powers have ushered in an era of peace and prosperity.

    This delicate balance was shattered when an alien craft ploughed into the homeworld of the Kel'cyre. Examination of the wreckage revealed that the race that had built the craft was incalculably ancient and powerful. The ship itself was a treasure trove of artefacts from alien civilisations many of the Five powers had never encountered, as well as items from their own histories and well preserved biological specimens. The unknown aliens, all now long dead, where nicknamed the 'Collectors', and the crash sparked a fresh series of arguments in the halls of the Galactic Concert, the diplomatic body responsible for resolving crisis between the various powers. Not only was the crashed ship a treasure trove of information, but its alien computers pointed to the homeworld of the mysterious race, where further secrets could yet be uncovered. For weeks the arguments raged, with threats of sanctions, raids and even open war being bandied about. Meanwhile, Xeno Archaeologists had lifted the wreck back into orbit for examination in a shipyard. Finally, a solution was suggested that passed on a four to one majority in the Concert. The Five Core Powers, with volunteers from the minor races, would form an escort fleet for the restored hulk and follow its navigational computers back to its homeworld to find answers about the Collectors. Only the Lyrans voted against the plan, and they withdrew from the Concert in disgust.

    As the fleet was gathering, the Lyrans struck. A massive battlegroup stormed the Kel'cyre system, boarded the Collector Ship, and absconded with it. At the same time, they launched a wide scale invasion of their two neighbouring powers, the Charabidians and the Terrans. It seemed they hoped to find advanced weapons they could use to conquer the galaxy, or at least force concessions from the other powers that would see them ascendant.

    The Concert was stunned. Every diplomatic solution had failed, and open war had engulfed the galaxy. Invoking emergency powers, the fleet that was meant to escort the stolen ship was now tasked to recapture it from the Lyrans using any means necessary.

    That’s where you come in, Captain.

    The Five Core Powers

    Arranged in a rough 'pie' shape around the core of the Galaxy, each Core Powers territory is best thought of as net spread across the stars, often with significant overlap. Each Core Power has over two hundred 'garden' worlds (worlds which are habitable to organic life) in its territory, and often many thousands of outposts, stations and habitats. Each Core Power has a population of roughly a trillion sophonts (with the lowest being the Kel'cyre at half a trillion, and the largest being the Sentinax at more than six trillion). With vast economic power, these nations can deploy large, powerful battlefleets, supporting capable ground armies capable of defending and attacking the most hostile worlds.

    Spoiler: The Kel'cyre 

    Spoiler: Charabidian Enclaves 

    Spoiler: The Sentinax Server Worlds 

    Spoiler: Terran Federation 

    Spoiler: Lyran Empire 

    Spoiler: Space Combat 101 

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Each Empire will represent 1 Dreadnought, but please try to make a fleet as well. If you can't handle operating 20 ships, please know your limit.

    Spoiler: Ship Sheet Detail 

    RP Rules:

    1. Please follow the RPA Rules setting as usual.

    2. No God Modding. If you created a ship with certain possession, it would be best to leave it as it is. If you say you have stealth equipment on board during the IC, and if it is was not added to the Ship Detail Sheet, it will not fly.

    3. Communicate with other RP Players, make co-posts, become social, none of that lone wolf nonsense.

    4. When creating a ship weapons detail, please try not to over power.

    5. RP is Rated M for Mature. So expect blood gore, horrifying moments, naked ladies...or men, whatever fancy's your taste.

    6. Respect your fellow RP Players, no stabbing in the back or killing another character. That is very rude.

    21.000. Have fun.


    Jevan's Ships and Characters

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    Dead Empty's Ships and Characters

    MikeZZZ Ships and Characters

    dakkagor Ships and Characters

    Fox Xalian Ships and Characters

    Death of Korzan Ships and Characters

    LiveVoltage Ships and Characters
    Last edited by MidKnight; 09-22-2017 at 09:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Domina Noctis
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    Would it be probable to play a Lyran defector? Someone that for her own reasons goes against the warmaster and aids the concert. I'm thinking she possibly will be a half breed, half Lyran / half something else.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  3. #3
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Wow this looks great!

    Spoiler: roleplay resources 

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  4. #4
    The Last Remembrancer
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngelDellaNotte View Post
    Would it be probable to play a Lyran defector? Someone that for her own reasons goes against the warmaster and aids the concert. I'm thinking she possibly will be a half breed, half Lyran / half something else.
    I'd say so! That would be an interesting character for sure, though she would probably have a Terran parent (so biologically full human) because the anatomical and genetic differences between humans and aliens are too great to allow hybrids.

  5. #5
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    A defector eh? Okay, that could give the fleet an edge of the Lyrans defensive capabilities, the number of their ships in their fleet. And I agree about the biological chemistry. The bloodlines of every species is always different. So, gotta be careful. We don't want any hunchbacks of Notre Dames here.


    Spoiler: Taionna Yinlynn 

    Spoiler: Rhaegos "Verath" Rinnenth 

    Spoiler: Tharos 


    Spoiler: Dawn of Light 

    Carriers X 2

    Spoiler: Ruby Leaf 

    Spoiler: Trajeon 

    Battle Ships X 4 Shajor, Zinrieth, Thekas, Aravalur.

    Spoiler: Battleships 

    Battle Cruiser x 4 Naeven, Bifina, Zylneiros, Enxisys.

    Spoiler: Battlecruisers 

    Spoiler: Draconian Battleship 
    Last edited by MidKnight; 09-29-2017 at 03:49 AM.

