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Thread: Ordinary Days

  1. #1
    Member CRO's Avatar
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    Default Ordinary Days

    Ordainary Days

    Ever since your eyes first flicker open you’ve been surrounded by dull, steel walls. Despite the consist testing and training life wasn’t that bad. You were freely fed, had a nice bed and even your own room. Either you were content with the life that you were living or you had come to accept the fact that this would be it. Just testing and training. That was until the day that an image flashed before your eyes. At first, you dismissed it, but several days later another flew by. Then the headaches began. Before you knew a whole life of blurry images were sliding across your mind’s eye like a picture movie. These four gray, steel walls were not all you ever knew. There was more out there. You might have had a family and friends at some point. People who loved you and cared about you. You were not bound by four dull walls. You had freedom. Suddenly that contentment that had settled in your system wavered until it turned into a full fled need to escape. Whether or not the others would help you escape you did not care. All you knew was that you needed to get out...

    Spoiler: More information 

    Spoiler: Outside 

    The facility is like a maze with hallways that appear to be the very same. It has three stories, one being above ground and the other two being under the surface. There are at least two guards at every entrance and exit, cameras, pressure sensors in the vents and reinforced walls. There are several labs, training areas, recreation rooms and bedrooms for the occupants to entertain themselves with. Each room has it's own bathroom attachment for the comfort of the occupants; who's movement are monitored almost 24/7. There is not access to the outside world. No internet. No television. Occupants are allowed to roam freely, but with that comes the responsibility to come when called.

    • I understand that everyone has a life and will not be able to post all the time. Please let me know if you are going to be gone for an extended amount of time, we will work something out.
    • Please do not kill off characters without permission. The only exception to this is is someone had been inactive for more than a week or so WITHOUT contacting me.
    • Please keep powers reasonable.
    • Romanace is allowed, but please do fade to black if anything happens.
    • Only five characters will be accepted, not including my own.
    • If you have read these please answer this question at the end of your application. What is your favorite breakfast food?


    Spoiler: Dr. Valentina Frez Dan 

    Our CoGM is CrimsonLady180.

    This is my first time creating and running a roleplay, if you have any questions or idea's please feel free to put them here or message me.
    Last edited by CRO; 07-23-2016 at 02:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Member AliceMalice15's Avatar
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    Count me in. I like this idea. Kinda makes me think of Remember Me or Portal. I'll get to work asap

  3. #3
    Wanderess's Avatar
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    same for me! would love to grab a spot and have a cs up soon!
    "Once you've met someone, you never truly forget them."

  4. #4
    Member CRO's Avatar
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    Yay~ I look forward to what you come up with!!

  5. #5
    Emet's Avatar
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    I'm in! If spots are available. Reminds me of the Zero gas games.

  6. #6
    Member CRO's Avatar
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    There are definitely still spots available.

  7. #7
    Emet's Avatar
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    Picture: 1874675.jpg
    Name/Nickname: Crow or Two
    Number: (1-20) 2
    Age: (10-25) 19
    Nationality: American, he thinks
    Personality: brash, passionate, headstrong. If you were to describe his smile with one word, it'd be determined. He's distrustful due to his predicament here.
    Fears: Thunderstorms make him anxious.
    History: He'll let you know once he figures it out. For sure he was raised in a city environment, and he remembers a lot of heat. He knows he was taken in to the facilIty around three years ago, and that he had gotten his tattoo the day before, on his birthday. It was a gift from his best friend, Anna. He can't remember her face, or those of his family.
    Abilities: (please nothing too god-like) can project a body around himself. The harder he focuses the more it comes into focus/the more of it shows up.
    Abilities drawback: Drains his own energy to project. The better he gets, the longer he can keep it up, but as is, he can only project for about five minutes.
    Other information: A crow tattooed on his shoulder.

    Favorite breakfast food? French Toast.
    Last edited by Emet; 07-20-2016 at 02:38 AM.

  8. #8
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    CRO this looks like a great idea for a roleplay!

    Might I suggest some resources to help get the word out, and help recruit even more new members?

    If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send me a message!

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  9. #9
    DCaesar of Wakanda's Avatar
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    Name/Nickname: Kurt

    Number: 7
    Age: 17
    Nationality: German
    Personality: Kurt is a kind and gentle person for the most part. He can think quickly in many situations, is calm and usually very good mannered. He does tend to keep to himself though. He doesn't remember much of why, but before he didn't really interact with people. Thereby, he'd need to warm up to a person before befriending them. He also seems to have issues with trusting people as well.
    Fears: Cages, Needles, Darts, and similar objects.

    History: He remembers only pieces, but strongly remembers the sound of running water at the earliest, then a man and woman, who he believes to be his parents, that took care of him. He remembers something happening to separate him from them, and other people that looked at him somewhat strangely. Memories of bright lights, a large crowd of people watching seemed to be of happiness. However they were always followed by cages, darkness that came from being pricked by a dart or needle.

    Abilities: Kurt
    can teleport by opening a portal into another dimension, travelling through it via an unconscious direction-finding sense, and returning to his own dimension. When teleporting, he leaves behind a small portion of the atmosphere of the other dimension that escapes with a muffled “bamf” sound and smells of brimstone. On returning, his power automatically displaces any extraneous liquids and gases. Kurt is also able to cling to solid surfaces via his hands and feet along with being unnaturally agile. He can also render himself nigh-invisible in shadows by manipulating the ever-present portal to the dimension he teleports through so as to bend light around himself. This ability comes with a sort of natural means of night-vision.

    Abilities drawback:
    Kurt has a limited unconscious extrasensory ability that prevents him from teleporting into any area that he cannot see or has not seen in the past, as doing so runs the risk of injury or death by materializing partially or entirely within a solid object. He also cannot spam his teleportation more than 5 times in a matter of 2 minutes without making himself dizzy. Though having the capability to teleport objects with him, if he were to do so with a person, they would be gravely nauseous for the first several times.

    Other information: Has a black prehensile tail with a large triangularly pointed tip, as well as pointed teeth.

    Eh...I'm good with Cereal.
    Last edited by DCaesar of Wakanda; 07-20-2016 at 02:25 AM.

    Spoiler: Theme Song 

  10. #10
    Member AliceMalice15's Avatar
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    Name: Noi Lae Khanthavong
    Number: 13
    Age: 18
    Nationality: Laotion
    Personality: Noi is a very focused and driven individual. All she knows is testing and training and she is determine to get through all of the tests. She's not really sure why she feels such a strong determination, but if anyone were to get in her way, well.....she's only been training for her entire life....
    Fears: failure and becoming too weak
    History: Though she doesn't remember now, Noi's life was pretty normal. She'd walk to school in the morning in Phonsavan the providence capital then back home stopping the local shrine on her way home. Unfortunately one day this didn't go as planned and when she saw a couple of older boys picking on a kid she intervened. When one boy suddenly caught her across the face with a rock cutting her face Noi felt a strange rage building in her body. Suddenly she pulled a knife out of the wound and stabbed it viciously in to the boys abdomen. When she came about she realized her mistake and ran. Of course she was found later and now she's locked away testing and training. Of course as the rest of the test subjects she's begun to remember and she remembers blood and pain and justice.
    Abilities: blood weaponry
    Abilities drawback: she could easily bleed out depending on the size of the weapon or if she makes more than one.
    Other information: .....waffles

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