Blackus Jackus the Eighteenth, Lord of the Apocalypse, Lord of Despair, King of Large and
Unmentionable Monsters, Unholy Space Pope of Jackism, Chief Administrator of the Feeding Pits of Malgor the World Eater, Margrave Presumptive of the Holy Roman Empire, Chief Justricar of the Free Companies, Grand Maester of the Cowboy Space Pirate Robot Ninjas, Heir to the Duchy of Cheese and Quackers, Countess of the Space Truckers of America, Janitor of the International Space Station, Duke of Disneyland, Baron of Boredom, Court Jester to the Courts of Wrath, Princess of Procrastination, Exchequer Extraordinaire, Chancellor of Chamber Pots, High Steward of Shai Hulud, Marshal of Muffins, Constable of Confections, Admiral of Admiration, Knighted Hobo of Estonia, Slayer of Hutts, Esquire, Lord of the Dance. Prime Menistor