  6. #6
    Domina Noctis
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    Spoiler: Character Appearance:  
    Name: Quentin Sinclair-Clarke (drops the Clarke in most situations but legally has her stepfather's name attached to her family name)
    Age: 36
    Species: Human, Lyran (mother / stepfather) - Terran (father)
    Homeworld: Lyre
    Faction: Lyran / Independent
    Rank Position: Lt. Colonel
    Occupation: Chief Strategic Officer of Sintaris Industries
    Skills: Quentin attended an elite boarding school as a youth that was sort of a cross between a military academy and a prep school. Where she studied military theory, ground combat and fleet operations as well as board room procedures, managing a company and negotiations. She spent fourteen years in an elite special forces Marine unit. She is an excellent marksman and excels in hand to hand combat, specializing in ground combat and haul breach invasions.
    Background: Her mother Sonia Sinclair, in her younger days was often seen as a misguided idealist, going against the social norms of Lyran society. She traveled much, in her travels she met and married a Terran man. Something that was not pleasing to her well placed family. The Sinclairs have been a powerful force since the Lyrans separated from the Terran Federation, serving in many military and government positions as well as owning and operating one of the largest weapons manufacturing companies in the Lyran Empire. Sonia and her Terran husband Gregory Meisterson returned to her homeworld of Lyre where they lived for several years, Gregory being given a position in the family business, managing a small mining refinery. The couple had one child, Quentin and it was shortly after she was born that Gregory was killed in a mining accident. Widowed with a young child, Sonia at the urging of her parents remarried, this time to a more well respectable Lyran man by the name of Victor Clarke the current Chief Operations Officer of Sintaris Industries.

    Victor is the only father Quentin has ever known but the two of them have never seen eye to eye about anything. At the first available chance he shipped her off to a boarding school to be rid of her and was glad when she enlisted in the Lyran Marine Corps figuring her to have a military career rather then be part of the family business. Much to Victor's displeasure Quentin is next in line to inherit Sintaris Industries, despite him have three other children with Sonia, Quentin is still technically the eldest and well liked by Byron Sinclair the current Chief Executive Officer of Sintaris Industries and patriarch of the Sinclair family. While still technically serving as a reserve officer Quentin hasn't been on active duty for the last four years, instead taking a role in Sintaris Industries. Her primary responsibilities are ensuring a ever growing market for Sintaris munitions, while being groomed to someday take over the company.

    Believing Lyran Empire should always have first pick of all of new Sintaris munitions, Quentin has become a firm believer that should the company wish to prevail it must branch out and began trade deals with the other nations, something Victor has largely been against since she first started looking into it. Though she is the favorite grandchild to Byron, he hasn't been entirely supportive either, but he hasn't shut her operations down completely curious to see where she goes with this venture.

    When news of the alien craft crashing on the Kel'cyre homeworld came in Quentin wasn't far off working on a trade deal and was one of the first Lyran ships on scene. She was drafted back onto active duty and worked as a liaison for the Lyran in negotiations for what to do with the ship until she was finally ordered by her military commanders to cease negotiations and assist in a strike against the Concert. Believing that attacking the Concert fleet was foolish as they were vastly out numbered, Quentin refused the order to attack and instead attempted to warn the other nations but was too late.

    Since the attack by the Lyrans, Quentin has been placed under arrest along with her senior crew and her ship the Octavian Maiden held in dock as the Concert determines what to do with them. She has been interrogated many times and offered to aid the Concert in the recovery of the ship but has thus far failed to impress any of her captors or prove her sincerity as many believe her to be a Lyran spy.

    Spoiler: Ship Appearance: 
    Name of Ship: Octavian Maiden (SI-5309-F)
    Class: Frigate
    Role: Showroom ship
    Mention-able Characters on Ship: Captain Maxwell Klein, a retired navel commander who has worked for Sintaris Industries for the last ten years commanding the Octavian Maiden. He is a tactical commander, skilled in fleet operations and weapons systems.
    Crew Limit: 350 - Original crew size 200, when reassigned to investigate the alien ship a Elite Marine division of 150 was assigned and placed under the command of Quentin.
    Primary Weapons: Plasma / Photon / Laser turrets with 360 degree coverage. Can alternate between the three weapons systems. (Each turret takes five to eight minutes to convert firing modes utilizing a six man crew)
    Secondary Weapons: Combination of unmanned fighter drones and single pilot fighters.
    Defense Capabilities: Stealth capabilities
    Armor: Viralian armor plating, dense metallic material meant to withstand a beating (extremely heavy causing major power drain when in gravity environments).
    Power Core: Atomic Fusion power core
    Details of Ship: The Octavian Maiden is a prototype ship meant to showcase Sintaris Industries' weapons systems. It has many of their products installed aboard the ship to demonstrate functionality of the systems. Including a prototype sensors array allowing extremely long range scans (when the bugs in the system aren't causing it to malfunction). It is a jack of all trades ship having multiple systems. It isn't truly meant to be an offensive ship though it has many qualities to it. Due to the multiple systems installed on it the ship in combat operations doesn't fully fit into one role and can at times can seem like a fragmented offense that doesn't always function fluidly.
    Last edited by AngelDellaNotte; 03-25-2016 at 09:45 PM.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  7. #7
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    That's alright. I'm still editing some stuff in. I forgot to add in Ships Appearance.

  8. #8
    The Big Meme
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    Will jump in as the Sentinax and maybe another race soon.

  9. #9
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Okay sounds good. I'm still creating my ship.

  10. #10
    RPAs White Knight
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    I'm definitely interested in this! Do I have to be part of one of the factions/empire though or could I be from a smaller one that is still part of the Galactic Concert but just not as big as the ones listed? I'm thinking no bigger then just out of their local system, maybe two or three systems around their local system at most. I'd be running a carrier mostly, but a couple of other ships too.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


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